Methods: The study was a case-control design. It recruited MSM who had laboratory confirmed Cryptosporidium infection between 1997 and 2000. Participants answered a questionnaire about potential risk factors leading to exposure to Cryptosporidium.
Results: 10 cases and 24 controls were recruited. Men having more than one sexual partner in the past month were more likely to have had Cryptosporidium diarrhoea p=0.034 (OR 6.67, CI (1.15 to 38.60). Insertive anal sex (p=0.059) and attending a sex venue one or more times (p=0.059) also increased the odds of having cryptosporidiosis.
Conclusion: The study results suggest that sexual behaviour is a significant risk factor for cryptosporidial diarrhoea in MSM. The results will be used to inform risk groups about behaviours that may put them at increased risk of cryptosporidial diarrhoea.
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