. 1991 Jun 22;302(6791):1507. doi: 10.1136/bmj.302.6791.1507
Drug misuse and sharing of needles in Scottish prisons.
D H Kennedy
1, G Nair
1, L Elliott
1, J Ditton
D H Kennedy
1Department of Infection and Tropical Medicine, Ruchill Hospital, Glasgow.
Find articles by D H Kennedy
G Nair
1Department of Infection and Tropical Medicine, Ruchill Hospital, Glasgow.
Find articles by G Nair
L Elliott
1Department of Infection and Tropical Medicine, Ruchill Hospital, Glasgow.
Find articles by L Elliott
J Ditton
1Department of Infection and Tropical Medicine, Ruchill Hospital, Glasgow.
Find articles by J Ditton
1Department of Infection and Tropical Medicine, Ruchill Hospital, Glasgow.
PMCID: PMC1670206 PMID: 1855021
See commentary "Drugs, HIV, and prisons." on page 1477.