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Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America logoLink to Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
. 2007 Jun 4;104(24):10000–10005. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0703490104

Global distribution of negative cofactor 2 subunit-α on human promoters

Thomas K Albert *, Korbinian Grote , Stefan Boeing *, Gertraud Stelzer *, Aloys Schepers , Michael Meisterernst *,§
PMCID: PMC1891239  PMID: 17548813


Negative cofactor 2 (NC2) forms a stable complex with TATA-binding protein (TBP) on promoters in vitro. Its association with TBP prevents the binding of TFIIB and leads to inhibition of preinitiation complex formation. Here, we investigate the association of NC2 subunit-α with human RNA polymerase II promoter regions by using gene-specific ChIP and genome-wide promoter ChIPchip analyses. We find NC2α associated with a large number of human promoters, where it peaks close to the core regions. NC2 occupancy in vivo positively correlates with mRNA levels, which perhaps reflects its capacity to stabilize TBP on promoter regions. In single gene analyses, we confirm core promoter binding and in addition map the NC2 complex to enhancer proximal regions. High-occupancy histone genes display a stable NC2/TFIIB ratio during the cell cycle, which otherwise varies markedly from one gene to another. The latter is at least in part explained by an observed negative correlation of NC2 occupancy with the presence of the TFIIB recognition element in core promoter regions. Our data establish the genome-wide basis for general and gene-specific functions of NC2 in mammalian cells.

Keywords: genome-wide, occupancy

Transcription control of gene expression in eukaryotes involves a dynamic interplay of positively and negatively acting factors. The central nucleation factor for the assembly of RNA polymerase II (RNAPII) initiation complexes at promoters is TBP, the TATA-binding protein (1). Binding of TBP to the TATA box is a rate-limiting step during preinitiation complex (PIC) formation. Multiple factors target TBP or contribute to the formation of TBP–DNA complexes by using distinct mechanisms. Specific examples include general transcription factors (GTFs) such as TFIIA and TFIIB, TBP-associated factors (TAFs), and a group of proteins termed cofactors, among them BTAF1/Mot1p and negative cofactor NC2 (2).

NC2 was originally defined as a TBP-binding activity in human nuclear extracts that repressed RNAPII transcription (3). The cofactor is composed of two subunits, NC2α and NC2β, that dimerize by means of histone-fold domains. The NC2 complex binds to TBP–DNA from the underside, thereby preventing the binding of TFIIB (Fig. 1a). Biochemical and genetic data suggested that NC2 further interferes with recruitment of TFIIA, thereby counteracting PIC assembly (37).

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1.

Genome-wide promoter association of NC2α. (a) Structure of the NC2–TBP–TATA complex (31) and of the TFIIB–TBP–TATA complex (38). (b) Charts showing the distribution of enrichment classes of 24,099 human promoters in a NC2α ChIP (Left) and an isotype IgG control ChIP (Right) performed in LCL721 B cells. Five enrichment classes were ranked according to the indicated median fold enrichments on 15 probes per individual promoter. (c) Distribution of the distance between NC2α-bound probes and the closest transcription start site (TSS). The fraction of bound probes that map to 100-bp intervals from the TSS at the indicated cut-offs is shown. The averaged distribution of the nonthresholded NC2α (no cut-off) and control ChIPchip set is also depicted.

The genes encoding NC2 are absent in prokaryotes including Archea but are conserved in all eukaryotes. In yeast, the corresponding genes, BUR6 and YDR1, emerged as transcriptional cofactors in independent genetic screens (810). Yeast gene expression profiling confirmed repressive functions but also revealed stimulatory effects of NC2 on gene transcription (1113). The cofactor associates with yeast and human promoters in vivo. Mammalian NC2 displayed little specificity for TATA. Consistently, both TATA and TATA-less core promoter were recognized by NC2 in vivo (11, 14).

Here, we initiated chromatin immunoprecipitation on microarrays (ChIPchip) investigations with human NC2 in B cells. First applied to low-complexity genomes such as those of yeast (15), ChIPchip has now been successfully used to determine the location of multiple sequence-specific transcription factors in mammalian genomes. However, surprisingly little is known about the genome-wide location of GTFs and general cofactors in mammalian cells. One exception is the investigation of the genome-wide location of TAF1 conducted along with RNAPII (16).

In our analysis, the human cofactor NC2α occupied >20% of all human gene promoters. We observed a positive correlation of NC2 gene occupancy with mRNA levels. On the other hand, NC2 occupancy negatively correlated with the presence of BRE, the TFIIB core promoter recognition element. Collectively, the data support the notion of a global role for NC2 in gene control. At the single gene level the NC2/TFIIB ratio is controlled in cis.


Genome-Wide Promoter Association of NC2α.

ChIPchip analysis was conducted with high-density promoter tiling arrays that cover ≈24,000 human genes. NC2-DNA complexes were precipitated from a human Epstein–Barr virus (EBV)-transformed lymphoblastoid B cell line, LCL721, by using a rat monoclonal antibody directed against the α-subunit of the NC2 complex (17). Promoters were subsequently ranked according to the median of the fold enrichments (in comparison with input DNA) on 15 probes for each individual promoter. Of the 24,099 promoter regions analyzed, 2,759 (11.4%) displayed high NC2α levels with a fold enrichment of >1.4, and another 3,517 promoters (14.6%) showed medium NC2α enrichment of >1.2 (Fig. 1b). The remaining 17,823 genes displayed fold enrichments below the threshold of 1.2 and represent genes with low or no NC2α promoter occupancy [supporting information (SI) Data Set 1].

As a control, ChIPchip was conducted in parallel with a nonspecific IgG monoclonal antibody (SI Fig. 7). The alignment of both data sets indicated high specificity of the NC2α ChIP. Only a small fraction of the promoters (269/6,089, or 4.4%) with a median fold enrichment >1.2 in the NC2α ChIP showed a comparable enrichment in the control ChIP (SI Fig. 7).

Although we clearly identified peaks on numerous genes with median fold enrichment <1.2 (for selected examples see SI Fig. 8), the choice of the thresholds remains arbitrary. To substantiate their relevance, we plotted the complete set of data against the annotated main start sites of the genes. The group of promoters representing median fold enrichment of 1.2 to 1.4 showed maximum probe signals near the transcription start site (Fig. 1c). Peak formation is even more pronounced in the group of promoters with median fold enrichment >1.4. In contrast, low-occupancy NC2α target genes and control sets showed a stochastic distribution (Fig. 1c). The inspection of the individual genes confirms the statistical analysis at the single gene level. As is shown here for the RPL7A gene, the experimental peak width was often in the range of 300–400 bp, which is near the experimental resolution (Fig. 2Left). Somewhat broader areas of occupancy (600–800 bp), but still well below the range monitored on the array, were observed for several genes, as exemplified here by CSTF3 (Fig. 2 Right).

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2.

NC2α ChIPchip profile on individual promoters. Shown are NC2α occupancies at the selected ribosomal protein gene RPL7A (Left) and at the RNA processing factor gene CSTF3 (Right) in LCL721 cells. Log2 ratios of the NC2α ChIP versus input DNA on individual array probes are plotted. The approximate width of the peak area is outlined. The broken arrows mark transcription start sites.

A second biological ChIPchip replicate was conducted. The second data set yielded on average higher fold enrichments (26% of the genes showed a value >2.0). In our experience, these variations are generally observed unless the experiments are conducted in parallel throughout the entire ChIPchip procedure. Nevertheless, the second data set confirms the observation of occupancy of a significant percentage of mammalian genes. The latter data set was analyzed by statistical means by using peak finding algorithm M-Peak (16). Under stringent conditions (peak threshold was the mean of all signals plus 2.5 times the calculated standard deviation, P = 0.05), 3,241 peaks (high-confidence set) were identified. If the threshold was reduced to the mean of all signals 7,154 peaks were detected (low-confidence set). In the corresponding set of data set 2, 72.5% of the peaks identified under stringent conditions in data set 1 are present. If the top 5% or 10% of median fold enrichments in data set 2 were compared with the top 25% of data set 1 (referring to all genes with a median fold >1.2), 92% and 83%, respectively, of the genes were recovered. Similar numbers were obtained with alternative algorithms (18). As documented below (Fig. 3) the fraction of NC2-positive genes further increases if only active genes are taken into account. Furthermore, our own unpublished observation show that occupancy numbers of NC2α are close to the one observed for the general factor TFIIB (T.K.A. and M.M., unpublished observation). Altogether, these data support the argument for global gene occupancy and for a general role of NC2 in gene transcription.

Fig. 3.

Fig. 3.

Positive correlation of NC2α occupancy and gene expression. Scatter plot depicting NC2α occupancy (median fold enrichment of NimbleGen probe sets, x axis) and corresponding gene expression (Affymetrix probe set signals, y axis) in LCL721 cells. A moving average of NC2α enrichment on genes (window size 0.5, step size 0.1) is indicated by black dots. The horizontal line represents the mean of signals on all Affymetrix probe sets.

NC2α Occupancy Positively Correlates with mRNA Levels.

Affymetrix microarrays (SI Data Set 2) were used to correlate NC2α occupancy with gene expression in LCL721 B cells. The analysis suggested an overall positive correlation of mRNA levels with NC2α occupancy (Fig. 3). Seventy-three percent of all genes showing very high NC2α occupancy (i.e., above a median 2-fold enrichment) were expressed to above-average levels, whereas this number dropped to 21% for genes without NC2α. On the other hand, there was no strict requirement for the presence of NC2α on genes that produce high levels of mRNA. For example, NC2α was apparently absent in a group of 768 genes whose mRNA levels were above average (SI Data Set 3). Genes in the latter group included, e.g., β-actin and α-tubulin (Affymetrix signals 8,887 and 6,507; SI Fig. 9). Moreover, a significant number of genes that had low mRNA levels showed prominent NC2α binding (median fold enrichment >1.4) within the core promoter. Examples for this are TAF5 and GCET2 (SI Fig. 9).

Functional gene ontology categorization revealed no significant enrichment of distinct gene families within either group (data not shown). Instead, cross-referencing of the complete NC2α ChIP data set with a resource of 575 human housekeeping genes revealed prevalence of the latter (19). Furthermore, the strongly expressed B cell-specific surface markers are represented in the group of high-occupancy genes (SI Fig. 10). Prominent examples of the first group are histone and ribosomal protein (RP) genes: 78% (61 of 78) of histone promoters and 71% (51 of 72) of RP promoters carry high levels of NC2 (median >1.4, SI Fig. 11). Conversely, NC2 is absent in tissue-specific genes that are not expressed in B cells, encoding, for example, the receptors for surface markers in hematopoietic cell lineages such as T cells or natural killer cells (data not shown).

Specificity of NC2α ChIP Documented by Single Gene Analysis.

To verify the localization of NC2 specifically at highly active genes we chose to investigate a representative histone gene pair H2BJ–H2AG that is under control of a bidirectional promoter region using quantitative single gene ChIP (Fig. 4). In ChIPchip, the bidirectional H2BJ–H2AG locus showed a >8-fold enrichment in the center of the promoter region, whereas the control ChIP displayed background levels throughout the locus (Fig. 4a). Eight primer pairs were selected for specific priming on this histone locus. NC2 occupancy peaked at the bidirectional promoter and dropped to low levels in the H2A and H2B coding regions (Fig. 4b), thereby reproducing the ChIPchip result in the peak area. Beyond it, the array data displayed peak shoulders in the coding region, which are absent in the PCR analysis (Fig. 4 a vs. b). This is perhaps explained by cross-hybridization of the multiple gene copies of the highly conserved histone genes. This analysis provides an independent confirmation of the ChIPchip results.

Fig. 4.

Fig. 4.

NC2 occupancy of histone genes. (a) ChIPchip profile of NC2α occupancy at the histone H2BJ-H2AG locus (log2 scale; y axis). For comparison, the binding profile from the control ChIP is shown above the bar graph. (b) ChIPchip validation of NC2 binding to H2BJ-H2AG in Jurkat cells by qPCR. Relative positions of amplicons 1–8 are shown above the bar graph. (c) FACS analysis of elutriated Raji cell fractions in G1, S, and G2/M phase. (d and e) Conventional ChIP analysis of relative NC2α (d) and TFIIB and TBP (e) occupancy levels at H2BJ-H2AG in phased Raji cells.

The expression of histone genes is regulated during the cell cycle (20). We next asked whether the changes in expression relate to NC2 occupancy. Raji lymphoma B cells were synchronized by elutriation centrifugation to yield homogenous populations of G1, S, and G2/M phase cells as documented by FACS (Fig. 4c). The binding profile from phased Raji cells revealed a sharp peak of NC2α at the bidirectional promoter, which was maximal in S-phase and roughly 2-fold lower in G1 and G2/M (Fig. 4d). A subsequent ChIP analysis of TBP and of TFIIB binding to the histone locus revealed a similar picture: correlating to an approximately 2-fold increase of histone mRNA levels in S-phase (SI Fig. 12a), the concentration of all three factors increased on the locus (Fig. 4 d and e). A Western blot analysis conducted in parallel revealed unchanged protein levels of NC2α, TFIIB, and TBP in the corresponding whole-cell lysates (SI Fig. 12b). These ChIP data corroborate earlier findings that showed stable association of TBP, TFIIB, and NC2β at histone promoters in mitotic chromatin of HeLa cells (21). NC2 binds histone promoters throughout the cell cycle, in which NC2α and TFIIB occupancy ratios remained roughly constant. Notably, close inspection revealed that NC2/TFIIB ratios differed between H2BJ (amplicon 3) and H2AG (amplicons 4 and 5 in Fig. 4).

To gain insight into binding of NC2 outside of promoter regions, we next studied a single large gene locus. For historical reasons, we chose the T cell receptor β (TCRβ) gene locus comprising the rearranged Vβ 12-3 promoter some 22 kb upstream of a distal 3′ enhancer (Eβ) (Fig. 5a). Fourteen pairs of primers, scattered throughout the gene, were used in quantitative real-time PCR ChIP (Fig. 5b). NC2 occupies a broad region of ≈600 bp at the enhancer, perhaps reflecting binding of several NC2 molecules. This range is significantly above the resolution of ≈200–300 bp seen at the promoter (Fig. 5b, compare signals of amplicons 2 and 3). Conversely, NC2α was not detected within the coding region.

Fig. 5.

Fig. 5.

NC2 binding to TCRβ. (a) Scheme of the rearranged TCRβ locus in Jurkat cells. The functional transcription unit extends from the variable region Vβ to constant region C1. Distal downstream elements such as matrix attachment region (MAR) and the 3′ enhancer (Eβ) are also shown. The numbered gray boxes indicate the qPCR amplicons used to monitor binding of NC2α (b) and NC2β (c) in Jurkat T cells.

TCRβ was subsequently also used as a model gene to monitor binding of NC2β by a polyclonal antibody (17). Notably, the binding patterns of NC2α and NC2β were highly comparable to each other (Fig. 5 b vs. c). Subsequently, the polyclonal NC2β antibody was also used to conduct two independent genome-wide promoter analyses. Unfortunately, under the less sensitive ChIPchip conditions, the NC2β antibody proved insufficient to fully define the genes bound by this NC2 subunit. However, by applying stringent peak analyses to two independent NC2β ChIPchip experiments, we could define a minimal high-confidence set of 311 target genes (SI Data Set 4), which exclusively represent high-occupancy genes of NC2α (as an example for cooccupancy, the MHC-II locus is shown in SI Fig. 13).

Role of Core Promoter Elements for NC2 Occupancy.

Histone promoters usually contain TATA boxes (22), whereas the promoters of ribosomal protein genes are often devoid of a consensus TATA element (23). Instead, ribosomal genes generally harbor a specific initiator, the so-called 5′-TOP (5′-terminal oligopyrimidine tract) element. To investigate a correlation with core sequences statistically, we referenced the ChIPchip gene set to a compendium of 9,010 annotated human promoter sequences with experimentally supported transcription start sites (24). The latter contains details about conservation and relative positioning of five core promoter elements, namely TATA box, initiator (INR), TFIIB recognition element (BRE), downstream promoter element (DPE), and motif 10 element (MTE), all identified by a combination of positional weight matrices and conservation between human and mouse orthologues. We could not observe any significant correlation of NC2 occupancy with the relative frequency of either TATA or DPE motifs (Fig. 6a). On the other hand, the BRE frequency (conserved position from −37 to −32, IUPAC consensus SSRCGCC) had a reverse correlation with NC2 occupancy. As depicted in Fig. 6a, the frequency of the BRE is ≈16% on genes with high NC2 occupancy compared with 35% on genes with undetectable NC2. We further observed an, albeit less pronounced, increase in INR frequency (−2 to +4, consensus YYANWYY) at genes with high NC2 occupancy (76%, versus the 64% in promoters with no NC2α occupancy). We conclude that core promoter sequences contribute to the variations in NC2α/TFIIB ratios observed in vivo.

Fig. 6.

Fig. 6.

NC2 occupancy at core promoters. (a) Relation between frequencies of core promoter elements and NC2α occupancy. The indicated NC2α enrichment classes were referenced to a survey of the core promoter composition of 9,010 annotated transcription start site sequences (24) to relate the relative frequency of TATA box (TATA), initiator (INR), downstream promoter element (DPE), TFIIB recognition element (BRE), and motif 10 element (MTE) to NC2α occupancy levels. (b) Core promoter regions of the indicated genes were assayed by conventional qPCR for occupancy by NC2α (red bars), TFIIB (green bars), and TBP (black bars). Values represent mean and standard deviation of two independent ChIP experiments. The genes are sorted from left to right to reflect increasing median fold enrichment values on the microarray, with the vertical line indicating the threshold of 1.2-fold enrichment (compare with SI Table 1). Chr.7 control denotes a transcriptionally inactive intergenic region on chromosome 7 that was used as a reference.

NC2/TFIIB Ratios Vary from One Gene to Another.

If core promoters influence the binding of TFIIB and NC2, their ratios should differ from one gene to another. To investigate this issue and to further confirm the ChIPchip analysis, we conducted extensive single-gene ChIP analysis using antibodies against NC2α, TFIIB, and TBP. Twenty of 21 target promoters that harbor NC2 in ChIPchip proved positive and eight of eight as true negatives, respectively (Fig. 6b). With few exceptions, the relative levels of NC2 in single-gene and CHIPchip were well correlated. Consistently, the relative levels of TFIIB and TBP were high at active genes and low at inactive genes (SI Table 1). Furthermore, the ratio between NC2 and TFIIB varied over a range of at least one order of magnitude within this group of genes. Consistent with previous ChIP analysis, the NC2/TBP ratios also displayed broad variations (14). Importantly, these data point to gene-regulatory functions of NC2 at the level of individual genes. It will be of interest to extend this investigation to all gene promoter regions as well as to specific cellular states.


We present a genome-wide study addressing the promoter occupancy of the general cofactor NC2 of RNAPII in eukaryotic cells. At present, the data are entirely consistent with a model in which, upon recruitment, TBP is maintained on the gene by NC2. Depending on core promoter sequences and perhaps other regulatory information encoded in cis, TFIIB, and PICs may then replace NC2–TBP complexes. The large number of genes that are bound by NC2 support the original hypothesis of a general role of NC2 in gene transcription. Further in line with the general cofactor hypothesis, NC2 clusters roughly 50–100 bp upstream of the transcription start site of at least 25% of all human genes.

Beyond it, the analysis of a large number of individual genes by single-gene ChIP analyses strongly argued against a mere global function. Gene-specific contributions are suggested by the marked differences in NC2/TFIIB ratios on different genes. Provided that these differences are not entirely attributable to differential epitope accessibility, the data suggest that mammalian cells differ from yeast cells that show uniform ratios of NC2α (Bur6p) with TFIIB and TBP (11). NC2 is also present on gene regulatory enhancer regions (Fig. 5). It will be of interest to clarify whether this adds further means for gene-specific control.

NC2 occupancy positively correlated with mRNA levels and negatively with core promoter binding sites for TFIIB (BRE). Whereas the latter is nicely explained by the previously noted competitive binding of NC2 and TFIIB to TBP–promoter complexes (5, 6), the observed positive correlation with steady-state mRNA levels is counterintuitive for a repressor. It is, however, in line with the ChIP and the genetic analyses in yeast (8, 11, 13, 25) and, less developed, also in human cells (26). Dominant negative versions of NC2 were inhibitory to the growth of transformed cells (E. Piaia and M.M., unpublished observations), preventing a functional classification of target genes. However, direct functional interpretations of gene occupancy data are often questionable. Factors may be acting in the present situation or, in fact, preparing the gene for a later situation. In general, the complex control of transcription at multiple levels complicates the interpretation. For example, a gene might be loaded with positively acting general transcription factors, although efficient elongation of RNAPII is inhibited by negative elongation factors (27). Hence, genome-wide occupancy data occasionally contradict gene-regulatory functions. Examples are T-bet (and other gene regulatory factors), which occupies promoters that are not under its control (28), RNAPII, which poises genes for activation by binding them in an inactive state (29), and Mediator complexes, which locate to coding regions where they lack a known function (30). Last but not least, steady-state mRNA levels depend on transcription as well as downstream events such as RNA processing, RNA export, and RNA stability.

Nevertheless, the ChIP results may be interpreted within the defined molecular properties of the NC2 complex. For example, the correlation of steady-state mRNA levels with NC2 occupancy may relate to a marked stabilization of TBP complexes on TATA-containing genes (M.M., unpublished observation). On the other hand, in vitro transcription analysis of selected highly active genes (MYC, histone H2B, and RPS27), displaying high NC2 occupancy in B cells, suggested that their transcription is inhibited by NC2. Consistent with earlier findings (7), a viral promoter is negatively controlled by NC2 in both the presence and the absence of the activator VP16 (SI Fig. 14). These data further underline our previous conclusions that NC2 acts as a repressor in vitro. However, given that genes have to maintain their epigenetic status for long periods of time in cells, the maintenance of TBP mediated by NC2 may perhaps lead to positive effects on gene expression in living cells. Such effects may not be revealed in the in vitro transcription analyses, which monitor predominantly the initiation process and the first round of transcription.

Based on these in vitro data, we assume that genes, although potentially being poised for activation, remain in a repressed state until NC2 is removed. Both biochemical and x-ray data suggested that NC2 and TFIIB compete for binding to TBP–DNA complexes (5, 6, 31). The antagonism with TFIIA, although controversially discussed at the level of the x-ray structure (31, 32), is supported by both biochemical and genetic data (5, 7). Other cofactors such as BTAF1/Mot1 may contribute to the removal of NC2 (26, 33). The equilibrium with TFIIB provides a reasonable explanation for the relative absence of BRE elements on NC2 genes with high occupancy. Histone genes that usually have TATA but lack BREs as well as ribosomal genes that generally lack BREs and occasionally harbor TATA in their promoters fall in this category. Of further note, the controversial binding of NC2 to DPE elements (34, 35) was not confirmed by our genome-wide promoter analysis. Instead, NC2 occupancy correlates slightly with the presence of an intact initiator. We tested recombinant TBP–NC2 complexes in vitro for binding to this and other elements proposed by bioinformatic analysis of target genes. However, until now, we could not demonstrate specific binding to novel core promoter elements other than the TATA box, which itself is recognized with limited specificity (14).

The two NC2 subunits tightly interact through histone folds both in vitro and in vivo (ref. 17 and M.M., unpublished observations). Nonetheless, it was proposed that the two individual subunits could have separate functions, even exist in free forms or in other yet-to-be-defined complexes in yeast (36). At present, our ChIP data show good correlation of both subunits at selected individual genes (e.g., TCRβ). Moreover, the ChIPchip data define a limited set of genes harboring both NC2 subunits. Further studies (i.e., Re-ChIP, tagged NC2 proteins) will be required to more systematically address the question of which genes harbor the NC2 complex or individual subunits.

Finally, we noted that NC2/TFIIB ratios remained constant during cell cycle-dependent activation of histone genes. Similar observations were made in the context of more sensitive activation models such as the IL-2 gene in T cells (T.K.A. and M.M., unpublished data). Here, TBP levels also rose together with NC2 and TFIIB during activation. It will be of interest to clarify whether TBP-NC2 and TBP/TFIIB (which is equivalent to the PIC) represent two main alternative states that genes adopt at the level of preinitiation complexes in mammalian cells.

Materials and Methods

Cell Culture.

EBV-transformed lymphoblastoid B-cell line LCL721, T cell line Jurkat (subclone J6), and Burkitt's lymphoma cell line Raji were maintained in RPMI medium 1640 growth medium supplemented with 10% FBS, 2 mM l-glutamine and 100 units/ml penicillin-streptomycin (all by Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) at 37°C with 5% CO2. Cells were harvested at a density of 0.5 to 1 × 106 cells per milliliter. Centrifugal elutriation (Beckman, Fullerton, CA) was used to enrich Raji cell populations in different cell cycle phases. Individual fractions were counted and their DNA content determined by flow cytometry (Becton Dickinson, Franklin Lakes, NJ) by using standard procedures.

ChIP and ChIPchip Analysis.

ChIP and ChIPchip assays were performed essentially as described (37). Per single ChIP, 100 μl of chromatin extract (1 mg/ml DNA) were incubated with 2–5 μg of antibodies. DNA from ChIP and input samples was subsequently purified and resuspended in 100 μl of 10 mM Tris·HCl (pH 8.0). For real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) analysis, 2 μl of ChIP and input DNA were used as template. For ChIPchip analyses, up to 200 ng of ChIP and input DNA were end-polished, ligated to linkers, and amplified.

qPCR Analysis.

qPCR was performed by using a SYBR green detection system on an ABI 5700 thermal cycler (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA). Reactions were carried out in 25-μl volume containing 10 pmol of each primer and 2 μl of serially diluted input or ChIP DNA as templates. Primer sequences are available upon request.

Total RNA Preparation and RT-PCR Analysis.

Total RNA was prepared with the RNeasy Midi kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA) according to the manufacturer's recommendation. Reverse transcription used Thermoscript enzyme (Invitrogen) with 2 μg of total RNA, random hexameric primers for first-strand synthesis, and gene-specific primer pairs for PCR amplification of cDNAs.

DNA Microarrays.

For ChIPchip, promoter tiling arrays were used that cover 24,275 human promoter regions (NimbleGen Systems, Madison, WI). For each region, 15 50-mer probes are tiled with ≈100-bp spacing over a 1.5-kb sequence window around TSSs. For gene expression profiling, high-density oligonucleotide arrays for the analysis of >47,000 human transcripts were used (Human Genome U133 Plus 2.0 Array, Affymetrix, Santa Clara, CA). Sample labeling, hybridization, scanning, raw data extraction, and analyses were conducted by an authorized Affymetrix service provider (KBF, Regensburg, Germany).

Supplementary Material

Supporting Information


We thank the members our laboratory for discussions. This work was supported by Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) Grant 0313030D (to K.G.) and by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Grant SFB646, the Specific Targeted Research Project (STREP) program of the European Union Grant HPRN-CT-2002-00261, and BMBF Grants 0313030A and 0313427 (to M.M.).



ChIP on DNA microarrays


negative cofactor 2


RNA polymerase II


TATA-binding protein


T cell receptor β.


The authors declare no conflict of interest.

This article contains supporting information online at


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