Vol. 130: 1815-1826, 2002
Sarret G., Saumitou-Laprade P., Bert V., Proux O., Hazemann J.L., Traverse A., Marcus M.A., and Manceau A. Forms of Zinc Accumulated in the Hyperaccumulator Arabidopsis halleri.
An error appeared in Fig. 4B of the above article. The correct figure is as follows:
Vol. 132: 1138-1148, 2003
Van der Weele C.M., Jiang H.S., Palaniappan K.K., Ivanov V.B., Palaniappan K., and Baskin T.I. A New Algorithm for Computational Image Analysis of Deformable Motion at High Spatial and Temporal Resolution Applied to Root Growth. Roughly Uniform Elongation in the Meristem and Also, after an Abrupt Acceleration, in the Elongation Zone.
Dr. Kannappan Palaniappan's name was mispelled in the print version of this article. The error was corrected in the online version of the journal.