*The planning subcommittee consisted of the following members: Dr. J. G. Scadding (chairman), Professor J. Crofton, Drs. C. M. Fletcher, J. C. McDonald, G. P. Maher-Loughnan, W. J. Martin, Professor C. H. Stuart-Harris, and Brigadier A. E. Richmond (Secretary).
The report was prepared by Brigadier A. E. Richmond and Dr. G. P. Maher-Loughnan.
The following chest clinics took part in this investigation: Ashford, Dr. P. E. Baldry; Birmingham, Drs. H. J. T. Ross and Edward Shieff; Bournemouth, Drs. A. T. Hendry and W. H. Tattershall; Bristol, Dr. A. T. M. Roberts; Camberwell, Dr. Kenneth Marsh and Miss D. B. Warren; Cambridge, Drs. L. Capper and M. J. Greenberg; Edmonton, Dr. V. Davies; Farnworth, Dr. J. L. Armour; Finchley, Dr. B. A. Butterworth; Hammersmith, The Staff of Hammersmith Hospital and Chest Clinic; Hastings, Dr. A. W. Anderson, Miss D. Jones, and Miss P. Willey; Headington, Dr. F. Ridehalgh, medical and lay staff; Ipswich, Dr. P. Embleton, Miss Ball (secretary), Miss D. Noakes (nurse); Islington, Dr. J. Wallace Craig and staff; Leeds C.C., Dr. G. F Edwards and staff of the Leeds Chest Clinic; Liverpool A, Drs. W. Gray and O. F. Thomas; Liverpool S, Dr. F. E. Crawley; Liverpool W, Dr. G. H. Murray; Middlesbrough, Dr. R. B. N. Wilsdon; Newcastle C.C., Dr. C. Verity; Newcastle R.I., Dr. A. G. Ogilvie; Paddington, doctors, health visitors, and clerical staff; Sheffield Royal, Professor C. H. Stuart-Harris; Sheffield, Dr. R. H. Townshend; Sheffield City General, Dr. C. S. Darke; Stockport, Dr. E. R. Smith: Stoke-on-Trent, Dr. F. Smith and Miss J. F. Cunningham (almoner); Sunderland, Drs. G. H. N. Bates and A. B. White; Swansea, Dr. T. W. Davies and all members of his staff; Uxbridge, Drs. S. L. O. Jackson, N. Rivers, and J. T. Nicol Roe; Willesden, Dr. C. H. C. Toussaint, Mrs. H. Jones (clerical); Edinburgh, 5, Dr. A. C. Douglas; Glasgow Southern General, Drs. R. J. Cuthbert. A. M. T. Drimmie, and K. R. Urquhart; Glasgow, Belvidere, Dr. R. Sinclair Kennedy; Glasgow, Knightswood, Dr. G. Johnston; Glasgow, Florence St., Dr. J. Cuthbert; Glasgow, Ruchill, Drs. G. W. Allan and A. W. Lees.