J. Clin. Invest. 108:1563–1566 (2001). DOI:10.1172/JCI200114604.
During the final production stage of this manuscript, Figure 1 was mislabeled. The corrected figure and the accompanying legend appear below. We regret the error and have provided the author with corrected reprints.
Figure 1.
Model for regulation of anterior pituitary hormone secretion by three tiers of control. Hypothalamic hormones traverse the portal system and impinge directly upon their respective target cells. Intrapituitary cytokines and growth factors regulate tropic cell function by paracrine (and autocrine) control. Peripheral hormones exert negative feedback inhibition of respective pituitary trophic hormone synthesis and secretion. Reproduced with permission from Endocrine Reviews (2).
Additionally, CRH was mislabeled in Figure 2. The correct version of the figure and the accompanying legend appear below.
Figure 2.
Mechanisms regulating the rhythmicity of the HPA axis. The acute stress response of ACTH secretion is reflected by enhanced pulse amplitude that declines rapidly. Adapted from ref. 28.