Volume 189, no. 24, p. 8973-8981, 2007. Page 8979, Figure 6: the plus and minus signs above panels C and D should be reversed.
Page 8979, the last four lines of the legend to Fig. 6 should be replaced with the following: (0.1 μg/ml). (D and E) Positive controls are shown using the known M. tuberculosis σH-dependent sigB promoter in the absence (D, left lane) and in the presence (D, right lane) of rifampin, as well as the σF-dependent usfXP1 promoter in the absence (E, middle lane) and in the presence (E, right lane) of rifampin. No band was obtained from the M. smegmatis dps promoter in the presence of rifampin with σH-reconstituted RNA polymerase (E, left lane).