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. 2003 Jul 23;3:20. doi: 10.1186/1471-2407-3-20

Correction: Global and regional estimates of cancer mortality and incidence by site: II. results for the global burden of disease 2000

Kenji Shibuya 1,, Colin D Mathers 1, Cynthia Boschi-Pinto 2, Alan D Lopez 3, Christopher JL Murray 4
PMCID: PMC183848

After the publication of this work [1], we noticed the typographical errors in Tables 8, 9, 16, and 17: there were inconsistencies between the ranking of cancer mortality and incidence and their corresponding figures. Here we briefly present the results along with the revisions of the relevant tables since the ranking was corrected while the figures remained the same as the original.

Tables 1 and 2 represent the ranking of the number of deaths by cancer site in the world and three selected sub regions: African Region with a high child and adult mortality (AfrE), European Region with a very low child and adult mortality (EurA), and South East Asia Region with a low child and adult mortality (SearB). Lung cancer was the leading cause of cancer deaths in the world, accounting for 17% of total cancer mortality, followed by cancers of stomach (12% of total), colon and rectum (9%), liver (9%), and breast (7%). In males, lung, stomach, and liver cancers were the three most common causes of cancer deaths. The leading cause of cancer deaths among females was breast cancer, but lung cancer was already one of the largest causes of female cancer mortality.

Table 1.

Ranking of the global cancer deaths by site, 2000

Site Number of deaths (000s) Proporion of total (%)
Both sexes
Trachea, bronchus, and lung 1,201.1 17.1
Stomach 836.2 11.9
Colon and rectum 607.3 8.7
Liver 605.9 8.6
Breast 468.9 6.7
Oesophagus 431.2 6.1
Lymphomas and multiple myeloma 332.3 4.7
Mouth and oropharynx 319.6 4.6
Prostate 263.6 3.8
Leukaemia 260.1 3.7
Cervix uteri 259.6 3.7
Pancreas 222.6 3.2
Bladder 177.4 2.5
Ovary 128.6 1.8
Corpus uteri 72.9 1.0
Melanoma of the skin 65.1 0.9

Trachea, bronchus, and lung 877.3 22.5
Stomach 512.0 13.2
Liver 414.9 10.7
Colon and rectum 311.8 8.0
Oesophagus 273.6 7.0
Prostate 263.6 6.8
Mouth and oropharynx 222.4 5.7
Lymphomas and multiple myeloma 168.6 4.3
Leukaemia 145.3 3.7
Bladder 123.9 3.2
Pancreas 117.0 3.0
Melanoma of the skin 35.1 0.9

Breast 466.3 14.9
Stomach 324.2 10.4
Trachea, bronchus, and lung 323.8 10.4
Colon and rectum 295.5 9.4
Cervix uteri 259.6 8.3
Liver 191.0 6.1
Lymphomas and multiple myeloma 163.7 5.2
Oesophagus 157.6 5.0
Ovary 128.6 4.1
Leukaemia 114.7 3.7
Pancreas 105.6 3.4
Mouth and oropharynx 97.2 3.1
Corpus uteri 72.9 2.3
Bladder 53.5 1.7
Melanoma of the skin 30.1 1.0

Table 2.

Ranking of selected regional cancer deaths by site, 2000

WHO sub region
AfrE (high child and adult mortality) EurA (very low child and adult mortality) SearB (low child and adult mortality)

Site Number of deaths (000s) Proportion of total (%) Number of deaths (000s) Proportion of total (%) Number of deaths (000s) Proportion of total (%)

Both sexes
Cervix uteri 36.8 12.4 Trachea, bronchus, and lung 207.2 19.5 Trachea, bronchus, and lung 48.3 16.6
Liver 33.3 11.2 Colon and rectum 141.8 13.3 Liver 36.5 12.5
Breast 23.0 7.8 Breast 92.7 8.7 Breast 29.1 10.0
Mouth and oropharynx 21.4 7.2 Prostate 70.2 6.6 Colon and rectum 27.6 9.5
Oesophagus 20.6 7.0 Stomach 66.8 6.3 Mouth and oropharynx 18.6 6.4
Prostate 19.2 6.5 Lymphomas and multiple myeloma 55.0 5.2 Lymphomas and multiple myeloma 15.8 5.4
Lymphomas and multiple myeloma 18.8 6.4 Pancreas 53.6 5.0 Cervix uteri 15.4 5.3
Stomach 17.0 5.7 Liver 38.6 3.6 Leukaemia 14.7 5.1
Colon and rectum 14.1 4.8 Bladder 37.6 3.5 Stomach 12.5 4.3
Trachea, bronchus, and lung 14.0 4.7 Leukaemia 37.3 3.5 Ovary 8.7 3.0
Leukaemia 11.8 4.0 Oesophagus 29.2 2.7 Prostate 8.1 2.8
Ovary 6.7 2.3 Ovary 25.7 2.4 Pancreas 6.8 2.3
Bladder 6.3 2.1 Mouth and oropharynx 24.9 2.3 Bladder 5.8 2.0
Melanoma of the skin 5.3 1.8 Corpus uteri 16.0 1.5 Oesophagus 5.6 1.9
Pancreas 5.2 1.8 Melanoma of the skin 15.5 1.5 Corpus uteri 4.0 1.4
Corpus uteri 1.7 0.6 Cervix uteri 8.3 0.8 Melanoma of the skin 1.7 0.6

Liver 23.5 15.2 Trachea, bronchus, and lung 158.0 26.6 Trachea, bronchus, and lung 40.8 26.4
Prostate 19.2 12.5 Colon and rectum 72.1 12.1 Liver 25.9 16.7
Mouth and oropharynx 14.3 9.3 Prostate 70.2 11.8 Colon and rectum 13.9 9.0
Oesophagus 13.8 8.9 Stomach 38.9 6.5 Mouth and oropharynx 13.1 8.4
Lymphomas and multiple myeloma 13.7 8.9 Lymphomas and multiple myeloma 27.6 4.6 Lymphomas and multiple myeloma 9.6 6.2
Stomach 9.8 6.3 Bladder 27.1 4.6 Prostate 8.1 5.3
Trachea, bronchus, and lung 9.4 6.1 Pancreas 26.7 4.5 Leukaemia 7.6 4.9
Colon and rectum 8.8 5.7 Liver 25.3 4.3 Stomach 7.1 4.6
Leukaemia 6.9 4.5 Oesophagus 21.4 3.6 Bladder 4.4 2.8
Bladder 4.3 2.8 Leukaemia 20.0 3.4 Pancreas 3.5 2.3
Pancreas 2.7 1.8 Mouth and oropharynx 19.2 3.2 Oesophagus 3.3 2.1
Melanoma of the skin 2.2 1.5 Melanoma of the skin 8.3 1.4 Melanoma of the skin 0.7 0.5

Cervix uteri 36.8 26.0 Breast 91.8 19.6 Breast 29.0 21.2
Breast 23.0 16.3 Colon and rectum 69.7 14.9 Cervix uteri 15.4 11.2
Liver 9.8 6.9 Trachea, bronchus, and lung 49.2 10.5 Colon and rectum 13.6 10.0
Stomach 7.2 5.1 Stomach 27.9 6.0 Liver 10.6 7.8
Mouth and oropharynx 7.1 5.0 Lymphomas and multiple myeloma 27.4 5.9 Ovary 8.7 6.3
Oesophagus 6.8 4.8 Pancreas 26.9 5.8 Trachea, bronchus, and lung 7.5 5.5
Ovary 6.7 4.8 Ovary 25.7 5.5 Leukaemia 7.2 5.2
Colon and rectum 5.3 3.7 Leukaemia 17.2 3.7 Lymphomas and multiple myeloma 6.1 4.5
Lymphomas and multiple myeloma 5.2 3.7 Corpus uteri 16.0 3.4 Mouth and oropharynx 5.5 4.0
Leukaemia 4.9 3.5 Liver 13.3 2.8 Stomach 5.5 4.0
Trachea, bronchus, and lung 4.5 3.2 Bladder 10.5 2.2 Corpus uteri 4.0 2.9
Melanoma of the skin 3.0 2.1 Cervix uteri 8.3 1.8 Pancreas 3.3 2.4
Pancreas 2.5 1.8 Oesophagus 7.8 1.7 Oesophagus 2.3 1.7
Bladder 2.0 1.4 Melanoma of the skin 7.2 1.5 Bladder 1.4 1.0
Corpus uteri 1.7 1.2 Mouth and oropharynx 5.7 1.2 Melanoma of the skin 1.0 0.7

The distribution of common cancer incidence was somewhat similar to that of mortality: lung cancer was the most common cancer in the world in 2000, accounting for 13% of total cancer incidence, followed by cancers of colon and rectum (10% of total), breast (10%), stomach (10%), and liver (6%) (Table 3). As in mortality distribution, there is a significant variation in the distribution of site-specific cancer incidence by region (Table 4). The variations in the distribution of site-specific new cases of cancer by region were also similar to those observed in mortality distribution.

Table 3.

Ranking of the global cancer incidence by site, 2000

Site Number of new cases (000s) Proportion of total (%)
Both sexes
Trachea, bronchus and lung 1,305.6 12.7
Colon and rectum 1,045.0 10.2
Breast 1,031.9 10.0
Stomach 973.1 9.5
Liver 626.4 6.1
Prostate 550.2 5.3
Cervix uteri 487.5 4.7
Lymphomas and multiple myeloma 481.1 4.7
Oesophagus 452.7 4.4
Mouth and oropharynx 420.7 4.1
Bladder 382.9 3.7
Leukaemia 364.7 3.5
Corpus uteri 326.3 3.2
Pancreas 226.2 2.2
Ovary 221.3 2.2
Melanoma of the skin 206.7 2.0

Trachea, bronchus and lung 939.9 18.2
Stomach 589.3 11.4
Prostate 550.2 10.6
Colon and rectum 527.8 10.2
Liver 422.0 8.2
Oesophagus 286.5 5.5
Bladder 277.2 5.4
Mouth and oropharynx 267.1 5.2
Lymphomas and multiple myeloma 238.5 4.6
Leukaemia 195.2 3.8
Pancreas 119.3 2.3
Melanoma of the skin 118.2 2.3

Breast 1,031.9 20.1
Colon and rectum 517.3 10.1
Cervix uteri 487.5 9.5
Stomach 383.9 7.5
Trachea, bronchus and lung 365.7 7.1
Corpus uteri 326.3 6.4
Lymphomas and multiple myeloma 242.6 4.7
Ovary 221.3 4.3
Liver 204.4 4.0
Leukaemia 169.5 3.3
Oesophagus 166.2 3.2
Mouth and oropharynx 153.6 3.0
Pancreas 106.9 2.1
Bladder 105.7 2.1
Melanoma of the skin 88.5 1.7

Table 4.

Ranking of the selected regional cancer incidence by site, 2000

WHO sub region
AfrE (high child and adult mortality) EurA (very low child and adult mortality) SearB (low child and adult mortality)

Site Number of new cases (000s) Proportion of total (%) Site Number of new cases (000s) Proportion of total (%) Site Number of new cases (000s) Proportion of total (%)

Both sexes
Cervix uteri 67.9 16.4 Colon and rectum 264.7 15.4 Breast 53.9 12.3
Breast 39.8 9.6 Trachea, bronchus and lung 227.3 13.2 Trachea, bronchus and lung 51.4 11.7
Liver 34.7 8.3 Breast 221.8 12.9 Colon and rectum 44.3 10.1
Prostate 28.2 6.8 Prostate 139.1 8.1 Liver 40.3 9.2
Mouth and oropharynx 27.9 6.7 Bladder 86.5 5.0 Cervix uteri 32.8 7.5
Lymphomas and multiple myeloma 26.6 6.4 Lymphomas and multiple myeloma 80.2 4.7 Mouth and oropharynx 25.4 5.8
Oesophagus 21.2 5.1 Stomach 79.6 4.6 Lymphomas and multiple myeloma 22.9 5.2
Colon and rectum 20.3 4.9 Corpus uteri 68.3 4.0 Leukaemia 21.5 4.9
Stomach 19.4 4.7 Pancreas 55.5 3.2 Corpus uteri 19.9 4.5
Leukaemia 16.2 3.9 Melanoma of the skin 49.1 2.8 Ovary 18.1 4.1
Trachea, bronchus and lung 14.8 3.6 Leukaemia 48.6 2.8 Stomach 15.3 3.5
Ovary 12.2 2.9 Liver 40.1 2.3 Prostate 13.4 3.1
Bladder 10.7 2.6 Ovary 39.4 2.3 Bladder 10.1 2.3
Melanoma of the skin 7.7 1.8 Mouth and oropharynx 38.6 2.2 Pancreas 7.2 1.7
Corpus uteri 6.0 1.4 Oesophagus 31.2 1.8 Oesophagus 6.2 1.4
Pancreas 5.4 1.3 Cervix uteri 18.8 1.1 Melanoma of the skin 3.1 0.7

Male Male Male
Prostate 28.2 14.8 Trachea, bronchus and lung 172.0 19.6 Trachea, bronchus and lung 43.1 22.0
Liver 23.6 12.4 Prostate 139.1 15.9 Liver 28.6 14.6
Lymphomas and multiple myeloma 18.6 9.8 Colon and rectum 133.8 15.3 Colon and rectum 21.4 11.0
Mouth and oropharynx 16.5 8.7 Bladder 65.1 7.4 Mouth and oropharynx 16.0 8.2
Oesophagus 14.1 7.4 Stomach 45.6 5.2 Prostate 13.4 6.9
Colon and rectum 12.0 6.3 Lymphomas and multiple myeloma 39.3 4.5 Lymphomas and multiple myeloma 13.3 6.8
Stomach 10.9 5.8 Mouth and oropharynx 28.7 3.3 Leukaemia 10.7 5.5
Trachea, bronchus and lung 9.8 5.2 Pancreas 27.4 3.1 Stomach 8.6 4.4
Leukaemia 9.2 4.9 Liver 26.1 3.0 Bladder 7.7 3.9
Bladder 7.3 3.8 Leukaemia 25.6 2.9 Oesophagus 3.8 1.9
Melanoma of the skin 3.4 1.8 Oesophagus 22.8 2.6 Pancreas 3.7 1.9
Pancreas 2.8 1.5 Melanoma of the skin 22.6 2.6 Melanoma of the skin 1.2 0.6

Female Female Female
Cervix uteri 67.9 30.2 Breast 221.8 26.2 Breast 53.9 22.3
Breast 39.8 17.7 Colon and rectum 131.0 15.4 Cervix uteri 32.8 13.6
Ovary 12.2 5.4 Corpus uteri 68.3 8.1 Colon and rectum 22.8 9.4
Mouth and oropharynx 11.4 5.1 Trachea, bronchus and lung 55.3 6.5 Corpus uteri 19.9 8.2
Liver 11.1 4.9 Lymphomas and multiple myeloma 40.9 4.8 Ovary 18.1 7.5
Stomach 8.4 3.7 Ovary 39.4 4.6 Liver 11.7 4.8
Colon and rectum 8.2 3.7 Stomach 33.9 4.0 Leukaemia 10.8 4.5
Lymphomas and multiple myeloma 8.0 3.6 Pancreas 28.1 3.3 Lymphomas and multiple myeloma 9.6 4.0
Oesophagus 7.2 3.2 Melanoma of the skin 26.5 3.1 Mouth and oropharynx 9.4 3.9
Leukaemia 7.0 3.1 Leukaemia 23.0 2.7 Trachea, bronchus and lung 8.3 3.4
Corpus uteri 6.0 2.7 Bladder 21.4 2.5 Stomach 6.7 2.8
Trachea, bronchus and lung 5.0 2.2 Cervix uteri 18.8 2.2 Pancreas 3.6 1.5
Melanoma of the skin 4.3 1.9 Liver 14.0 1.7 Oesophagus 2.5 1.0
Bladder 3.4 1.5 Mouth and oropharynx 9.9 1.2 Bladder 2.4 1.0
Pancreas 2.6 1.2 Oesophagus 8.4 1.0 Melanoma of the skin 1.9 0.8

We regret any inconvenience that this inaccuracy in the tables might have caused. We wish to thank Dr. Robert Dubrow of Yale University School of Medicine for bringing this matter to our attention.

Pre-publication history

The pre-publication history for this paper can be accessed here:

Contributor Information

Kenji Shibuya, Email:

Colin D Mathers, Email:

Cynthia Boschi-Pinto, Email:

Alan D Lopez, Email:

Christopher JL Murray, Email:


  1. Shibuya K, Mathers CD, Boschi-Pinto C, Lopez AD, Murray CJL. Global and regional estimates of cancer mortality and incidence by site: II. results for the global burden of disease 2000. BMC Cancer. 2002;2:37. doi: 10.1186/1471-2407-2-37. [DOI] [PMC free article] [PubMed] [Google Scholar]

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