Bush K.A., Walker J.S., Lee C.S. & Kirkham B.W. Cytokine expression and synovial pathology in the initial and spontaneous resolution phases of adjuvant arthritis: Interleukin-17 expression is upregulated in early disease. Clin Exp Immunol 2001; 123:487-495.
Fig. 1.
Part (a) of Figure 1 was incorrectly shown as:
Fig. 2.
And should have been correctly published as:
Fig. 3.
Part (d) of Figure 2 was incorrectly shown as:
Fig. 4.
And should have been correctly published as:
Ramadan G., Schmidt R.E. & Schubert J. In vitro generation of human CD861 dendritic cells from CD34+ haematopoietic progenitors by PMA and in serum-free medium. Clin Exp Immunol 2001; 125:237-244.
The caption in Figure 2 incorrectly stated ‘PMAKB’, when it should have been ‘PMA/CB’. There was also a typographical error in the caption of Table 1. The caption read ‘media IMDM or RPM-1640’, when it should read ‘medium IMDM or RPM-1640’.