1. The variation of the experimental values (R (ω)), (C (ω)) of the resistance and capacity of blood for increasing frequencies is approximately represented by the equation: See PDF for Equation in which R o and C o are the resistance and capacity of the blood at low frequency and See PDF for Equation is the resistance of the blood at infinite frequency. Formulæ (1) and (2) are derived by considering the blood as equivalent to the system shown in the diagram (a) of Fig. 1. 2. By the application of formula (1) to our experimental data the value of R(∞) can be extrapolated with high accuracy. R(∞) represents the resistance) which would have been obtained at low frequency, if the membranes around the corpuscles could have been removed. 3. The specific resistance of the corpuscle interior can be calculated by equation (5), using experimental values for R(∞), for the volume concentration of the blood and for the specific resistance of the serum. 4. The specific resistance of the interior of the red corpuscle of the calf is found to be 3.5 ± 10 per cent times the specific resistance of the serum.
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