Development of control measures for the gammaherpesviral disease of cattle known as sheep-associated malignant catarrhal fever (SA-MCF) has been hampered by a lack of accurate diagnostic tests either for the causative virus or for antibody against that virus. A recently developed competitive-inhibition enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (CI-ELISA) for the detection of antibody to malignant catarrhal fever (MCF) virus (MCFV) in ruminants based on a monoclonal antibody to a widely conserved epitope of MCFV (H. Li, D. T. Shen, D. P. Knowles, J. R. Gorham, and T. B. Crawford, J. Clin. Microbiol. 32:1674-1679, 1994) and a PCR assay based on previously reported primers (S. I. F. Baxter, I. Pow, A. Bridgen, and H. W. Reid, Arch. Virol. 132:145-159, 1993) were used to detect anti-MCFV antibody and SA-MCFV DNA in sheep and other ruminants. The PCR amplified a specific 238-bp SA-MCFV genomic DNA fragment from peripheral blood lymphocytes of adult sheep and other ruminants with clinical MCF. Of 144 samples from randomly selected healthy adult sheep, 143 (99%) were positive by PCR and 136 (94%) were positive by CI-ELISA. The agreement between the two assays exceeded 95%. Of nine samples collected from cattle and deer with clinical MCF of apparent sheep origin, seven were CI-ELISA positive and all 9 were PCR positive. Among 59 serum samples from presuckling lambs, none contained antibody detectable by CI-ELISA. After suckling, maternal anti-MCFV antibody was detectable for about 10 +/- 3 weeks.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
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