We have measured the concentration and voltage dependence of block by acetylcholine (ACh) of fetal- and adult-type mouse muscle nicotinic receptors, expressed in a fibroblast cell line. Data, obtained at a transmembrane potential of -60 mV and with ACh concentrations of 1 mM and above, are broadly consistent with the occlusion of an open channel with a single ACh+ ion (simple open channel block). The rate of recovery from block is approximately 40,000s-1 and has only a weak voltage dependence. This is in contrast to the strong voltage dependence observed for the degree of block. Deviations from the predictions of the simple model are seen in data collected at positive transmembrane potentials and at negative potentials for ACh concentrations < 1 mM. Less concentration dependence is observed than expected. Of a number of models tested, we demonstrate that two models incorporating both a high and a low affinity blocking site can predict our data.
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