Six hundred and thirteen fresh diarrhoeal faeces were inoculated on Skirrow blood agar (SK), on Preston blood free agar (PBF), and in Campy-thioglycolate broth (CT). After 24 h of storage at 4 degrees C, specimens were again inoculated on SK and PBF, and in Campylobacter enrichment broth (CEB). CT tubes were placed overnight at 4 degrees C. Plates and CEB tubes were incubated at 43 degrees C in microaerophilic conditions. A total of 68 specimens was positive for campylobacter on direct plating. Sixty-four of them were also recovered after subculturing from CT, and only 51 from CEB. Delayed inoculation of plates after storage of samples at 4 degrees C yielded 57 isolates. The storage of faeces at 4 degrees C for 24 h significantly reduces the number of campylobacter isolates. When samples are not plated immediately we recommend inoculating a CT tube maintained at 4 degrees C overnight as a holding medium.
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