Choline kinase, responsible for the phosphorylation of choline to phosphocholine as the first step of the CDP-choline pathway for the biosynthesis of phosphatidylcholine, has been recognized as a new target for anticancer therapy. Crystal structures of human choline kinase in its apo, ADP- and phosphocholine-bound complexes, respectively, reveal the molecular details of the substrate binding sites. ATP binds in a cavity where residues from both the N- and C-terminal lobes contribute to form a cleft, while the choline-binding site constitutes a deep hydrophobic groove in the C-terminal domain with a rim composed of negatively charged residues. Upon binding of choline, the enzyme undergoes conformational changes independently affecting the N-terminal domain and the ATP-binding loop. From this structural analysis and comparison with other kinases, and from mutagenesis data on the homologous C. elegans choline kinase, a model of the ternary ADP·Phosphocholine complex was built that reveals the molecular basis for the phosphoryl transfer activity of this enzyme.
Keywords: Choline kinase, phosphoryl transfer, crystal structure
Phosphatidylcholine (PtdCho) represents the most abundant class of phospholipids in eukaryotic cells. Together with other phospholipids, such as phosphatidylethanolamine and neutral lipids, it is the major structural component of the membrane bilayer. In addition to constituting 40–60% of the phospholipid content of eukaryotic cell membranes1, PtdCho has been recognized as an important source of second messenger molecules2. The biosynthesis of phosphatidylcholine is primarily accomplished by the CDP-choline pathway, also called the Kennedy pathway. The first step of the pathway is the phosphorylation of choline to phosphocholine (PChol), catalyzed by choline kinase (CK) (E.C. The level of PChol, which is both a precursor and a breakdown product of PtdCho, needs to be tightly regulated to maintain cell integrity. Therefore, any changes in CK activity may alter the total content of this component and its ratio to other metabolites that play critical roles in membrane structure and cell signaling processes. Notably, cell-biological and genetic studies have highlighted the interplay between the pathways for PtdCho metabolism and Golgi-dependent secretory processes4,5.
Several discoveries have recently revealed the importance of PtdCho to mammalian cell physiology. Alterations of PtdCho metabolism are associated to different key cellular events, such as oncogenic transformation and programmed cell death6,7. Increased CK enzymatic activity, and consequently increased levels of PtdCho, has been detected in ras transformed cells8. Similarly, CK is overexpressed in breast, lung, colon, and prostate tumors7,9, and increased levels of PChol have been detected by nuclear magnetic resonance studies of human tumoral tissues10,11. More recently, convincing evidence for the oncogenic potential of choline kinase has been reported12. From these studies, choline kinase is thought to behave as an oncogene by itself, and lays downstream of RhoA GTPase-dependent signaling processes. Although activation of CK by RhoA is not mediated by a direct protein-protein interaction, strong evidence that choline kinase may be a new relevant molecule in RhoA-induced oncogenic transformation has recently been provided12.
Observations showing a direct link between PtdCho homeostasis and carcinogenesis strongly suggest the potential use of choline kinase as a new marker for malignancy and, accordingly, as a potential target for anticancer therapy. In fact, CK inhibitors showing efficient antitumoral activity have already been generated13–16, and are currently under investigation both in vitro and in vivo. Most significantly, these studies have demonstrated that inhibition of CK activity is reflected in a decrease of PChol and total choline levels, leading to pronounced antiproliferative effects in various human tumor-derived cell lines and in animal models17,18. However, it must be kept in mind that presently available CK inhibitors may also affect other molecules involved in signal transduction pathways and cell cycle regulation.
In mammals, choline kinase exists as at least three isoforms, encoded by two separate genes named ck-α and ck-β. While ck-β codes for a single protein (CK-β), ck-α undergoes alternative splicing and is thus responsible for the production of two CK isoforms, CK-α1 and CK-α2. Each isoform is present as either dimers (homo- or hetero-) or as tetramers in solution19. To gain insight into the structural and functional features of this family of enzymes, and to facilitate the structure-based design of specific inhibitors of human CKs, we solved the crystal structure of human choline kinase isoform α2 (hCKα2) in its apo form and in complex with the reaction products ADP or phosphocholine. These structures allow us to identify for the first time the substrate binding sites of CK, to correlate active sites residues with results from previous mutational studies, and reveal the conformational changes that occur upon substrate binding. In addition, the structural analysis allowed us to generate a model of the ternary hCKα2·ADP·PChol complex that reveals the molecular basis for the enzymatic activity of choline kinase.
Results and Discussion
Overall Structure
The human choline kinase (hCK) isoform hCKα2 used in this study consists of 457 amino acids with a molecular weight of ~52 kDa. The protein was overproduced as an N-terminal truncation mutant. Table 1 shows the kinetic parameters for full length and Δ49N-hCKα2 under identical assay conditions, with choline as substrate. The results demonstrate that the truncated construct has very similar Vmax and slightly lower Km for choline compared to wild type protein, indicating that the non-conserved region at the N-terminus of hCKα2 is not essential for catalysis.
Table 1.
Kinetic constants for purified full length and Δ49N- hCKα2
Km [mM]
Construct | kcat (s−1, per subunit) | Choline | ATP |
Full length hCKα2 | 83.1 | 0.098 | 0.41 |
Δ49N-hCKα2 | 71.5 | 0.072 | 0.45 |
hCKα1 | 18.6 | 1.69 | 0.35 |
Choline kinase activity was assayed as described under ‘Experimental procedures’. The data were analyzed according to Michaelis-Menten equation using the Microcal Origin version 5.0 non-linear curve fitting program.
The structure of the human 49-hCKα2·Apoenzyme (hCKApo) was solved by the molecular replacement method using as search model coordinates from choline kinase A-2 of C. elegans (CKA-2, PDB id 1NW1)20, and refined at 2.15 Å resolution (Figure 1). Crystals of the complex forms were obtained by soaking native crystals with 10 mM ADP or 20 mM PChol, respectively. Starting from coordinates of the refined hCKApo, product-bound structures were solved by the molecular replacement method and refined to 3.1 Å and 2.4 Å resolution for the CK-ADP complex and the CK-PChol complex, respectively. For the dimer that makes up the asymmetric unit, electron density clearly shows the presence of a molecule of ADP in one of the monomers of the 49-hCKα2·ADP (designated hCKADP) complex, and of one PChol molecule in each monomer of the 49-hCKα2·PChol (designated hCKPChol) complex. The observation of ADP bound to only one of the two monomers could be due to several factors, such as the rather high Km of ADP (Table 1) or the environment in the crystal. The refined structures (Table 2) exhibit good stereochemical parameters with no residues in the disallowed regions of the Ramachandran plot.
Fig. 1.
Ribbon diagram of apo hCKα2, and with ADP and PChol molecules concomitantly present as modeled on the basis of the determined hCKADP and hCKPChol complex structures. (a) hCKApo dimer (gray/yellow ribbon) oriented with the two-fold non-crystallographic axes perpendicular to the plane of the page. Dimer formation buries 2100 Å2, where helix 2 plays a major role. (b) Stereo diagram of a hCKα2 monomer drawn after a vertical rotation of 90° with respect to the orientation in (a). Key structural elements are colored: the ATP-binding loop in blue, the dimer interface α-helix in cyan, the short β-strand that links the N- and C-terminal domains in yellow, the Brenner’s motif in red, and the choline kinase motif in green. In this and the following figures, ball-and-stick representation of ADP and PChol molecules are shown with their carbon atoms colored in orange and green, respectively. Oxygen, nitrogen and phosphate atoms are shown in red, blue and magenta, respectively. All structure figures were made with Pymol46.
Table 2.
Data collection and refinement statistics
Apo | ADP | P-Chol | |
X-ray source | CHESS-A1
Resolution (Å) | 2.15 | 3.1 | 2.4 |
Space group | P212121 | P212121 | P212121 |
Cell, Å | 56.2, 122.8, 132.1 | 52.3, 127.1, 158.7 | 52.5, 128.3, 172.2 |
Rsyma,b | 11.0 (62.5) | 14.7 (61.2) | 11.4 (57.4) |
Completeness (%)a | 99.9 (100) | 99.3 (93.9) | 99.8 (99.1) |
I/σ(I)b | 20.38 (5.76) | 16.2 (2.3) | 13.9 (3.2) |
Total reflectionsa | 906892 (113984) | 190216 (12100) | 375565 (31936) |
Unique reflectionsa | 50560 (6366) | 19759 (1806) | 46369 (5201) |
Redundancya | 17.9 (17.9) | 9.6 (6.7) | 8.1 (6.1) |
R-factor (Rfree)c | 19.8 (25.6) | 26.3 (32.8) | 21.4 (25.8) |
No. of non-hydrogen protein atoms | 5686 | 4627 | 5576 |
No. of water molecules | 417 | 26 | 109 |
No. of cofactors atoms | - | 27 | 22 |
rmsd bond length (Å)d | 0.014 | 0.010 | 0.009 |
rmsd bond angle (°)d | 1.371 | 1.369 | 1.225 |
Average B factor (Å2) | 35.99 | 51.31 | 35.66 |
Ramachandran plote, % | |||
Most allowed | 93.2 | 83.4 | 92.9 |
Additional allowed | 6.7 | 14.8 | 7.0 |
Generously allowed | 0.2 | 1.8 | 0.2 |
Disallowed | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Data for the highest resolution shell are given in parenthesis
Rsym = ∑h∑i|Ii(hkl)−<I(hkl)>|/∑h∑iI(hkl)
Rfactor = ∑||Fobs|−|Fcalc||/∑|Fobs|. Rfree is the Rfactor value for 5% of the reflections excluded from the refinement.
Root mean square deviations (rmsd) from ideal values calculated with Refmac39.
Figures from Procheck44.
The structure of hCKα2 reveals the typical eukaryotic protein kinase fold20. Choline kinases and aminoglycoside phosphotransferases (APHs) have been classified as the most representative members of the so-called “atypical kinases” (AKs) family of enzymes. These enzymes clearly share homology with the eukaryotic protein kinases (ePKs) catalytic core but do not conserve all of the usual kinase motifs21. Recently the apo structure of the nematode C. elegans choline kinase (CKA-2), which exhibits 42% sequence identity with hCKα2, has been reported20. Comparison of the protein structures reveals a similar folding topology between these two choline kinases. While the mean deviation of position between corresponding Cα atoms encompassing the complete structure is relatively large (rmsd of 3.4 Å between the two apo forms), the individual domains overlay with a smaller rmsd (1.48 Å and 1.94 Å for the N- and C-terminal domains, respectively). The most significant difference centers at residues 262–281 (hCKα2 numbering). This segment comprises an α-helix in hCKα2 (Figure 1(a) and 1(b), helix 5) instead of two short β-strands (7 and 8, CKA-2 numbering), and is not part of any catalytically relevant region. Each monomer of the asymmetric unit dimer is composed of two domains connected by a short β-strand (residues 209–211) (Figures 1(a) and 1(b), strand F). Note that in this, and other figures presented here, we modeled the presence of both substrates, so as to better orient the two binding sites. However, our structures of hCKα2 contain either no substrate, only PChol, or only ADP.
The N-terminal 30 amino acids (residues 49–80) of our construct are not visible in the electron density maps of all three structures, indicating that they are disordered in the crystals. The smaller domain of the two-domain enzyme, the N-terminal domain, is composed of a five-stranded antiparallel β-sheet and a single α-helix (Figures 1(a) and 1(b), helix 1 and β-strands A–E). Inserted between the third (C) and the fourth (D) strands of this β-sheet is an α-helix that forms the interface stabilizing the protein as a dimer (Figures 1(a) and (b), helix 2). Amino acids belonging to the region connecting the third β-strand with the interface helix are not visible in electron density maps of all three structures (residues 152–176, Figure 1(b), black-dashed line). Interestingly, this sequence segment represents the only difference between human choline kinase α1 and α2, in which an additional 18 amino acid insertion is incorporated in α2. Although further studies are required to completely elucidate the function of this 18 amino acid insertion, we observed that when present (i.e. in hCKα2) the insertion lowers the Km for choline to 0.10 mM, in comparison to the much higher value of 1.69 mM for hCKα1. How this dramatic lowering of choline Km is achieved cannot be conclusively answered by our structures. However, a structural analysis of this region reveals that it may be important for facilitating the conformational changes that take place upon substrate binding.
The C-terminal domain is primarily helical, and contains many of the conserved and functionally important residues. The loop comprising residues 302–311 (Figure 1(b), red) is the so-called Brenner’s motif22, whereas the region including residues 326–354 (Figure 1(b), green) is the choline kinase motif. Several residues belonging to these motifs are highly conserved among CKs, ePKs and APHs, and have critical catalytic functions (Figure 2).
Fig. 2.
Sequence alignment of choline kinases, APH(3′)-IIIa and cAPK obtained with the ClustalW algorithm. Key structural elements are shaded with different colors according to Figure 1(b). Residue that directly interact with ATP are marked by an “a”, those with choline by a “c”, and the hydrophobic residues that surround the choline by an “h”. Residues revealed by mutagenesis experiments to play a structural role are labeled with an “s”. hCK denotes human choline kinases, mCK from mouse, and cCK from C. Elegans. The sequence alignment for APH(3′)-IIIa (APH) and cAPK is shown only for catalytically important residues. Sequence breaks for the latter two are denoted with // and sequence not included in this alignment with period marks (..). Gaps in a sequence are marked with --. The region marked with black dashed line represents the 18 amino-acid insertion that distinguishes hCKα-2 from hCKα-1 and that is not visible in all our crystal structures. The first residue in our Δ49-hCKα-2 construct is indicated by an arrow, and so is the first visible residue in our crystal structures.
ATP Binding Site
The structure of the hCKADP complex reveals how the nucleotide is bound in a cleft between the two domains of the enzyme. Residues from both the N- and C-terminal lobes contribute to the formation of a large pocket in which the nucleotide (ADP or ATP) binds (Figure 1(b)).
The adenine ring makes H-bond interactions between the N1 and N6 atoms and the polypeptide backbone carbonyl oxygen of Ile209 and Gln207 (Figures 3(a) and 3(b)). The N6 atom is also within H-bond distance from the side chain OE2 of Glu206. These interactions explain the specificity of hCKα2 for ATP, and are consistent with the observation that no enzymatic activity was detected when non-adenine containing NTPs were substituted for ATP in the enzyme assay (data not shown). In addition, two conserved hydrophobic residues (Leu144 and Leu313) are positioned on both sides of the adenine ring, contributing therefore to the right positioning and binding of the nucleotide. The ribose component interacts with the protein via H-bonds between the polypeptide backbone carbonyl oxygen of Ser211 and the O2′ of the sugar, and between the backbone amide of Arg213 (modeled as alanine) and the O3′ of the sugar. Correct positioning of the ribose is also assured by the conserved Leu124 (see Table 3 for a list of ADP-Enzyme interactions).
Fig. 3.
The ATP binding site. (a) Stereo view representation of the ATP-binding site. 2Fo-Fc simulated annealing omit map (red) and sigma-a weighted 2Fo-Fc map (blue) both contoured at 1 σ are shown around ADP. The relative position of PChol is shown for orientation purposes. The protein carbon, oxygen, nitrogen and phosphate atoms are shown in grey, red, blue and magenta, respectively. H-bonds are shown as cyan dashed lines. (b) Ligplot45 drawing showing the interactions of ADP with hCKα2. Dashed lines indicate all potential H-bonds. “Radiating” spheres indicate hydrophobic contacts between carbon atoms of the nucleotide and the neighboring residues. Ligand-bonds, carbon, oxygen, nitrogen and phosphorous atoms are colored orange, black, red, blue and purple, respectively. Note that we could not observe side chain density for Arg213 so this residue was modeled as an alanine.
Table 3.
Enzyme-products interactions
Protein residues and atoms | ADP | Distances (Å) |
Polar interactions | ||
| ||
Arg117 NH2a | O3B | 2.78 |
Arg117 NE | O3B | 3.32 |
Asn122 ND2 | O4B | 3.32 |
Asn122 ND2 | O2B | 3.46 |
Arg146 NH1 | O1A | 2.67 |
Glu206 OE2 | N6 | 3.48 |
Gln207 O | N6 | 2.63 |
Ile209 O | N1 | 3.44 |
Ser211 O | O2′ | 2.70 |
Arg(Ala)213 Nb | O3′ | 3.15 |
Asp330 OD2 | O1A | 3.25 |
Asp330 OD2 | O2A | 2.91 |
Hydrophobic interactions | ||
| ||
Leu124 | Ribose | ~3.5 |
Leu144 | Adenine base | ~4 |
Leu313 | Adenine base | ~4 |
| ||
Protein residues and atoms | PChol | Distances (Å) |
| ||
Polar interactions | ||
| ||
Leu120 N | O2 | 2.84 |
Ser121 OG | O4 | 2.69 |
Asp306 OD2 | O3 | 2.28 |
Gln308 NE2 | O3 | 3.01 |
Asn311 ND2 | O3 | 3.52 |
Hydrophobic interactions | ||
| ||
Tyr333 | N+(CH3)3 | ~5 |
Tyr354 | N+(CH3)3 | ~4.5 |
Trp420 | N+(CH3)3 | ~5 |
Trp423 | N+(CH3)3 | ~4.5 |
Tyr440 | N+(CH3)3 | ~5 |
Atomic numbering for the products is shown accordingly with Ligplot drawings for ADP (Figure 3(b)) and PChol (Figure 4(b)).
Arg213 was modeled as an alanine due to lacking side-chain electron density.
The interactions of the nucleotide phosphate groups involve the side chains of conserved active site residues. The α-phosphate makes polar interactions with the side chain NH1 atom of Arg146, positioned on the N-terminal five-stranded antiparallel β-sheet of hCKα2 and conserved among all CKs and ePKs. Its side chain projects toward the ATP binding pocket, and its position is consistent with the invariant lysine in ePKs that directly participates in nucleotide binding23. The α-phosphate also makes H-bond interactions with Asp330, a catalytically critical residue residing in the choline kinase motif. This residue is conserved among all CKs, ePKs and APHs, and when mutated it completely abolishes CK activity24. In APH(3′)-IIIa this Asp is essential for the coordination of two Mg2+ ions that bind to ATP. The electron density map of our hCKADP crystal structure does not show any peak interpretable as metal ion in the active site.
The β-phosphate forms H-bond interactions with two protein atoms. Both O1B and O2B atoms interact with the atom ND2 of Asn122: this residue is also highly conserved among CKs and ePKs. In addition, the O3B atom of the β-phosphate forms H-bond interactions with both NE and NH2 of Arg117. This last residue shows different conformations between the three crystal structures: in hCKApo, Arg117 points towards the empty active site, positioned where we observe the ADP molecule in hCKADP; in hCKADP the Arg117 side chains moves out so to accommodate the ADP molecule and make interactions with its β-phosphate; in hCKPChol Arg117 points in the opposite direction to the active site, towards the solvent accessible exterior of the protein, making no interactions with neighboring residues. Both Arg117 and Asn122 belong to the loop connecting the first and second strands of the N-terminal β-sheet, earlier defined as the ATP binding loop20 (residues 116–124). This loop is the equivalent of the P loop in protein kinases25, and from comparison of the apo- and PChol-bound crystal structures, we observe its shift from an open to a closed conformation upon choline binding (see below).
Choline Binding Site
Choline is the best substrate for hCKα2 with a Km of 0.07 mM and a kcat of 71.5 s−1 (Table 1). We first performed extensive co-crystallisation and soaking experiments with choline. However, both soaked crystals and those obtained by co-crystallization did not contain a bound substrate molecule as inferred from the inspection of electron density maps. We next performed soaking experiments with PChol and were able to solve the crystal structure of the complex hCKPChol.
The electron density map of hCKPChol, calculated at 2.4 Å resolution, reveals a strong peak close to the position of the β-phosphate of ADP as seen in hCKADP (Figure 4(a)). Residues belonging to the Brenner’s motif (302–311) and the choline kinase motif (326–354) on the C-terminal domain participate in the binding of the choline moiety. The phosphate O3 atom of PChol is positioned within H-bond distance from the side chain atoms of several conserved active site residues: NE2 of Gln308, OD2 of Asp306, and ND2 of Asn311. These residues belong to the Brenner’s motif and except for Gln308, that is conserved only among CKs, are absolutely conserved among all ePKs and APHs. Asp306 plays a critical role in catalysis, as inferred from mutagenesis data and from previous studies on the corresponding residues in ePKs and APH(3′)-IIIa26,27. The phosphate O2 atom of PChol forms an H-bond with the backbone amide of Leu120. This residue is conserved among all CKs and belongs to the ATP binding loop, as well as Ser121 that makes one H-bond interaction between its OG atom and the phosphate O4 atom of PChol (see Table 3 for a list of PChol-Enzyme interactions).
Fig. 4.
Choline binding site interactions. (a) Stereo view representation of the choline-binding site. 2Fo-Fc simulated annealing omit map (red) and sigma-a weighted 2Fo-Fc map (blue) both contoured at 1 σ are shown surrounding PChol. Coloring scheme as in Figure 3, plus water molecules depicted as cyan spheres. (b) Ligplot45 drawing showing the interactions of PChol with hCKα2. Ligand-bonds are colored green. Dashed lines, radiating spheres and atom colors are as in Figure 3(a). Water molecules are shown as cyan spheres
An extensive network of polar interactions characterizes the residues involved in the choline binding site (Figures 4(a) and 4(b)). Asp306 makes H-bond interactions with two water molecules, interacting with the neighboring Asp330 on one side, and with Asn345 and Glu349 on the opposite side. Both Asn345 and Glu349 are conserved among all CKs, and participate in H-bond interactions with residues at the base of the choline binding site. Mutagenesis of Glu349 to Ala results in loss of enzyme stability, and this residue seems to have both a catalytic and a structural role24. Asp330 interacts via H-bond with the conserved His304 residue that has a structural role in the active site, as suggested by its mutation to Ala that results in loss of stability24. Emanating from His304 is an additional network of H-bond interactions that involve other two conserved and important residues: His236, present in all CKs, ePKs and APHs, and Asp342, found in all CKs and APHs. Mutation to Ala of this last Asp residue has recently been shown to be responsible for activity inhibition and disruption of the homo-dimer complex in mouse CK-α128.
The architecture of the choline binding site can be described as a deep hydrophobic groove with a rim composed of negatively charged residues (Figure 5). Thus, both hydrophobic and electrostatic forces are responsible for the interaction between hCKα2 and choline29. The conserved patch of negatively charged residues (Glu215, 217, 218, 309, 349, 357, 434, and Asp353) at the outer boundary of the choline binding site (Figure 5(b)) can function to direct the choline molecule into the active site. This phenomenon of electrostatic steering has been described previously as a mechanism to influence the catalytic rate30. While the outer surface of the choline binding site is dense with negatively charged residues, the base of the pocket that defines the direct choline-binding site is constructed of conserved aromatic residues (Tyr333, 354, 440, and Trp420, 423; see Figure 5(c)). Once choline is positioned in the active site, its positively charged quaternary amine is stabilized by interactions with the rings of the aromatic residues. Mutagenesis data show that among the hydrophobic conserved residues Trp420 plays a critical role in rate enhancement. In addition, guanidinium hydrochloride induced denaturation data suggest its involvement in maintaining the overall stability of the enzyme24.
Fig. 5.
Choline binding site architecture. (a) Surface representation of hCKPChol (same orientation as in Figure 1(b)) colored on the basis of the electrostatic potential of the molecule (ranging from −15, red, to +15 kT/e, blue) calculated by APBS47, as implemented in Pymol. (b) Zoom of the choline binding groove, where hydrophobic and negative residues are shown as yellow and red surface, respectively. (c) Stereo view of the interactions between the quaternary ammonium moiety of choline and hydrophobic conserved residues (yellow sticks). Solvent-accessible negatively charged residues are shown in gray sticks. Oxygen, nitrogen and phosphorous atoms are red, blue and magenta, respectively.
Conformational Changes and Catalysis
To delineate the conformational changes occurring during catalysis, we compared the two product-bound structures with hCKApo. Both complexes where superposed on hCKApo using the Cα atoms of residues 90–209 (N-terminal domain), and the Cα atoms of residues 212–457 (C-terminal domain) independently (Figure 6). We could not detect significant conformational changes between hCKApo and hCKADP. This could partly be due to the relatively low resolution of the hCKADP structure (3.1 Å). In contrast, PChol binding gives rise to a significant conformational change that manifests itself both globally – as change in the relative orientation of the N-terminal domain (Figure 6(a)) – and locally, as change in the position of the ATP binding loop (Figure 6(b)).
Fig. 6.
Conformational change in hCKα2 upon substrate binding. Overlay of the two product-complex structures on hCKApo. hCKApo, hCKADP and hCKPChol are shown as yellow, red and green Cα-trace, respectively. (a) Stereo view showing the overlay of the complete monomers from the three structures. The superposition matrix was calculated using residues only from the C-terminal domain (as in (c)). The green arrow shows the movement of the N-terminal with respect to the C-terminal domain. (b) Overlay of the N-terminal domain. The rmsd values between hCKApo and hCKADP are 0.44 Å for 84 atoms, and between the hCKApo and hCKPChol are 0.77 Å for 94 atoms. (c) Overlay of the C-terminal domains. The rmsd values between hCKApo and hCKADP are 0.5 Å for 228 atoms, and 0.27 Å between hCKApo and hCKPChol for 244 atoms.
Superposition of hCKADP and hCKPChol on the hCKApo reveals that upon PChol binding the N-terminal domain of hCKPChol rotates relative to the C-terminal domain by about 16 degrees. This movement is corroborated by analyzing all three structures using the automated methods implemented in DynDom31. The domain rotation results in a movement of the ATP binding loop by about 10 Å (Figure 6(a)). Pivot points between the two domains can be localized in the zone of the interface, specifically around three segments that include amino acids 176–179, 195–196 and 209–211. The last two segments form a double hinge just at the linker between the two domains, while the segment 176–179 is positioned at the end of the 18 amino acids insertion that distinguishes hCKα2 from hCKα1. As pointed out before, this segment is not visible in the electron density maps of all three structures. Together with the observation that its presence influences the catalytic activity of hCKα2 (Table 1), this segment most likely plays a critical role in the protein domains rearrangements and the associated catalytic function.
Superposition only of the individual N-terminal domains of the three structures reveals that the ATP binding loop is subjected to a local conformational change independently from the above mentioned domain rotation. Upon PChol binding, the loop undergoes a shift covering about 7 Å, from an open conformation (as observed in hCKApo and hCKADP) to a closed conformation (Figure 6(b)). In contrast, superposition of the C-terminal domains of all three structures reveals that it is not involved in any significant conformational movement upon ligand binding (Figure 6(c)).
Functional Residues
The reaction catalyzed by choline kinase is the phosphorylation of choline by ATP in the presence of Mg2+, yielding phosphocholine and ADP. The clarification of the mechanism of phosphoryl transfer would represent an important advancement for developing better inhibitors of choline kinase. The presence of five structurally and functionally conserved residues among CKs, APHs and ePKs (Ser121, Arg146, Asp306, Asn311 and Asp330), together with the recently published mutagenesis studies on choline kinase from C. elegans24, permit us to introduce with reasonable precision a model of the ternary enzyme·ADP·PChol complex (Figures 7(a) and 7(b)). In addition, our model includes two magnesium ions: one that bridges the α- and β-phosphates of ADP, and a second that bridges the β-phosphate of ADP and the phosphate of PChol. Support for a model containing two magnesium ions come from comparison of our structures with the homologous structures of APH(3′)-IIIa (PDB id 1J7U)23 and cAPK (PDB id 1ATP)26, where two metals are observed, and from the presence of essential residues in hCKα2 that are optimally placed for the ligation of these magnesium ions in the hCKα2 active site.
Fig. 7.
Model of the ternary ADP-PChol complex. (a) Scheme showing H-bond interactions between hCKα2 residues and ADP or phosphocholine, as well as coordination of two Mg2+ ions, as black dashed lines. (b) Stereo representation of the modeled ADP-PChol complex. This model was generated based on the closed hCKPChol structure, and analogy to APH(3′)-IIIa and cAPK. See text for details.
In the modeled active site, Ser121 supplies one of the six ligands to the magnesium ion that bridges the two substrates. In P-loop containing proteins, a serine or threonine residue participates directly in magnesium coordination. It seems that in hCKα2 the participation of such a serine residue is maintained despite the lack of a P-loop. This important role for this amino acid is consistent with mutagenesis data. Mutation of Ser121 to Ala in CKA-2 results in a pronounced decrease in catalytic efficiency for both ATP (9% of wild type) and choline (2.7% of wild type)24. However, the Ser to Thr mutant has almost the same efficiency as wild type, supporting the importance of an -OH group at this position for full activity. An alternative role for this residue would be to position the phosphocholine. In such a case, an additional water molecule is required to complete the octahedral magnesium coordination.
In addition to the above serine residue, our model calls for the aspartic acid residues at positions 306 and 330 to participate in coordinating the magnesium ion bridging the ADP and PChol molecules. Several studies demonstrate the critical importance of Asp306 in catalysis. When this Asp is mutated to Ala or Asn, CKA-2 shows total loss of activity, while when changed to Glu it retains 0.1% of the wild type rate24. Our structural analysis suggests that Asp306 plays the essential role of positioning a water molecule that ligates to a magnesium ion. Such an interpretation is consistent with structural data on APH(3′)-IIIa and cAPK where the corresponding residues, Asp190 and Asp166, respectively, were observed to be within H-bonding distance to a water molecule involved in magnesium ligation. While Asp306 interacts with the magnesium ion via a water molecule, Asp330 does so directly. Mutation to Ala, Asn or Glu of this residue results in lack of any detectable enzymatic activity in CKA-224, supporting a critical role for this residue. In fact, in our model Asp330 directly interacts with both magnesium atoms. A similar role was observed for the homologs aspartic acid in APH(3′)-IIIa (Asp208) and cAPK (Asp184).
In addition to the magnesium atom bridging the products, our modeling studies suggest the presence of a second magnesium ion that coordinates Asn311 and ADP. Mutagenesis of Asn311 to Ala in CKA-2 shows a severely impaired enzyme, with a kcat only 0.3% of wild type, a 36-fold increase in apparent Km for Mg2+, and a slight increase in Km for ATP. In our model Asn311 interacts via its side chain oxygen with the metal ion. The corresponding magnesium-ligating residue in APH(3′)-IIIa is Asn195, and in cAPK it is Asn171.
Asparagine 122 and Glutamine 308 are residues conserved just in the CK family, and this could suggest a distinctive function with respect to APHs and ePKs. In our model the side chain of Asn122 maintains its interaction, as seen in the hCKADP structure, with the β-phosphate of ADP. Similarly, Gln308 preserves its interaction with the phosphate group of PChol. Thus, these residues act to correctly position the substrates for phosphoryl transfer.
In analogy with the invariant Lys residues of APH(3′)-IIIa (Lys44) and cAPK (Lys72) which directly participate in nucleotide binding24, Arg146 (in hCKα2) projects toward the ATP binding site and makes interaction with the nucleotide α-oxygen atom. Mutation of this Arg residue to Ala has a significant effect on the Km for ATP, but not on the kcat24, consistent with mutagenesis data on Lys44 of APH(3′)-IIIa23. These observations suggest an analogous important contribution of Arg146 in substrate binding and positioning.
In summary, here we report the crystal structures of human choline kinase α2 in the apo form and in complex with the products ADP or phosphocholine. While no significant conformational changes are observed upon ADP binding, PChol induces a significant rotation of the N-terminal domain relative to the C-terminal domain, in addition to triggering a closing of the ATP binding loop. Modeling the simultaneous presence of ADP and phosphocholine in the closed conformation of the enzyme exposes the active site residues involved in substrate recognition, magnesium ions coordination, and catalysis. Unfortunately, despite extensive efforts we were unable to obtain crystals of hCKα2 in the presence of the inhibitor hemicholinium. It would be interesting to determine which conformation of the enzyme is recognized by the current choline kinase inhibitors that are being tested as anti-proliferative agents. Also, as these inhibitors contain several aromatic rings and possess a positive charge due to a quaternary nitrogen, it would be important to ascertain if the binding of these inhibitors exploit the choline binding site, which is composed of several conserved hydrophobic residues. A deeper understanding of both the structure and the mechanisms regulating the activity of human CK at the molecular level will pave the way to the identification of novel compounds that selectively interfere with this enzyme to suppress elevated levels of choline-derived phospholipids in cancer cells.
Materials and Methods
All chemicals were reagent or molecular biology grade. Platinum Pfx polymerase was from Invitrogen. dNTPs were from Promega. Restriction endonucleases and DNA size markers were from New England Biolabs. Agarose gel purification, PCR product clean-up and plasmid mini prep columns were all products of Qiagen. Human liver cDNA library was product of ResGen (Invitrogen). All oligonucleotides were supplied by IBA GmbH, Göttingen, Germany. Choline and pyruvate kinase were from Sigma. T4 DNA ligase, ATP, NADH, phosphoenolpyruvate and lactate dehydrogenase were purchased from Roche.
DNA amplification by PCR
Standard PCR reaction mixture consisted of Pfx amplification buffer, 0.3 mM of each dNTP, 1.5 mM MgSO4, 1.0 μM of each primer, DNA template (200 ng for cDNA library and 10 ng for plasmid) and 1.25 unit of Platinum Pfx DNA polymerase in a total volume of 50 μl. Standard thermal cycling protocol was based on three-step cycling procedures with initial denaturation of the template for 10 minutes at 94°C, followed by 30 cycles of denaturation at 94°C for 1 minute, primer annealing at 50°C for 1 minute and primer extension at 68°C for another 2 minutes. A final extension step at 68°C for 5 minutes was introduced after the cycling reactions.
Cloning of full length and Δ49N- hCKα2
Based on the sequence information of hCKα2 previously reported by Hosaka et al.32, the cDNA sequence of hCKα2 was PCR amplified from human liver cDNA library in two overlapping fragments. The first fragment was generated by using the sense primer 5′-GGGAATTCCATATGAAAACCAAATTCTGCACCG-3′ (CM14) and antisense primer 5′-CTTGTTCAGAGCCCTCTTTATTAC-3′ (CM17). The second fragment was amplified by sense primer 5′-GTAATAAAGAGGGCTCTGAACAAG-3′ (CM16) and antisense primer 5′-CGCGGATCCTCACACCCCAAGCTTCCTC-3′ (CM15). CM14 and CM15 carry NdeI and BamHI cloning sites, respectively. CM16 and CM17 are mutagenesis primers for deletion of the internal BamHI site. Both fragments were subsequently joined by PCR using primers CM14 and CM15. The resulting PCR product with the size corresponding to the full length hCKα2 was treated with the restriction enzymes NdeI and BamHI and ligated into the pGEX-RB vector33 to create pGEX-RB-hCKα2.
Δ49N-hCKα2 was generated from pGEX-RB-hCKα2 using the sense primer 5′-GGGAATTCCATATGGGCCAACAGCCGCCGCTCGCGCTGC-3′ (WC62) and CM15 as antisense primer. The resulting PCR product was digested with NdeI and BamH1 and ligated into pGEX-RB to give pGEX-RB-Δ49N-hCKα2. In all cases, clone integrity was confirmed by sequencing. The rationale behind this deletion construct was to generate a construct that starts with the first residue observed in the structure of choline kinase A-2 from C. elegans20, and in this way obtain a protein that is more amenable to structural studies, but yet maintains its full catalytic function.
Protein expression and purification
Recombinant GST-tagged 49N-hCKα2 was produced in Escherichia coli strain BL21(DE3) containing the vector pGEX-RB-Δ49N-hCKα2. After induction with 1 mM IPTG for 18 h at 25 ºC, the soluble fraction of the cell lysate was loaded onto gluthatione-Sepharose column (Amersham). The purification included proteolytic cleavage of the GST tag with thrombin, anionic exchange chromatography via ResourceQ, and size exclusion via Superdex-200 column (Amersham). The protein eluted at a volume consistent with a dimeric molecule. The full-length protein was purified using a similar protocol.
Enzyme assay
Choline kinase activity was assayed spectrophotometrically using a modified pyruvate kinase/lactate dehydrogenase-coupled system34. The reaction contained 100 mM Tris-HCl buffer (pH 7.5), 100 mM KCl, 10 mM MgCl2, 0.5 mM phosphoenolpyruvate, 0.25 mM NADH, 4 units pyruvate kinase, 5 units lactate dehydrogenase, purified enzyme, and substrates in a total volume of 1 ml. For determination of steady-state kinetic parameters the concentration of one substrate was kept constant at 2 mM ATP or 4 mM choline while the concentration of the other was varied. The reaction performed at 37 °C was initiated by the addition of choline. ADP formation was followed spectrophotometrically using a UVIKON 943 (Kontron) spectrophotometer by measuring the decrease of NADH at 340 nm.
Crystallization and Data Collection
Crystals of hCKApo, diffracting to 2.1 Å resolution, were grown by the sitting drop vapor diffusion method. Plate-like crystals grew at 293 K to a maximum size of 20 × 100 × 500 μm from drops containing 1.5 μl of 11 mg/ml Δ49-hCKα2 in crystallization buffer (25 mM Tris/HCl [pH 7.5], 25 mM KCl, 0.5 mM dithiothreitol), 0.5 μl of 0.1 M MgCl2 and 3 μl of well solution (12–20% PEG 3350, 0.2 M NaF). Crystals of the hCKADP and hCKPChol complexes were obtained by soaking native crystals for 30 minutes in solutions consisting of 20% PEG 3350, 0.2 M NaF, plus 10 mM ADP and 20 mM phosphocholine, respectively. hCKADP and hCKPChol crystals diffracted to 3.1 and 2.4 Å resolution, respectively. All crystals belong to space group P212121, but whereas the unit cell dimensions along the a and b axis were only moderately changed by the soaking procedure, the c-axis exhibited considerable lengthening: from 132.1 Å in the apo-crystals to 158.7 Å in the ADP complex, and to 172.2 Å in the phosphocholine complex (see Table 2). Before data collection, crystals were washed in a cryoprotectant solution of 30% PEG 3350, 0.2 M NaF and ligand (when required) and then flash-cooled in a 100 K nitrogen stream. Diffraction data on native crystals were collected at the Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source (CHESS) beamline A1, using an ADSC Quantum-210 CCD detector. Data collections on product-bound crystals were carried out at APS-SerCAT (Argonne National Lab) beamline ID-22, using an Mar-300 CCD detector. All the diffraction data were processed using XDS35 and were scaled and reduced with programs of the CCP4 package36. The mechanical fragility of the crystals required extensive screenings to identify a crystal with a suitable diffraction pattern. However, some crystals splitting could not be avoided and may explain the relatively high Rsym values. Data collection statistics are summarized in Table 2.
Crystallographic structure solution and refinement
The structure of hCKApo was solved by molecular replacement in PHASER37 with search model based on coordinates of C. elegans choline kinase A-2 (CKA-2, PDB id 1NW1)20. The final model was refined using CNS38 and REFMAC39 with a final R-factor of 19.8% (Rfree 25.6%). Coordinates of the refined hCKApo were used as search model to solve the structures of the hCKADP and hCKPChol complexes, using the molecular replacement methods as implemented in MOLREP40. Top solutions from the translation search were then subjected to rigid-body refinement, followed by steps of manual rebuilding carried out with O41 and COOT42, and restrained refinement with REFMAC39. After each round of refinement, σA-weighted 2Fo - Fc and Fo - Fc difference electron density maps were calculated and inspected. The presence of clear extra electron density was therefore observed for ADP and PChol, respectively. Atomic coordinates of the complexes were refined using the same protocol employed for the native structure, with a final R-factor of 26.3% (Rfree 32.8%) for hCKADP, and a final R-factor of 21.4 % (Rfree 25.8%) for hCKPChol. The same set of Miller indices (5% of the total) were set aside for Free R-factor calculations during refinement of native and ligated structures43. Note that a lack of traceable electron density in some regions of the hCKADP structure prevented us from modelling ~25% of the residues in comparison to the apo-structure. Specifically, residues 131–139, 149–175 (missing insertion in all pdbs), 262–268, 314–326 in chain A; 87–91, 118–121, 131–141, 148–176, 256–277, 317–323, 388–389, 424–440 in chain B. Refinement statistics are summarised in Table 2.
Model analysis was carried out using Procheck44. Figures were generated with Ligplot45 and Pymol46.
Modeling of the ADP-Phosphocholine complex
Examinations of our structures, the open hCKADP and the closed hCKPChol, suggest that the enzyme conformation observed in the latter better describes the presence of both substrates. To position ADP in the hCKPChol structure, we first applied a transformation matrix to the ADP molecule, which was calculated from the change in conformation of residues 202–210 between the hCKADP and hCKPChol structures. These residues interact with the adenine moiety of ADP. In addition, we optimized the ADP position in our model by comparison with the homologous structures of APH(3′)-IIIa and cAPK.
This work was supported by NIH grant DK061397 to E.M. and A.L., M.K. by the Max Planck Gesellschaft, and W.C.S.T. by fellowship under the Academic Staff Training Scheme, Universiti Sains Malaysia. We wish to thank the staff at SERCAT and CHESS for their assistance in data collection. Coordinates and structure factors have been deposited in the Protein Data Bank with accession codes 2CKO (hCKApo), 2CKP (hCKADP), and 2CKQ (hCKPChol).
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