CELL BIOLOGY. For the article “Cross-talk between Chk1 and Chk2 in double-mutant thymocytes,” by Kathrin Zaugg, Yu-Wen Su, Patrick T. Reilly, Yasmin Moolani, Carol C. Cheung, Razquallah Hakem, Atsushi Hirao, Stephen J. Elledge, and Tak W. Mak, which appeared in issue 10, March 6, 2007, of Proc Natl Acad Sci USA (104:3805–3810; first published February 26, 2007; 10.1073/pnas.0611584104), the authors request that Qinghua Liu be added to the author list between Atsushi Hirao and Stephen J. Elledge and be credited with contributing new reagents/analytic tools. The online version has been corrected. The corrected author and affiliation lines, author contributions, and related footnotes appear below.
Kathrin Zaugg*†‡, Yu-Wen Su*, Patrick T. Reilly*, Yasmin Moolani§, Carol C. Cheung†, Razquallah Hakem§, Atsushi Hirao‖, Qinghua Liu**, Stephen J. Elledge††, and Tak W. Mak*†‡‡
*Campbell Family Institute for Breast Cancer Research, 620 University Avenue, Suite 706, Toronto, ON, Canada M5G 2C1; †Departments of Immunology and Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto, and University Health Network, Toronto, ON, Canada M5G 2C1; §Institute of Medical Science, University of Toronto, MARS Centre, 101 College Street, Toronto, ON, Canada M5G 2C1; ¶Ontario Cancer Institute, Toronto, ON, Canada M5G 2C1; ‖Sakaguchi Laboratory of Developmental Biology, School of Medicine, Keio University, Shinjuku, Tokyo 160-8582, Japan; **Department of Biochemistry, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, 5323 Harry Hines Boulevard, Dallas, TX 75390-9038; and ††Department of Genetics, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Center for Genetics and Genomics, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard University Medical School, Boston, MA 02115
Author contributions: K.Z. and P.T.R. designed research; K.Z., Y.-W.S., P.T.R., Y.M., and C.C.C. performed research; Y.-W.S., R.H., A.H., Q.L., S.J.E., and T.W.M. contributed new reagents/analytic tools; K.Z. analyzed data; and K.Z. wrote the paper.
Present address: Department of Radiation Oncology, University Hospital, 8091 Zurich, Switzerland.
To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: tmak@uhnres.utoronto.ca.