Acetyl-CoA synthase from Clostridium thermoaceticum (ACSCt) is an α2β2 tetramer containing two novel Ni-X-Fe4S4 active sites (the A and C clusters) and a standard Fe4S4 cluster (the B cluster). The acsA and acsB genes encoding the enzyme were cloned into Escherichia coli strain JM109 and overexpressed at 37oC under anaerobic conditions with Ni supplementation. The isolated recombinant His-tagged protein (AcsAB) exhibited characteristics essentially indistinguishable from those of ACSCt, from which Ni had been removed from the A cluster. AcsAB migrated through nondenaturing electrophoretic gels as a single band and contained a 1:1 molar ratio of subunits and 1.0–1.6 Ni/αβ and 14–22 Fe/αβ. AcsAB exhibited 100–250 units/mg CO oxidation activity but no CO/acetyl–CoA exchange activity. Electronic absorption spectra of thionin-oxidized and CO-reduced AcsAB were similar to those of ACSCt, with features typical of redox-active Fe4S4 clusters. Partially oxidized and CO-reduced AcsAB exhibited EPR signals with g values and low spin intensities indistinguishable from those of the Bred state of the B cluster and the Cred1 and Cred2 states of the C cluster of ACSCt. Upon overnight exposure to NiCl2, the resulting recombinant enzyme (ACSEc) developed 0.06–0.25 units/mg exchange activity. The highest of these values is typical of fully active ACSCt. When reduced with CO, ACSEc exhibited an EPR signal indistinguishable from the NiFeC signal of Ni-replete ACSCt. Variability of activities and signal intensities were observed among different preparations. Issues involving the assembly of these metal centers in E. coli are discussed.
Certain archaea and bacteria grow chemoautotrophically using the Wood/Ljungdahl pathway (1). The central enzyme of this pathway is acetyl-CoA synthase (ACS), also called carbon monoxide dehydrogenase (CODH). The enzyme from Clostridium thermoaceticum (ACSCt) catalyzes two reactions, including the reversible reduction of CO2 to CO, and the synthesis of acetyl-CoA from CO, CoA, and a methyl group bound to a corrinoid-iron-sulfur protein (2). This corrinoid protein is methylated by methyltetrahydrofolate in a reaction catalyzed by a methyltransferase.
ACSCt is an α2β2 tetramer containing three types of metal-sulfur clusters called A, B, and C (2, 3). The B and C clusters are located in the β subunit, whereas the A cluster is located in α. The B cluster is a standard [Fe4S4]2+/1+ cluster involved in electron transfer (4), and it exhibits an EPR signal with gav = 1.94 when reduced to the Bred state (5). The C cluster is the active site for CO2/CO redox catalysis (6–9) and likely consists of an Ni complex weakly coupled through an unidentified bridge to an Fe4S4 cluster (10, 11). The one- and three-electron reduced Cred1 and Cred2 states exhibit EPR signals with gav = 1.82 and 1.86, respectively. The A cluster is the active site for acetyl-CoA synthesis and is also composed of an Ni center bridged to an Fe4S4 cluster (12–15). The Ni ion of the A cluster is labile and can be removed easily by incubating ACSCt in the chelator 1,10-phenanthroline. The Ni ion is readily reinserted by incubating phenanthroline-treated enzyme with NiCl2 (13–15). When the A cluster is reduced by one electron and bound with CO, it yields a state (Ared-CO) that exhibits the so-called NiFeC EPR signal (g = 2.08, 2.07, 2.03). For unknown reasons, only a fraction of the A, B, and C clusters are redox and catalytically active (16). This heterogeneity is reflected in the low spin intensities of the NiFeC, gav = 1.94, 1.82, and 1.86 signals (≈0.2, 0.6, 0.3, and 0.3 spins/αβ, respectively).
In C. thermoaceticum, the enzymes involved in the Wood/Ljungdahl pathway are encoded by the acs genes (17–19). Genes acsA and acsB encode the β and α subunits of ACSCt, respectively. Genes acsC and acsD encode the corrinoid-iron-sulfur protein subunits, and acsE encodes methyltransferase. The acs genes contain promoter-like sequences and translational signals that are recognized by Escherichia coli. Roberts et al. have cloned and expressed these genes in E. coli and found that only AcsE was catalytically active (17, 19). AcsCD was inactive but could be activated by incubation with cobalamin, iron, and sulfide ions (20). AcsAB was inactive, but a method of activation has not been reported. Roberts et al. reported that the recombinant α and β subunits migrated independently on nondenaturing electrophoretic gels, indicating the absence of the native tetrameric structure (17). They suggested that AcsAB was inactive because the bacteria were grown aerobically without metal ion supplementation. Morton et al. (19) later suggested that recombinant subunits might lack competent NiFeS centers. Genes encoding ACS homologs in methanogenic archaea have been sequenced, cloned, and/or overexpressed in E. coli (21–28), but to our knowledge no active recombinant enzyme from a methanogen has been reported.
The purple nonsulfur photosynthetic Rhodospirillum rubrum contains a monomeric carbon monoxide dehydrogenase homologous to the β subunit of ACSCt (29). CODHRr exclusively catalyzes the reversible oxidation of CO to CO2 (30) and contains only the B and C clusters. The cooS gene encoding this enzyme has been cloned and sequenced (31). Using conjugative mating followed by homologous recombination, the gene was introduced into a strain of R. rubrum lacking functional CODHRr. This elegant method afforded functional enzyme and allowed the construction and study of numerous functional site-directed mutants (32, 33). It has also allowed consideration of issues involving the assembly of the metal-sulfur clusters. Roberts and coworkers have identified three genes (cooCTJ), deletions in which result in Ni-deficient CODHRr (31). This suggests that CooC, CooT, and CooJ play roles in inserting Ni into CooS during maturation. CooC possesses a nucleotide-binding “P-loop” region and is homologous to GTPases required to insert Ni into urease and NiFe hydrogenases (34–37).
Given the tremendous utility of recombinant metalloenzyme systems, we wanted to generate active enzyme by overexpressing cloned acsAB. However, because of the reported inability of E. coli to serve as a host for this, our strategy was to clone and manipulate acsA and acsB in E. coli and then introduce them into a host containing accessory proteins required for ACS metal cluster assembly. In this paper, we describe the surprising result that the purified recombinant AcsAB from E. coli is a tetramer that contains assembled B and C clusters and exhibits CO oxidation activity levels typical of native ACSCt. Furthermore, the recombinant protein can be activated by treatment with NiCl2 to afford CO/acetyl-CoA exchange activity and the NiFeC EPR signal, indicative of assembled A cluster. Thus, the activated recombinant protein is essentially indistinguishable from native ACSCt. Implications of these results for probing the mechanism of cluster assembly and the origin of heterogeneity are discussed.
Materials and Methods
Restriction enzymes, T4 DNA ligase, alkaline phosphatase, isopropylthio-β-D-galactoside and anti-rabbit IgG (Fc) AP conjugate were from Promega. Taq polymerase was from Perkin–Elmer. Ni-nitrilotriacetic acid (Ni-NTA) agarose, E. coli strain M15(pREP4), QiaPrep spin miniprep kit, QIAquick PCR purification kit, and vector pQE-60 were purchased from Qiagen. This vector was used to install a His-tag at the C terminus of the α subunit of cloned acsAB. Anti-ACSCt rabbit serum was prepared by Alpha Diagnostics (San Antonio, TX).
Cloning of acsAB.
C. thermoaceticum cells were grown as described (38) under CO2/H2 in a Coy Laboratory Instruments chamber. Genomic DNA was isolated using the DNA isolation kit from Puregene. PCR primers 5′-GGCGAGATCTGAATTCATCCTCAACCAC-3′ and 5′-GGCGAGATCTCATAATGGGATCCATGGT-3′, designed to hybridize to the ends of acsA and acsB, were synthesized by Genosys (The Woodlands, TX). Genes acsAB were amplified from genomic DNA using these primers, a Stratagene Gradient 96 Robocycler, and a PCR optimizer kit (Invitrogen). The resulting 4.5-kilobase PCR product was purified with the QIAquick PCR purification kit and digested with BglII. Vector pQE-60 was digested with BglII and incubated with alkaline phosphatase to prevent self-ligation. The digested vector and PCR product were ligated and transformed into M15(pREP4) competent cells. Plasmid pT316 was isolated from kanamycin- and ampicillin-resistant colonies.
Double-strand sequencing by the Gene Technologies Laboratory (Department of Biology, Texas A&M University) revealed that pT316 contained acsAB, albeit with three mutations relative to that reported by Morton et al. (19). One mutation was silent, one yielded Ser instead of Pro at position 259 in AcsA, and the third yielded Asp instead of Glu at position 527 of AcsB. A second cloning (from genomic DNA) and sequencing of the two affected regions indicated Pro-259 in AcsA and Asp-527 in AcsB. This suggests that native acsA and acsB encode Pro-259 and Asp-527, respectively. The QuikChange site-directed mutagenesis kit (Stratagene) was subsequently used to change Ser-259 to Pro-259. The resulting plasmid, pTM02, was subsequently transformed and expressed in E. coli strain JM109 [e14-(McrA-) recA1 endA1 gyrA96 thi-1 hsdR17(rK− mK+) supE44 relA1 Δ(lac-proAB) F′ traD36 proAB lacIqZΔM15] (Stratagene).
Expression of AcsAB.
E. coli JM109 (pTM02) cells were grown in 25 liters of Begg's medium (1% tryptone/0.5% yeast extract/0.4% glucose/100 mM potassium phosphate, pH 6.5/15 mM sodium formate/1 μM sodium molybdate/1 μM sodium selenite/5 μM NiCl2) (39) under stirred (100 rpm) anaerobic (N2) conditions using a custom-made (Chemglass, Inc.) water-jacketed all-glass Bioreactor maintained at 37°C with a refrigerated recirculator (Polysciences). When the optical density of cells reached 0.65–0.75 at 600 nm (1-cm path length), isopropylthio-β-D-galactoside and NiCl2 were added to final concentrations of 0.1 and 0.5 mM, respectively. Cells were harvested anaerobically and frozen in liquid N2. The presence of AcsAB, and thus the expression of acsAB, was indicated by Western blotting (40).
Purification of AcsAB.
Using standard anaerobic methods (38), 70 g of frozen cells, 70 mg of lysozyme, and a trace of DNase were suspended in 350 ml of buffer A (50 mM NaPi, pH 8.0/0.3 M NaCl/10 mM β-mercaptoethanol). After 1 h, the suspension was sonicated (Branson Sonifier 450) at room temperature for 5 min using 1-s pulses (duty cycle constant 60% and output control 7), and then centrifuged at 23,500 × g with a GSA rotor (Sorvall) for 1.5 h. The supernatant was loaded onto an Ni-NTA agarose column (1.6 × 12 cm) equilibrated in buffer A. The column was washed with 100 ml of 10 mM imidazole in buffer A and then eluted with 100 mM imidazole in buffer A. The brown-colored eluent was diluted 4× with buffer B (50 mM Tris-Cl, pH 8.0/10 mM DTT/2 mM sodium dithionite) and loaded on a DEAE column (2.6 × 15 cm) equilibrated in buffer B. The column was washed with 150 ml of 0.2 M NaCl in buffer B followed by 300 ml of a 0.2–0.4 M gradient of NaCl in buffer B. Fractions exhibiting CO oxidation activity were combined, concentrated, and frozen in liquid N2.
One batch of AcsAB was isolated as described (38) without the use of the Ni-NTA agarose column and further purified by FPLC, as described (41) using a POROS 50D column (PerSeptive Biosystems, Framingham, MA), equilibrated in buffer C (50 mM Tris, pH 8.0). After loading, the column was washed with 125 ml of 0.1 M NaCl in buffer C and eluted with 125 ml of a 0.1–0.4 M gradient of NaCl in buffer C.
Characterization and Activation of AcsAB.
Sample purity was quantified by scanning Coomassie blue-stained SDS/PAGE gels with an AlphaImager 2000 (Alpha Innotech, San Leandro, CA) densitometer. Native gel electrophoresis was performed anaerobically as described (42). CO oxidation and CO/acetyl-CoA exchange activities were performed as described (38, 43). The Ni and Fe contents of purified AcsAB were determined using atomic absorption spectrometry (12). EPR spectra of AcsAB were determined using a Bruker ESP300 spectrometer and an Oxford Instruments ER910A cryostat. Signals were quantified as described (44) using a 1.00 mM CuEDTA standard. UV-visible absorption spectra were determined using a Beckman DU 640B spectrophotometer. Samples were freed from reductant by passage through a column of Sephadex G-25 (1 × 17 cm) equilibrated in buffer D (100 mM Mops, pH 7.5). A sample was transferred to a quartz cuvette that was subsequently sealed with a septum and removed from the glove box. Thionin solution was added until a weak band at 600 nm appeared because of oxidized thionin, ensuring a fully oxidized sample. Another sample was reduced by exposure to 1 atm (1 atm = 101.3 kPa) CO. Protein concentrations were determined as described (45) using BSA as a standard. The A cluster of reductant-free AcsAB (≈3–8 mg/ml−1) in buffer D was activated by incubation with 200 μM (final concentration) NiCl2 overnight under an Ar or CO atmosphere at room temperature.
Genes acsA and acsB from C. thermoaceticum were cloned and overexpressed in E. coli. The recombinant protein AcsAB contained a His-tag, which allowed rapid purification. Samples were >95% pure according to densitometric analysis of SDS/PAGE gels. AcsAB consisted of two subunits that migrated, in SDS/PAGE gels, at the same rates as the α and β subunits of ACSCt (Fig. 1). Based on relative staining densities, the α and β recombinant subunits were present in a 1:1 molar ratio. Moreover, AcsAB had the same mobility as ACSCt on a nondenaturing electrophoresis gel (data not shown). These results suggest that AcsAB possesses the same α2β2 tetrameric structure as ACSCt.
Figure 1.
SDS/PAGE gel (12%) of ACSCt (A) and AcsAB (B).
The three batches of AcsAB whose metal contents were determined contained an average of 1.3 ± 0.3 Ni/αβ and 17 ± 4 Fe/αβ (Table 1). To address the possibility that the measured Ni arose from ions that leached from the Ni-NTA column and bound onto the His-tag of AcsAB during purification, the Ni content of the batch purified without this column was also determined. That sample (75% pure) contained 1.7 Ni/αβ (assuming no Ni in the contaminating proteins), indicating that the Ni ions measured in the Ni-NTA purified samples were associated with AcsAB. A control sample of ACSCt contained 1.8 Ni/αβ and 12 Fe/αβ. ACSCt has been reported to contain 2.0 ± 0.2 Ni/αβ (n = 10) and 12 ± 2 Fe/αβ (n = 11).¶ Thus, our metal analyses suggest that AcsAB contains a full complement of FeS clusters, relative to ACSCt (i.e., ≥12 Fe/αβ) and 1.0–1.6 Ni/αβ.
Table 1.
Characteristics of purified AcsAB before and after Ni activation
Batch | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Mass of cell paste (g) | 70 | 65 | 80 |
Ni content before activation (Ni/αβ) | 1.5 | 1.6 | 1.0 |
Fe content before activation (Fe/αβ) | 16 | 22 | 14 |
CO oxidation activity before/after activation (units/mg) | 160/140 | 200(220)/250 | 100(90)/100 |
CO exchange activity before/after activation (units/mg) | 0/0.06 | 0/0.15 | 0/0.25 |
NiFeC Signal intensity before/after activation (spin/αβ) | 0/0.15 | 0/0.38 | 0/0.15 |
gav = 1.94 Signal intensity before/after activation (spin/αβ) | 1.12/0.75 | 0.95(0.55)/0.93 | 0.83(0.66)/0.82 |
gav = 1.82 Signal intensity before activation (spin/αβ) | 0.29 | 0.31 | 0.25 |
gav = 1.86 Signal intensity before/after activation (spin/αβ) | 0.21/0.24 | 0.13/0.18 | 0.08/0.09 |
Batch 1 was activated with Ni under 1 atm Ar, while batches 2 and 3 were activated under 1 atm CO. Values in parentheses for batches 2 and 3 are from samples incubated overnight in the absence of reductants and under 1 atm Ar.
The electronic absorption spectrum of thionin-oxidized AcsAB (Fig. 2) revealed a broad absorption shoulder in the 400-nm region, caused by the presence of [Fe4S4]2+ clusters. Spectral intensity at 420 nm declined when the protein was exposed to CO, reflecting the reduction of these clusters to the 1+ core oxidation state. These spectra were similar to those of ACSCt (51). The extinction coefficient difference (Δɛ420 = ɛ420 oxidized − ɛ420 reduced) quantified to 14.1 mM−1cm−1 for AcsAB compared to 14.7 mM−1cm−1 for ACSCt (51). These results suggest that AcsAB and ACSCt contain the same number and types of FeS clusters.
Figure 2.
Electronic absorption spectra of AcsAB. Solid line, AcsAB exposed to 1 atm CO. Dotted line, AcsAB oxidized with a slight excess of thionin. The slight feature in the 600-nm region is attributable to absorption from oxidized thionin. (Inset) Oxidized minus-reduced difference spectrum.
EPR spectra of three batches of reductant-free partially oxidized AcsAB consisted of two signals (Fig. 3A), one with gav = 1.82 (g = 2.01, 1.80, 1.64) and the other with gav = 1.94 (g = 2.04, 1.94, 1.90). At 20 mW and 10 K, the gav = 1.94 and 1.82 signals showed little evidence of saturation (Fig. 3B). At temperatures higher than ≈16 K, the gav = 1.82 signal relaxation broadened, whereas the gav = 1.94 signal did not. Quantification of the gav = 1.82 signals yielded an average of 0.28 spin/αβ. In the same redox state, ACSCt exhibits two signals, a gav = 1.94 signal arising from Bred and a gav = 1.82 signal from Cred1. Because the signals in AcsAB have indistinguishable g values and saturation/relaxation properties as those in ACSCt, we conclude that they arise from clusters with the same structures as the B and C clusters of ACSCt and refer to them by the same names. Moreover, the average quantified spin intensity of the Cred1 state of the C cluster in AcsAB (Table 1) is similar to that observed in ACSCt, indicating a similar proportion of functional C clusters in ACSCt and AcsAB.
Figure 3.
10 K X-band EPR spectra of AcsAB (batch 2, 6.8 mg/ml). (A) Partially oxidized with thionin, 0.05 mW microwave power; (B) same as A, but at 20 mW microwave power. Other spectrometer conditions: microwave frequency, 9.42 GHz; modulation frequency, 100 kHz; modulation amplitude, 11.8 G; sweep time, 164 s; time constant, 328 s.
In batches 1 and 2, CO-reduced AcsAB exhibited two EPR signals, one with gav = 1.94 and the other with gav = 1.86 (g = 1.97, 1.87, 1.75) (Fig. 4A and B). Essentially indistinguishable signals are observed in spectra of CO-reduced ACSCt. These signals in ACSCt arise from Bred and Cred2, and we conclude that the corresponding signals in AcsAB arise from analogous states. The Bred and Cred2 signals of batch 3 differ slightly from those of batches 1 and 2 (Fig. 4 C and D). The reason for this is unknown, but the differences probably reflect minor perturbations in protein or cluster structure. The gav = 1.86 and gav = 1.94 signals from the three batches quantified to an average of 0.14 spin/αβ and 0.97 spin/αβ, respectively (Table 1). The gav = 1.94 signal is ≈30% more intense than in ACSCt, possibly suggesting a shift in spin state from S = 3/2 to S = 1/2 for the Bred state in AcsAB. The intensity of the Cred2 signal from AcsAB is about half of that reported for ACSCt (in ACSCt, both gav = 1.82 and 1.86 signals typically quantify to ≈0.3 spin/αβ). We may have underestimated the gav = 1.86 signal intensity in these spectra, as the dominating gav = 1.94 signal is superimposed. Alternatively, the redox potential for the Cint/Cred2 couple may be slightly more negative in AcsAB than in ACSCt, resulting in a greater proportion of C clusters in the EPR-silent Cint state in AcsAB (52). In any event, the presence of the gav = 1.86 signal provides conclusive evidence that the C cluster is present in AcsAB and has the same basic structure and properties as that in ACSCt.
Figure 4.
10 K X-band EPR spectra of AcsAB. (A) CO-reduced (batch 2, 6.8 mg/ml), 0.05 mW microwave power; (B) Same as A, except 20 mW microwave power; (C) CO-reduced (batch 3, 4.6 mg/ml), 0.05 mW microwave power; (D) same as C, except 20 mW microwave power. Other conditions were as in Fig. 3.
CO-reduced AcsAB did not exhibit the characteristic NiFeC EPR signal of CO-reduced ACSCt. To address the possibility that AcsAB contained a partially assembled A cluster (an assembled Fe4S4 cluster without Ni), the protein was incubated overnight in NiCl2. Ni-treated AcsAB, to be called ACSEc, exhibited an EPR signal (Fig. 5B) with g values, saturation/relaxation properties, and spin intensities (Table 1) indistinguishable from the NiFeC signal of ACSCt. Thus, we conclude that ACSEc contains an A cluster with redox and spectroscopic properties similar to that in ACSCt.
Figure 5.
130 K X-band EPR spectra of CO-reduced ACSEc (batch 2, 5.7 mg/ml). (A) before addition of NiCl2 and (B) after addition of NiCl2. Other spectrometer conditions were as in Fig. 3 except that microwave power was 80 mW.
Purified ACSEc (which exhibited the NiFeC signal when reduced with CO) was loaded on the Ni-NTA agarose column, eluted with 100 mM imidazole, and then subjected to Sephadex G-25 chromatography to remove excess imidazole and Ni. The resulting material did not exhibit the NiFeC signal, suggesting that the Ni-NTA purification step can strip Ni from activated A cluster.
The catalytic properties of ACSEc and AcsAB were examined. The three batches of AcsAB and ACSEc exhibited 100 to 250 units/mg of CO oxidation activity (Table 1). The activity of batch 2 is within the range of values observed in our laboratory for fully active ACSCt (280 ± 70 units/mg; n = 44)¶. The higher activity of batch 2 AcsAB and ACSEc is also consistent with the more intense C cluster signals observed for this batch. Enzyme allowed to incubate overnight in the absence of any reducing agents resulted in a lower intensity of the Bred signal and CO oxidation activity, suggesting that AcsAB may not be quite as stable as ACSCt. None of the AcsAB batches exhibited CO/acetyl-CoA exchange activity, whereas all Ni-treated ACSEc samples did (Table 1). The activities of batches 2 and 3 were within the range observed for fully functional ACSCt (0.17 ± 0.10 units/mg; n = 39). This result demonstrates that ACSEc can contain fully assembled and functional A cluster.
Our results demonstrate that the acsAB genes from C. thermoaceticum can be cloned and heterologously expressed in E. coli to yield a recombinant protein able to catalyze the oxidation of CO. AcsAB has an α2β2 tetrameric quaternary structure, fully assembled B and C clusters, and at least the Fe4S4 component of the A cluster. Because the purification method used seems able to remove the labile Ni from the A cluster, it is unclear whether AcsAB in E. coli has a fully assembled A cluster. In any event, an Ni ion can be inserted in vitro, affording a fully functional A cluster and enzyme capable of catalyzing CO/acetyl-CoA exchange. The measured redox and spectroscopic properties of these clusters are nearly indistinguishable from those of native ACSCt. In brief, our results indicate that Ni-treated recombinant enzyme (ACSEc) is essentially equivalent to native ACSCt, exhibiting both catalytic activities and the full complement of metal clusters that define this enzyme.
These results and conclusion contrast sharply with those of Roberts et al., who reported that expression of acsAB in E. coli afforded nonfunctional α and β subunits that migrated independently (17). We obtain functional recombinant enzyme, but of lesser yields, regardless of the strain of E. coli used, the growth conditions (anaerobic or bubbled with air,‖ 15–45°C), or the presence of supplemented Ni in the media. Furthermore, recombinant protein seems relatively stable in its tetrameric form.
The results of this study provide a convenient means for biosynthesizing site-directed mutants of this enzyme. These mutants could be used to identify ligands to the metal centers as well as reveal their role in establishing the catalytic, redox, and/or spectroscopic properties that distinguish these centers. This achievement also provides a means to study metal cluster assembly.
Proteins containing novel metal centers, such as urease, NiFe-hydrogenase, and nitrogenase, have been shown to require specific accessory proteins for assembly and insertion of their metal centers (53–58). The previous report of nonfunctional ACS (17) suggested that such proteins were required for the biosynthesis of this metalloenzyme but were absent in E. coli. This was easily rationalized, as E. coli does not naturally contain ACS, and the metal centers in this enzyme appear to be unique in biology. Therefore, our success was surprising, as it suggests that E. coli contains accessory proteins that assemble and insert the B and C clusters into recombinant AcsAB, as well as the FeS component of the A cluster. The B cluster and the Fe4S4 components of the C and A clusters may have been assembled and inserted using IscS and IscU, enzymes in E. coli that catalyze the formation of FeS clusters (59).
It is intriguing to consider how Ni was inserted into the C cluster in vivo. A series of gene clusters in E. coli is responsible for assembling the active sites of the organism's three NiFe hydrogenases, including hya, hyb, hyc, and hyp (55, 56, 60–63). When hypB is deleted, all three hydrogenases lack Ni in their active sites, suggesting that HypB participates in inserting Ni into these sites (36, 37). HypB is a homolog of CooC, a protein involved in inserting Ni into the C cluster of CODHRr (31). We conjecture that in E. coli, HypB served as a surrogate of CooC to insert Ni into AcsAB, thereby forming the C cluster. Given that our batches of AcsAB had somewhat variable CO oxidation activity and C cluster EPR signal intensities, this surrogate may not be as effective as CooC in assembling the C cluster.
Whether Ni was inserted into the labile Ni site of the A cluster by accessory proteins in E. coli remains unknown. E. coli may lack an accessory protein capable of serving as a surrogate for the unidentified accessory protein in C. thermoaceticum that is used to insert Ni during A cluster assembly. Alternatively, the Ni in an assembled A cluster may have been lost during purification. Fortunately, Ni could be inserted into this site simply by incubating the enzyme overnight in NiCl2.
Finally, these results impact our understanding of the redox and spin-state heterogeneity that plagues this enzyme. The evidence for heterogeneity is extensive (5, 10, 13–16, 46, 50) and will only be summarized here. Approximately 40% of A clusters contain labile Ni ions, function catalytically, and can be reduced to the Ared-CO state (exhibiting the NiFeC signal). The remaining 60% contain nonlabile Ni ions, are nonfunctional, and cannot be reduced. This situation is reflected in the low spin intensity of the NiFeC signal. The C cluster is also heterogeneous. Approximately 40% of C clusters in the Cox state can be reduced by one, two, and three electrons, forming Cred1, Cint, and Cred2, respectively. The remaining 60% can be reduced by one electron to the CS=3/2 state. Again, the low spin intensities of the gav = 1.82 and 1.86 signals reflect this situation. The B cluster appears to exhibit only spin-state heterogeneity, with about 60% of Bred having an S = ½ ground state (affording the gav = 1.94 signal) and the remainder having S = 3/2 (affording EPR features between g = 4–6). Obvious reasons for this heterogeneity, including errors in determining protein, metal, or spin concentrations or damage incurred during purification, have been considered and discounted (38). Fraser and Lindahl recently suggested that heterogeneity might arise from events occurring during the growth of C. thermoaceticum (16). However, the results presented here indicate that the same type of heterogeneity present in ACSCt plagues recombinant AcsAB (and ACSEc). Thus, it would seem that the factors causing heterogeneity are independent of the host organism and of the accessory proteins used to assemble the clusters and are intrinsic to the enzyme. Such intrinsic heterogeneity could arise if the two αβ dimers of the α2β2 tetramer were symmetry-inequivalent.
With active recombinant ACS from C. thermoaceticum now available, we plan to prepare site-directed mutants to help elucidate details of the catalytic mechanism of this enzyme and the roles of its metal clusters. We also plan to probe the mechanism of cluster assembly and uncover the origin of the heterogeneity.
Advanced Technology Project Grant 010366–020, National Science Foundation Grant MCB 9604562, and National Institutes of Health Grant GM46441 funded this project.
acetyl-CoA synthase from C. thermoaceticum, also called carbon monoxide dehydrogenase or CODHCt
- AcsAB
isolated His-tagged protein produced by expressing C. thermoaceticum acsA and acsB genes in E. coli
AcsAB after activating with NiCl2
carbon monoxide dehydrogenase from R. rubrum
- Ni-NTA
Ni-nitrilotriacetic acid
Article published online before print: Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 10.1073/pnas.220404397.
Article and publication date are at www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.220404397
The range of metal contents, CO oxidation, and CO/acetyl-CoA exchange activities given in the text represent compilations of values reported from our laboratory in refs. 2, 5–7, 10, 12–16, 38, 46–51 (indicated uncertainties represent standard deviations).
Because E. coli rapidly consumes O2 during growth, we are uncertain as to the aerobicity of cultures grown while bubbled with air. The fact that functional recombinant enzyme can be biosynthesized under these conditions merely implies that strict anaerobic conditions are not required.
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