Mucor genevensis was grown in both glucose-limited and glucose-excess continuous cultures over a range of dissolved oxygen concentrations (<0.1 to 25 μM) to determine the effects of glucose and the influence of metabolic mode (fermentative versus oxidative) on dimorphic transformations in this organism. The extent of differentiation between yeast and mycelial phases has been correlated with physiological and biochemical parameters of the cultures. Under glucose limitation, oxidative metabolism increased as the dissolved oxygen concentration increased, and this paralleled the increase in the proportion of the mycelial phase in the cultures. Filamentous growth and oxidative metabolism were both inhibited by glucose even though mitochondrial development was only slightly repressed. However, the presence of chloramphenicol in glucose-limited aerobic cultures inhibited mitochondrial respiratory development but did not induce yeast-like growth, indicating that oxidative metabolism is not essential for mycelial development. Once mycelial cultures had been established under aerobic, glucose-limited conditions, subsequent reversal to anaerobic conditions or treatment with chloramphenicol caused only a limited reversal (<35%) to the yeast-like form. Glucose, however, induced a complete reversion to yeast-like form. It is concluded that glucose is the most important single culture factor determining the morphological status of M. genevensis; mitochondrial development and the functional oxidative capacities of the cell appear to be less important factors in the differentiation process.
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