In this paper is reported the first avian tumor that has proved transplantable to other individuals. It is a spindle-celled sarcoma of the hen, which thus far has been propagated into its fourth tumor generation. This was accomplished by the use of fowls of pure blood from the small, intimately related stock in which the growth occurred. Market-bought fowls of similar variety have shown themselves insusceptible, as have fowls of mixed breed, pigeons and guinea-pigs. The percentage of successful transplantations has been small, but in the individuals developing a tumor its growth has been fairly rapid. Young chickens are more susceptible than adults. The reinoculation of negative fowls has never resulted in a growth. Throughout, the sarcoma has remained true to type. It is infiltrative and destructive. Metastasis has been observed once (to the heart). Experiments to determine whether the growth may be transmitted by cell-fragments have not yet been made. Repeated bacteriological examinations have yielded negative results. In its general behavior, so far as tested, this avian tumor closely resembles the typical mammalian neoplasms that are transplantable.
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