. 1966;35(1):93.
Report of dengue vaccine field trial in the Caribbean, 1963: a collaborative study*
J A Bellanti
, A T C Bourke
, E L Buescher
, F C Cadigan
, G A Cole
, Y El Batawi
, J N Hatgi
, J M McCown
, H Negron
, J V Ordonez
, F G Scheider
, T Smith
, J H Warram
, C L Wisseman Jr
J A Bellanti
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A T C Bourke
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E L Buescher
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F C Cadigan
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G A Cole
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Y El Batawi
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J N Hatgi
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J M McCown
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H Negron
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J V Ordonez
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F G Scheider
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T Smith
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J H Warram
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C L Wisseman Jr
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From the Department of Virus Diseases, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Washington, D.C., USA; and the Department of Microbiology, University of Maryland Medical School, Baltimore, Md., USA. Originally issued as document IR/Haem.Fever/Sem.1/WP/52.
Series information
Summaries of Papers Presented at the WHO Inter-Regional Seminar on Mosquito-Borne Haemorrhagic Fevers in the South-East Asia and Western Pacific Regions, 1964
PMCID: PMC2476154 PMID: 20604292