A woman, then in her late 20s, underwent a cholecystectomy in 1962 for gallstone disease and subsequent common bile duct stones were managed endoscopically. However, because of unrelenting pain, a pylorus preserving pancreaticoduodenectomy was done in 1990 and in the following years the patient took large amounts of pancreatic enzyme supplements. She developed large bowel obstruction in 1997 and a right hemicolectomy was undertaken. Histology confirmed fibrosing colonopathy of the ascending colon and caecum. Her pancreatic enzyme dose was reduced and her subsequent course has been uncomplicated. Keywords: fibrosing colonopathy; cystic fibrosis
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Figure 1 .
(A) Fibrosis of the submucosa with replacement of the muscularis mucosae. The overlying mucosa is inflamed, the infiltrate containing many eosinophils. Muscle bundles of the muscularis propria, caught up by the fibrosis, are just visible at the base. (B) Uninvolved full thickness normal colon at the same magnification.