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. 2008 Feb 13;82(9):4595–4611. doi: 10.1128/JVI.02588-07

Genome Analysis of a Glossina pallidipes Salivary Gland Hypertrophy Virus Reveals a Novel, Large, Double-Stranded Circular DNA Virus

Adly M M Abd-Alla 1,3,*, François Cousserans 2, Andrew G Parker 1, Johannes A Jehle 4, Nicolas J Parker 5, Just M Vlak 6, Alan S Robinson 1, Max Bergoin 2
PMCID: PMC2293021  PMID: 18272583


Several species of tsetse flies can be infected by the Glossina pallidipes salivary gland hypertrophy virus (GpSGHV). Infection causes salivary gland hypertrophy and also significantly reduces the fecundity of the infected flies. To better understand the molecular basis underlying the pathogenesis of this unusual virus, we sequenced and analyzed its genome. The GpSGHV genome is a double-stranded circular DNA molecule of 190,032 bp containing 160 nonoverlapping open reading frames (ORFs), which are distributed equally on both strands with a gene density of one per 1.2 kb. It has a high A+T content of 72%. About 3% of the GpSGHV genome is composed of 15 sequence repeats, distributed throughout the genome. Although sharing the same morphological features (enveloped rod-shaped nucleocapsid) as baculoviruses, nudiviruses, and nimaviruses, analysis of its genome revealed that GpSGHV differs significantly from these viruses at the level of its genes. Sequence comparisons indicated that only 23% of GpSGHV genes displayed moderate homologies to genes from other invertebrate viruses, principally baculoviruses and entomopoxviruses. Most strikingly, the GpSGHV genome encodes homologues to the four baculoviral per os infectivity factors (p74 [pif-0], pif-1, pif-2, and pif-3). The DNA polymerase encoded by GpSGHV is of type B and appears to be phylogenetically distant from all DNA polymerases encoded by large double-stranded DNA viruses. The majority of the remaining ORFs could not be assigned by sequence comparison. Furthermore, no homologues to DNA-dependent RNA polymerase subunits were detected. Taken together, these data indicate that GpSGHV is the prototype member of a novel group of insect viruses.

Tsetse flies (Diptera: Glossinidae) are responsible for the transmission of two major zoonoses in tropical Africa: human African trypanosiomiasis (sleeping sickness), which is currently estimated to infect 300,000 to 500,000 people with another 60 million at risk in 36 countries, and animal African trypanosiomiasis (nagana), which causes heavy losses of cattle, domestic pigs, and other farm animals (69, 81). Both diseases have profound impacts on agricultural development and nutritional resources in sub-Saharan Africa (37). Due to the lack of effective vaccines and efficient, inexpensive drugs for the human disease and the development of drug resistance in the animal disease (3), the control of the vector populations remains the main strategy for controlling these scourges.

The successful eradication of Glossina austeni from the island of Unguja, United Republic of Tanzania, using an integrated approach including the release of sterile male tsetse flies (77) stimulated the development of programs aimed at applying this approach on the African mainland, such as one to control Glossina pallidipes in the Southern Rift Valley in Ethiopia (22). The establishment of a laboratory colony of the target species and then its mass production in large-scale facilities are sine qua non prerequisites for the successful implementation of the sterile insect technique. In the framework of the sterile insect technique program in Ethiopia, pupae of G. pallidipes from the target area were shipped to the Entomology Unit of the FAO/IAEA Agriculture and Biotechnology Laboratory, Seibersdorf, Austria. A colony was established, which reached 15,000 females by July 2000 but experienced a steady decline in 2001 and was lost by 2002. Efforts to identify the cause(s) of the decline led to the discovery of a high proportion (over 85% in some samples) of male and female individuals with salivary gland hypertrophy (SGH), a syndrome first described in wild populations of G. pallidipes (12, 80) but later observed in many tsetse fly species from different African countries (17, 24, 38, 39, 48, 50, 54, 65). The causative agent of this syndrome was later identified as a nuclear rod-shaped, enveloped DNA virus averaging 70 by 640 nm in size (33). This virus was also found to be associated with testicular degeneration and ovarian abnormalities (38, 42, 59, 60), and its presence has been shown to affect the development, survival, fertility, and fecundity of naturally (20) or experimentally (40, 62) infected flies. Mother-to-offspring transmission, either trans-ovum or through infected milk glands (39, 59, 61), is thought to be the mode of transmission of the virus in natural tsetse fly populations. In reared colonies, however, horizontal transmission facilitated by the membrane feeding technique used for large-scale feeding of tsetse flies (21) may constitute the main route of virus transmission. The SGH syndrome was also observed in two other species of nonhematophagous diptera, the narcissus bulb fly Merodon equestris (6) and the housefly Musca domestica (15).

The correlation between the high incidence of SGH syndrome of the Ethiopian G. pallidipes colony in the Seibersdorf laboratory and its collapse prompted research to develop a sensitive assay to unequivocally identify the flies carrying the virus. Based on previous work with partial characterization of purified virions isolated from G. pallidipes showing SGH (51), a highly sensitive, nondestructive diagnostic PCR method was developed that revealed a very high (up to 100%) prevalence of the virus in asymptomatic flies (1). As a first step to obtain a better understanding of the virus-host interaction and eventually to develop ways to manage the virus in tsetse fly colonies, we isolated the virus and sequenced its complete genome. We report here the entire nucleotide sequence and annotation of the GpSGHV genome. Although sharing some properties with other large, double-stranded, circular DNA viruses of invertebrates, analysis of the 190,032-bp large genome of GpSGHV revealed that the virus cannot be assigned to any of the so far described families of DNA viruses and thus should be considered the prototype of a new type of insect virus family.


Isolation, cloning, and sequencing of GpSGHV genomic DNA.

Virions of GpSGHV were purified by sucrose density gradient centrifugation from hypertrophied salivary glands collected from infected G. pallidipes flies that were maintained in the FAO/IAEA Agriculture & Biotechnology Laboratory, Seibersdorf, Austria (1). Intact genomic DNA was extracted from purified virions, and a partial DNA library was produced by cloning EcoRI fragments in pUC19 plasmids using Escherichia coli TG1 bacteria (1). The lengths of cloned inserts were estimated by EcoRI digestions followed by electrophoresis in a 1% agarose gel. A total of 415 recombinant plasmids with inserts ranging from approximately 1 to 7 kb were selected. DNA templates were sequenced from both ends with M13 universal sense and antisense primers (MWG-Biotech AG, Germany) using the Sanger method (63). Moreover, 3 μg of intact DNA was sent to 454 Life Sciences (Bradford, CT) for pyrophosphate-based sequencing (45). A total of 321,953 singleton reads and 402 contigs were provided by 454 Life Sciences, generated by their own assembly software (Newbler). Most of these reads (90%) averaged 80 to 139 nucleotides (nt) in length, summing to approximately 160 times the estimated length of the GpSGHV genome. Assembly of these contigs and the sequences obtained from the cloned EcoRI fragments was performed using Phrap, SeqMan (Lasergene 7.0; Dnastar Inc.), and NTI Vector 9 (Invitrogen) software packages. Additional contigs were assembled from the individual reads provided by 454 Life Sciences using simple custom-made tools (54a). Gaps and ambiguous regions were amplified by PCR using appropriate primers and viral DNA as the template and sequenced. The combination of shotgun pyrosequencing, the Sanger sequencing of EcoRI restriction fragments, and PCR gap closure reactions generated a circular DNA consensus sequence representing on average a 10-fold redundancy at each base position.

DNA sequence analysis.

DNA sequence data were analyzed using the GeneQuest (Lasergene 7.0; Dnastar Inc.), NTI Vector 9 (Invitrogen), and ORF Finder (http/// programs. Open reading frames (ORFs) corresponding to more than 50 amino acids with a methionine start codon and with minimal overlap (<100 nt) were evaluated for their putative protein-coding potential. All the predicted ORFs were analyzed using BLAST programs at the NCBI website ( against the nonredundant protein database (5), the Viral Bioinformatics Resource Center ( database, and a viral protein database that we established by downloading the Ascoviridae, Asfaviridae, Baculoviridae, Herpesviridae, Iridoviridae, Nimaviridae, Nudivirus, Polydnaviridae, and Poxviridae protein sequences of GenBank's nonredundant protein database. Similarities to viral or cellular genes were accepted on the basis of BLASTP (default parameters) scores of ≥44 and ≥50, respectively.

Protein motifs were analyzed by using the PROSITE database, release 16 (31). The sequence was analyzed for repeats using GeneQuest and Tandem Repeats finder (9). Multiple alignments were performed using BioEdit and ClustalW, and the percent amino acid identity indicated the percentage of identical residues between complete ORFs. Promoter analysis (100 and 200 nt) for motif searches was carried out using a set of computer scripts made in the computer scripting language Perl. In order to establish the relationship of GpSGHV to the large double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) virus families, phylogenetic trees were constructed using ClustalW protein alignment and MEGA 4 (70) software with neighbor joining and were confirmed by bootstrap analysis with heurisitic search and 500 replicates.

Nucleotide sequence accession number.

The complete nucleotide sequence of GpSGHV was deposited in GenBank under accession no. EF568108.


General features of the GpSGHV genome.

The viral DNA was prepared from purified virus particles (Fig. 1) isolated from a pool of heavily infected salivary glands as previously described (1). The sequencing of GpSGHV DNA by a combination of (i) shotgun pyrosequencing, (ii) Sanger sequencing of a partial genomic library of cloned EcoRI fragments, and (iii) sequence gap filling using PCR products, followed by sequence assembly, led us to conclude that the GpSGHV genome consists of a circular dsDNA molecule of 190,032 bp. The size is in good agreement with that of 185 to 220 kbp estimated by summing the sizes of the fragments generated by EcoRI-restricted viral DNA or measured by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis of intact DNA molecules (1). Furthermore, the sizes of the BglII restriction fragments measured from an agarose gel (Fig. 2) fit well with those predicted from the genomic sequence and no submolar bands were observed, indicating that the viral DNA was pure and that sequencing and assembly were carried out accurately. As mentioned above, the DNA used for pyrosequencing was not clonal but was extracted from a large virus population, and thus it is very likely heterogeneous. Indeed, the very large number of reads (321,953) provided by pyrophosphate sequencing allowed us to detect 101 positions with nucleotide polymorphism distributed along the whole sequence (Table 1). The most frequent nucleotide was taken into account to establish the viral sequence. The GpSGHV genome is one of the largest known genomes of insect viruses with circular dsDNA genomes, exceeded only by that of Heliothis zea nudivirus 1 (228 kbp) (14).

FIG. 1.

FIG. 1.

Virions of GpSGHV observed by electron microscopy after negative staining.

FIG. 2.

FIG. 2.

Electrophoretic profile of BglII-restricted GpSGHV DNA, showing 15 of the 17 restriction fragments generated by this enzyme. (A and B) Agarose gels after 3 h and 24 h of migration, respectively. The two small fragments P and Q (<1 kb) cannot be seen on the gels. Submolar bands were not apparent but may be present at a lower concentration. Lanes 1, 1-kb DNA ladder; lanes 2, Hind III-restricted λ DNA ladder (A′ and B] correspond to 23,130 and 9,416 bp, respectively); lanes 3, GpSGHV DNA.


Sequence polymorphisms in the GpSGHV genome

Position Variation
Nucleotides Abundance
13312 A/T 53/4
13322 C/T 53/4
13337 C/T 53/4
13346 G/T 53/4
14631 C/T 54/4
16740 G/A 18/2
16870 A/G 29/2
16894 A/G 28/3
20645 T/A 47/3
20692 A/G 48/2
22920 C/T 45/4
23169 C/T 40/1
53914 C/G 23/3
66279 A/G 61/1
66341 T/A 55/2
66449 C/T 69/3
81140 G/A 62/17
81362 A/C 81/1
81411 T/C 48/2
81413 A/G 48/2
81427 T/A 48/2
81434-81435 GT/AC 48/2
81440 A/C 82/5
81456 C/A 83/4
81470 G/A 84/3
81480 G/C 84/3
81510 G/C 69/2
81514 G/T 68/3
81532 G/A 69/2
81556 A/G 80/7
81561 A/C 80/7
81572 A/T 80/7
81638 G/A 37/3
81664-81665 AG/GA 81/3
81680 G/A 81/3
81684 T/C 81/3
81687 C/T 81/3
81699 G/C 64/3
81711-81712 TT/CA 64/3
81716 G/C 64/3
81719 A/C 64/3
81741 T/C 63/1
81743 C/A 63/1
81762 C/T 63/1
81768 G/A 62/2
82518 A/G 68/1
82529 T/A 68/1
82531 A/G 68/1
82549 G/A 44/1
82941 G/A 62/1
83042 A/G 58/3
83062 T/A 58/3
83064 T/G 58/3
83066 G/A 58/3
83069 A/G 58/3
83071 A/G 58/3
83073 A/T 58/3
83125-83126 CG/TA 41/1
83137 T/C 41/1
83158 C/T 36/2
83204 G/A 59/1
83223 C/T 58/2
83237 A/G 59/1
83277 G/A 43/3
83289 G/A 52/2
83302 A/G 52/2
83411 A/C 61/4
83448 G/A 53/2
83644 T/C 78/2
83665 T/C 78/2
83674 A/G 78/2
83683 A/G 78/2
83711 T/C 49/2
86544 T/C 69/4
86577 T/C 69/4
86582 A/G 69/4
86584-86585 AT/CA 69/4
86592 A/G 61/2
86594 A/G 61/2
86596 T/C 61/2
90097 A/G 110/4
106126 C/T 88/4
120777 T/A 45/3
123761 T/A 81/1
123783 A/G 77/3
123997 C/T 56/3
124547 T/C 59/1
124566 T/C 59/1
134386 G/A 62/5
134401 G/A 62/5
144551 A/G 72/2
151745 C/T 56/3
151778 T/G 56/3
159185 T/C 35/2
159213 T/T 35/2
159215 G/A 35/2

The very low G+C content of 28% of the GpSGHV genome significantly differs from those reported for most invertebrate viruses with large circular dsDNA genomes, including baculoviruses (33 to 58% G+C) (36), nudiviruses (42% G+C), (14, 79) (with the exception of the cricket nudivirus GbNV [28% G+C] [79]), nimaviruses (41% G+C) (75, 84), and ascoviruses (35.5 to 49% G+C) (7, 10, 78). It also differs from those of the large linear dsDNA genomes of herpesviruses (35 to 75% G+C) (74) and of most iridoviruses (49% G+C) (73), except Chilo iridescent virus and lymphocystis disease virus (both 29% G+C) (34, 72), but is closer to the low (18 to 27%) G+C content of entomopoxviruses (2, 8).

Gene content analysis.

A total of 322 potential ORFs with a methionine start codon and corresponding to a minimum protein size of 50 amino acids were detected in the GpSGHV genome. Among these, 160 ORFs with no or minimal overlap (≤82 nt) were assumed to encode putative proteins (Table 2). The predicted ORFs are evenly distributed on both strands (51% forward and 49% reverse); many of them are arranged in unidirectional gene clusters (Fig. 3). They represent 86% of the genome, with an average density of one gene per 1.2 kb. The A of the ATG start codon of ORF SGHV001, encoding a homologue of a baculovirus p74 occlusion-derived virion (odv) envelope protein, was arbitrarily assigned as position 1 of the GpSGHV genome sequence.


Potentially expressed ORFs in GpSGHV

ORF Position Length (amino acids) Intergenic distance (bp)a Best BLASTP match
Conserved domain(s) or signature(s)c
Name, source Accession no. Score E value Identity (%) Length (amino acids) MegAlign identity (%)b
SGHV001 1>2091 696 7 p74 protein, Spodoptera litura NPV CAA09849 90 6.E−16 131/656 (19) 657 20.8 TM, baculo-p74
SGHV002 3071<2088 327 −4
SGHV003 3785<3234 183 162
SGHV004 4448<4185 87 399 TM
SGHV005 5439<4378 353 −71 ODV-E66, Epiphyas postvittana nucleopolyhedrovirus NP_203211 62 2.E−08 46/192 (23) 680 15.3 TM, SP, lyase, Baculo-E66
SGHV006 6576<5491 361 51 DUF676 hydrolase, lipase
SGHV007 6714>7778 354 137
SGHV008 8618<7803 271 24 Y045_METJA 13-219
SGHV009 8631>10871 746 12 Hypothetical protein MAL7P1.132, Plasmodium falciparum 3D7 XP_001349148 50 6.E−04 60/225 (26) 2,041 22.4
SGHV010 14205<10891 1,104 19 ORF MSV156, Melanoplus sanguinipes EPV NP_048227 67 9.E−09 98/449 (21) 1,127 15.4 Coiled-coil region, kinetochore Spc7
SGHV011 14780<14202 192 −4
SGHV012 15897<14836 353 55
SGHV013 16552<16376 58 478
SGHV014 16895<16719 58 166 TM, SP
SGHV015 17011<16853 52 −43 TM
SGHV016 17068>17436 122 56
SGHV017 18627<17449 392 12 ZFC3HC4 ring
SGHV018 18941>19168 75 313
SGHV019 21510<20179 443 1,010 Hypothetical protein TA04315, Theileria annulata strain Ankara XP_954808 55 9.E−06 32/131 (24) 791 18.7
SGHV020 23524>24054 176 2,013
SGHV021 25329<24049 426 −6
SGHV022 25337>26368 343 7
SGHV023 26422>27552 376 53 AARP2CN (NUC121) domain SM00785
SGHV024 29113<27557 518 4 Mv-ORF74 peptide, Maruca vitrata MNPV YP_950804 49 1.E−03 31/103 (30) 224 24.6 TM
SGHV025 29205>29957 250 91
SGHV026 30329>31375 348 371
SGHV027 31398>32774 458 22 Chitinase Chit1 precursor, Glossina morsitans morsitans AAL65401 226 3.E−57 129/365 (35) 460 33 TM, Glycoside hydrolase family 18 catalytic domain
SGHV028 33269>33862 197 494
SGHV029 33890>34573 227 27 Staphylococcal AgrD protein SM00794
SGHV030 34978<34577 133 3
SGHV031 35917<35060 285 81 HDAC interaction domain, histone deacetylase
SGHV032 36744<35965 259 47
SGHV033 38089<37043 348 298
SGHV034 39187<38138 349 48 ORF AMV 260, Amsacta moorei EPV NP_065042 44 2.E−02 45/173 (26) 504 19.2
SGHV035 39460<39197 87 9 ORF MSV 238, Melanoplus sanguinipes EPV NP_048309 57 3.E−07 28/80 (35) 292 33.3
SGHV036 40088<39741 115 280 ORF 67, shrimp white spot syndrome virus thymidylate synthase NP_477589 62 1.E−08 28/78 (35) 289 37.4
SGHV037 40351<40187 54 98
SGHV038 44374<40850 1,174 498 SP
SGHV039 45446<44439 335 64 TM, SP
SGHV040 45768>48473 901 −1 ORF AMV 130, Amsacta moorei EPV NP_064912 44 5.E−02 44/141 (31) 1,384 19.1
SGHV041 49765<48524 413 50 ORF MSV 214, Melanoplus sanguinipes EPV, SCG gene family protein NP_048285 44 2.E−02 61/319 (21) 386 18.2
SGHV042 50183<49809 124 43 TM
SGHV043 50652<50218 144 34 TM
SGHV044 51903<50824 359 171 SP
SGHV045 57046<51860 1,728 −44
SGHV046 57316>58917 533 269 PPASE, inorganic pyrophosphatase signature
SGHV047 58933>60147 404 15 Hypothetical protein CBG22662, Caenorhabditis briggsae CAE74824 56 4.E−06 57/311 (18) 743 16.6
SGHV048 60195>60986 263 47 ORF 033, Heliocoverpa armigera nucleopolyhedrovirus G4 ADP-pyrophosphatase NP_075102 59 4.E−07 56/231 (24) 238 18.8
SGHV049 60935>61207 90 −52
SGHV050 61314>62189 291 106
SGHV051 64184<62202 660 12 ORF MSV 152, Melanoplus sanguinipes EPV putative core protein NP_048223 47 3.E−03 52/218 (25) 1,306 20 TM
SGHV052 65228<64308 306 123 Hypothetical protein, Plasmodium falciparum XP_001351434 53 2.E−05 69/251 (27) 540 23.9
SGHV053 66323<65241 360 12 Per os infectivity factor 2, Gryllus bimaculatus nudivirus YP_001111333 66 3.E−09 68/274 (24) 378 21.2 Baculo-44
SGHV054 67507<66473 344 149 ORF AMV 054, Amsacta moorei EPV (putative RNA polymerase-associated transcriptional specificity factor) NP_064836 45 5.E−03 90/379 (23) 822 29.9
SGHV055 69398<67500 632 −8 ORF AMV253, Amsacta moorei EPV (possible surface protein) NP_065035 55 1.E−05 100/456 (21) 485 20.6 Internal repeat
SGHV056 69464>70111 215 65
SGHV057 70161>71117 318 49 Rhoptry protein, Plasmodium yoelli yoelli strain 17XNL XP_725453 57 2.E−06 51/167 (30) 2,664 30.9
SGHV058 71829<71593 78 475 TM, SP
SGHV059 75616<74639 325 2809 RpoD, Plasmodium falciparum CAA64574 55 5.E−06 74/308 (24) 960 28.9
SGHV060 76249<75623 208 6
SGHV061 77789<76305 494 55
SGHV062 77753>90874 4,373 −37 ORF 147, Tricoplusia ni ascovirus 2c YP_803369 123 3.E−25 271/1374 (19) 1,481 22.5
SGHV063 92270<90876 464 1 TM, Pfam:CBF, SP
SGHV064 94234<92447 595 176 ORF AMV130, Amsacta moorei EPV (putative ATP-binding cassette transporter) NP_064912 44 4.E−02 81/354 (22) 1,384 22.4
SGHV065 98511<94246 1,421 11 ORF AMV039, Amsacta moorei EPV (putative ATPase/DNA helicase) NP_064821 46 2.E−02 72/302 (23) 532 22.8
SGHV066 98557>98877 106 45
SGHV067 99700<98921 259 43
SGHV068 100046<99720 108 19
SGHV069 100917<100105 270 58 TM, SP
SGHV070 102415<101105 436 187
SGHV071 102502>104328 608 86
SGHV072 105120<104311 269 1,808 TM
SGHV073 105372<105133 79 12
SGHV074 105419>107557 712 46 ORF 105, Choristoneura occidentalis GV (helicase-2) YP_654526 45 1.E−02 25/75 (33) 461 20.6 ATPases
SGHV075 108415<107600 271 −1
SGHV076 108439>109074 211 23 ORF101, Helicoverpa zea single nucleocapsid NPV per os infectivity factor 3 NP_542724 64 4.E−09 38/154 (24) 199 21.9 TM Pfam:DUF666, SP
SGHV077 109141>112320 1,059 66 ORF AMV, 130 Amsacta moorei EPV (putative ATP-binding cassette transporter) NP_064912 45 4.E−02 80/368 (21) 1,384 17.8
SGHV078 113291<112581 236 260 TM
SGHV079 113342>116203 953 50 Alcelaphine herpesvirus 1 DNA polymerase NP_065512 240 3.E−61 208/740 (28) 1,026 24.9
SGHV080 116825<116220 201 16 Coiled-coil region
SGHV081 117346<116831 171 5 TM
SGHV082 117839<117360 159 13
SGHV083 119926<117842 694 2 ORF AMV 214, Amsacta moorei EPV NP_064996 46 7.E−03 69/271 (25) 404 20.8
SGHV084 120018>120677 219 2,175
SGHV085 120898>121665 255 220
SGHV086 121756>123534 592 90
SGHV087 123845<123555 96 20 C2C2 zinc finger
SGHV088 123967>125925 652 121
SGHV089 125940>126482 180 14 Coiled-coil region
SGHV090 126855>127091 78 372 TM
SGHV091 127188>127994 268 96 TM, SP
SGHV092 128014>128265 83 19
SGHV093 128273>129262 329 7 TM
SGHV094 129284>130105 273 21
SGHV095 130116>130589 157 10
SGHV096 130626>131771 381 36 TM, SP
SGHV097 131758>132942 394 −14 TM
SGHV098 132962>133309 115 19
SGHV099 134004<133522 160 212
SGHV100 134769<134335 144 330 TM, SP
SGHV101 134768>135088 106 −2 TM, SP
SGHV102 135141>137099 652 52 Per os infectivity factor 1, Neodiprion abietis nucleopolyhedrovirus YP_667927 79 1.E−12 92/355 (25) 537 19.4 EGF-like domain, TM, SP
SGHV103 138292<137162 376 62 TM, SP
SGHV104 138341>140323 660 48 TM, coiled-coil region
SGHV105 141381<140503 292 179 Coiled-coil region
SGHV106 142793<141384 469 2 Coiled-coil region, Fib-alpha, fibrinogen alpha chain
SGHV107 144369<142804 521 10 Lymphocystis disease virus isolate China cell division protein 48 YP_073712 67 2.E−09 47/156 (30) 690 20.7
SGHV108 145984<144347 545 −23 Lymphocystis disease virus isolate China cell division protein 48 YP_073712 53 5.E−05 41/162 (25) 690 13.8
SGHV109 147225<146368 285 383 TM, SP
SGHV110 147867<147262 201 36 mp-nase, Spodoptera litura granulovirus YP_001256988 60 5.E−08 37/104 (35) 464 28.9 TM, zinc-dependent metalloprotease, matrixin signature peptidase_M10
SGHV111 148623<147964 219 96 TM, SP, zinc protease
SGHV112 149132<148629 167 5 TM, SP
SGHV113 149968<149123 281 −10 Hypothetical protein PY00593, Plasmodium yoelli yoelli strain 17XNL XP_725532 50 2.E−04 58/231 (25) 1647 23.8
SGHV114 150262>151584 440 293 ORF MSV016, Melanoplus sanguinipes EPV (leucine-rich repeat gene family protein) NP_048087 55 7.E−06 88/377 (23) 572 20.5
SGHV115 151638>152870 410 53
SGHV116 152888>153967 359 17 ORF AMV134, Amsacta moorei EPV (leucine-rich repeat gene family protein) NP_064916 52 6.E−05 55/236 (23) 535 18.4
SGHV117 154687<153968 239 0 ORF 099L, infectious spleen and kidney necrosis virus NP_612321 47 1.E−03 19/52 (36) 107 29
SGHV118 154959<154711 82 23 ZF C3HC4 type, ring finger
SGHV119 155648<154995 217 35
SGHV120 155692>156747 351 43
SGHV121 157037>157798 253 289 TM
SGHV122 157992>158342 116 193 TM, SP
SGHV123 159162>159632 156 819 ZnF_C2H2 domain, coiled-coil region
SGHV124 160975>162828 617 1,342 ORF 168, Xestia c-nigrum GV NP_059316 46 6.E−03 20/63 (31) 198 22.2
SGHV125 163098>163592 164 269 ORF 067, Ecotropis obliqua NPV Cg30 YP_874260 50 6.E−05 35/131 (26) 269 25.9
SGHV126 163629>163937 102 36 ORF 149, Anticarsia gemmatalis NPV pe38-like YP_803543 44 3.E−03 25/66 v(37) 209 29.4
SGHV127 164989>165237 82 1,051 ZnF_C2H2 domain
SGHV128 165802>166026 74 564
SGHV129 166271>166507 78 244 Coiled-coil region
SGHV130 166702>167232 176 194
SGHV131 167329>169824 831 96 ORF MSV156, Melanoplus sanguinipes EPV NP_048227 51 4.E−04 114/463 (24) 1,127 19.1
SGHV132 169957>170157 66 132
SGHV133 170364>171623 419 206 EGF-like domain signature 1
SGHV134 171764>172063 99 140
SGHV135 172083>172313 76 19
SGHV136 172640>172804 54 326 Coiled-coil region,
SGHV137 172868>173140 90 63
SGHV138 173153>173515 120 12 Coiled-coil region,
SGHV139 173797>173994 65 281 Coiled-coil region,
SGHV140 174002>175228 408 7 Coiled-coil region,
SGHV141 175407<175141 88 −88 TM
SGHV142 175631>176704 357 223
SGHV143 176745>178037 430 40 Coiled-coil region, DUF572, family of unknown function
SGHV144 179093<178719 124 681 ORF 086, Trichoplusia ni ascovirus 2c YP_803309 55 1.E−06 25/63 (39) 116 33.6
SGHV145 179383>180018 211 289 Similar to Plasmodium falciparum trophozoite antigen r45-like protein, Danio rerio XP_001343112 61 4.E−08 64/174 (36) 334 38.5
SGHV146 180034>180669 211 15
SGHV147 181201>181731 176 531 ORF 179, shrimp white spot syndrome virus NP_477701 45 2.E−03 25/116 (21) 221 19.3
SGHV148 182102>182929 275 370 ORF 179, shrimp white spot syndrome virus NP_477701 55 3.E−06 41/190 (21) 221 19.9
SGHV149 183239>183601 120 309 Sensory appendage protein 5, Manduca sexta AAF16716 53 6.E−06 38/113 (33) 231 20.8 Internal repeat
SGHV150 184602<183613 329 11
SGHV151 184795>185043 82 192
SGHV152 185143>185514 123 99
SGHV153 185514>185747 77 −1
SGHV154 185801>186817 338 53
SGHV155 186879>187079 66 61
SGHV156 187447<187274 57 194
SGHV157 187856<187626 76 178
SGHV158 188655<187951 234 94 TM
SGHV159 188579>188788 69 −77
SGHV160 188838>190025 395 49 Possible surface protein AMV253, Amsacta moorei entomopoxvirus NP_065035 50 2.E−04 68/274 (24) 485 21.5 TM

−, overlap between adjacent ORFs.


Amino acid identity based on MegAlign ClustalW analysis of entire ORFs.


SP, signal peptides; TM, transmembrane domains.

FIG. 3.

FIG. 3.

Linearized representation of the GpSGHV genome. The genome was linearized at the ATG start codon of p74 (SGHV001). Arrows indicate the positions and directions of transcription for potential ORFs, which are colored according to suggested homology to those of other viruses. Light blue boxes indicate positions of repeat regions.

BLAST searches revealed that 47 of the 160 predicted GpSGHV ORFs had putative homologues in the NCBI protein database. These include 28 putative homologues to putative or known genes from other large dsDNA viruses, essentially baculoviruses (12 ORFs), entomopoxviruses (16 ORFs), and 10 ORFs homologous to putative or known genes from cellular organisms (Table 2). The level of amino acid identity between the SGHV putative ORFs and those of other viruses was usually low, ranging from 13.8% to 37.4% with an average of around 22%. The remaining 113 predicted ORFs produced no significant BLASTP hits.

We also studied the relative abundance of putative regulatory elements in the promoters of the ORFs by computational analysis of the SGHV genome. This enumeration analysis was carried out using the program Perl for all 4- and 5-nt motifs in the 100- and 200-nt upstream sequences (Table 3). The method was calibrated on extensively studied large DNA viruses such as herpesviruses, baculoviruses, and vaccinia virus (46). Analysis of SGHV revealed that the 4-nt motif TAAG has the highest relative enrichment (3 times; P ≤ 0.05) in the 100-nt promoter compared to the whole SGHV genome (Table 3). For the 5-nt motif, ATAAG and TAAGA were highly enriched (4.9 and 3.7 times, respectively; P ≤ 0.05). This suggests that the TAAG motif may have a regulatory function in transcription. The same motif is part of the major late transcription initiation site of baculoviruses, and this may suggest an ancient regulatory relationship between GpSGHV and baculoviruses. However, no transcriptional analysis has been done to support the hypothesis that TAAG plays a role in SGHV transcription.


Frequencies of 4- or 5-nt motifs in the 5′ upstream regions of the SGHV ORFs compared to the complete genome for the baculovirus AcMNPVa

Virus and motif length 100 nt upstream
200 nt upstream
Motif Occurrence in genomeb (% of expected occurrencec) Occurrence in upstream regions (% of expected occurrence) Relative enrichment in upstream regions Motif Occurrence in genome (% of expected occurrence) Occurrence in upstream regions (% of expected occurrence) Relative enrichment in upstream regions
AcMNPV TAAGd 393 (29) 90 (114) 4 TAAGd 393 (29) 137 (87) 3
TATA 1,314 (66) 172 (149) 2.3 TATA 1,314 (66) 255 (111) 1.7
ATAA 1,973 (101) 222 (198) 1.9 ATAA 1,973 (101) 363 (162) 1.6
ATAT 1,616 (81) 170 (147) 1.8 ATAT 1,616 (81) 268 (116) 1.4
AGTA 671 (49) 70 (89) 1.8 AGTA 671 (49) 109 (69) 1.4
AAGG 473 (51) 41 (76) 1.5 GATAe 867 (63) 137 (87) 1.4
GATAe 867 (63) 74 (94) 1.5 AATA 2,230 (115) 346 (154) 1.3
CACTf 612 (64) 52 (95) 1.5 CAGTg 698 (73) 106 (96) 1.3
AATA 2,230 (115) 186 (166) 1.4 CTTA 393 (28) 59 (37) 1.3
ATTA 1,957 (98) 163 (141) 1.4 TCACf 669 (70) 99 (90) 1.3
GTAT 949 (68) 79 (98) 1.4 GCTA 541 (57) 77 (70) 1.2
CAGTg 698 (73) 58 (105) 1.4 CCCC 190 (42) 27 (52) 1.2
TAAA 2,716 (140) 222 (198) 1.4 TACC 444 (47) 63 (57) 1.2
AGGG 233 (35) 19 (50) 1.4 TAGT 737 (53) 104 (64) 1.2
TAGT 737 (53) 58 (72) 1.4 CACTf 612 (64) 86 (78) 1.2
    4-mer TAAG 848 (32) 106 (96) 3.0 TAAG 848 (32) 154 (69) 2.1
AGTC 506 (53) 36 (88) 1.7 AGTC 506 (53) 67 (82) 1.6
AGGT 536 (52) 38 (87) 1.7 GTAG 676 (66) 88 (101) 1.5
TAGG 458 (44) 32 (73) 1.6 AGGG 245 (58) 30 (84) 1.4
AGTA 1,515 (58) 103 (93) 1.6 AAGT 1,703 (65) 208 (94) 1.4
CAGT 814 (85) 55 (135) 1.6 AGTA 1,515 (58) 183 (83) 1.4
GCGC 178 (123) 12 (195) 1.6 GCAG 418 (106) 50 (149) 1.4
AAGT 1,703 (65) 113 (102) 1.6 AGCC 347 (94) 41 (131) 1.4
TAGT 1,451 (58) 95 (89) 1.5 TAGG 458 (44) 53 (61) 1.4
GTAG 676 (66) 44 (101) 1.5 AAGC 631 (63) 71 (84) 1.3
GTAA 1,989 (76) 128 (115) 1.5 ATAG 1,655 (63) 186 (84) 1.3
CTTA 848 (36) 54 (54) 1.5 TAGT 1,451 (58) 163 (77) 1.3
ATAA 6,696 (101) 420 (149) 1.5 CTTA 848 (36) 95 (48) 1.3
AAGA 2,215 (81) 135 (117) 1.4 AGGT 536 (52) 60 (69) 1.3
AGCC 347 (94) 21 (135) 1.4 CAGT 814 (85) 91 (112) 1.3
AGTT 1,764 (70) 106 (100) 1.4 AAGA 2,215 (81) 243 (105) 1.3
    5-mer ATAAG 338 (35) 70 (172) 4.9 ATAAG 338 (35) 89 (109) 3.1
TAAGA 297 (31) 46 (113) 3.7 TAAGA 297 (31) 64 (79) 2.5
GTCAG 80 (57) 11 (187) 3.2 CAGTC 93 (72) 20 (182) 2.5
GTAAG 128 (34) 16 (100) 3.0 AGGGC 57 (100) 12 (248) 2.5
AGGGC 57 (100) 7 (289) 2.9 TCCGC 52 (109) 10 (248) 2.3
TCCGC 52 (109) 6 (297) 2.7 GTAAG 128 (34) 24 (75) 2.2
CCTTA 83 (26) 9 (67) 2.6 CTGGG 67 (122) 12 (258) 2.1
CGCGC 28 (143) 3 (362) 2.5 CGCGC 28 (143) 5 (301) 2.1
GCGCA 79 (148) 8 (354) 2.4 TAGCC 96 (74) 17 (155) 2.1
TAAGC 99 (28) 10 (67) 2.4 GGGCG 30 (133) 5 (262) 2.0
TAAGT 369 (40) 37 (95) 2.4 CCTAA 139 (42) 23 (82) 2.0
CGCCC 30 (164) 3 (388) 2.4 TAAGT 369 (40) 61 (78) 2.0
TAAGG 83 (22) 8 (50) 2.3 GTCAG 80 (57) 13 (110) 1.9
AAGGG 94 (60) 9 (136) 2.3 AGTAG 200 (53) 32 (100) 1.9
AGCGC 42 (79) 4 (177) 2.2 CCCTG 25 (52) 4 (99) 1.9
AGGTC 42 (30) 4 (68) 2.2 CAGGG 25 (44) 4 (83) 1.9

Only the 15 motifs with the highest relative enrichment are shown for each virus. For AcMNPV, sequences that are part of the consensus TATA box [TATA(a/t)A] are underlined. Bold indicates a P value of ≤0.05


Both strands, excluding homologous repeats (present for AcMNPV and SHGV).


Occurrence of a 4-mer or 5-mer based on random distribution of nucleotides in the complete genome.


Part of the AcMNPV late initiator sequence (a/g/t)TAAG.


Part of the AcMNPV upstream activating element with sequence (a/t)GATA(a/t).


Part of the AcMNPV downstream activating element with sequence (a/t)CACNG.


Sequence of the AcMNPV early initiator sequence CAGT.

Repetitive regions.

There are 14 repetitive regions (RS) with head-to-tail tandem repeat sequences (TRS) and one inverted repeat sequence distributed throughout the GpSGHV genome, representing about 3% of the genome sequence (Fig. 4). The RS are 171 to 556 nt in length and consist of 78 TRS minifragments. Most of these TRS are highly homologous to each other and are clustered in two genome areas located in the 86- to 88-kb and 179- to 183-kb regions. The sizes of the TRS varied from 52 to 246 nt, and the number of TRS per RS varied from 2.7 to 14.5. Within the same RS, the identity of TRS was over 80%, but the sequence identity among the different RS varied from 21.2 to 96.2%. TRS 9, 11, 13, and 15 showed 90.7% identity. No significant homology was found among the other RS.

FIG. 4.

FIG. 4.

(A) Loci of the GpSGHV genome with repeated elements. The repeat core elements and their direction are represented by arrows. The name, type, size, copy number, and genome location of the repeat are indicated on the right. DR, direct repeat; IR, inverted repeat. Length, >50 bp; number, >2). (B) Alignment of nucleotide sequences of R9, R11, R13, and R15 direct repeats.

Repeat sequences have been observed in all large dsDNA viruses, e.g., baculoviruses, entomopoxviruses, insect iridoviruses, ascoviruses, herpesviruses, and adenoviruses (35). They occur at multiple locations along the genome and may serve as origins of DNA replication (43) and/or as enhancers of transcription (25, 26).

Proteins similar to baculovirus-nudivirus structural envelope proteins.

Among the 12 ORFs in the GpSGHV sequence showing similarities to baculovirus and nudivirus genes, five of these, SGHV001, SGHV102, SGHV053, SGHV076, and SGHV005, were found to be putative orthologues of the p74 (pif-0), pif-1, pif-2 and pif-3 per os infectivity factors (pifs) and to ODV-e66 genes, respectively. The pif genes are structural genes common to all nudiviruses and baculoviruses, whereas odv-e66 is specific to lepidopteran baculoviruses. They are known or presumed to encode envelope proteins typical of the odv phenotype that are defined as important proteins for oral infectivity of baculoviruses released from occlusion bodies (polyhedra or granules) in the midgut lumen. The four PIF proteins were shown to be essential for oral infectivity (41, 44, 52, 58). PIF-0, PIF-1, and PIF-2 are thought to be external proteins with a C-terminal (PIF-0) or an N-terminal (PIF-1 and PIF-2) hydrophobic transmembrane domain assumed to anchor these proteins in the ODV envelope (19, 67), whereas the highly hydrophobic N-terminal sequences of ODV-e66 and PIF-3 would anchor these proteins to the inner side of the ODV envelope (11, 32, 66). Interestingly, the SGHV p74-like, ODV-e66-like, PIF-1-like, and PIF-3-like proteins display predicted transmembrane domains very similar to those of their baculovirus homologues (Fig. 5). In contrast, the predicted transmembrane domain of SGHV PIF-2-like protein is clearly located in the C-terminal region, whereas it is N terminal in the baculovirus PIF-2 sequence. Whereas PIF-0 and PIF-1 have been identified as attachment proteins that mediate specific binding of ODVs to midgut target cells (44, 52), the role of PIF-2 and PIF-3 in the early events of midgut cell infection is not yet elucidated.

FIG. 5.

FIG. 5.

Hydrophobicity profiles of GpSGHV PIF- and ODV-E66-like proteins compared to their insect virus homologues. (A) SGHV001 (1) and p74 of Spodoptera litura NPV (2); (B) SGHV005 (odv-e66) (1) and odv-e66 of Epiphyas postvittana NPV (2); (C) SGHV102 (1) and pif-1 of Neodiprion abietis NPV (2); (D) SGHV053 (1) and pif-2 of Gryllus bimaculatus nudivirus (2); (E) SGHV076 (1) and pif-3 of Helicoverpa zea SNPV (2).

Taken together, these comparisons suggest that the four PIF-like and the ODV-e66-like GpSGHV proteins could be putative orthologues to baculovirus ODV envelope proteins. The pif-0 to -3 genes have been identified so far in all sequenced baculoviruses and nudiviruses and are considered core structural genes of these viruses (78). The phylogenetic analyses shown in Fig. 6 did not provide any evidence that any of these pif genes was horizontally transferred from a baculovirus or a nudivirus to GpSGHV. Considering the very low sequence similarities, and the consistent phylogenetic trees for the different pif genes and assuming that these viruses share a common ancestor, it is suggested that SGHV, nudiviruses, and baculoviruses diverged a long time ago. Nevertheless, the effective presence of these proteins and their localization in the GpSGHV virion first need to be demonstrated before assigning them a putative function.

FIG. 6.

FIG. 6.

Neighbor-joining phylogenetic trees of SGHV001 (p74) (a), SGHV102 (pif-1) (b), SGHV053 (pif-2) (c), and SGHV076 (pif-3) (d) and their homologues in baculoviruses and nimaviruses. The following viruses (GenBank accession numbers are in parentheses) were included: lepidopteran-specific NPVs AcMNPV (NC_001623), O. pseudotsugata (Op) MNPV (NC_001875), L. dispar (Ld) MNPV (NC_001973), S. exigua (Se) MNPV (NC_002169), and H. armigera (Hear) NPV (NC_002654); granuloviruses C. pomonella (Cp) GV (NC_002816) and P. xylostella (Plxy) GV (NC_002593); hymenopteran-specific NPVs N. sertifer (Nese) NPV (NC_005905), N. lecontei (Nele) NPV (NC_005906), and N. abietes (Neab) NPV (NC_008252); dipteran-specific NPV C. nigripalpus (Cuni) NPV (NC_003084); and nudiviruses H. zea (Hz) NV-1 (NC_004156), G. bimaculatus (Gb) NV (NC_009240), and O. rhinoceros (Or) NV (DQ665871 and DQ665870). Distances were calculated using Poisson correction. The homogeneous substitution pattern among lineages with gamma distributed rate among sites (gamma parameter 2.25) was employed for reconstruction of the trees. The robustness of the tree was tested using bootstrap analysis (500 replicates). Numbers on the nodes indicate bootstrap values.

Putative orthologues to baculovirus-nudivirus auxiliary and unknown proteins.

Baculovirus auxiliary genes are nonessential for replication and virus production but most likely provide a selective advantages to the host-virus relationships under natural conditions (53). Most baculoviruses isolated from lepidoptera have a late-transcribed chitinase that, in association with a cysteine cathepsin, promotes liquefaction of larval tissue and release of occlusion bodies into the environment, thus favoring horizontal transmission (29, 68). We have identified a chitinase gene (SGHV027) showing high BLASTP similarities and significant amino acid identity (33%) to the Glossina morsitans midgut chitinase gene. The best BLAST hit to a viral gene was to Chrysodeixis chalcites nucleo polyhedro virus (NPV) chitinase (76), with only 14.7% amino acid identity. Unlike baculovirus chitinases, SGHV027 protein lacks the C-terminal KDEL endoplasmic reticulum retention motif as well as the highly conserved family 18 glycosyl hydrolase motif SGGWT. Furthermore, phylogenetic analysis confirmed that it is distantly related to its baculovirus homologues but is closer to dipteran chitinases (Fig. 7). These data suggest (i) that GpSGHV probably acquired its chitinase from its host rather than from a prokaryote gene as has been suggested for baculovirus chitinases (28) and (ii) that its role is probably different from that of baculovirus chitinases involved, in association with viral cathepsins, in the liquefaction of larval tissues. It is noteworthy that flies dying from GpSGHV infection do not show symptoms of internal lysis. The role played by the predicted GpSGHV chitinase, assuming that this gene is functional, remains to be elucidated.

FIG. 7.

FIG. 7.

Neighbor-joining phylogenetic trees of SGHV027 (chitinase) (a) and SGHV079 (DNA polymerase) (b) proteins. The phylogenetic tree of SGHV027 chitinase was constructed by using the following lepidopteran baculovirus chitinases (GenBank accession number are in parentheses): AcMNPV (NC_001623), O. pseudotsugata (Op) MNPV (NC_001875), L. dispar (Ld) MNPV (NC_001973), H. armigera (Hear) NPV (NC_002654), C. pomonella (Cp) GV (NC_002816), S. exigua (Se) MNPV (NC_002169), and two putative chitinase proteins from Musca domestica (ABI29879) and Glossina morsitans morsitans (AF337908). Distances were calculated as for Fig. 6. The phylogenetic tree of SGHV079 DNA polymerase and its homologues is based on 2,374 sites of DNA polymerases of 20 viruses from various families. Distances were calculated using Poisson correction. The robustness of the tree was tested using bootstrap analysis (1,000 replicates). Numbers on the nodes indicate bootstrap values. The names of the selected virus families are indicated on the tree. The GenBank accession numbers of the viral DNA polymerases (from top to bottom with the exception of SGHV079) are NP_064832, NP_063712, NP_042783, NP_045328, NP_050219, NP_048532, YP_293784, NP_077578, YP_142676, AAC54632, NP_149500, NP_078724, ABF93350, NP_690550, NP_478036, NP_203396, YP_025217, NP_054095, and NP_148895.

The GpSGHV genome has an additional baculovirus-like auxiliary gene, SGHV110, a putative orthologue of mp-nnase. This gene, which belongs to the Zn-dependent metalloproteases of the matrix metalloproteinase superfamily, is present in most granulovirus genomes. It is considered to be involved in the breakdown of the peritrophic membrane in the late stage of infection (27, 30, 82). Since no homologues to baculovirus cathepsin or viral enhancing factor genes were detected in the GpSGHV sequence, we hypothesize that the GpSGHV mp-nase-like protein might be involved in the disruption of the peritrophic membrane.

Proteins involved in nucleotide metabolism.

Two consecutive genes, the SGHV035 and SGHV036 ORFs, show homology to two putative viral thymidylate synthase genes from Melanoplus sanguinipes entomopoxvirus (MSV238, 33.3% identity) and from white spot syndrome virus of shrimp (ORF 67, 37.4% identity), respectively. Thymidylate synthase catalyzes the metabolism of dUTP to yield the nucleotide precursor of dTMP and promotes an important step in the de novo pathway for the biosynthesis of pyrimidines (13). An orthologue of SGHV035 and SGHV036 is also present in H. zea nudivirus-1 (14), in Chilo iridescent virus (49), and in several herpesviruses (4).

Proteins involved in DNA replication and transcription.

The SGHV079 ORF encodes a putative 108-kDa protein homologous to the delta catalytic subunit of DNA polymerases from several eukaryotic organisms (5). It contains LDFASLYPS, KX3NSXYG, and YGDTS, highly conserved motifs of DNA polymerase of the B family (64). The BLAST best match to a viral gene was to acelaphine herpesvirus DNA polymerase, with 24.9% identity (Table 2), whereas the best hit to a baculovirus had a score of 96 and only 15.9% identity to Choristoneura fumiferana MNPV DNA polymerase (76). Alignment and phylogenetic analysis of GpSGHV DNA polymerase with 19 DNA polymerase sequences from different families of large dsDNA viruses provided evidence that GpSGHV is not closely related to any of the previously known families of large dsDNA viruses.

Four GpSGHV ORFs showed weak similarities with four nonconserved baculovirus genes involved in DNA replication. These are SGHV048 with 18.8% identity to ADP pyrophosphatase (ADPRase) of Helicoverpa armigera NPV, SGHV074 with 20.6% identity to helicase-2 of Choristoneura occidentalis granulovirus, SGHV125 with 25.9% identity to cg30 of Ectotropis obliqua NPV, and SGHV126 with 29.4% identity to pe38 of Anticarsia gemmatalis NPV (Table 2).

An ADPRase gene has been found only in lepidopteran NPVs and granuloviruses and not in hymenopteran and dipteran specific baculoviruses (36). ADPRases belong to a subfamily of Nudix proteins that catalyze the breakdown of ADP-ribose to AMP and ribose-5 phosphate (47). Sequence alignment of SGHV048 with the cellular ADPRases clearly shows that it contains the consensus Nudix motif, G/X5/E/X7/REU/X/EE/X2/U. Deletion of this gene from the Autographa californica MNPV (AcMNPV) sequence resulted in a significant increase in DNA replication in the early stage of infection, but its precise function in virus replication is unclear (23). This type of enzyme is also found in poxviruses (D10 gene of vaccinia virus), where it is considered to be involved in the down-regulation of viral gene expression (55). The helicase-2 gene (homologous to SGHV052) (data not shown in Table 2) is specific to granulovirus and nudivirus genomes (79). It is distantly related to the conserved helicase core gene of baculoviruses and is probably involved in DNA repair and recombination (57). pe38 is an immediate-early baculoviral transactivator gene stimulating early promoter activity and DNA replication (83), whereas cg-30 has characteristics of eukaryotic transcriptional activator (71). Finally, SGHV065 has 22.8% identity with the AMV039 ORF, encoding a putative ATPase-DNA helicase of Amsacta moorei EPV.

Like those of most large DNA viruses, the GpSGHV genome is assumed to encode a DNA-dependent RNA polymerase necessary for the transcription of late genes. This function is normally fulfilled by a complex of proteins including at least two RNA polymerase subunits and initiation, elongation, and termination factors. Surprisingly, none of the 160 putative ORFs of the GpSGHV sequence showed significant hits to DNA-dependent RNA polymerase subunits from large circular or linear dsDNA invertebrate viruses. The only similarities found concerned SGHV059, which had a BLASTP hit to a DNA-dependent RNA polymerase of Plasmodium falciparum with 28.9% identity, and SGHV054 showing 29.9% identity to the AMV054 ORF, a putative RNA polymerase-associated transcriptional specificity factor of Amsacta moorei EPV (Table 2). The apparent lack of a DNA-dependent RNA polymerase orthologue in the GpSGHV genome may reflect differences in the modalities of the expression of its late genes compared to other large DNA viruses.

Similarities of two SGHV ORFs to A-type inclusion poxvirus genes.

Sixteen (34%) of the 47 SGHV genes showing similarities to other viral genes had best BLASTP scores to entomopoxvirus genes (Table 2). Two of these, SGHV010 and SGHV131, were homologous to a family of proteins originally described in poxviruses as viral A-type (for acidophilic type) inclusion proteins (ATIs) but later found in many unicellular organisms. This name refers originally to large proteinaceous bodies observed in cells infected with cowpox virus (16). ATIs are made up primarily of intracellular mature virions embedded in a large (160-kDa) late protein, named A-type inclusion protein (56). The gene encoding this protein (ati) is highly conserved via a truncated version in many orthopoxviruses that do not make inclusions. It is not essential in tissue culture, and its function as a truncated protein is not known (B. Moss, personal communication). SGHV010 had a low (15.8%) identity with cowpox ATI protein (GenBank accession no. BAA00222). However, alignment of the two proteins revealed a regular distribution of the 194 identical amino acid residues along the homologous region of 1,227 amino acid residues (data not shown). This suggests that the two proteins very likely belong to the same gene family. In addition to poxvirus A-type inclusion proteins, SGHV010 and SGHV131 also shared significant similarities with putative desmoplakins of Gryllus bimaculatus nudivirus (ORF77, GenBank accession no. YP_654512) and Choristoneura occidentalis granulovirus (ORF 91 GenBank accession no. YP_006242). Desmoplakins are products of cellular genes involved in intracellular junctions, but no function has been assigned to date to their viral homologues. Given these homologies, we suggest that the SGHV010 and SGHV131 proteins could play a role similar to that of poxvirus A-type proteins in embedding virus particles. This could favor cell-to-cell transportation of virions or their protection and dissemination during the extracellular phase of their infection cycle. A similar function could be assigned to desmoplakins of rod-shaped, enveloped, large DNA viruses devoid of an occlusion body (18, 79).

GpSGHV transcripts.

We looked for putative GpSGHV mRNAs in the G. morsitans morsitans expressed sequence tag (EST) database ( The tissues used to prepare cDNA came from flies known to be chronically infected with GpSGHV (S. Aksoy, personal communication). The search (TBLASTX) indeed revealed significant identities (64 to 100%) between 12 GpSGHV ORFs and G. morsitans morsitans ESTs, mainly and not surprisingly from the salivary gland cDNA library (data not shown). The homologies concerned SGHV010, SGHV044, SGHV045, SGHV060, SGHV061, SGHV062, SGHV064, SGHV074, SGHV107, SGHV108, SGHV111, and SGHV112. Surprisingly, only six of these ORFs (SGHV010, SGHV062, SGHV064, SGHV074, SGHV107, and SGHV108) had hits to viral genes, whereas six (SGHV044, SGHV045, SGHV060, SGHV061, SGHV111, and SGHV112) had no hit with any of the NCBI protein databases. Hence, these 12 ORFs can be considered to encode bona fide functional SGHV proteins.

GpSGHV shares several important features with baculoviruses, nudiviruses, and nimaviruses, such as rod-shaped enveloped virions (Fig. 1), a nuclear site of replication (33), and a large circular dsDNA genome with multiple dispersed repeat regions. However, its genome content and gene arrangement differ in many aspects, and phylogenetic analyses of selected genes did not provide evidence of a close relationship to any of these viruses. In addition, there are many unique biological features of this virus. One important difference concerns the pathology and tissue tropism of GpSGHV. GpSGHV induces a characteristic syndrome of SGH in its host, a property shared with two other viruses of Diptera described in Musca domestica (15) and Merodon equestris (6). It also induces lesions in gonads and accessory glands of male and female tsetse flies (38, 39, 59, 60) and in the milk glands of females (61), which may be responsible for mother-to-offspring transmission. This specific tissue tropism for some target organs of adult flies reflects a close and very likely ancient adaptation of the virus to the biology of its host. In this respect, the pathology induced by GpSGHV differs profoundly from those described for other large dsDNA viruses of insects.

The analysis of the GpSGHV genome reported here provides a second set of evidence that this virus not only differs from baculoviruses, nudiviruses, and nimaviruses but in fact cannot be assigned to any of the large dsDNA virus families so far known to infect invertebrates or vertebrates. The similarity between the GpSGHV genome and those of other large dsDNA viruses appears to be limited to a very small number of genes with well-known functions, including, surprisingly, four putative orthologues to baculovirus envelope genes p74, pif-1, pif-2, and pif-3 and a DNA polymerase gene similar to those of herpesviruses. However, the phylogenic trees of these five GpSGHV genes clearly established their ancient divergence from their putative orthologues. The similarity to about 40 additional viral genes from different virus families and whose function is mostly unknown further underlines the uniqueness of GpSGHV. Taken together these data justify, in our opinion, the proposal that GpSGHV represents a new type of insect virus for which a taxonomic position has to be defined.


We thank Christine Glazer from the Veterinary University, Vienna, Austria, for her help with electron microscopy and Maria Bernery at the Austrian Research Centre for her help with ultracentrifugation. We thank Rudi Boigner for his technical assistance.


Published ahead of print on 13 February 2008.


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