Figure 2.
Effect of gamma variate parameters on function output. The impact of delay time, tD, is demonstrated by incrementing its value between panels. Arrows indicate the progression of the curves as a given parameter increases while all other parameters are held constant. A. Basal affects the scale of the baseline offset but does not influence the magnitude or shape of the transient portion of the curve, which begins at the delay time, tD. The function reaches a maximum at the peak time, tP. As t→∞, the curve asymptotically returns to Basal. B. The parameter γ scales the magnitude of the function’s transient phase, but does not change the shape of the curve or the value of the timing parameters, tD and tP. C. The parameter α dictates the steepness and duration of the function’s ascent after tD. D. The parameter β determines the rapidness with which the gamma variate curve returns to Basal. The ratio of α to β controls the time at which the function reaches its maximum value (tP=tD+α/β).