Br J Clin Pharmacol 2004; 58 (4): 411–18
Cumulative high doses of inhaled formoterol have less systemic effects in asthmatic children 6–11 years of age than cumulative high doses of inhaled terbutaline
R. Kaae, L. Agertoft, S. Pedersen, S. L. Nordvall, C. Pedroletti, T. Bengtsson, I. Johannes-Hellberg & J. Rosenborg
The authors wish to draw attention to the following errors in the tables that were published with this paper:
In Table 1 the dose unit for inhaled glococorticosterioids should be in micrograms:
Patients who inhaled glucocorticosteroids, n (%): 13 (65)
– daily dose in micrograms, mean (range): 292 (100–800)
In Table 2 the following differences were not statisically significant and should therefore not have been in bold:
– Minimum diastolic blood pressure, mmHg, formoterol vs the day of no treatment = −2.2 (−5.1, 0.7)
– Maximum QRS duration, ms, formoterol vs terbutaline = −0.1 (−2.6, 2.3)
Also, there was an error in reference 10 which should have been printed as follows:
Respir Med 2002;96:412–417