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British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology logoLink to British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
. 2006 Mar 27;61(5):545–557. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2125.2006.02622.x

Prediction of drug clearance in children from adults: a comparison of several allometric methods

Iftekhar Mahmood 1
PMCID: PMC1885056  PMID: 16669848



In recent years with the advent of paediatric exclusivity and requirements to conduct clinical studies in children, the current emphasis is to find a safe and efficacious dose of a drug in children. It has been suggested that one can predict the clearance of a drug in children according to the equation: CL in the child = adult CL × (weight of the child/70)0.75. Considering the controversy surrounding the exponent of 0.75 for the prediction of clearance and lack of any systematic evaluation of the aforementioned proposal, the objectives of the study were as follows: (i) to determine if indeed the exponent 0.75 is the most suitable exponent for the prediction of clearance in children from adult data; (ii) to explore and search for other exponents that are more accurate or as good as 0.75; and (iii) to propose a new approach (if any) based on the findings of the current evaluation.


Six methods were used to predict clearance of drugs in children from adult data. Besides evaluating the exponent of 0.75, exponents of 0.80, 0.85 and 1.0 were also evaluated. An empirical approach based on kidney and liver weights was also examined. Based on the results of five methods, a sixth method was introduced.


The results of the study indicate that no single method is suitable for all drugs or for all age groups. The exponents 0.75, 0.80, and 0.85 provided the same degree of accuracy or error in the prediction of clearance in children.


Since no single method is suitable for all drugs or for all age groups. A combination of approaches is suggested which may help in improving the prediction of clearance in children from adult data.

Keywords: allometric scaling, children, clearance, exponents, root mean square error


It is now well recognized that age, gender, disease and ethnic background can alter the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of a drug. In recent years with the advent of paediatric exclusivity and requirements to conduct clinical studies in children, there has been greater emphasis on evaluating the pharmacokinetics of drugs in children. Furthermore, dosing of drugs in children requires a thorough consideration as there are physiological differences between children and adults. The variation in body composition and the differences in the functions of the liver and the kidneys between children and adults are considered to be the main sources of pharmacokinetic differences between these two groups. In neonates and infants, physiological events occur so rapidly that reasonably accurate prediction of drug clearance, and hence the required dosage regimen, in this population becomes very difficult [1]. Therefore, the current emphasis is to find a safe and efficacious dose of a drug in children based on the pharmacokinetic knowledge of a drug in adults.

Over the years, several approaches to determining paediatric doses have been suggested such as Young's rule or Clark's rule. The use of body surface area or body weight on a per kilogram basis is a common practice to dose children [2]. However, normalization of clearance for metabolically eliminated drugs, based on per kilogram body weight, has led to a false notion that children have a higher metabolic capacity than adults because of their relatively large liver size or increased liver blood flow [2]. Anderson et al. [2] have provided a good review of size and related myths with respect to the clinical pharmacokinetics of analgesics in children.

The simple allometric relationship has been shown to relate body size to a parameter of interest in the field of physiology, ecology, palaeontology and pharmacokinetics [3, 4]. These relationships are related to a power function or an exponent which can be as diverse as the aforementioned fields:

Y=aWb (1)

where Y is a parameter of interest, a is the coefficient, W is the body weight and b is the exponent of the allometry.

Equation 1 has been extensively used to predict pharmacokinetic parameters such as clearance, volume of distribution and half-life from laboratory animals to humans. According to Anderson et al. [2], the allometric principles can also be applied to predict drug clearance in children. Based on the suggestions of ‘a size standard’ [3], one can predict clearance of a drug in children according to the following equation:

CL in the child=adult CL×(weight of the child/70)0.75 (2)

where 70 kg is the standard weight of an adult and adult clearance can be normalized based on 70 kg adult body weight.

In 1932, Kleiber [4] investigated the basal metabolic rates in several species (n = 13) whose weight range was 3.7. Kleiber concluded that the basal metabolic rates of species are related to body size with an exponent of 0.734 (later rounded to 0.75 for the ease of calculation). In later years, this theory led to a misconception that the clearance of drugs can be extrapolated across species with an exponent of 0.75 and Kleiber's exponent of 0.75 became a classic standard and any argument against it was discarded.

The exponent of 0.75 for clearance has been widely debated [5]. Logically, it is difficult to perceive that the exponent of allometry for a given parameter will revolve around a fixed number. Over the years, many investigators have shown that the exponent of 0.75 is not necessarily the best scaling exponent for clearance [610]. It must be recognized that the number of species and the conditions under which a study is designed are the detrimental factors for the exponent of allometric scaling [8, 10].

Considering the controversy surrounding the exponent of 0.75 for the prediction of clearance and lack of any systematic evaluation of the aforementioned proposal, the objectives of the study were as follows:

  • To determine if indeed the exponent of 0.75 is the most suitable exponent for the prediction of clearance in children from adult data.

  • To explore and search for other exponents that are more accurate or as good as 0.75.

  • To propose a new approach (if any) based on the findings of the current evaluation.


From the literature, the clearance values for 41 drugs (124 observations in children of different age groups) for children and adults were randomly selected. The age groups of the children varied widely. The clearance data included infants, children and adolescents with ages ranging from 1 day to 17 years. The chosen drugs are eliminated by extensive metabolism, exclusively by the renal route or by both mechanisms (renal and hepatic). The following methods were used to predict clearance in the children and the predicted values were then compared with the observed values in that age group.

Method I

The clearance in children was predicted according to equation 2. When children's original body weights were not available, an average body weight for that age group was used, as described by Haddad et al. [11].

Methods II–IV

These three methods followed the same pattern as method I except that the exponents used were 0.80, 0.85 and 1.0. The exponent 0.85 was selected as a compromise value for the allometric exponents of kidneys (0.820), liver (0.86) and liver blood flow (0.890). The exponent 0.80 was chosen as a central value between 0.75 and 0.85 and exponent 1.0 was used to evaluate if indeed there is any need for an exponent on the weight.

Method V

An empirical approach was developed by using the liver and kidney weights of several species. The allometric scaling for the liver and kidney weights was performed across species (mouse, rat, rabbit, dog, monkey and human) against their respective body weights. The following allometric equations were generated for the prediction of liver and kidney weights in children using their body weight:

Liver weight=40.7×(body weight)0.86 (3)
Kidney weight=7.2×(body weight)0.84 (4)

The predicted liver and kidney weights were divided by the total liver and kidney weights of an adult (1800 g for the liver and 310 g for the kidneys). The mean of this ratio (equation 5) was then multiplied by the adult clearance to predict clearance in the children.

Ratio=[40.7×(body weight)0.86/1800+7.2×(body weight)0.84/310]/2 (5)

Although the routes of elimination for the drugs were well known in adults, it was assumed that in children, especially in the very young, both the kidneys and the liver are functional simultaneously for the elimination of drugs. A correction factor of 1.15 was applied to the predicted clearance in the children. For children under 5 kg body weight the predicted clearance was divided by 1.15, and for children >10 kg the predicted clearance was multiplied by 1.15. No correction factor was applied between body weight >5 and 10 kg. The reason for the application of a correction factor was the following. When the liver and the kidney weights were back extrapolated into the allometric equation, it was noted that for ≤5 kg body weight, on average the liver and kidney weights were overpredicted by 15% and for a 70-kg human adult the liver and kidney weights were underpredicted by 13% and 18%, respectively.

Method VI

After evaluating the results obtained from methods I–V, method VI was introduced. This approach is basically the combination of methods I–V. The clearances of drugs were predicted using a specific method for a given age. If the age of the child is ≤1 year, no exponent (or 1.0) was used on the ratio of child and adult body weight (equation 2). If the age of the child is >1 but ≤5 years, method V was used (equation 5). For children >5 years, the allometric exponents of 0.75, 0.80 or 0.85 were used (equation 2).

Statistical analysis

Percent error between the observed and predicted values was calculated according to the following equation:

%error = [(observed - predicted)×100]/observed (6)

The precision of the methods was measured by calculating the root mean square error (RMSE) according to the following equations:

Mean square error (MSE)=(predictedobserved)2/n (7)
RMSE=(MSE)1/2 (8)

RMSE was expressed as percent of mean using equation 9:

%RMSE=RMSE×100/mean observed (9)


The predicted and observed clearance values in children for 41 drugs (124 observations) are summarized in Table 1. The results of the study indicate that the use of exponent 0.75 is not suitable for the prediction of clearance for children in all age groups. Similarly, the use of exponents 0.80, 0.85 and 1.0 as well as the proposed method based on the liver and kidney weights produced variable results. All methods exhibited uncertainty in the prediction of drug clearance in children. No single method was suitable for all drugs or for all age groups. The percent errors in the prediction for all six methods are shown in Table 2. The %RMSE (Table 3) for methods I–VI was 53.86 (exponent 0.75), 53.30 (exponent 0.80), 54.72 (exponent 0.85), 65.59 (exponent 1.0), 55.31 (liver and kidney weight approach) and 48.93 (mixed approach), respectively. The %RMSE was almost similar for exponents 0.75, 0.80 and 0.85 as well as the approach based on the liver and kidney weights. The highest %RMSE in the prediction was seen with exponent 1.0 or with no exponent on the body weight. The lowest %RMSE was with the mixed approach, although not substantially different from other approaches (with the exception of exponent 1.0).

Table 1.

Predicted and observed clearance (l h−1) in children using different methods

Drugs/age Body weight (kg) Obs CL (l h−1) Pred CL (0.75) Pred CL (0.8) Pred CL (0.85) Pred CL (1.0) Pred CL L + K Pred CL (mixed)
  <1 week 3.5 1.365 6.513 5.607 4.827 3.080 3.560 3.080
  1 week to 2 months 3.9 2.106 7.064 6.114 5.292 3.432 3.903 3.432
  2–6 months 6.2 7.936 10.001 8.860 7.848 5.456 6.657 5.456
  0.5–2.5 years 7.2 9.360 11.188 9.985 8.912 6.336 7.559 7.559
  Adult 70 61.600
  <1month 3.2 3.104 5.536 4.745 4.067 2.560 2.999 2.560
  1–12 months 5.9 6.431 8.760 7.741 6.840 4.720 5.802 4.720
  1–5 years 17.3 11.937 19.629 18.304 17.068 13.840 16.650 16.650
  Adult 70 56.000
  2–12 years 18 63.360 62.435 58.336 54.506 44.460 53.171 62.435
  Adult 70 172.900
  1–21 days 3.2 0.704 3.183 2.728 2.338 1.472 1.725 1.472
  5.5–10 years 23 13.800 13.974 13.218 12.502 10.580 12.197 13.974
  Adult 70 32.200
  <3 months 4 3.200 9.817 8.508 7.374 4.800 5.438 4.800
  3–12 months 8 16.800 16.511 14.814 13.291 9.600 11.274 9.600
  4 years 15 22.500 26.456 24.495 22.679 18.000 22.123 22.123
  Adult 70 84.000
  1–7 days (premature) 2 0.149 1.925 1.611 1.349 0.791 0.995 0.791
  1–7 days term 3 0.300 2.609 2.229 1.904 1.187 1.404 1.187
  34–41 weeks (gestational) 3.1 1.264 2.674 2.288 1.958 1.227 1.444 1.227
  Mean 5.2 years 17.3 9.460 9.709 9.054 8.443 6.846 8.236 9.709
  Adult 70 27.700
  5–16 years 20 3.310 3.283 3.083 2.896 2.400 2.825 3.283
  Adult 70 8.400
  54–105 days 2.2 1.000 2.374 1.997 1.679 0.999 1.239 1.000
  Adult 70 31.800

Table 2a.

Percent error in predicted and observed clearance in children using different methods

Drugs/age Pred CL (0.75) Pred CL (0.80) Pred CL (0.85) Pred CL (1.0) Pred CL L + K Pred CL (mixed)
 1–7 days (premature) −443 −354 −280 −123 −180 −123
 7–28 days (premature) −179 −139 −104 −27 −50 −27
 1–7 days −395 −326 −267 −133 −170 −133
 7–28 days −271 −223 −182 −87 −107 −87
 1–3 months −122 −95 −71 −15 −26 −15
 2–5 years 19 25 30 45 32 32
 6.5–12 years 17 22 26 37 28 17
 <12 years 14 20 25 39 27 14
 >12 years 1 5 9 20 12 1
 <1 year −860 −719 −600 −336 −417 −336
 2–12 years −13 −5 2 20 4 4
 >12–18 years −23 −17 −13 1 −10 −23
 0–3 months −335 −277 −227 −113 −141 −113
 >3–12 months −67 −48 −32 8 −12 8
 1.1–12.9 years −39 −30 −22 −1 −19 −19
 I.v. 0.5 to <2 years 29 36 42 57 51 51
 2 to <5 years 30 35 40 53 42 42
 5 to <10 years 22 26 30 40 32 22
 10 to <12 years 12 14 16 21 18 12
 12–16 years 12 13 14 17 16 12
 <6 years 2 9 16 33 18 2
 >6 years (3.8–11.3 years) −18 −14 −11 0 −8 −18
 4–12 years 26 29 33 42 34 26
 0.5–2 years 3 12 21 41 33 33
 2–6 years 29 34 39 50 40 29
 6–12 years 25 28 31 39 32 25
 12–16 years 13 15 16 21 18 13

Table 3.

Percent root mean square error (RMSE) and percent error in the prediction of clearance in children by several methods

Error %RMSE % error Exp 0.75 53.86 Exp 0.80 53.30 Exp 0.85 54.72 Exp 1.0 65.59 L + K wt 55.31 Mixed 48.93
≥100 35 29 25 13 17 16
50–99 12 14 16 23 16 15
31–49 16 17 20 30 24 21
≤30 61 64 63 57 67 72
≥50 47 43 41 36 33 31
<50 76 81 83 87 91 93

Further assessment of the suitability of the methods was done by grouping all 124 observations according to %error (Table 3). The number of observations were grouped as errors ≥100%, 50–99%, 31–49% and ≤30%. There were 35 observations (highest) for the exponent of 0.75 for which error in the prediction was ≥100%, whereas there were only 13 (lowest) observations ≥100% for the exponent 1.0. There were 17 observations for method V (liver and kidney weights) and 16 observations for method VI (mixed), for which error was ≥100%. The error between 50 and 99% was the least for exponent 0.75 (12 observations) and the highest for exponent 1.0 (23 observations). The number of observations for <50% error was 76, 83, 81, 87, 91 and 93 for the exponents 0.75, 0.80, 0.85, 1.0, liver and kidney weight approach and the mixed method, respectively (Table 3).

The current analysis of the data indicates that the exponent 0.75 predicts drug clearance with a fair degree of accuracy when the children are older than 5 years. As the body weight of children increased, in most cases the accuracy of the prediction using the exponent 0.75 increased. For children ≤1 year old, the exponent 0.75 overpredicted the clearance by several fold. When children were between 1 and 5 years, in most cases the prediction error remained over 50% with exponent 0.75. On the other hand, when exponent 1.0 (or no exponent) was used on the body weight, the prediction of clearance was fairly reasonable and far less erratic than 0.75 for the age group ≤1 year. For this age group, the best prediction was obtained using no exponent (or 1.0) on the body weight. With increasing age, the error in the prediction increased with exponent 1.0 on the body weight. The approach of liver and kidney weight produced far less error than the exponent of 0.75 for children in the age group of ≤1 but was more erratic than exponent 1.0. For the age group between 1 and 5, the best approach appeared to be the liver and kidney weights. Based on these observations, a mixed approach is proposed (method VI), as in this report at least it appears to be the best. There were 93 observations (75%) across all age groups with <50% error when the mixed approach was used, whereas there were 76 observations (61%) across all age groups when the exponent 0.75 was used. When compared across all methods used in this report, based on the error ≥50% or <50% (Table 3), the worst approach was the exponent 0.75. It should be noted, however, that there were 74 observations in children ≤5 years. This may be the reason that the use of exponent 0.75 appears to be the worst. The exponents of 0.80 and 0.85 produced similar results to those seen with exponent 0.75 across all age groups (slightly better at the lower age group and slightly more erratic at the higher age group).

A thorough scrutiny of Table 1 indicates that the clearance in children increases with age and body weight. Normalization of clearance based on per kg body weight may indicate that children have higher or equal clearance than adults. This is a misconception, as was rightly pointed out by Holford [3] several years ago. Therefore, dosing in children should be based on total body clearance rather than clearance per kg body weight.


The pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of a drug may differ between adults and children. These differences are mainly due to the physiological and biochemical differences between infants, children, adolescents and adults. The ontogenesis of the clearance mechanism may be the most critical determinant of a pharmacological response in infants and children [12, 13]. Numerous articles have outlined the developmental changes in children and the need to predict drug clearance in children in order to select an optimal dose [13, 14]. Several methods [12, 15, 16], have been suggested to predict the clearance in children from adult data and one of these methods is based on the allometric size model [2]. This model uses a fixed exponent of 0.75 based on Kleiber's original work relating basal metabolic rate against body weight across several species. However, a systematic evaluation of exponent 0.75, to determine if indeed this is the most suitable exponent to predict drug clearance in children from adults, has not been performed. The current study evaluates not only the predictive performance of a fixed exponent of 0.75 but also other exponents such as 0.85 and 0.80, as well as no exponent on the body weight. All three exponents (0.75, 0.80 and 0.85) produced some degree of accuracy or uncertainty in the prediction of clearance in children, suggesting that the notion that 0.75 is the most suitable allometric exponent for the prediction of clearance in children is inaccurate. There were some drugs that were predicted with greater accuracy by 0.75 than by 0.80 or 0.85, and vice versa. It is difficult to determine a priori which exponent is suitable for a given drug. One should recognize that the exponents of allometry have no physiological meaning [8]. The exponents of clearance for a given drug are not universal and will vary depending on the species and sample size used in the allometric scaling [8, 10]. Due to the very nature of the exponents of allometry, it is not surprising that one single exponent does not predict drug clearance in children across all ages. Had Kleiber used more species in his work, he might have found a very different exponent for basal metabolic rate than 0.734. Therefore, the notion that 0.75 will give the best result for the prediction of clearance from adults to children (and also from one species to another, e.g. from one laboratory animal to humans) is inaccurate. One can clearly observe in this study that the exponents 0.80 and 0.85 provide almost the same degree of accuracy or error in the prediction of clearance in children as the exponent 0.75.

The study also indicates that a single exponent may not be suitable for the prediction of drug clearance in children of all ages from adult data; therefore, a combination of methods is recommended in order to improve the prediction. It appears that for children ≤1 year old, a better approach is to use no exponent on the ratio of children and adult body weight. The three exponents (0.75, 0.80 and 0.85) systematically overpredicted the clearances of most drugs in children aged ≤1 year, but as the exponent increased from 0.75 towards 1.0, the error in prediction decreased. Similarly, the liver + kidney approach (method V) appeared to predict clearance better than any of the three exponents for the age group between >1 and 5 years. After age 5, one can use any of the three exponents (0.75, 0.80 and 85) to achieve a reasonably good prediction of clearance in children. Therefore, a combination of approaches is suggested which may help in improving the prediction of clearance in children from adult data:

  • If the age of a child is ≤1 year old, no exponent should be used in equation 2.

  • If the age of a child is >1 but ≤5 years old, method V should be used.

  • For children >5 years old, exponents 0.75, 0.80 or 0.85 can be used.

It should be noted, however, that all the aforementioned methods, under the conditions described above, may help in reducing the prediction error but not necessarily provide an accurate prediction of drug clearance in children. For example, the prediction error in morphine clearance in children <1 week was 377% when predicted using exponent 0.75 but 126% without the use of any exponent. Certainly, there was a substantial improvement in the prediction but the error in the prediction was still substantial. It should also be emphasized that the above rules are also not perfect. For example, for children in the age group 2–6 months, morphine clearance was best predicted with the exponent of 0.85 (error 1%), but due to the above-mentioned rule, exponent 1.0 was considered the best method (error 31%). This kind of uncertainty was observed with many drugs but for the majority of drugs the rules appeared to work fairly well. The main objective here is to find a method or combination of methods that can reduce the prediction error. One important question remains unresolved: what an acceptable prediction error is in drug clearance for children? Since weight- or body surface area-based dosing in children may not be suitable, it is important that the clearance of a drug in children be predicted as accurately as possible. Probably, <50% error in the predicted clearance will be acceptable but this must be verified by further work.

Table 1a.

Predicted and observed clearance (l h−1) in children using different methods

Drugs/age Body weight (kg) Obs CL (l h−1) Pred CL (0.75) Pred CL (0.8) Pred CL (0.85) Pred CL (1.0) Pred CL L + K Pred CL (mixed)
 2–11 months 7.7 3.000 5.635 5.046 4.519 3.245 3.833 3.245
 1–3 years 13 4.100 8.346 7.672 7.052 5.479 6.879 6.879
 Adult 70 29.500
 <10 years 14.2 0.660 0.602 0.555 0.513 0.404 0.500 0.602
 10–17 years 37.3 1.100 1.241 1.203 1.165 1.060 1.137 1.241
 Adult 70 1.990
With enzyme ind
 <10 years 14.2 1.210 0.976 0.901 0.832 0.655 0.812 0.976
 10–17 years 37.3 2.350 2.014 1.952 1.892 1.721 1.845 2.014
 Adult 70 3.230
 1–7 days (premature)   2 0.035 0.190 0.159 0.133 0.078 0.098 0.078
 7–28 days (premature) 3 0.092 0.257 0.220 0.188 0.117 0.138 0.117
 1–7 days 3.4 0.057 0.282 0.243 0.209 0.133 0.154 0.133
 7–28 days 4.5 0.094 0.349 0.304 0.265 0.176 0.195 0.176
 1–3 months 5 0.170 0.377 0.331 0.290 0.195 0.214 0.195
 2–5 years 14.5 1.030 0.838 0.775 0.716 0.566 0.699 0.699
 6.5–12 years 24.2 1.490 1.231 1.167 1.107 0.944 1.080 1.231
 Adult 70 2.730
 <12 years 18 1.040 0.896 0.837 0.782 0.638 0.763 0.896
 >12 years 30 1.330 1.314 1.259 1.207 1.063 1.177 1.314
 Adult 70 2.480
 <1 year 3 0.042 0.403 0.344 0.294 0.183 0.217 0.183
 2–12 years 18 1.370 1.546 1.444 1.349 1.101 1.316 1.546
 >12–18 years 30 1.850 2.267 2.173 2.083 1.834 2.032 2.267
    Adult 70 4.280
    0–3 months 4 0.800 3.483 3.018 2.616 1.703 1.929 1.703
 >3–12 months 6.5 3.000 5.013 4.451 3.952 2.767 3.352 2.767
    1.1–12.9 years 20 8.400 11.646 10.939 10.274 8.514 10.023 10.023
 Adult 70 29.800
 IV 0.5 to <2 years 9.4 3.290 2.329 2.107 1.906 1.410 1.616 1.616
 2 to <5 years 13.7 4.384 3.090 2.848 2.625 2.055 2.560 2.560
 5 to <10 years 24.9 6.225 4.836 4.593 4.361 3.735 4.255 4.836
 10 to <12 years 45.1 8.569 7.551 7.387 7.226 6.765 7.050 7.551
 12–16 years 57.5 10.350 9.060 8.971 8.883 8.625 8.668 9.060
 Adult 70 10.500

Table 1b.

Predicted and observed clearance (l h−1) in children using different methods

Drugs/age Body weight (kg) Obs CL (l h−1) Pred CL (0.75) Pred CL (0.8) Pred CL (0.85) Pred CL (1.0) Pred CL L + K Pred CL (mixed)
 <6 years 15 0.740 0.728 0.674 0.624 0.495 0.608 0.728
 >6 years (3.8–11.3 years) 35 1.160 1.374 1.327 1.282 1.155 1.250 1.374
 Adult 70 2.310
 4–12 years 26.67 31.740 23.520 22.412 21.356 18.479 20.835 23.520
 Adult 70 48.500
 0.5–2 years 10 3.100 2.993 2.715 2.464 1.840 2.090 2.090
 2–6 years 17 6.290 4.456 4.151 3.868 3.128 3.773 4.456
 6–12 years 30 9.040 6.822 6.539 6.268 5.520 6.115 6.822
 12–16 years 48 11.170 9.706 9.524 9.346 8.832 9.119 9.706
 Adult 70 12.880
 1–7 days (premature)   2 0.013 0.409 0.342 0.286 0.168 0.211 0.168
 7–28 days (premature)   3 0.036 0.554 0.473 0.404 0.252 0.298 0.252
 1–3 months   5 0.250 0.812 0.712 0.624 0.420 0.460 0.420
 3–12 months   8 0.820 1.156 1.037 0.930 0.672 0.789 0.672
 Adult 70 5.880
 7–28 days (premature)   3 0.200 0.527 0.450 0.384 0.240 0.283 0.240
 1–7 days (term)   3 0.150 0.527 0.450 0.384 0.240 0.283 0.240
 7–28 days (term)   4 0.230 0.653 0.566 0.491 0.319 0.362 0.319
 1–3 months   5 0.600 0.772 0.677 0.593 0.399 0.438 0.399
 3–12 months   8 0.800 1.099 0.986 0.885 0.639 0.750 0.639
 Adult 70 5.590
 IV 3–5 years 15.8 2.830 2.574 2.389 2.218 1.774 2.164 2.164
 5.5–12 years 30.8 4.360 4.246 4.076 3.912 3.458 3.816 4.246
 Adult 70 7.860
 Premature   2 0.210 1.049 0.878 0.735 0.431 0.542 0.431
 Infant   5 0.760 2.086 1.828 1.602 1.079 1.182 1.182
 Child 20 1.900 5.901 5.543 5.206 4.314 5.079 5.079
 Adult 70 15.100
Valproic acid
 0–2 months   5 0.072 0.140 0.122 0.107 0.072 0.079 0.072
 2–36 months 10 0.190 0.235 0.213 0.193 0.144 0.162 0.235
 3–9 years 22 0.310 0.424 0.400 0.378 0.317 0.368 0.424
 10–18 years 50 0.930 0.785 0.772 0.759 0.721 0.740 0.785
 Adult 70 1.010

Table 1c.

Predicted and observed clearance (l h−1) in children using different methods

Drugs/age Body weight (kg) Obs CL (l h−1) Pred CL (0.75) Pred CL (0.8) Pred CL (0.85) Pred CL (1.0) Pred CL L + K Pred CL (mixed)
Erythromycin estolate
 1.5 days 3 1.990 3.233 2.762 2.359 1.471 1.740 1.471
 15 days 3.5 1.910 3.629 3.124 2.690 1.716 1.984 1.716
 0.29 days 4 2.330 4.011 3.476 3.013 1.961 2.222 1.961
 19 months 11 2.750 8.566 7.809 7.119 5.393 6.944 6.944
 Adult 70 34.320
 Valproate 6 years 22.7 5.760 3.532 3.339 3.156 2.666 3.079 3.532
 Adult 70 8.220
 Induced 6 years 24.5 12.420 13.269 12.590 11.947 10.206 11.655 13.269
 Adult 70 29.160
 0.25–1 year 7 2.820 5.602 4.992 4.449 3.150 3.774 3.150
 0.3–1.6 years 10 3.470 7.320 6.641 6.025 4.500 5.111 5.111
 4–15 years 30 7.710 16.685 15.993 15.330 13.500 14.955 16.685
 Adult 70 31.500
 1–59 months 11 4.780 6.215 5.665 5.165 3.913 5.038 5.038
 60–155 months 36 9.420 15.122 14.627 14.149 12.806 13.804 15.122
 Adult 70 24.900
 Preterm <1 week 2 0.240 0.496 0.415 0.348 0.204 0.256 0.204
 Full term <1 week 3 0.680 0.673 0.575 0.491 0.306 0.362 0.306
 Full term >1 week <28 days 4 1.220 0.834 0.723 0.627 0.408 0.462 0.408
 >28 days to <3 months 5.5 1.780 1.060 0.933 0.822 0.561 0.697 0.561
 3 months to 11 years 20 4.560 2.790 2.621 2.462 2.040 2.401 2.790
 12–17 years 55 6.930 5.959 5.887 5.817 5.610 5.676 5.959
 Adult 70 7.140
 <2 years 10 11.600 6.878 6.240 5.662 4.229 4.802 4.802
 2–6 years 15 15.900 9.323 8.632 7.992 6.343 7.796 9.323
 6–12 years 30 28.800 15.679 15.028 14.405 12.686 14.053 15.679
 12–18 years 50 35.500 22.998 22.615 22.237 21.143 21.697 22.998
 Adult 70 29.600
 3 months to 1 year 6.9 4.020 4.926 4.387 3.907 2.760 3.314 2.760
 Sepsis 1–5 years 12.6 7.010 7.738 7.102 6.518 5.040 6.358 7.738
 Adult 70 28.000

Table 1d.

Predicted and observed clearance (l h−1) in children using different methods

Drugs/age Body weight (kg) Obs CL (l h−1) Pred CL (0.75) Pred CL (0.8) Pred CL (0.85) Pred CL (1.0) Pred CL L + K Pred CL (mixed)
Ciprofloxacin, urinary tract
 <1 year 7.7 7.580 9.667 8.657 7.752 5.567 6.575 5.567
 1year 11 12.080 12.632 11.515 10.498 7.953 10.240 10.240
 2–5 years 15.9 16.500 16.652 15.462 14.358 11.496 14.006 14.006
 ≥6 years 22.5 32.940 21.605 20.413 19.287 16.268 18.815 21.605
 Adult 70 50.610
 Mean postnatal age 31 days 1.74 0.790 1.780 1.480 1.230 0.707 0.908 0.707
 41 days 2.96 2.230 2.652 2.264 1.933 1.203 1.426 1.703
 77 days 4.52 3.820 3.643 3.177 2.770 1.836 2.043 2.482
 Adult 70 28.440
 2.3–4.7 years 15.9 14.480 15.398 14.298 13.277 10.630 13.000 13.000
 6.1–9.8 years 25.2 22.870 21.751 20.667 19.638 16.848 19.230 21.751
 Adult 70 46.800
 1–5 years 20.2 5.580 4.567 4.292 4.033 3.347 3.949 3.949
 6–12 years 53.5 12.000 9.482 9.355 9.231 8.866 9.041 9.482
 13–17 years 80.3 14.400 12.858 12.946 13.036 13.307 12.769 12.858
 Adult 70 11.600
Darbepoetin alfa
 I.v. 1–16 years 35.3 0.081 0.066 0.064 0.061 0.055 0.060 0.066
 Adult 70 0.112
 S.c. 1–16 years 35.3 0.150 0.180 0.173 0.168 0.151 0.164 0.180
 Adult 70 0.300
 <10 years 25.5 28.050 16.412 15.603 14.835 12.750 14.527 16.412
 >10 years 49 34.300 26.785 26.312 25.846 24.500 25.314 26.785
 Adult 70 35.000
 0.6 years 6 0.890 1.076 0.951 0.841 0.582 0.716 0.582
 1.75–4 years 15 2.710 2.139 1.980 1.833 1.455 1.795 1.795
 8.5–12.5 years 30 3.390 3.597 3.447 3.304 2.910 3.236 3.597
 Adult 70 6.790
 0.6–7.75 years 22 1.540 2.116 1.997 1.884 1.584 1.845 1.845
 Adult 70 5.040

Table 1e.

Predicted and observed clearance (l h−1) in children using different methods

Drugs/age Body weight (kg) Obs CL (l h−1) Pred CL (0.75) Pred CL (0.8) Pred CL (0.85) Pred CL (1.0) Pred CL L + K Pred CL (mixed)
 7–28 days (premature) 3 0.025 0.554 0.473 0.404 0.252 0.299 0.252
 Adult 70 5.880
 0.5–2 years 11 7.940 24.110 21.979 20.037 15.180 19.618 19.618
 Adult 70 96.600
 0.5–2 years 10.1 9.938 10.816 9.818 8.912 6.666 8.726 8.726
 >2 <6 years 15.8 16.779 15.129 14.044 13.037 10.428 12.765 15.129
 6 to <12 years 39 37.440 29.793 28.934 28.100 25.740 27.520 29.793
 12 to <16 years 63.5 45.339 42.944 42.735 42.527 41.910 41.654 42.944
 Adult 70 46.200
 1–7 days premature 2 0.103 0.444 0.371 0.311 0.182 0.229 0.182
 7–28 days (premature) 3 0.309 0.601 0.514 0.439 0.274 0.324 0.274
 1 day term 3 0.178 0.601 0.514 0.439 0.274 0.324 0.274
 1–7 days (term) 3 0.248 0.601 0.514 0.439 0.274 0.324 0.274
 7–28 days (term) 4 0.437 0.746 0.647 0.560 0.365 0.413 0.365
 Adult 70 6.384

Table 2b.

Percent error in predicted and observed clearance in children using different methods

Drugs/age Pred CL (0.75) Pred CL (0.80) Pred CL (0.85) Pred CL (1.0) Pred CL L + K Pred CL (mixed)
 1–7 days (premature) −3046 −2531 −2100 −1192 −1523 −1192
 7–28 days (premature) −1439 −1214 −1022 −600 −728 −600
 1–3 months −225 −185 −150 −68 −84 −68
 3–12 months −41 −26 −13 18 4 18
 7–28 days (premature) −164 −125 −92 −20 −42 −20
 1–7 days (term) −251 −200 −156 −60 −89 −60
 7–28 days (term) −184 −146 −113 −39 −57 −39
 1–3 months −29 −13 1 34 27 34
 3–12 months −37 −23 −11 20 6 20
 I.v. 3–5 years 9 16 22 37 24 24
 5.5–12 years 3 7 10 21 12 3
 Premature −400 −318 −250 −105 −158 −105
 Infant −174 −141 −111 −42 −56 −56
 Child −211 −192 −174 −127 −167 −167
Valproic acid
 0–2 months −94 −69 −49 0 −10 0
 2–36 months −24 −12 −2 24 15 −24
 3–9 years −37 −29 −22 −2 −19 −37
 10–18 years 16 17 18 22 20 16
Erythromycin estolate
 1.5 days −62 −39 −19 26 13 26
 15 days −90 −64 −41 10 −4 10
 0.29 days −72 −49 −29 16 5 16
 19 months −211 −184 −159 −96 −153 −153
 Valproate 6 years 39 42 45 54 47 39
 Induced 6 years −7 −1 4 18 6 −7
 0.25–1 year −99 −77 −58 −12 −34 −12
 0.3–1.6 years −111 −91 −74 −30 −47 −47
 4–15 years −116 −107 −99 −75 −94 −116

Table 2c.

Percent error in predicted and observed clearance in children using different methods

Drugs/age Pred CL (0.75) Pred CL (0.80) Pred CL (0.85) Pred CL (1.0) Pred CL L + K Pred CL (mixed)
 1–59 months −30 −19 −8 18 −5 −5
 60–155 months −61 −55 −50 −36 −47 −61
 Preterm <1 week −107 −73 −45 15 −7 15
 Full term <1 week 1 15 28 55 47 55
 Full term >1 week <28 days 32 41 49 67 62 67
 >28d- <3 month 40 48 54 68 61 68
 3 month-11 years 39 43 46 55 47 39
 12–17 years 14 15 16 19 18 14
 <2 years 41 46 51 64 59 59
 2–6 years 41 46 50 60 51 41
 6–12 years 46 48 50 56 51 46
 12–18 years 35 36 37 40 39 35
 3 months to 1 year −23 −9 3 31 18 31
 Sepsis 1–5 years −10 −1 7 28 9 −10
Urinary tract
 <1 year −28 −14 −2 27 13 27
 1 year −5 5 13 34 15 15
 2–5 years −1 6 13 30 15 15
 ≥6 years 34 38 41 51 43 34
 Mean postnatal age 31 days −125 −87 −56 11 −15 11
 41 days −19 −2 13 46 36 24
 77 days 5 17 27 52 47 35
 2.3–4.7 years −6 1 8 27 10 10
 6.1–9.8 years 5 10 14 26 16 5
 1–5 years 18 23 28 40 29 29
 6–12 years 21 22 23 26 25 21
 13–17 years 11 10 9 8 11 11

Table 2d.

Percent error in predicted and observed clearance in children using different methods

Drugs/age Pred CL (0.75) Pred CL (0.80) Pred CL (0.85) Pred CL (1.0) Pred CL L + K Pred CL (mixed)
Darbepoetin alfa
 I.v. 1–16 years 19 21 25 32 26 19
 S.c. 1–16 years −20 −15 −12 −1 −9 −20
 <10 years 41 44 47 55 48 41
 >10 years 22 23 25 29 26 22
 0.6 years −21 −7 6 35 20 35
 1.75–4 years 21 27 32 46 34 34
 8.5–12.5 years −6 −2 3 14 5 −6
 0.6–7.75 years −37 −30 −22 −3 −20 −20
 7–28 days (premature) −2116 −1792 −1516 −908 −1096 −908
 0.5–2 years −204 −177 −152 −91 −147 −147
 0.5–2 years −9 1 10 33 12 12
 >2 to <6 years 10 16 22 38 24 10
 6 to <12 years 20 23 25 31 26 20
 12 to <16 years 5 6 6 8 8 5
 1–7 days premature −331 −260 −202 −77 −122 −77
 7–28 days (premature) −94 −66 −42 11 −5 11
 1 day term −238 −189 −147 −54 −82 −54
 1–7 days (term) −142 −107 −77 −10 −31 −10
 7–28 days (term) −71 −48 −28 16 5 16


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