Marcel Gielen
Marcel Gielen
1Free University of Brussels, VUB, Department of General and Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Room 8G512, Brussels, Belgium
François Kayser
François Kayser
1Free University of Brussels, VUB, Department of General and Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Room 8G512, Brussels, Belgium
2Room 8G512, High Resolution NMR Centre, HNMR, Pleinlaan 2, Brussels, B-1050, Belgium
Olga B Zhidkova
Olga B Zhidkova
3A.N. Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compounds, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 117813, Russia
Vladimir Ts Kampel
Vladimir Ts Kampel
3A.N. Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compounds, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 117813, Russia
Vladimir l Bregadze
Vladimir l Bregadze
3A.N. Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compounds, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 117813, Russia
Dick de Vos
Dick de Vos
4Pharmachemie BV, Medical Department, Haarlem, NL-2003 RN, Netherlands Antilles
Monique Biesemans
Monique Biesemans
1Free University of Brussels, VUB, Department of General and Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Room 8G512, Brussels, Belgium
2Room 8G512, High Resolution NMR Centre, HNMR, Pleinlaan 2, Brussels, B-1050, Belgium
Bernard Mahieu
Bernard Mahieu
5Catholic University of Louvain, INAN, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
Rudolph Willem
Rudolph Willem
1Free University of Brussels, VUB, Department of General and Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Room 8G512, Brussels, Belgium
2Room 8G512, High Resolution NMR Centre, HNMR, Pleinlaan 2, Brussels, B-1050, Belgium
1Free University of Brussels, VUB, Department of General and Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Room 8G512, Brussels, Belgium
2Room 8G512, High Resolution NMR Centre, HNMR, Pleinlaan 2, Brussels, B-1050, Belgium
3A.N. Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compounds, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 117813, Russia
4Pharmachemie BV, Medical Department, Haarlem, NL-2003 RN, Netherlands Antilles
5Catholic University of Louvain, INAN, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
Received 1994 Jul 4; Accepted 1994 Aug 8.
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