Tetrodotoxin (TTX) block of cardiac sodium channels was studied in rabbit Purkinje fibers using a two-microelectrode voltage clamp to measure sodium current. INa decreases with TTX as if one toxin molecule blocks one channel with a dissociation constant KD approximately equal to 1 microM. KD remains unchanged when INa is partially inactivated by steady depolarization. Thus, TTX binding and channel inactivation are independent at equilibrium. Interactions between toxin binding and gating were revealed, however, by kinetic behavior that depends on rates of equilibration. For example, frequent suprathreshold pulses produce extra use-dependent block beyond the tonic block seen with widely spaced stimuli. Such lingering aftereffects of depolarization were characterized by double-pulse experiments. The extra block decays slowly enough (tau approximately equal to 5 s) to be easily separated from normal recovery from inactivation (tau less than 0.2 s at 18 degrees C). The amount of extra block increases to a saturating level with conditioning depolarizations that produce inactivation without detectable activation. Stronger depolarizations that clearly open channels give the same final level of extra block, but its development includes a fast phase whose voltage- and time-dependence resemble channel activation. Thus, TTX block and channel gating are not independent, as believed for nerve. Kinetically, TTX resembles local anesthetics, but its affinity remains unchanged during maintained depolarization. On this last point, comparison of our INa results and earlier upstroke velocity (Vmax) measurements illustrates how much these approaches can differ.
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