We used the pH-sensitive dye BCECF to evaluate the effect of acute (5-10 min) hypoxia (∼3% O2) on the regulation of intracellular pH (pHi) in astrocyte populations cultured from rat hippocampus. For cells in the nominal absence of CO2/ at an extracellular pH of 7.40 (37°C), acute hypoxia caused a small (0.05) decrease in steady-state pHi, but increased the pHi-recovery rate from an acid load during all but the late phase of the pHi recovery. During such pHi recoveries, the total acid-extrusion rate (φE, the product of dpHi/dt and proton buffering power) decreased with increasing pHi. Hypoxia alkali shifted the plot of φE vs. pHi; over the upper ∼85% of the φE range, this shift was 0.15-0.30. Hypoxia also stimulated the pHi-recovery rate from an alkali load. Under normoxic conditions, switching the extracellular buffer to 5% CO2/22 mM also alkali shifted the φE-pHi plot (upper ∼85%) by 0.4-0.5. Superimposing hypoxia on CO2/ further alkali shifted the φE-pHi plot (upper ∼85% of the φE range) by 0.05-0.15. The SITS-insensitive component of φE was alkali shifted by 0.20-0.30, whereas the SITS-sensitive component of φE was depressed in the low pHi range. Thus, in the nominal absence of CO2/, acute hypoxia has little effect on steady-state pHi but stimulates acid extrusion and acid loading, whereas in the presence of CO2/, hypoxia stimulates the SITS-insensitive but inhibits the SITS-sensitive acid extrusion.
Keywords: Bicarbonate, Carbon dioxide, Glia, Membrane, Transporter
The regulation of both intracellular pH (pHi) and extracellular pH (pHo) of brain cells is critically important because many cellular processes are sensitive to changes in pHi and/or pHo. These pH-sensitive processes include enzymes and transporters, as well as voltage- and ligand-gated channels that can influence neuronal activity (Roos and Boron, 1981; Tombaugh and Somjen, 1998; Traynelis, 1998; Chesler, 2003; McAlear and Bevensee, 2004). The pH sensitivity of glutamate-stimulated and voltage-gated Ca2+ channels is particularly relevant to ion disturbances associated with hypoxia and ischemia, when increases in intracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) can be neurotoxic (Yao and Haddad, 2004). Nearly all cells regulate pHi by transporting acid-base equivalents such as H+ and across their plasma membranes. Throughout the body, the transport of acid-base equivalents across plasma membranes causes reciprocal changes in pHi and pHo. In the brain, however, the high surface-to-volume ratios and tortuosity of the extracellular space accentuate these effects.
Ischemia/hypoxia generally leads to decreases in both pHi and pHo in brain cells (Tombaugh and Sapolsky, 1993; Siesjö et al., 1996; Yao and Haddad, 2004), although the pattern and magnitude of the pH changes can vary among preparations (Yao and Haddad, 2004). If the primary insult were a fall in pHi (i.e., at constant pHo), then brain cells would attempt to regulate their pHi by extruding acid, that is, transporting acid into or taking up from the extracellular space. The resulting secondary decrease in pHo could contribute to tissue damage. Conversely, if the primary insult were a fall in pHo (i.e., at constant pHi), then the resulting inhibition of acid-extruding processes and stimulation of acid-loading processes would lead to a secondary decrease in pHi as well. Metabolic status also comes into play. Thus, preischemic hyperglycemia exacerbates the intra- and extracellular acidosis of brain caused by ischemia (see review by Katsura and Siesjö, 1998).
Glial cells play critical roles in neuronal development and the regulation of the ionic and chemical environment of brain cells (Ransom, 2000). Astrocytes in particular help regulate pHo, as well as extracellular levels of K+ and glutamate—parameters affected by ischemia/hypoxia (see Jϕrgensen et al., 1999). Plum proposed that ischemia-induced brain necrosis is the result of astrocytic death caused by lactic acidosis (Plum, 1983). Astrocytes in culture are quite resistant to isolated oxygen deprivation; surviving for 12-24 h after the onset of hypoxia (Yu et al., 1989; Kelleher et al., 1993; Sochocka et al., 1994). However, cultured astrocytes exposed transiently (15-40 min) to a hypoxic, acidic, ion-shifted Ringers solution that mimics an in-vivo ischemia/hypoxia condition will perish within 20 min after being re-exposed to a standard Ringers solution (Bondarenko and Chesler, 2001).
Key to understanding the above effects will be an elucidation of how ischemia/hypoxia affects specific acid-base transporters in astrocytes. However, less is known about the effect of O2 deprivation on the activity of acid-base transporters in mammalian astrocytes than in neurons. In neurons, anoxia stimulates the activity of the acid extruding Na-H exchanger (NHE) in a subset of neocortical neurons from mouse (Jϕrgensen et al., 1999), as well as CA1 hippocampal neurons from both mouse (Yao et al., 2001) and rat (Diarra et al., 1999; Sheldon and Church, 2002). In the rat neurons, however, stimulation of the exchanger only occurred after the neurons were returned to normoxia. O2 deprivation can also influence the activity of -dependent transporters. Yao et al. (2003) found that extant anoxia stimulates a stilbene-sensitive, Na+- and -dependent transporter that is possibly electrogenic. Indeed, Na/HCO3 cotransporters (NBCs) appear to be present in at least some neurons (Schmitt et al., 2000; Cooper at al., 2005; Majumdar et al., 2006; Rickmann et al., 2007).
In astrocytes, NHEs appear to play an important role in maintaining the health of astrocytes exposed to hypoxia and then returned to normoxia. For example, the NHE inhibitor HOE694 prevented cell death when rat cortical astrocytes—after being exposed 20-40 min to a hypoxia, acidic, ion-shifted Ringers solution—were returned to normoxia (Bondarenko et al., 2004). When mouse cortical astrocytes, after being deprived of oxygen and glucose for 2 h, were returned to an oxygen/glucose replete solution, they exhibited an ∼80% increase in the pHi-recovery rate from acid loads (Kintner et al., 2004). This increased pHi recovery rate was due to stimulated NHE1 activity because the increased rate was absent in astrocytes treated with HOE642 or astrocytes from NHE1 null mice. HOE642 also protected the energy state (i.e., [phosphocreatine]/[creatine] ratio) of glioma cells during two hours of hypoxia (Glunde et al., 2002). This last observation is consistent with the hypothesis that NHE activity rises even during the hypoxic stress. However, to our knowledge, this hypothesis remains untested. Similarly, the effects of acute extant hypoxia on the electrogenic Na/HCO3 cotransporter, NBCe1—which is present (Bevensee et al., 2000) and makes a major contribution to pHi regulation in astrocytes (Bevensee et al., 1997a, 1997b)—are unknown.
In the present study, we focused on the effect of acute (5-10 min) hypoxia on pHi regulation in astrocyte populations cultured from the rat hippocampus. We chose astrocytes from the hippocampus because our group (Bevensee et al., 1997a,b), as well as other laboratories (see Rose and Ransom, 1998), have characterized in detail the mechanisms responsible for pHi regulation of the cells. In addition, as described above, investigators have examined the effects of hypoxia/anoxia on the pHi physiology of hippocampal neurons. Results from our astrocyte study thus complement and extend our understanding of hypoxia-induced changes in the acid-base status of the hippocampus.
Although hypoxia had little effect on the steady-state pHi of hippocampal astrocytes in either the nominal absence or presence of CO2/, an exposure to ∼3% O2 stimulated acid extrusion during the pHi recovery from an -induced acid load in the absence of the physiological buffer. Hypoxia also stimulated acid loading during the pHi recovery from an alkali load induced by removing CO2/. In the presence of CO2/, hypoxia stimulated SITS-insensitive, but to a lesser extent inhibited SITS-sensitive acid extrusion. Thus, although acute hypoxia has little effect on steady-state pHi, it enhances the dynamic recovery of pHi from acid and alkali loads in cultured hippocampal astrocytes, which would presumably enhance the stability of pHi.
Portions of this work have been published in preliminary form (Bevensee and Boron, 2000).
Effect of hypoxia on steady-state pHi
Hippocampal astrocytes bathed in a nominally CO2/-free, HEPES-buffered solution had a mean steady-state pHi of 7.05 ± 0.05 (n=7). In the same seven experiments, subsequently exposing the astrocytes to the HEPES-buffered solution bubbled with N2 (which reduced O2 to ∼3% in the recording chamber) caused pHi to decrease slightly to a lower steady-state pHi of 7.00 ± 0.04 (P = 0.008, paired t-test) in 4.8 ± 0.7 min. In additional studies conducted in 5% CO2/22 mM , we found that steady-state pHi was indistinguishable under normoxic (7.23, n=3) vs. ∼3% O2 conditions (7.25, n=3). In summary, acute hypoxia (∼3% O2) has little effect on the resting pHi of astrocytes either in the nominal absence or presence of CO2/.
Effect of hypoxia on acid-extrusion rates in the presence and absence of CO2/
To assess the effect of hypoxia on acid extrusion, we compared the pHi recoveries from an intracellular acid load under normoxic and hypoxic conditions. As shown in Fig. 1A, astrocytes bathed in the HEPES-buffered solution had a steady-state pHi of ∼6.9 (prior to point a). We then acid loaded the cells using the -prepulse technique (Boron and De Weer, 1976). Applying 20 mM NH3/ elicited an abrupt increase in pHi (segment ab in Fig. 1A) due to NH3 influx and protonation to form . In the continued presence of NH3/, pHi slowly decreased (bc) due to influx and/or stimulation of acid-loading mechanisms. Removing NH3/ caused pHi to decrease sharply (cd) as the that accumulated during segment bc was converted to NH3 (which diffused out of the cells) as well as H+. Subsequently, pHi recovered (de) to a value similar to that prevailing before the prepulse. The segment-de pHi recovery is primarily due to an amiloride-sensitive Na-H exchanger (Bevensee et al., 1997a), although a bafilomycin A1-sensitive H+ pump may also make a small contribution (Pappas and Ransom, 1993).
Fig. 1.
Hypoxia-induced stimulation of the pHi recovery from an acid load in the absence of . Astrocytes were exposed to hypoxia during segment ej. The cells were acid loaded by applying and removing 20 mM NH3/ both before (abcd) and after (fghi) exposing the cells to acute hypoxia (∼3% O2). dpHi/dt during most of the pHi recovery was faster with hypoxia (ij) than normoxia (de).
When the cells were exposed to a HEPES-buffered solution equilibrated with ∼3% O2, pHi decreased slightly (ef). After we acid loaded the now-hypoxic astrocytes a second time by applying and removing NH3/ (fghi), the ensuing pHi recovery exhibited a waveform (ijk) that was different from than seen under normoxic conditions (de). With hypoxia, the minimum pHi attained after NH3/ washout (point i) was consistently higher than with normoxia (d), consistent with stimulated acid extrusion. Moreover, with hypoxia, the rate of pHi recovery was faster at the beginning (point i) and for most of the pHi recovery (i.e., at relatively low pHi values), but slower towards the end of the recovery (i.e., at relatively high pHi values near point j).
In control normoxic experiments, pHi-recovery rates from two sequential acid loads were very similar for astrocytes in the nominal absence or presence of CO2/ (data not shown).
Using segment-de and -ij pHi-recovery rates in experiments similar to that shown in Fig. 1, we calculated the pHi dependence of total acid extrusion (dpHi/dt × βTotal) for 20% O2 (open circles in Fig. 2) and ∼3% O2 (filled circles). As previously reported for single cultured rat hippocampal astrocytes (Bevensee et al., 1997a), total acid extrusion decreased at progressively higher pHi. However, hypoxia alkali shifted the plot of φE vs. pHi by 0.15-0.30 in the pHi range 6.2-6.6, and also caused it to become almost linear.
Fig. 2.
Hypoxia-induced stimulation of total acid extrusion in the absence or presence of . For astrocytes bathed in the nominal absence of CO2/ (circles), the pHi dependence of total acid extrusion with normoxia (open circles) or hypoxia (filled circles) was computed from segments de and ij shown in Fig. 1. In a similar fashion, the pHi dependence of total acid extrusion with normoxia (open squares) or hypoxia (filled squares) was computed for astrocytes bathed in 5% CO2/22 mM . n = 3 for each data point.
We also performed experiments similar to that shown in Fig. 1, but on astrocytes bathed in 5% CO2/22 mM . The squares in Fig. 2 summarize the φE vs. pHi data. As previously reported for single astrocytes under normoxic conditions (Bevensee et al., 1997a), total acid extrusion was higher at all pHi values in the presence of CO2/ (open squares) compared to the nominal absence of the physiological buffer (open circles), predominantly reflecting the activity of an electrogenic Na/HCO3 cotransporter. For astrocytes in the presence of CO2/, hypoxia (filled squares) alkali shifted the plot of φE vs. pHi compared to normoxia (open squares). The plots are better fit (P<0.0001) with a model of 2 separate cubic polynomials than a simpler model of 1 cubic polynomial indicating that the data sets are distinct. The effects in the presence of CO2/ (squares) were not as pronounced as seen in the nominal absence of CO2/ (circles). For example, hypoxia alkali shifted the plot of φE vs. pHi by only 0.05-0.15 (pHi range: 6.8-7.0) for cells bathed in CO2/ (compared to 0.15-0.3 for cells in the HEPES-buffered solution).
Effect of hypoxia on stilbene-sensitive acid-extrusion
An electrogenic Na/HCO3 cotransporter (NBC) inhibited by stilbene derivatives is the predominant -dependent acid extrusion mechanism in cultured hippocampal astrocytes from rat (Bevensee et al., 1997a, 1997b). To characterize the effect of hypoxia on -dependent acid extrusion further, we used the stilbene derivative SITS to inhibit NBC, and computed the pHi dependencies of SITS-sensitive and -insensitive acid extrusion under both normoxic and hypoxic conditions. As previously reported, pretreating hippocampal astrocytes for ∼6 h in tissue-culture media containing 400 μM SITS irreversibly reduces φE (computed from the pHi recovery from a CO2/-induced acid load) by ∼65% (Bevensee et al., 1997a). Because other transporters likely contributed to the pHi recovery, the SITS inhibition was probably substantially more than 65%. Irreversibly inhibiting NBC activity with SITS prior to experiments avoids the necessity of using stilbenes during experiments, which would interfere with the BCECF fluorescence signal. In the present study, we inhibited NBC activity by pretreating with 500 μM SITS in the media for 6-8.3 h. In principle, the prolonged incubation in SITS could have induced compensatory changes in the pH physiology of the cells. On the other hand, we previously found that stilbene inhibition of the CO2/HCO3--stimulated pHi increase was similar for hippocampal astrocytes incubated in SITS for ∼6 h or exposed only briefly to DIDS (Bevensee et al., 1997a).
The experimental protocol was similar to that shown in Fig. 1, except the astrocytes in Fig. 3 were continually exposed to 5% CO2/22 mM . We acid loaded the cells both before (abcd) and after (fghi) acute hypoxia, and either with or without a ∼7-h pretreatment with 500 μM SITS. For clarity, we show only the pHi recoveries (d’e’ and i’j’) from the SITS experiment. SITS pretreatment reduced the pHi-recovery rate for both normoxia (compare segments de and d’e’) and hypoxia (segments ij and i’j’)—data consistent with reduced NBC activity in the two conditions. Note that in SITS-pretreated cells, hypoxia increased the rate of pHi recovery (compare segments i’j’ and d’e’)—data consistent with hypoxia-induced stimulation of -independent acid extrusion (as shown in Fig. 1).
Fig. 3.
Hypoxia-induced effects on acid extrusion in the presence of with and without SITS. Astrocytes were either untreated (full trace) or pretreated (partial trace) for 7 h with 500 μM SITS. Astrocytes were exposed to hypoxia during segment ej. The cells were acid loaded by applying and removing 20 mM NH3/ both before (abcd) and after (fghi) exposing the cells to acute hypoxia. In the absence of SITS pretreatment, the pHi recovery rates were similar under conditions of hypoxia (ij) and normoxia (de). However, with SITS pretreatment, the rates were faster with hypoxia (i’j’) than with normoxia (d’e’).
From experiments similar to those shown in Fig. 3, we computed the pHi dependence of φE under the different conditions, using the same approach as described for Fig. 2. From data comparable to the segment-de and -ij pHi recoveries in Fig. 3, we computed total φE vs. pHi for normoxia (Fig. 4A, open squares) and hypoxia (filled squares). For this batch of astrocytes exposed to CO2/, hypoxia only elicited a slight alkali shift of the total φE vs. pHi plot. Nevertheless, the data sets are better fit (P<0.0001) with a model of 2 separate cubic polynomials than a simpler model of 1 cubic polynomial.
Fig. 4.
Hypoxia-induced stimulation of SITS-insensitive acid extrusion and inhibition of SITS-sensitive acid extrusion. A: The pHi dependence of total acid extrusion with normoxia (open squares) or hypoxia (filled squares) was computed from segments de and ij shown in Fig. 3. B: The pHi dependence of SITS-insensitive acid extrusion with normoxia (open triangles) or hypoxia (filled triangles) was computed from segments d’e’ and i’j’ shown in Fig. 3. C: The pHi dependence of the SITS-sensitive acid extrusion with normoxia (open diamonds) or hypoxia (filled diamonds) was computed by subtracting the SITS-insensitive plot from each experiment (panel B) from the mean total acid extrusion plot (panel A). n = 3 for each data point in all panels.
We next used the segment-d’e’ and -i’j’ pHi recoveries to compute the SITS-insensitive φE vs. pHi in normoxia (Fig. 4B, open triangles) and hypoxia (closed triangles). As expected from the Fig. 1 data, hypoxia alkali shifted the SITS-insensitive φE vs. pHi plot.
We obtained the SITS-sensitive φE vs. pHi for normoxia (open diamonds) and hypoxia (closed diamonds) by subtracting each SITS-insensitive φE vs. pHi plot (that yielded Fig. 4B) from the corresponding mean total φE vs. pHi plot (Fig. 4A). Note that at pHi 6.4, for example, the SITS-sensitive φE is about twice as great as the SITS-insensitive φE; that is, NBC accounts for about 2/3 of the pHi recovery (assuming that SITS produces a 100% blockade of NBC) from an acid load at pHi 6.4. This “2/3” figure underestimates the true NBC flux to the extent that SITS fails to block NBC. Under normoxic conditions, the SITS-sensitive φE (Fig. 4C, open diamonds) gradually decreased at progressively higher pHi values (from 6.3 to 6.85)—a finding similar to previous observations (Bevensee et al., 1997a). We observed the opposite relationship under hypoxic conditions. In summary, hypoxia increases the SITS-insensitive φE, but decreases SITS-sensitive φE (particularly at a low pH of 6.4) for astrocytes exposed to CO2/.
Effect of hypoxia on acid loading
To examine the effect of hypoxia on acid loading, we monitored the rate of pHi recovery in astrocytes that we alkali loaded by applying and removing 5% CO2/22 mM (see Bevensee and Boron, 1995). For the experiment represented in Fig. 5A, normoxic astrocytes bathed in a HEPES-buffered solution had a steady-state pHi of ∼7.3 (prior to point a). Applying CO2/ elicited an abrupt decrease in pHi (ab), due to CO2 influx and formation of H+ and . In the continued presence of the physiologic buffer, pHi increased (bc) due to acid-extruding mechanisms such as electrogenic Na/HCO3 cotransport, and to a lesser extent, Na-H exchange (Bevensee et al., 1997a, 1997b). Removing CO2/ caused pHi first to increase rapidly (cd), greatly overshooting the initial pHi (d vs a), due to the efflux of CO2 and the subsequent consumption of H+ and to replace the lost CO2 (Boron and De Weer, 1976). Only nominal levels of intracellular remain at the peak of the pHi increase (point d). Subsequently, the cells recovered (de) to a pHi similar to that at the beginning of the experiment. The mechanism responsible for the pHi recovery is not known. We then exposed the astrocytes to ∼3% O2 and imposed another alkali load (fgh). (Note that, in this experiment, the initial CO2-induced pHi decrease is hidden by the overwhelming -dependent acid extrusion.) The subsequent pHi recovery (hi) from the alkali load was faster than the segment-de recovery.
Fig. 5.
Hypoxia-induced stimulation of the pHi recovery from an alkali load in the absence of . A: Astrocytes were exposed to hypoxia during segment ei. The cells were alkali loaded by applying and removing 5% CO2/22 mM both before (abcd) and after (fgh) exposing the cells to acute hypoxia. As evident from the slopes of the dashed lines, the pHi recovery from the alkali load was faster with hypoxia (hi) than normoxia (de). B: Linear fits to pHi recovery rates vs. pHi with normoxia (open circles) or hypoxia (filled circles) were obtained from segment-de and -hi pHi recoveries shown in panel A.
We used the segment-de and -hi pHi recoveries in Fig. 5A to plot linear fits to the pHi dependence of the pHi-recovery rate (dpHi/dt) in normoxia (Fig. 5B, open circles) and hypoxia (closed circles). We did not compute acid-loading rates (i.e., φL) because H+ buffering power measurements at high pHi obtained during alkali loads are not available. Buffering power measurements —particularly at high pHi— are difficult to obtain in the astrocytes because of pronounced acid loading, even in the presence of inhibitors and ion substitutions that minimize acid-base transporter activity (Bevensee et al., 1997a). Hypoxia increased the pHi-recovery rate at all pHi values during the recovery and steepened the plot of dpHi/dt vs. pHi. We obtained similar results in two additional experiments. Overall, hypoxia steepened the plot of dpHi/dt vs. pHi during recoveries from alkali loads by ∼50% (P = 0.04) from a mean of 44 ± 5 × 10-4 s-1 to 65 ± 2 × 10-4 s-1.
The goal of the present study was to characterize the effect of hypoxia (∼3% O2) on rates of acid extrusion and acid loading in cultured hippocampal astrocytes. We made the following three key observations. First, although hypoxia has little effect on steady-state pHi, hypoxia stimulates net acid extrusion during the pHi recovery from an acid load in the nominal absence of CO2/. Second, although hypoxia has little effect on total acid extrusion during the pHi recovery from an acid load in the presence of CO2/, hypoxia stimulates SITS-insensitive acid extrusion and inhibits SITS-sensitive acid extrusion. Third, hypoxia stimulates net acid loading during the pHi recovery from an alkali load elicited by removing CO2/. In summary, the small effect of hypoxia on steady-state pHi belies the more complex stimulatory/inhibitor effect of hypoxia on at least three mechanisms of pHi regulation.
Hypoxia and steady-state pHi
It is well established that hypoxia/ischemia leads to a decrease in both pHi and pHo in vivo (Tombaugh and Sapolsky, 1993). At least in some brain-cell preparations, however, the effect of hypoxia/anoxia alone on steady-state pHi is variable. Acute chemical anoxia (10 mM azide) of mouse neocortical neurons induces an abrupt decrease in the pHi, which is then followed by either a further decrease, no change, or a marked increase in pHi (Jϕrgensen et al., 1999). According to another study on acutely isolated CA1 neurons from the adult rat, acute anoxia elicits a transient decrease in pHi (-ΔpHi: 0.08-0.17) followed by a slower pHi increase (ΔpHi: 0.06-0.11) in the continued absence of O2, and then a larger pHi increase (ΔpHi: 0.15-0.27) upon return to normoxia (Sheldon and Church, 2002). The slow pHi increase during anoxia is due to a Zn2+-sensitive acid extrusion mechanism; possibly a H+ conductance, whereas the faster pHi increase upon return to normoxia is due to a Na-dependent process; presumably a Na-H exchanger. Similar results were obtained on cultured postnatal rat hippocampal neurons (Diarra et al., 1999).
CO2/ can also influence the effect of anoxia/hypoxia on steady-state pHi. For instance, acute anoxia elicits a small pHi decrease of ∼0.06 in mouse CA1 hippocampal neurons bathed in CO2/, but a considerably larger pHi increase of 0.46 in the neurons bathed in the nominal absence of CO2/ (Yao et al., 2001). The pHi increase is due to anoxia-induced stimulation of the NHE because the increase can be blocked by removing external Na+ or applying the inhibitor HOE694.
In our study, we found that ∼3% O2 elicited only a small pHi decrease of 0.05 in hippocampal astrocytes exposed to a nominally CO2/-free solution. Hypoxia also had little effect on pHi of astrocytes in CO2/. In a similar fashion, acute hypoxia of cultured cortical and acutely isolated hippocampal rat astrocytes elicited a relatively small, gradual pHi decrease compared to a more pronounced pHi decrease when the hypoxia was combined with a low pHo and/or an ion-shifted Ringers solution (Bondarenko and Chesler, 2001).
It is important to recognize that a change, or lack thereof, in steady-state pHi in response to hypoxia (or any other stimulus) provides little information on the activity of specific acid-base transporters. As described in Methods, pHi is in a steady state when the rates of acid extrusion (φE) and acid loading (φL)—both of which vary with pHi—are equal. Steady-state pHi will increase if φE (e.g., due to NHE activity) rises, if φL (e.g., due to Cl-HCO3 exchanger activity) falls, or both (Bevensee and Boron, 2008). This line of reasoning is important for the present study, where it is clear that hypoxia has little effect on steady-state pHi, but certainly has differential effects on the activity of acid-base transporters (see below).
Effects of hypoxia on acid extrusion
For astrocytes in the nominal absence of CO2/, hypoxia stimulated the pHi recovery from an acid load (Fig. 1). Interestingly, hypoxia stimulated the early part of the pHi recovery, but actually inhibited the recovery as the astrocytes approached steady-state pHi. Consequently, hypoxia altered the pHi dependence of total acid extrusion, φE (Fig. 2) in two ways. First, hypoxia alkali shifted the plot of φE vs. pHi by 0.15-0.30 pH units. This hypoxia-induced alkali shift is modest compared to an alkali shift of ∼0.7 pH units seen with cell shrinkage of mesangial cells (Bevensee et al., 1999). Second, hypoxia altered the shape of the φE vs. pHi relationship, such that the decrease in φE with pHi was more linear than exponential. This shape change reflects the greater hypoxia-stimulated increase in the dpHi/dt during the early vs. the late part of the pHi recovery.
As we have previously reported for rat hippocampal astrocytes bathed in the nominal absence of CO2/, an amiloride-sensitive NHE is the predominant acid-base transporter responsible for the pHi recovery from an acid load (Bevensee et al., 1997a). The amiloride-sensitive NHE in these astrocytes is likely NHE1 based on immunoblot data (Pizzonia et al., 1996). Thus, the hypoxia-induced increase in acid extrusion for astrocytes bathed in the nominal absence of CO2/ is likely due at least in part to stimulation of the NHE. Increased activity of the NHE during the pHi recovery from an acid load has been reported for reoxygenated rat hippocampal neurons after acute anoxia (Diarra et al., 1999; Sheldon and Church, 2002), as well as reoxygenated mouse cortical astrocytes after 2 h of oxygen and glucose deprivation (Kintner et al., 2004). The anoxia/ischemia-induced stimulation of NHE activity can involve a number of kinases, including ERK1/2 and protein kinases A and C (Sheldon and Church, 2002; Yao et al., 2001; Kintner et al., 2005).
It is important to note that other acid-extrusion mechanisms in astrocytes such as an H+ pump (Pappas and Ransom, 1993) and an H-Lactate cotransporter (Wuttke and Walz, 1990) may also contribute to the hypoxia-induced increase in acid extrusion. The high glucose concentrations of our cultured medium (i.e., 28 mM) and experimental solutions (e.g., ∼10 mM) likely promotes an elevated glycogen content and increased lactate release from our cells (Abe et al., 2006). Furthermore, 5% O2 for 1 day stimulates both lactate efflux and monocarboxylate transporter 1 (MCT1) expression in rat primary cortical astrocytes (Véga et al., 2006).
Although hypoxia did not have any appreciable effect on the total pHi recovery rate of astrocytes acid loaded in CO2/ (Fig. 3), it is clear from our analysis with SITS that hypoxia enhanced SITS-insensitive acid extrusion, but depressed SITS-sensitive acid extrusion (Fig. 4). The two predominant acid-extrusion mechanisms in rat hippocampal astrocytes are a SITS-insensitive NHE and a SITS-sensitive NBC. Therefore, it is not surprising that the SITS-insensitive φE vs. pHi plots shown in Fig. 4B look similar to the HEPES-buffered pair in Fig. 2. Hypoxia expectedly right shifted and increased the slope of the SITS-insensitive φE vs. pHi plot. The SITS-sensitive φE vs. pHi plot shown in Fig. 4C predominantly represents the pHi dependence of NBC activity. Interestingly, hypoxia eliminated the pHi dependence of NBC activity by lowering SITS-sensitive acid extrusion at low pHi values. The SITS-sensitive NBC in cultured rat hippocampal astrocytes is likely NBCe1-B, based on RT-PCR analysis and immunoblot labeling with an antibody that recognizes the carboxy terminus of NBCe1-A and -B (data not shown).
Effects of hypoxia on acid loading
Less is known about the mechanisms by which brain cells recover from alkali loads, and even less is known about their sensitivity to hypoxia. In hippocampal neurons, removing extracellular Cl- reveals the functional presence of the Cl-HCO3 exchanger AE3, which most likely functions as an acid loader (Hentschke et al., 2006). As shown in Fig. 5, astrocyte pHi recovers rapidly from an alkali load imposed by removing CO2/, and the pHi recovery is considerably faster when the astrocytes are exposed to hypoxia. The pHi recovery could be due to any number of -independent acid loading mechanisms, including a Ca-H pump or a Cl-OH exchanger. A Cl-HCO3 exchanger could also be involved. According to preliminary data (Bevensee & Boron, unpublished), the recovery is inhibited by phenylpropyltetraethylammonium (PPTEA), consistent with a contribution from a K/HCO3 cotransporter (KBC) that has previously been identified in the squid giant axon (Hogan et al., 1995a, 1995b; Zhao et al., 1995; Davis et al., 2001). If one of the aforementioned transporters were responsible, then the transporter would have to have a very high affinity for intracellular , which presumably would have a low intracellular concentration in the nominal absence of CO2. Nevertheless, it is possible that metabolically produced could have provided sufficient substrate for such a -efflux mechanism. Additional studies are required to identify the acid-loading mechanisms in the astrocytes, and to determine which are stimulated by hypoxia.
Summary and significance
Although acute hypoxia has little effect on steady-state pHi of rat hippocampal astrocytes, hypoxia stimulates -independent acid extrusion (e.g., NHE activity) and inhibits -dependent acid extrusion (e.g., NBC activity). Hypoxia also stimulates one or more acid loading mechanisms. Apparently, a low O2 level is a signal that alters the activity of at least three pHi-regulating mechanisms within a short timeframe of ∼10 min. It is worth noting that the effects of hypoxia on astrocyte pHi homeostasis are reminiscent of those of growth factors on renal mesangial cells (Boyarsky et al., 1990). In quiescent mesangial cells studied in the presence of CO2/, applying any of a wide range of growth factors has little effect on steady-state pHi but stimulates the recovery of pHi from both acid and alkali loads—changes that would enhance the stability of pHi in the face of acute acid and alkali loads.
In astrocytes, the differential effects of hypoxia on various acid-base transporters may help optimize the overall pH-regulatory ability of the astrocytes exposed to different forms of hypoxia/ischemia (see Lascola and Kraig, 1998). The stimulation of NHE activity by hypoxia would not be surprising based on a similar finding in neurons (see Introduction). Such stimulation would certainly help astrocytes regulate their pHi when faced with intracellular acidosis caused by low-grade, or normoglycemic ischemia. Because this form of ischemia can also lead to a depolarization-induced astrocytic alkalosis, the stimulation of acid loading mechanisms would also be beneficial. However, during hyperglycemic and complete ischemia, astrocytes undergo compartmentalized acidosis and membranes become less permeable to . Hypoxia-induced inhibition of NBC activity would contribute to the reduced permeability of the astrocytes. Further studies are required to examine the effects of hypoxia on pHi/pHo regulation in the brain in-vivo, where normal oxygen tensions are likely to be less than the 20% used in the present in-vitro study (Ndubuizu and LaManna, 2007). Such future studies will be complicated however because in-vivo oxygen tensions are dynamic and display spatial and temporal heterogeneity.
In summary, the O2 level can be included in the list of signals such as changes in pHi, pHo, and ion concentrations that can regulate acid-base transporter activity of astrocytes during ischemia/hypoxia. The extent to which each of these signals contributes to altered transporter activity will depend on the type and severity of the ischemia/hypoxia.
Culturing astrocytes
Astrocytes from the hippocampi of Sprague-Dawley rats were harvested and cultured as previously described (Bevensee et al., 1997a). Briefly, hippocampi from 0-3 day-old rats were harvested and placed in ice-cold PBS supplemented with 33 mM glucose. The tissues were subjected to mechanical digestion with pipettes of decreasing pore diameter, and then enzymatic digestion with ∼0.1% trypsin (GIBCO BRL, Life Technologies Inc.) for 1 min. The cell suspension was subjected to several rounds of centrifugation (400 × g) followed by cell resuspension; twice with PBS + glucose, and twice with the tissue culture media consisting of minimum essential medium (MEM) supplemented with 28 mM glucose, 2 mM l-glutamine, 100 units ml-1 penicillin/streptomycin (GIBCO BRL, Life Technologies Inc.), and 10% fetal calf serum (Gemini Bioproducts, Inc. or GIBCO BRL, Life Technologies Inc.). After the final centrifugation, the cell suspension was divided into two 25-cm2 tissue-culture flasks. On day 4 after plating, the flasks were agitated at ∼100 RPM on an American Rotator V (Model R4140) shaker for approximately two hours to dislodge contaminating oligodendrocytes. 10-12 days after the initial plating, the flasks were again agitated for at least 12 hours before the cells were trypsinized and replated. From two preparations, astrocytes passaged three or four times were plated onto 1-cm2 glass coverslips for pHi measurements. Prior to cell plating, coverslips were sequentially washed with concentrated RadiacWash® (Biodex Medical Systems, Shirley, NY), 70-100% ethanol, and deionized water. Experiments were performed on the astrocytes 1-4 weeks after being plated onto coverslips.
Measuring pHi
The pHi of astrocyte populations was measured using the pH-sensitive dye BCECF and a SPEX Fluorolog-2 dual-beam spectrofluorometer (model CM1T10E; SPEX Industries, Inc., Edison, NJ) as described by Bevensee et al. (1999). Prior to an experiment, astrocytes on a coverslip were loaded with BCECF by incubating the coverslip in the standard HEPES-buffered solution containing 10 μM of the cell permeant acetoxymethylester form of the dye, BCECF-AM. The coverslip was then secured in a custom-designed flow-through cuvette, which fit into a temperature-controlled cuvette holder that was mounted in the excitation light path of the spectrofluorometer. The dye was alternately excited with 502-nm and 440-nm light every 3 s, and the emitted light at 530 nm from each excitation was captured and integrated for 1 s. The emitted light from 502-nm excitation (I502) is pH sensitive, whereas that from 440-nm excitation (I440) is relatively pH insensitive. Thus, the fluorescence-excitation ratio (I502/I440) is predominately a function of pH. Normalized ratios were converted to pHi values using the high-K+/nigericin technique (Thomas et al., 1979), as modified for a single-point calibration (Boyarsky et al., 1988). Background I502 and I440 signals from cells without dye were subtracted from total I502 and I440 signals. All experiments were performed at ∼37°C.
As described by Bevensee and Boron (1995), the rate of acid extrusion (φE) or acid loading (φL) is the product of the rate of change in pHi (dpHi/dt) and total intracellular H+ buffering power (βTotal)1. φE and φL are “pseudofluxes” with the units of moles per unit cell volume per unit time (i.e., μM s-1). βTotal is the sum of the theoretically computed buffering power (βHCO3 = 2.3 × []i) and the intrinsic buffering power (βi). The pHi dependence of βi for cultured rat hippocampal astrocytes has previously been described by the linear relationship βi = -9.98 × pHi + 80.5 (Bevensee et al., 1997a). The pHi dependence of βi for astrocytes cultured from mouse cortex is unaffected by 2 h of oxygen and glucose deprivation, followed by 1 h of reoxygenation (Kintner et al., 2005).
The standard HEPES-buffered solution contained (in mM): 125 NaCl, 3 KCl, 1 CaCl2, 1.2 MgSO4, 2 NaH2PO4, 32 HEPES, 10.5 glucose, and NaOH to pH 7.4 at 37°C. NH3/-containing solutions were made by replacing 20 mM NaCl with an equimolar amount of NH4C1. For the 10-μM nigericin solution, Na+ was replaced with 105 mM K+ and NMDG+. For the 5% CO2/22 mM solution (pH 7.4), 32 mM HEPES was replaced with 22 mM NaHCO3 plus 3.4 mM NaCl to maintain a constant ionic strength, and the solution was equilibrated with either 5% CO2/balance air or 5% CO2/balance N2 in hypoxia experiments. For hypoxia experiments performed in the nominal absence of CO2/, solutions were equilibrated with 100% N2. PO2 of the superfusate in the cuvette was ∼23 torr (∼3%) as measured with a platinum wire electrode (Croning and Haddad, 1998; Yao et al., 2001).
For stock solutions, BCECF-AM was prepared in dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) and nigericin in 100% ethanol. BCECF-AM was obtained from Molecular Probes, Inc. SITS, nigericin, and other chemicals were obtained from Sigma Chemical Co. (St. Louis, MO).
Data are reported as mean ± standard error of the mean (SEM). Levels of significance were assessed using either the paired or unpaired Student’s t-test, and P < 0.05 was considered significant. dpHi/dt vs. pHi during recoveries were fit with either third-order polynomials (following acid loads) or lines (following alkali loads) using a least-squares method. F tests were performed on cubic polynomial fits to plots of acid extrusion vs. pHi using GraphPad Prism 5 (GraphPad Software, Inc.) to determine if data sets were distinct. Each pair of data sets shown in Figs. 2 and 4 was fit significantly better (P<0.05) with a model of 2 separate cubic polynomials than a simpler model of 1 cubic polynomial indicating that the data sets were distinct. Reported n values represent number of experiments, even from a single batch of cells.
This work was supported by NIH Program Project Grant HD32573 (GH Haddad, PI) and research grants R01 NS018400 (to WFB) and R01 NS046653 (to MOB). For part of the project, MOB was supported by postdoctoral training grant NIH T32 HL07778.
The effect of total acid extrusion (φE) and total acid loading (φL) on steady-state pHi can be described by the fundamental law of pHi regulation: dpHi/dt = (φE - φL)/βTotal, where βTotal is defined as the total intracellular H+ buffering power.
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