A series of silyl, germyl and alkyl substituted trifluoroacetylfurans has been synthesized under Friedel-Crafts electrophilic acylation conditions. Biological investigations have demonstrated that germyl derivatives of trifluoroacetylfuran are more toxic than the silicon analogues. 5-Triethylgermyl-2-trifluoroacetylfuran was the most toxic compound (LD50, 11.2 mg kg-1, i.p. for white mice), 200 times more toxic than the silicon analogue. 5-t-Butyl- and 5-trimethylsilyl-2-trifluroacetylfuran prolong the duration of ethanol anaesthesia by 220 and 140%. 5-Triethylgermyl-2-trifluroacetylfuran exibited high anesthetic activity in hexobarbital test (prolonged the duration by 137%). Some of compounds influenced muscle tone and locomotor coordination parameters. 5-Triethylgermyl-2-trifluomacetylfuran exibited analgesic activity (ED50, 0.9 mg kg-1).
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