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Figure 1.
(A) Radiology of the right tibia, showing a periosteal reaction. (B) The delayed anterior and posterior bone scan image shows an intense elongated hot spot at the lateral border of the right tibia. (C, D) A nuclear magnetic resonance scan (D: after gadolinium) of the right tibia showed a periosteal reaction bordering the anterior and lateral part of the middle one third, with infiltration and inflammation of the weak tissues suggestive of an inflammatory/infectious process (periostitis-osteomyelitis). (E) In the thickened periosteal fibrous tissue a curved vessel (V) is found, the wall of which is segmentally infiltrated by chronic inflammatory cells (*). Trichromous stain, original magnification x400. (F) Middle sized artery, disclosing segmental inflammatory changes (arrow). Trichromous stain, original magnification x400.