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. 1997 Oct 28;94(22):11773–11776. doi: 10.1073/pnas.94.22.11773

On roads not taken in the evolution of protein catalysts: Antibody steroid isomerases that use an enamine mechanism

Chao-Hsiung Lin 1, Timothy Z Hoffman 1, Peter Wirsching 1, Carlos F Barbas III 1, Kim D Janda 1,*, Richard A Lerner 1,
PMCID: PMC23568  PMID: 9342312


Reactive immunization has emerged as a new tool for the study of biological catalysis. A powerful application resulted in catalytic antibodies that use an enamine mechanism akin to that used by the class I aldolases. With regard to the evolution of enzyme mechanisms, we investigated the utility of an enamine pathway for the allylic rearrangement exemplified by Δ5-3-ketosteroid isomerase (KSI; EC Our aldolase antibodies were found to catalyze the isomerization of both steroid model compounds and steroids. The kinetic and chemical studies showed that the antibodies afforded rate accelerations up to a factor of 104 by means of an enamine mechanism in which imine formation was the rate-determining step. In light of our observations and the enzyme studies by other workers, we suggest that an enamine pathway could have been an early, viable KSI mechanism. Although this pathway is amenable to optimization for increased catalytic power, it appears that certain factors precluded its evolution in known KSI enzymes.

Many chemical reactions can proceed by alternative mechanisms. Hence, if more than one energetically accessible pathway is available for a particular transformation, it might be reasonable to expect that enzymes exist that operate via each distinct route. Yet with few exceptions, most notably the aldolases (1), Nature has apparently chosen to select and refine one approach for the conversion of a given substrate to product. One plausible explanation is that chemistry, and not specificity, has been the most challenging problem to solve during the course of enzyme evolution (2, 3). Once a clear chemical solution is found, subtle active-site modifications then occur that improve specificity and efficiency.

The process of reactive immunization allows the evolution in real time of antibody catalysts with defined mechanisms (4, 5). Hence, it is possible to test whether a chemical pathway other than one found in Nature is feasible within a protein framework and how this new pathway compares with that optimized by natural selection. In fact, this approach was used to procure monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) that catalyze the aldol reaction using a lysine-mediated enamine mechanism central to the class I aldolase enzymes (5). The mechanism of these catalysts contrasts with the class II aldolases, which invoke metal ion–general base components.

The Δ5-3-ketosteroid isomerase (KSI; EC provides a significant opportunity to examine the question of mechanistic dichotomy. The extensively studied KSI from bacteria makes use of a concerted interaction of a general acid and general base to isomerize a β,γ-unsaturated ketone to an enone in various steroids and is nearly a catalytically “perfect enzyme” (68) (Fig. 1). More than two decades ago, before the mechanism was confirmed, model studies suggested that an enamine mechanism should not be unequivocally ruled out (911). It occurred to us that the antibodies from our previous aldolase work could be used to rapidly assess the viability of an enamine mechanism for the catalysis of an allylic rearrangement within the confines of a protein active site. In this way, we could begin to examine the choice made by Nature as opposed to a rational alternative.

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Typical reaction catalyzed by KSI. Y14 and D38 are tyrosine and aspartic acid amino acid residues in the enzyme.


Preparation of mAbs.

The antibodies used in this work were obtained as previously described (5). Prior to use, they were dialyzed into 100 mM 4-morpholinepropanesulfonic acid (Mops), pH 7.5, and stored at 4°C. Under these conditions, there was no detectable loss of activity after at least 2 months.

Synthesis of Compounds.

Compounds (S)-4 and (R)-4 (see Fig. 2) were prepared by using an enantioselective Michael-type alkylation followed by a base-induced ring closure (12) and were purified by flash chromatography (Rf = 0.30, 90/10 hexane/ethyl acetate). The compounds were then isomerized with potassium tert-butoxide at room temperature, a slight modification of a literature procedure (13). Purification by flash chromatography (Rf = 0.42, 90/10 hexane/ethyl acetate) afforded substrates 1 and 2, respectively. Compound 5 was synthesized in racemic form according to known procedures (14, 15) and purified by flash chromatography (Rf = 0.26, 90/10 hexane/ethyl acetate). Compound 5 could not be cleanly deconjugated to substrate 3, therefore 3 was prepared directly from 5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-2-naphthol (Aldrich) by Birch reduction (16) and purified by flash chromatography (Rf = 0.40, 90/10 hexane/ethyl acetate). Dideuterio substrate 6 was prepared from 1 by refluxing in CD3OD as described for a Δ5-steroid (17) and analyzed by both 1H and 2H NMR. Steroid substrates 7 and 8 as well as the corresponding Δ4-isomers were commercially available (Steraloids, Wilton, NH).

Figure 2.

Figure 2

Structures of compounds under discussion. D, deuterium.


The reactions were done at 22°C in 100 mM Mops, pH 7.5, with 5% CH3CN as cosolvent in the presence or absence of antibody. Assays for 1–3 were conducted using UV spectrophotometry by observing the increase in absorbance due to the formation of 4248 = 15,120 M−1⋅cm−1) or 5248 = 16,000 M−1⋅cm−1). Reactions were done singly in 1-ml (1-cm) cuvettes using a Shimadzu UV2100 equipped with an automatic cell changer and Peltier temperature control. The reaction with 6 was done similarly and side-by-side with a reaction using 1 to ensure accurate comparison. The purity of substrates 1, 2, 3, and 6 was critical to avoid high initial absorbance values. Activation parameters were determined as described above, using temperature-calibrated buffers over the range 15–50°C. Assays for 7 and 8 were conducted using HPLC by observing the formation of the corresponding enone product at 254 nm (7: 40% CH3CN/60% H2O, 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid, 2.5 ml/min, anisole standard; 8: same solvent, 2.0 ml/min, benzophenone standard). Solubility limitations on 7 and 8 precluded the use of a wide range of substrate concentrations to satisfy first-order kinetics, therefore the kcat value was derived from the maximal velocity at the solubility limit of 7 (200 μM) or 8 (500 μM) under the assay conditions. Antibody-catalyzed reactions used 0.5 μM mAb with 1–3 and 5–20 μM with 7–8. Two independent active sites were assumed per IgG mAb. Background rate constants: 1 and 2, 5.10 × 10−4 min−1; 3, 4.32 × 10−5 min−1; 7, 2.27 × 10−4 min−1; 8, 2.70 × 10−6 min−1.

Trapping Experiments.

Reactions using 700 μM 1 were initiated as described above, and then various molar excesses of either sodium borohydride (NaBH4) or potassium cyanide (KCN) were added after 1 min. Control reactions did not contain 1. After 15 min, the solutions were dialyzed (Slide-A-Lyzer cassettes; Pierce) against 100 mM Mops, pH 7.5 (four changes, 200 ml each). The antibody concentrations were determined [ɛ280 = 1.35 (mg/ml)−1⋅cm−1] and the residual activity was measured using 1.


The bicyclic compounds 1–3 (Fig. 2) were used as models of the A–B ring portion of steroids, where the chemistry of the isomerization takes place. All three compounds were found to be substrates for the mAbs JW38C2 and JW33F12§ in which Michaelis–Menten saturation kinetics were observed in the formation of product 4 or 5. Interestingly, there was a strong preference for the (S)-methyl group at C-10 (steroid numbering) in 1 corresponding to the natural (R)-configuration found in steroids. Because both 1 and 2 were available for analysis, it can be surmised that the diastereomeric activated complex resulting from reaction of 1 and the l-amino acid antibody is apparently the “matched pair” of intrinsically lower energy. With substrates 1 and 3, the rate enhancements for both mAbs over the spontaneous isomerizations were at or close to 104 (Table 1). Remarkably, the kcat value for the Δ5(10)-estrene analogue 3 was less than an order of magnitude slower than that for 1, whereas KSI demonstrates nearly a 1,000-fold preference for Δ5(6) steroids (19, 20). Antibody-catalyzed reactions showed time-dependent inhibition with 2,4-pentanedione, which forms a stable enamine with the critical lysine. In this regard, kinetic experiments using 1 and the lysine-rich protein bovine serum albumin indicated no catalytic effects. Unexpectedly, the steroids 7 and 8 were also found to be antibody substrates. The A–B rings of these large structures are evidently able to enter the active site, although steric hindrance was probably responsible for the slow rates.

Table 1.

Kinetic constants for catalytic antibodies JW38C2 and JW33F12

mAb Substrate kcat, min−1 Km, μM kcat/Km, M−1·min−1 kcat/kuncat
JW38C2 1 4.13 271 15,200 8,100
2 0.27 280 964 529
3 1.03 2306 446 23,800
7 0.0034 ND ND 15
8 0.00066 ND ND 244
JW33F12 1 4.42 550 8,040 8,670
2 0.32 1097 296 637
3 0.54 2348 230 12,500
7 0.0035 ND ND 15
8 0.00049 ND ND 180

ND, not determined. 

Based on well established studies of Schiff-base chemistry (21) and chemical models (911), a fundamental mechanism for the mAb-catalyzed isomerization can be proposed (Fig. 3). A key intermediate is the covalently bound dienamine, whose counterpart is the noncovalently bound dienol in the KSI reaction (22, 23). The mAb JW38C2 was used to evaluate aspects of the kinetic and chemical mechanism. When substrate 1 was used, there was no detectable accumulation of intermediates, judged from the lack of burst formation of dienamine C at 278 nm and the absence of a lag in product formation monitored at 248 nm. Other than the appearance of the final product at 248 nm, no other spectral changes were observed in the range 220 nm to 320 nm during the course of the reaction. Substrate 6 showed no primary deuterium isotope effect, so proton abstraction from B was not rate-determining. Any β-secondary isotope effects, <5% if present, could not be determined with certainty. Although the solvent deuterium isotope effect was not fully investigated because it could not be analyzed in terms of a simple first-order process, the data yielded an estimated value of (kcat)H/(kcat)D = 1.5–2. An effect of this low magnitude suggested that proton transfer to C-6 (steroid numbering) of C did not limit the overall rate. Also, it is known that dienamines usually undergo rapid rearrangement to yield iminium ions (9). The origin of the small solvent isotope effect probably reflects the influence of D2O on the equilibrium of 1 and B not mediated by buffer species, since no buffer catalysis was observed. The loss of antibody activity upon NaBH4 reduction in the presence of saturating concentrations of 1 established the intermediacy of covalent imine-antibody species on the reaction pathway. However, imines B and D were apparently short-lived relative to the rate of trapping, because a maximum 50% decrease in activity was obtained even at a molar ratio of NaBH4/1 = 100. No loss in activity was observed upon exposure to NaBH4 of antibody alone or antibody in the presence of 4. The use of cyanide trapping with 1 supported the hydride result in that a concentration-dependent decrease in activity occurred, but up to only 27% at 1 mM KCN. The apparent rapid hydrolysis of imine D deduced from the trapping results and UV spectral observations (see above) was also consistent with the fact that antibody reactions with 1 could proceed to >95% completion. The strongly favored equilibrium of Δ4-steroids and amines in the direction of the enone was noted in model studies (10). Taken together, the data indicate that catalytic throughput from imine B to the final product has a large forward commitment and is quite fast. Finally, the activation parameters for both the spontaneous (ΔH = 15.1 kcal/mol, ΔS = −14.0 cal/mol⋅K) and antibody-catalyzed (ΔH = 12.5 kcal/mol, ΔS = −5.4 cal/mol⋅K; for kcat) reactions were calculated from linear Arrhenius plots. The data for the spontaneous isomerization are in accord with expected values (24).

Figure 3.

Figure 3

Enamine mechanism for antibody-catalyzed allylic rearrangement.

Given the above observations, a kinetically determined pKa = 6.5 for the reactive lysine, and that carbinolamine dehydration is generally rate-determining in imine formation from aliphatic ketones near physiological pH (21), suggested that breakdown of A was the step that primarily controlled the overall rate. The mechanism can now be rationalized in light of a crystal structure of mAb JW33F12 (C.F.B., A. Heine, G. Zhong, T.Z.H., J. Gramatikova, R. Björnestedt, B. List, J. Anderson, E. A. Stura, I. A. Wilson, and R.A.L., unpublished results). The data show a heavy-chain Lys-93 situated near the bottom of a 13.5-Å hydrophobic cleft. The residue is isolated with no hydrogen-bonding side chains in contact distance or other acidic or basic amino acid chains in the vicinity. Unlike the lysine in acetoacetate decarboxylase, in which neighboring electrostatic effects are also important (25), the reduced pKa of the antibody lysyl ɛ-amine results principally from the low dielectric medium of the active site. This medium might also stabilize the formation of charge-neutral carbinolamines relative to charged intermediates. On the basis of the kinetic and structural data, it is reasonable to conclude that the components of the chemical mechanism used by the antibody are composed of a nucleophilic lysine and water.

The activation parameters support the premise that the antibody and KSI lower the free energy of activation by different thermochemical strategies. Whereas the antibody restricts the entropy from being as unfavorable compared with the spontaneous reaction, the enzyme facilitates the isomerization due to an extremely low enthalpy of activation (17). Apparently, covalent catalysis provides a significant entropic advantage in the antibody reaction. Consequently, the opportunity exists to impart a more favorable enthalpic component to the enamine mechanism and achieve high catalytic power. Since imine formation and α-deprotonation are subject to general acid and general base catalysis, respectively, the addition of this machinery should enhance catalysis. Site-directed mutagenesis studies of both aldolase (26, 27) and KSI (23, 28, 29) have shown that amino acids necessary for proton donation/abstraction contribute 104–105 to catalysis on an individual basis. Therefore, a protein catalyst operating along an enamine pathway with general acid–base assistance might well rival the efficiency of KSI.

While as yet unisolated mammalian steriod isomerases may reveal the use of an enamine mechanism, precisely why two enolization mechanisms have remained intact even in prokaryotic aldolases (30), but not in KSI, is unknown. One argument could be mechanistic parsimony (31), since an optimized enamine mechanism would likely require a catalytic triad rather than the diad of KSI. However, recent elegant structural studies uncovered a third amino acid that might be participatory in the KSI mechanism (32). A more concrete rationale might be the place Δ5(6)-steroids occupy among the class of relatively acidic ketones that makes enolization an accessible pathway, whereas imine formation, most beneficial for nonacidic ketones, would require the extra condition of an amine of reduced pKa (33, 34). In light of our findings, the results from KSI mutagenesis experiments, and work by others where a KSI-like catalytic antibody elicited using traditional hapten design was inefficient (35), it is tempting to speculate that the presence of an unrefined enamine pathway in the ancestral progenote would have been competitive with other early KSI mechanisms. Perhaps then, Nature determined long ago that this mechanism could not be perfected to achieve the necessary velocities, and so it was a road not taken in the evolution of these enzymes.


We thank Dr. Andreas Heine and Dr. Ian A. Wilson for analysis of the crystal structure of mAb JW33F12 prior to publication. We also thank Prof. Dr. Duilio Arigoni for helpful comments. This work was supported in part by the National Institutes of Health (GM-43858, K.D.J.) and The Skaggs Institute for Chemical Biology (K.D.S.).



Δ5-3-ketosteroid isomerase





Subsequent to the original work (5) these antibodies were found to catalyze a large variety of aldol reactions (C.F.B., A. Heine, G. Zhong, T.Z.H., S. Gramatikova, R. Björnestedt, B. List, J. Anderson, E. A. Stura, I. A. Wilson, and R.A.L., unpublished results), including intramolecular reactions that allowed for the synthesis of 4 (18). Consequently, small model compounds were initially chosen to investigate the kinetics of double-bond migration.


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