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Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America logoLink to Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
. 1998 Apr 28;95(9):4828–4830. doi: 10.1073/pnas.95.9.4828

On Calderón’s conjecture for the bilinear Hilbert transform

Michael T Lacey †,, Christoph M Thiele §
PMCID: PMC20172  PMID: 9560187


We show that the bilinear Hilbert transform defined by

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maps Lp × Lq into Lrfor 1 < p, q ≤ ∞, 1/p + 1/q = 1/r, and 2/3 < r < ∞.

Section 1. Introduction

We continue the investigation begun in ref. 1 concerning the bilinear Hilbert transform defined by

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This singular integration is initially defined only for certain functions f and g, for instance those in the Schwartz class on ℝ. But Hα can be extended to a bounded operator on certain Lp classes, as ref. 1 showed. We extend the theory of that paper with this result:

Theorem 1.1. For any α ≠ 1, Hα extends to a bounded operator on Lp1 × Lp2 into Lp3, provided 1 < p1, p2 ≤ ∞, 1/p3 = 1/p1 + 1/p2, and 2/3 < p3 < ∞.

A special instance of this theorem was conjectured by A. P. Calderón in connection with ref. 2, namely L2 × L into L2 or, by duality, L2 × L2 into L1. A special feature of the result is that the index p3 for the image space need only be bigger than 2/3. We do not know that this is necessary for the theorem, although it is necessary for our proof.

The proof refines the method in ref. 1, with a more effective organization of the elements of the proof and an extension of certain almost orthogonality results in that paper to Lp functions for 1 < p < 2.

Section 2. The Model Sums

As in ref. 1, the essence of the matter concerns an analysis of a analogue of Hα that is more suited to the methods we employ. In particular, we utilize combinatorial features of the space–frequency plane.

Let D be a dyadic grid in ℝ. Call I × ω ∈ D × D a tile if |I|⋅|ω| = 1. The interval ω is a union of four dyadic subintervals of equal length, ω1, ω2, ω3, and ω4, which we list in ascending order. Thus, ξi < ξj for all 1 ≤ i < j ≤ 4 and ξj ∈ ωj. We adopt the notation t = It × ωt and tj = It × ωtj for j = 1, 2, 3. Fix a Schwartz function φ with φ̂ supported on [−1/8, 1/8]. Set for all tiles t, and j = 1, 2, 3,

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where c(J) denotes the center of the interval J.

Then our model of the bilinear Hilbert transform is any of the following sums

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in which S is a finite subset of Sall, the set of all tiles and σ : {1, 2, 3} → {1, 2, 3} is any one-to-one map. Including this map σ emphasizes the symmetry of these model sums under duality. We comment that the sum above makes sense only a priori for finite sums. We provide estimates for MS that are independent of the number of elements in S, and hence the sum can be extended to Sall. It is in this sense that several statements below should be interpreted.

The analogue of Theorem 1.1 is

Theorem 2.1. For any choice of σ, MSall extends to a bounded operator on Lp1 × Lp2 into Lp3, provided the indices pi are as in the previous theorem.

Indeed, our proof supplies the additional information that the sum over tiles t is unconditionally convergent. And for this to hold an example shows that the inequality p3 ≥ 2/3 is necessary.

We shall take the prior result from ref. 1 for granted, namely that MSall is a bounded operator on Lp1 × Lp2Lp3 provided 2 < p1, p2, p3/(p3 − 1) < ∞. Then, taking duality and interpolation into account, one can see that it suffices to prove Theorem 2.1 in the case that 1 < p1, p2 < 2 and 2/3 < p3 < 1. This we shall do, assuming that the map σ : {1, 2, 3} → {1, 2, 3} is the identity.

Indeed, this last case follows from a more precise statement that fully exploits the symmetry in the definition of the model sums.

Lemma 2.2. Let 1 < p1, p2, p3 < 2 satisfy 1 < 1/p1 + 1/p2 + 1/p3 < 2. Let fiLpi be of norm one and let

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Then for an absolute constant C

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where SE = {sSall | IsE}, Mf denotes the Hardy–Littlewood maximal function, and Mrf = (M|f|r)1/r.

Let us indicate how this proves Theorem 2.1 for 1 < p1, p2 < 2 and 1 < 1/p1 + 1/p2 < 3/2. There is a simple reduction. By linearity and scaling invariance, the inequality

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holding for all ∥f1p1 = ∥f2p2 = 1 will prove that MSall maps into the appropriate weak Lp3 space. Then Marcinceiwcz interpolation proves the theorem.

Fix f1 and f2 of norms one in their respective Lpi spaces. We use the set

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to split up Sall and the set whose measure we are to estimate. Let Sin := {sSall | IsE0}, Sout := SallSin, and define Ein := {MSinf1f2 > 1} and similarly Eout := {MSoutf1f2 > 1}. It suffices to bound the measures of these last two sets by constants.

The essential term, |Eout|, is controlled by Lemma 2.2. Indeed, we may assume that |Eout| > 1, for otherwise there is nothing to prove. Then choose p3 with 1 < 1/p1 + 1/p2 + 1/p3 < 2 and we take the third function to be the indicator of Eout, normalized in Lp3; that is, we take f3(x) := |Eout|−1/p3 χEout(x). Observe that this function is strictly less than one. Therefore, Lemma 2.2 gives us the desired result,

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The estimate of Ein begins by defining

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This set has measure |E1| ≤ 5|E0| ≤ C′, and we shall not estimate MSin on this set. And off of this set we have

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This inequality is, however, of a routine nature, and so we do not supply a proof of it here. This finishes the discussion of the proof of Theorem 2.1 from Lemma 2.2.

Section 3. The Combinatorics of Lemma 2.2

We devote ourselves to the proof of Lemma 2.2, beginning with issues related to the combinatorics of the collection SE, and concluding with the issues related to almost orthogonality. View the functions fi as fixed and set

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There is a partial order on tiles given by t < t′ if ItIt, ωt ⊃ ωt. By splitting the collection of tiles into two we can assume that if s <≠ t then 4|Is| ≤ |It|.

Call a collection of tiles T a tree with top q if t < q for all tT. For 1 ≤ i ≤ 4, call T an i-tree if in addition to T being a tree with top q, ωti ∩ ωq for all tT. In this case, observe that for s <≠ t <≠ q in the tree, we must have ωsi ⊃ ωt ⊃ ωti ⊃ ωq. Thus, for ji the intervals {ωtj | tT} not only are disjoint but are lacunary. And indeed, the Littlewood–Paley Theory applies to the collection of functions {ϕtj | tT}.

There are comparisons to maximal functions. Observe that for a single tile we have

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The last inequality follows from the definition of SE.

At a deeper level, we have the following for a tree. For an i-tree TSE with top q and ji, observe that the Littlewood–Paley inequalities imply

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This inequality hold for each subtree of T, whence we conclude that the dyadic bounded mean oscillation (BMO) norm of the integrand above is at most C2. The BMO structure then gives us the formally stronger assertion that

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The square functions Δ(T, j) are relevant here, due to the following estimate valid for an i-tree T. By Cauchy–Schwartz,

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We summarize the combinatorics of SE in the following decomposition. Set n0 = 2 log2 C0, the constant C0 appearing in the previous two paragraphs. The collection SE is a union of subcollections Sni for i = 1, 2, 3 and nn0 so that

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for all j-trees TSni, jj′. Furthermore, denote by S*ni those elements of Sni that are maximal with respect to the partial order ‘<’. The critical property is

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where 0 < η < 2 − Σ 1/pi.

Once this decomposition is established, the proof of Lemma 2.2 is easily accomplished. For each nn0 and i = 1, 2, 3, the collection Sni is a union of trees Tq with tops qS*ni. Each tree is a union of four trees to which the estimate 3.3 applies. Hence, the properties of Sni imply that

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But, by the choice of η and the requirements on the pi, the exponent on n is negative. And so this estimate has a finite sum over nn0.

We turn to the task of achieving this decomposition of SE. It is inductive and best done by defining some auxiliary collections. Assume that the Smi are defined for all m < n and all 1 ≤ i ≤ 3, in such a way that for Sr = S∖(∪m<niSmi) we have

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and for any i-tree TSr, Δ(T, j) ≤ 2n/pj+2, for ji.

The collections Sni will be a union of four subcollections denoted Snij for 1 ≤ j ≤ 4. We define S*n11 to be the set of maximal tiles q with |Iq|−1/2|〈f1, φq1〉| ≥ 2n/p1−1, and take Sn11 to consist of all tiles t so that t1 < q for some qS*n11. These tiles are removed from Sr, and then Snii is defined similarly for i = 2, 3. After the deletion of the tiles D0 = ∪i=13 Snii, we have |〈fi, φti〉| ≤ 2n/pi−1 Inline graphic for all tiles tSr = SrD0. In the subsequent section we will prove that

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We now concentrate on 1-trees TSr for which Δ(T, 2) is suitably large. This collection of trees we denote as Sn12, and its construction has a particular purpose. Namely, the trees we construct should consist of nearly orthogonal functions, a notion that we encode in the purely combinatorial terms of assertion 3.8.

Consider tiles q such that there is a 1-tree TqSr with top q so that Δ(T, 2) ≥ 2n/p2+1. We take Tq to be the maximal 1-tree with this property. Let q(1) be such a top, which is maximal with respect to <, and in addition sup{ξ | ξ ∈ ωq} is maximal. Remove the tiles Tq(1), and repeat this procedure to define Tq(2) and so on. Sn12 is then ∪Tq(ℓ) and S*n12 = {q(ℓ) | ℓ ≥ 1}. Observe that for any 1-tree TSrSn12, we have Δ(T, 2) ≤ 2n/p2+1. These procedures are repeated inductively to define the Snij for all n, i, j. However, in the case of i > j, we choose the top q to be maximal first with respect to ‘<’ and then with respect to inf{ξ | ξ ∈ ωq}. In the subsequent section we will prove that the collections S*nij also satisfy inequality 3.7.

The particulars of the construction of Snij lead to this combinatorial fact, which for specificity we state in the case of Sn12. For qS*n12, denote by Tqr the 1-tree Tq defined above, less those tiles in it that are minimal in the partial order ‘<’. Set Sn12r = ∪qS*n12Tqr. Then

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The first assertion is a condition concerning the disjointness of the trees in the space–frequency plane that will be a sufficient condition for orthogonality in the subsequent section.

Suppose that condition 3.8 is not true. Thus IqIs ≠ ∅ and hence IsIq. Yet s′ ∈ Tqr for some q′ and there is an s" ∈ Tq with s" < s′. Hence ωq ⊂ ωs′2 ⊂ ωs"1 as Tq is a 1-tree. But ωq ⊂ ωs′1 so that sup{ξ | ξ ∈ ωq} > supξ′{ξ′ ∈ ωq}. Hence we have violated the construction of these 1-trees. The second condition, 3.9, follows immediately from the observation that for any tSn12 and qS*n12, we have 4|It|−1/2|〈f2, ϕt2〉| ≤ Δ(Tq, 2).

Section 4. Counting the Number of Trees

We prove inequality 3.5 first in the case of S := Snii. The properties that we use are that the tiles in S are disjoint and |It|−1/2|〈fi, ϕti〉| ≥ b for b := 2n/pi. The proof requires several devices.

Step 1. We set NS′(x) := ΣtSχIt(x). We are to estimate the L1 norm of NS, but it is an integer-valued function, so it suffices to prove a weak type 1 + ɛ estimate for some ɛ > 0. That is, we prove

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for certain arbitrarily small δ, ɛ > 0. Fix such a λ ≥ 1. Because the intervals Iq are dyadic, there is a subcollection S′ ⊂ S so that {NS ≥ λ} = {NS = λ} and ∥NS = λ. We work with the collection S′.

Step 2. For A > 1 to be specified we can write S′ = S ∪ ∪m=1A10 Sm for which the tiles in each Sm are widely separated in the space variable, namely

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While S is small in that

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For a proof of this inequality see the separation lemma of ref. 3. It is then clear that

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We will show that for appropriate A and 0 < ɛ, δ to be chosen, but arbitrarily small, that we have a uniform estimate on the 1 + ɛ norm of the counting functions of the Sm. Namely,

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This will prove inequality 4.1.

Step 3. Orthogonality decisively enters the argument. As a consequence of the orthogonality lemmas of ref. 1, we have for any gL2 the inequality

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On the other hand, the following is trivially bounded by the maximal function,

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Hence it maps Lp into itself for all p > 1. Interpolation with the better L2 bound then provides the bound below for all 1 < p < 2 and δ > 0.

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This estimate can be localized, yielding a better inequality for our purposes. For a dyadic interval J set Sm,J := {tSm | ItJ}. Then

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This last inequality holds for all p and g. We specialize to the case of fi and p = pi. Moreover, we have the information supplied from the exclusion of tiles t with ItE. Thus,

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where g denotes the sharp maximal function. This inequality proves inequality 4.2 by raising to the r = (pi + 2δ)/pi power, integrating and using ∥grCrgr.

Finally, there is the case of providing the counting function estimate for Snij for ij. But we have taken care to construct trees that are disjoint in the sense of condition 3.8 and so they too satisfy an orthogonality principle; see Lemma 3 of ref. 1. The argument is then much like the one just presented.


M.T.L. has been supported by the National Science Foundation. M.T.L. and C.M.T. have both been supported by North Atlantic Treaty Organization travel grants and the Volkswagen-Stiftung (RiP program at Oberwolfach).


This paper was submitted directly (Track II) to the Proceedings Office.


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