Despite recent studies that failed to show catastrophic effects of prenatal cocaine exposure, popular attitudes and public policies still reflect the belief that cocaine is a uniquely dangerous teratogen.
To critically review outcomes in early childhood after prenatal cocaine exposure in 5 domains: physical growth; cognition; language skills; motor skills; and behavior, attention, affect, and neurophysiology.
Data Sources
Search of MEDLINE and Psychological Abstracts from 1984 to October 2000.
Study Selection
Studies selected for detailed review (1) were published in a peerreviewed English-language journal; (2) included a comparison group; (3) recruited samples prospectively in the perinatal period; (4) used masked assessment; and (5) did not include a substantial proportion of subjects exposed in utero to opiates, amphetamines, phencyclidine, or maternal human immunodeficiency virus infection.
Data Extraction
Thirty-six of 74 articles met criteria and were reviewed by 3 authors. Disagreements were resolved by consensus.
Data Synthesis
After controlling for confounders, there was no consistent negative association between prenatal cocaine exposure and physical growth, developmental test scores, or receptive or expressive language. Less optimal motor scores have been found up to age 7 months but not thereafter, and may reflect heavy tobacco exposure. No independent cocaine effects have been shown on standardized parent and teacher reports of child behavior scored by accepted criteria. Experimental paradigms and novel statistical manipulations of standard instruments suggest an association between prenatal cocaine exposure and decreased attentiveness and emotional expressivity, as well as differences on neurophysiologic and attentional/affective findings.
Among children aged 6 years or younger, there is no convincing evidence that prenatal cocaine exposure is associated with developmental toxic effects that are different in severity, scope, or kind from the sequelae of multiple other risk factors. Many findings once thought to be specific effects of in utero cocaine exposure are correlated with other factors, including prenatal exposure to tobacco, marijuana, or alcohol, and the quality of the child’s environment. Further replication is required of preliminary neurologic findings.
Recently, the US Supreme Court considered Ferguson et al v City of Charleston, a Fourth Amendment case (unreasonable search and seizure).1 This case addresses a policy of the Medical University of South Carolina whereby health professionals, in cooperation with the local prosecutor, selectively screened the urine of medically indigent obstetric patients for cocaine metabolites.1-3 Medical personnel reported positive results to the police, who would then come to the hospital to arrest prenatal and postpartum patients for possession of an illegal drug, delivery of drugs to a minor, or child abuse.3,4 In the popular press, People magazine reported on C.R.A.C.K. (Children Requiring a Caring Kommunity), a controversial charity that raises money to give mothers with a history of illegal drug use financial incentives to accept long-acting contraception, or, in most cases, sterilization.5 This charity and the policies at issue in Ferguson v City of Charleston reflect popular belief that women who use cocaine while pregnant inflict severe, persistent, and unusual impairments on their unborn children, recently described by a newspaper columnist as “blighted by a chemical assault in the womb.”6
Public expectations of “blighted” children fuel controversial punitive policies directed toward addicted mothers.7 Since 1985, more than 200 women in 30 states have faced criminal prosecution for using cocaine and other psychoactive substances during pregnancy.7 Scholars and professional organizations have condemned efforts to sterilize or criminally prosecute addicted mothers as ethically and legally flawed, racially discriminatory, and an impediment to providing appropriate medical care to these women and their children.3,4,7-9
Recent reviews10-15 and articles16-18 show that most initial predictions of catastrophic effects of prenatal cocaine exposure upon newborns were exaggerated. After controlling for confounders, the most consistent effects of prenatal cocaine exposure are small but statistically significant decrements in 1 or more parameters of fetal growth for gestational age12,13 and less optimal neonatal state regulation and motor performance.10,11,14 Clinically silent findings on neonatal cranial ultrasounds following prenatal exposure have been found in some studies,10,16 but not others.17 Prenatal cocaine exposure without concurrent opiate exposure has not been shown to be an independent risk factor for sudden infant death syndrome.15,18
Despite the neonatal data, beliefs about cocaine’s teratogenicity impose a stigma on cocaine-exposed infants19,20 and children at school age.21 Teachers fear that “crack kids” will be too developmentally delayed or disruptive to be taught in traditional classrooms.22
Given the current public concern, health professionals need a critical synthesis of studies of postneonatal outcomes of children exposed to cocaine in utero in 5 domains: (1) physical growth; (2) cognition; (3)language skills; (4) motor skills; and (5) behavior, attention, affect, and neurophysiology.
Data Sources
MEDLINE and Psychological Abstracts were searched for all human studies published in English from 1984 until October 2000 that included the words cocaine, crack/cocaine, crack, pregnancy, prenatal exposure, delayed effects, children, and related disorders. Even if cited in MEDLINE, abstracts or nonreviewed proceedings of scientific meetings23 were excluded. Seventy-four published articles were identified.24-97
Study Selection
We first applied selection criteria used by others98: all selected studies presented original research published in a refereed English-language journal, used human subjects, and used a control or comparison group. Detailed review was then restricted to studies that also met 3 criteria: (1) samples were prospectively recruited; (2) examiners of the children were masked to their cocaine exposure status; and (3) the cocaine-exposed cohort did not include a substantial proportion of children also exposed in utero to opiates, amphetamines, or phencyclidine, or whose mothers were known to be infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
Justification of Selection Criteria
Studies were classified as prospectively recruited if the samples of cocaine-exposed and unexposed mother-infant dyads were identified and enrolled either during pregnancy or immediately after birth. Prospective recruitment obviates recall bias, when caregivers of a child who has experienced an adverse outcome are likely to recall prenatal exposure in greater detail, and selection bias, when caregivers are more likely to enroll children with already suspected developmental impairments. Such biases in retrospective samples can produce an overestimate of the risk of negative developmental outcomes.99
In behavioral research, examiners’ bias may unconsciously distort measurement of developmental/behavioral outcomes.99-101 Investigators have shown that evaluators were more likely to code children’s videotaped behavior as abnormal if the children were labeled as “crack kids” than if they were not.19,20
Lower developmental test scores in infancy and less adaptive behavior at school age have been linked to prenatal opiate exposure.102 In samples where most cocaine-exposed children are also opiate-exposed, the independent effect of cocaine on outcome cannot be clearly delineated. For the same reason, samples where cocaine exposure was largely confounded with exposure to methamphetamines or phencyclidine were also excluded. Exposure to HIV in utero is correlated with poor developmental outcome not only among infected infants, but also among those who serorevert.103 If most cocaine-exposed children in a sample are also offspring of HIV-infected mothers, it cannot be determined whether effects are due to cocaine or HIV exposure.
Two developmental/behavioral pediatricians (D.A.F., M.A.) and a neuropsychologist (W.G.K.) reviewed all articles. After excluding 38 articles according to the above criteria, the same 3 authors abstracted the data from the remaining 36 articles in detail. If a single article covered outcomes in more than 1 domain (eg, cognitive test scores and behavior), each domain was addressed separately. If there was uncertainty, contact was made with the corresponding author of the article to clarify interpretation of data. Disagreements were resolved by consensus.
Of the excluded studies, 20* failed to mask investigators to children’s cocaine exposure status. Seven24,27,28,36,39,40,53 had no control group. Twenty-six† did not use prospective recruitment for some or all of their subjects. Thirteen‡ primarily recruited children with in utero exposure to opiates, methamphetamines, or phencyclidine. Two32,44 reported samples predominantly composed of children of HIV-positive mothers.
Data Extraction
The conceptual framework for data extraction was provided by recent theoretical advances in human behavioral teratology104,105 delineating the implications of various methods of characterizing exposure to possible toxicants and of controlling for potential confounders. Many cocaine-exposed newborns are clinically indistinguishable from their unexposed peers,18,106 so identification of exposed infants depends on maternal report or measurement of cocaine metabolites in biological matrices. Dose response is a critical issue in the study of all potential teratogens105 but is difficult to ascertain for cocaine in human studies. Recently, infants’ meconium and maternal hair have emerged as useful biological markers for estimating the dose of prenatal cocaine exposure.97,107-111 However, at the time most cohorts available for study in the postneonatal period were recruited, assays of urine from mother or infant for benzoylecognine were the only biological indicators readily available. Urine assays do not reflect cumulative fetal drug exposure. Thus, researchers who address dose response rely on maternal interviews to classify levels of prenatal cocaine exposure, usually classifying 2 or more days a week during pregnancy as “heavier use.”63,66,85 For this review, we classified levels of prenatal cocaine exposure as heavier/lighter or as exposed/unexposed.
Even when their mothers do not use opiates, amphetamines, or phencyclidine, most cocaine-exposed infants are also exposed in utero to varying combinations of tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana.112 The heaviest prenatal cocaine users are often the heaviest users of these other substances.109 If prenatal exposure to tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana is not analytically controlled, their effects on neurodevelopment74,84,113 may be misattributed to cocaine. If these substances are statistically controlled for without regard to the level of use, residual confounding may occur because of overaggregation of light and heavy exposure.104,114 For this review, we considered whether prenatal tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana exposure are reported or not, are controlled analytically as dichotomous variables (exposed/not exposed), or are statistically controlled in a dose-related manner. However, statistical control in a dose-controlled manner offers the greatest assurance that effects of heavy tobacco, marijuana, or alcohol exposure will not be spuriously attributed to cocaine.
Interpreting cocaine effects is further complicated because the samples studied are, with a few exceptions,77,90,93,97 drawn from economically disadvantaged, medically at-risk populations, whose characteristics are associated with high developmental risk without any psychoactive substance exposure. The number of environmental and medical variables, the accuracy of their measurement, and their distribution within the sample may influence the estimation of cocaine effects.104
The data were derived from 17 independent cohorts from 14 cities. Some cohorts were the subject of multiple articles, either at different ages or with differing analyses of the same data from a single age. Mutually exclusive samples were identified by author and city. For each article, a number of parameters were coded, including number of cocaine unexposed and exposed subjects and the number at varying levels of cocaine exposure if such data were available; how pregnancy exposure to tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana was addressed analytically and whether this exposure was significantly related to outcomes; what other covariates were matched, used as selection criteria, or controlled for statistically; which of these covariates influenced outcomes; and what, if any, statistically significant (P<.05, 2-tailed unless otherwise specified) cocaine effects were identified. Of the included articles, 4 do not report attrition.66,77,78,87 In the others, sample retention from birth to the oldest age reported for the cohort ranges from 39%70 to 94%.62 Of these, 14 articles* from 11 cohorts document the characteristics of those retained compared with those lost to follow-up.
Physical Growth
If level of exposure to other substances is not controlled, prenatal cocaine exposure appears to be associated in 2 cohorts with postneonatal decrements in weight or occipitofrontal head circumference,64,70,78,79 but not in another89 (TABLE 1). However, in 2 cohorts that did control for dose of prenatal exposure to tobacco and alcohol84,93 no negative cocaine effect was noted on the children’s weight, length, or head circumference. In 1 cohort, full-term unexposed children were longer than exposed or unexposed preterm children and their exposed full-term counterparts.71
Table 1.
Physical Growth*
Study | No. | Cocaine Effect |
Outcome Measures |
Assessment Ages |
Tobacco Use |
Alcohol Use |
Marijuana Use |
Selection/ Matching Criteria |
Controlled Variables |
Other Effects |
Azuma and Chasnoff,64 1993 | 92 + 25 poly 45 - |
Both cocaine and polydrug exposed groups had lower OFC | Weight, height, OFC | 3 years | R | C Analyzed as single category | All drug users in prenatal care by 15 weeks and in drug treatment | |||
Chasnoff et al,70 1992 | 106 + 45 poly 81 - |
Both cocaine and polydrug exposed had lower OFC than unexposed at all ages measured | Weight, height, OFC | 3, 6, 12, 18, and 24 months | R | C Analyzed as single category | All drug users in prenatal care by 15 weeks and in drug treatment | Sex, gestational age | ||
Coles et al,71 1999 | 25 preterm + 32 full term + 22 preterm - 26 full term - |
Full-term negatives longer; otherwise, no cocaine effect | Weight, length, OFC | 8 weeks corrected for prematurity | R | R | R | Maternal age ≥19, English speaking, singleton or first-born twin, no O2 >28 days, no seizures, no grade III or IV IVH, not breastfed | ||
Hurt et al,79 1995 | 101 + 118 - |
Cocaine associated with lower weight and OFC at all ages | Weight, OFC | 6, 12, 18, 24, and 30 months | R | R | R | Medicaid, all >34 weeks’ gestation | ||
Jacobson et al,84 1994 | 86H 48L 330 - |
Cocaine exposure associated with faster postnatal weight gain in first 13 months, no effect on length or OFC | Weight, length, OFC | 6.5 and 13 months | DC Correlated with faster postnatal weight gain | DC Correlated with both shorter stature and slower postnatal weight gain if mother aged >30 | DC | All black, low socioeconomic status, at least 2 prenatal visits, >32 weeks’ gestation | Maternal age, welfare, education, parity, prepregnancy weight, birth weight, height, breastfed, prenatal visits, infant age, sex, gestational age | Breastfeeding associated with faster postpartum growth |
Kilbride et al,89 2000 | 111 + 41 - |
No cocaine effect | Weight, length, OFC | 2, 12, 24, 36 months | C | C | R | All from same ZIP code, 36 weeks’ gestation, no NICU care, women referred for drug treatment excluded | Placement, gestational age, maternal age and education, OFC at birth, birth weight | |
Richardson et al,93 1996 | 28 + 523 - |
No cocaine effect | Weight, height, OFC | 6 years | DC | DC | DC | All in prenatal care by 5 months of pregnancy | Age, sex, height, ethnicity, current drug/alcohol use |
Across tables, abbreviations are explained at first mention only. Plus (+) indicates exposed to cocaine; poly, exposed to multiple drugs; minus (-), not exposed to cocaine; OFC, occipitofrontal head circumference; R, reported; C, controlled; IVH, intraventricular hemorrhage; H, heavier; L, lighter; DC, dose controlled; and NICU, neonatal intensive care unit.
Standardized Cognitive Assessment
There is little impact of prenatal cocaine exposure on children’s scores on nationally normed assessments of cognitive development (TABLE 2). Findings of cocaine effects depend on contextual factors, such as the child’s history of prematurity, age at time of assessment, and the effects of prenatal exposure to other substances. Of the 9 studies evaluating prenatal cocaine effects on developmental test scores in infants, 5 found no effect,71,77,79,85,89 including 1 that classified infants according to level of prenatal exposure to cocaine, tobacco, and alcohol.85 Chasnoff et al70 found that the 6-month-old infants whose mothers used cocaine, alcohol, and marijuana attained mean scores lower than infants of controls, but identical to those of infants whose mothers had used alcohol/marijuana without cocaine, suggesting no incremental impact of cocaine use. Mayes et al91 reported bivariate association of lower psychomotor scores at 3 months with prenatal cocaine exposure, but not after statistical control for potential confounders. Alessandri et al63 found no main effects of level of prenatal cocaine exposure on test scores at 8 or 18 months, but on post hoc comparisons children with the highest level of cocaine exposure in pregnancy (2 or more days a week) obtained significantly lower mental development scores at age 18 months than unexposed infants.
Table 2.
Standardized Cognitive Assessments*
Study | No. | Cocaine Effect | Outcome Measures | Assessment Ages | Tobacco Use | Alcohol Use | Marijuana Use | Selection/Matching Criteria | Controlled Variables | Other Effects |
Alessandri et al,63 1998 | 15H 19L 78 - |
No cocaine dose effect on PDI, no cocaine main effect on MDI, but interaction of heavy cocaine with age associated with lower MDI | BSID-II | 8 and 18 months | DC | DC | DC | All with biological mothers | Environmental risk, neonatal medical risk, sex | Among lightly exposed, increased environmental risk associated with decreased MDI |
Azuma and Chasnoff,64 1993 | 92 + 25 poly 45 - |
No cocaine effect | SBIS | 3 years | R | C Analyzed as single category | All drug users in prenatal care by 15 weeks and in drug treatment | OFC, HSQ, perseverance, CBCL | Poor HSQ and poor perseverance associated with lower IQ | |
Chasnoff et al,70 1992 | 106 + 45 poly 81 - |
Cocaine exposed not different from other drugs, but lower on MDI and PDI at 6 months than unexposed | BSID | 3, 6, 12, 18, and 24 months | R | C Analyzed as single category | All drug users in prenatal care by 15 weeks and in drug treatment | Sex, OFC | Smaller OFC correlated with MDI at 12, 18, and 24 months, OFC at birth associated with PDI at 6 months and MDI at 24 months | |
Coles et al,71 1999 | 25 preterm + 32 full-term + 22 preterm - 26 full-term - |
No cocaine effect | BSID | 8 weeks corrected for prematurity | R | R | R | Maternal age ≥19, English speaking, singleton or first-born twin, no O2 <28 days, no seizures, no grade III or IV IVH, not breastfed | ||
Graham et al,77 1992 | 30 + 20 poly 30 - |
No cocaine effect | BSID | 19.7 months | R | R | C | Tobacco, marital status, obstetric history, ethnicity, self-referred to Mother Risk Counseling | Maternal IQ | Maternal IQ associated with MDI |
Griffith et al,78 1994 | 93 + 24 poly 25 - |
Cocaine-exposed lower than controls on verbal reasoning | SBIS | 3 years | R | C Analyzed as single category; associated with decreased abstract reasoning | All drug users in prenatal care by 15 weeks and in drug treatment | Caregiver, child’s sex, OFC, CBCL, and Summative Attention Scale of SBIS | Drug-free environment associated with better scores on verbal reasoning among cocaine-exposed | |
Hurt et al,79 1995 | 101 + 118 - |
No cocaine effect | BSID | 6, 12, 18, 24, and 30 months | C | C | C | Medicaid, all <34 weeks’ gestation, cocaine use in at least 2 trimesters | Congenital syphilis, maternal age and education, foster care | Foster care associated with lower MDI at 18 months |
Hurt et al,82 1997 | 71 + 78 - |
No cocaine effect | WPPSI-R | 4 years | C Negative association with performance IQ | C | C | Medicaid | Maternal age and education, gravidity, parity, prenatal care, sex, foster care | |
Hurt et al,83 1998 | 72 + 78 - |
Neither prenatal nor concurrent maternal cocaine use associated with full-scale IQ ≤90 | WPPSI-R | 4 years | C | C | C | Medicaid | HOME, PCIS, sex, child age, foster care, day care/Head Start attendance, parental education, gravidity, parity, prenatal care, current cocaine use | Higher HOME scores and better PCIS associated with full-scale IQs above 90 |
Jacobson et al,85 1996 | 86H 48L 330 - |
No cocaine effect | BSID | 13 months | DC | DC | R | All black, all received prenatal care | Maternal age, depression, prenatal visits, HOME, parity, examiner, sex, age at test, continued maternal drug use | |
Kilbride et al,89 2000 | 111+ 41 - |
No cocaine effect | BSID, SBIS | 6, 12, and 24 months (BSID); 36 months (SBIS) | C | C | R | All from same ZIP code, 36 weeks’ gestation, no NICU care, women referred for drug treatment excluded | Placement, gestational age, maternal age and education, OFC at birth, birth weight | Birth weight associated with MDI at 12 months; with case management, children cared for by biological mothers have higher SBIS verbal scores; children in care of relatives have highest overall scores |
Mayes et al,91 1995 | 61 + 47 - |
Cocaine univariately associated with PDI, but not after multivariate control | BSID | 3 months | C | C | C | All with biological mothers | Maternal age and education, OCS, prenatal care, birth weight, birth length, and OFC at birth | |
Richardson et al,93 1996 | 28 + 523 - |
No cocaine effect | SBIS, WRAT-R | 6 years | DC | DC | DC | All in prenatal care by 5 months | Maternal ethnicity, IQ, current maternal alcohol/drug use, self-esteem, HSQ, child’s grade | |
Singer et al,96 1994 | 41 + 41 - |
Lower MDI and PDI among cocaine exposed | BSID | 16 months corrected for prematurity | R | R | R | All black, all receiving AFDC, severity of BPD, all VLBW | Chronological age at testing, IVH, foster placement |
PDI indicates Psychomotor Development Index; MDI, Mental Development Index; BSID-II, Bayley Scales of Infant Development, 2nd ed; SBIS, Stanford Binet Intelligence Scale; HSQ, Home Screening Questionnaire; CBCL, Child Behavior Checklist; BSID, Bayley Scales of Infant Development; WPPSI-R, Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence-Revised; HOME, Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment; PCIS, Parent Caregiver Involvement Scale; OCS, Obstetrical Complication Scale; WRAT-R, Wide Range Achievement Test-Revised; AFDC, Aid for Families of Dependent Children; BPD, bronchopulmonary dysplasia; and VLBW, very low birth weight.
In very low-birth-weight infants, Singer et al96 reported a negative association between prenatal cocaine exposure and developmental scores at 16 months corrected age, but in utero exposure to other psychoactive substances was not analytically controlled.
Six reports from 4 cohorts evaluated the association of prenatal cocaine exposure with cognitive test scores in children between the ages of 3 and 6 years.64,78,82,83,89,93 Two articles presented results in a single cohort of 3-year-olds. In one, Azuma and Chasnoff64 reported that children whose mothers only used alcohol and marijuana during pregnancy achieved mean IQ scores that were identical to those of children whose mothers had also used cocaine. In a second report of post hoc comparisons from the same cohort, Griffith et al78 found that children exposed to cocaine in addition to other substances scored significantly lower than unexposed controls on a verbal reasoning scale of the IQ test. However, these scores were not lower than the scores of children who had been exposed to the other substances but not cocaine and were not statistically controlled for tobacco exposure. Another study found no cocaine effect on IQ.89 In the cohort studied by Hurt et al82,83 there was no impact of prenatal cocaine exposure on children’s cognitive test scores at 48 months. In the oldest prospectively recruited cohort studied to date, Richardson et al93 found no effect of prenatal cocaine exposure on any IQ scales at age 6 years, including verbal reasoning, and no association with children’s academic skills.
The literature on prenatal exposure to cocaine has not shown consistent effects on cognitive or psychomotor development. However, 7 studies show that environmental factors such as caregiver (biological mothers vs kinship care or foster parents),79,89 whether or not that caregiver received case management or home visiting services,78,89 quality of the home environment,63,64,78,83 and maternal IQ77 were statistically significant correlates of test scores.
Language Skills
Three studies of toddlers69,81,89 showed no association between prenatal cocaine exposure and receptive or expressive language scores on standardized measures (TABLE 3). Using a naturalistic language sample, Bland-Stewart et al69 found that cocaine-exposed children produced different semantic categories than matched unexposed children. However, there were too few subjects to permit confounder control.
Table 3.
Language Skills*
Study | No. | Cocaine Effect | Outcome Measures | Assessment Ages | Tobacco Use | Alcohol Use | Marijuana Use | Selection/Matching Criteria | Controlled Variables | Other Effects |
Bland-Stewart et al,69 1998 | 11 + 11 - |
Delays in early semantic development, no effect on SICD-R score | SICD-R language sample | 24 months | NR | NR | NR | Age, sex, foster care, maternal age and education | ||
Hurt et al,81 1997 | 76 + 81 - |
No cocaine effect | PLS | 2.5 years | NR | NR | NR | Medicaid | ||
Kilbride et al,89 2000 | 111 + 41 - |
No cocaine effect | REEL, SICD-R | 6, 12, 24 months (REEL), 36 months (SICD-R) | C | C | R | All from same ZIP code, 36 weeks’ gestation, no NICU care, women referred for drug treatment excluded | Placement, gestational age, maternal age and education, OFC at birth, birth weight | Case management of children cared for by biological mothers associated with higher SICD-R scores |
SICD-R indicates Sequenced Inventory of Communicative Development-Revised; NR, not reported; PLS, preschool language; and REEL, Receptive Expressive Emergent Language Scale.
Motor Skills
Of 6 studies, 3 from 2 cohorts found less optimal motor scores in the first 7 months of life following prenatal cocaine exposure (TABLE 4).75,76,97 No prospective study has identified a cocaine effect on motor development after age 7 months.75,76,89 Dempsey et al74 found mothers’ prenatal tobacco use (quantified by urine assays of cotinine rather than by self-report), but not cocaine use (quantified by benzoylecognine levels in meconium), was the major predictor of abnormalities in infant muscle tone at 6 weeks. No other prospective study of motor outcome75,76,79,89,97 following cocaine exposure used biological markers to measure tobacco exposure. It is not yet clear whether previously reported positive associations between prenatal cocaine exposure and less optimal early motor development may be a misattribution of tobacco effects.
Table 4.
Motor Skills
Study | No. | Cocaine Effect | Outcome Measures | Assessment Ages | Tobacco Use | Alcohol Use | Marijuana Use | Selection/Matching Criteria | Controlled Variables | Other Effects |
Dempsey et al,74 2000 | 40 + 56 - |
No cocaine effect | Neurologic examination | 6 weeks | DC High doses associated with hypertonia | C | C | Birth weight >2000 g, English speaking, maternal age >18, no NICU care | Ethnicity, adequacy of prenatal care, OFC, gestational age, homelessness | |
Fetters and Tronick,75 1996 | 28 + 22 - |
Higher total risk on the MAI at 7 months, lower mean percentile on AIMS at 7 months | AIMS, MAI, PDMS | 1, 4, 7, and 15 months | C | C | R | Maternal education, maternal age >18, health insurance, ethnicity, birth weight >2000 g, no NICU care | Hobel score, cumulative risk index, child hospitalization and poor health, maternal education, ethnicity | |
Fetters and Tronick,76 1998 | 28 + 22 - |
No difference on PDMS, significant differences on prone and standing subscores of AIMS and primitive reflex score of MAI at 7 months | AIMS, MAI, PDMS | 1, 4, 7, and 15 months | C | C | R | Maternal education, maternal age >18, health insurance, ethnicity, birth weight >2000 g, no NICU care | ||
Hurt et al,79 1995 | 101 + 118 - |
No cocaine effect | Tone and reflexes | 6 and 12 months | C | C | C | Medicaid, all >34 weeks’ gestation, cocaine use in at least 2 trimesters | Congenital syphilis, maternal age and education, foster care | |
Kilbride et al,89 2000 | 111 + 41 - |
No cocaine effect | PDMS | 6, 12, 24, and 36 months | C | C | R | All from same ZIP code, 36 weeks’ gestation, no NICU care, women referred for drug treatment excluded | Placement, gestational age, maternal age and education, OFC at birth, birth weight | |
Swanson et al,97 1999 | 48 + COC3 72 + COC12 186 - |
Higher full-scale MAI total risk, COC3 associated with less optimal volitional movement than COC12, COC3 at higher risk for neuromotor dysfunction than unexposed but COC12 is not | MAI | 4 months | DC | DC | DC | Maternal age >17, gestational age ≥37 weeks | Prenatal visits, infant sex and age, parity, ethnicity, maternal age and education, marital status, income | Prenatal care decreased association between cocaine exposure and primitive reflexes and volitional movement to nonsignificant |
MAI indicates Movement Assessment of Infants; AIMS, Alberta Infant Motor Scales; PDMS, Peabody Development Motor Scales; COC3, cocaine use in third trimester; and COC12, discontinued cocaine use before third trimester.
Behavior, Attention, Affect, and Neurophysiology
Heterogeneous techniques used to evaluate behavior, attention, affect, and neurophysiology following prenatal cocaine exposure are not readily comparable across studies (TABLE 5). In the first year of life, visual habituation (an indicator of recognition memory and learning) was negatively associated with higher levels of cocaine exposure in 1 cohort85 but not in 3 others.63,88,91 No cocaine effect was found on toddler play80 or on observations of behavioral style during an infant motor assessment.68 Problem-solving abilities did not differ between cocaine-exposed and unexposed preschoolers.67
Table 5.
Behavior, Attention, Affect, Neurophysiology*
Study | No. | Cocaine Effect | Outcome Measures |
Assessment Ages |
Tobacco Use | Alcohol Use | Marijuana Use | Selection/Matching Criteria | Controlled Variables |
Other Effects |
Alessandri et al,62 1993 | 36 + 36 - |
Cocaine associated with fewer positive emotions, less arousal, and less instrumental responding | Instrumental responses and facial expressions during learning | 4, 6, or 8 months | R | R | NR | Sex, birth order, maternal age, all with biological mothers, all receiving AFDC, all black, all with ≤high school | Beck Depression Inventory and Life Events Survey | |
Alessandri et al,63 1998 | 37H 30L 169 - |
No cocaine effect | Habituation | 8 months | DC | DC | DC | All with biological mothers | ||
Azuma and Chasnoff,64 1993 | 92+ 25 poly 45 - |
No cocaine effect | CBCL externalizing scale | 3 years | R | C | C | All drug users in prenatal care by 15 weeks and in drug treatment | Smaller OFC associated with more externalizing behavior | |
Bard et al,65 2000 | 27 preterm + 39 full-term + 23 preterm - 29 full-term - |
None on behavioral state or heart rate; higher baseline respiratory rate and better arousal modulation in full-term infants, and poorer arousal modulation in preterm infants; preterm exposed are no more dysregulated than full-term unexposed | Arousal and arousal modulation in heart rate and respiratory rate | 8 weeks corrected for prematurity | DC Associated with arousal modulation of heart rate | DC | DC | Maternal age ≥19, English speaking, singleton or first-born twin, no O2 >28 days, no seizures, no grade III or IV IVH, not breastfed | Quality of caregiving, maternal psychosocial resources, term status | Term status associated with higher arousal and with arousal modulation of respiratory rate and arousal of heart rate |
Bendersky and Lewis,66 1998 | 24H 17L 66 - |
Heavily exposed showed less joy and more negative expressions during reengagement | Still face paradigm | 4 months | DC | DC | DC | All with biological mothers | Maternal vocalization, maternal sensitivity, Environmental Risk Score, Contingent Responsivity Score, neonatal medical complications | Maternal sensitivity associated with both joy and negative expression; neonatal medical risk and maternal vocalization associated with joy |
Betancourt et al,67 1999 | 7 + 81 - |
No cocaine effect | Goodman Lockbox | 3.5 and 4.5 years | C | C | C | Medicaid, all >34 weeks’ gestation | Gestational age, birth weight, IQ, preschool experience | |
Blanchard et al,68 1998 | 26 + 23 - |
No cocaine effect | Qualitative behavioral ratings during motor testing | 1, 4, and 7 months | C | C | C | Maternal education, maternal age >18, health insurance, ethnicity, birth weight >2000 g, no NICU care | Maternal age, parity | Child age associated with examiner’s persistence and maternal parity with interruptions |
Coles et al,71 1999 | 25 preterm + 32 full-term + 22 preterm - 26 full-term - |
Increased heart rate to social stimulation | Heart rate response to auditory, visual, and social stimulation | 8 weeks corrected for prematurity | C | C | C | Maternal age ≥19, English speaking, singleton or first-born twin, no O2 >28 days, no seizures, no grade III or IV IVH, not breastfed | Caregiving potential, quality of caregiveing | Caregiving instability explained more variance than cocaine exposure, preterm drug-exposed had least optimal response |
Delaney-Black et al,72 1998 | 27 + 75 - |
1-Tailed cocaine effect on problem behaviors and daydreaming, but no effect on Conners Scale total | Conners Teachers Rating Scale and Problem Behavior Scale | 72-90 months (6-7.5 years) | C | DC | NR | All black | Child’s sex | |
Delaney-Black et al,73 2000 | 201 + 270 - |
None with standard scoring method, but higher Externalizing-Internalizing Difference Score in cocaine exposed | Teacher Report Form of CBCL | 6 years | DC | DC Associated with higher total score, increased attention problems, more delinquent behavior | C | All black, all with prenatal care, children with mental retardation excluded | Child’s sex, custody changes, exposure to violence, current lead level, current caregiver drug use, socioeconomic status, marital status | Child’s sex male, current lead level, exposure to violence, older age, custody change, caregiver marital status, and current caregiver drug use associated with less optimal scores |
Graham et al,77 1992 | 30 + 20 marijuana 30 - |
No cocaine effect | Vineland Social Maturity | 18 months | R | R | C | Marital status, obstetric history, ethnicity, self-referred to Mother Risk Counseling | Maternal IQ | |
Griffith et al,78 1994 | 93 + 24 poly 25 - |
Similar to polydrug effects, but both show more aggressive and destructive behavior | CBCL | 3 years | R | C Analyzed as single category, associated with aggression | All drug users in prenatal care by 15 weeks and in drug treatment | Child’s sex, drug-free caregiver | ||
Hurt et al,80 1996 | 83 + 93 - |
No cocaine effect | Free play | 18 and 24 months | C | C | C | Medicaid | NICU admission, age at testing, foster care | |
Jacobson et al,85 1996 | 86H 48L 330 - |
Heavy cocaine exposure associated with poor visual memory on Fagan Test at 6 and 12 months and faster responsiveness on Visual Expectancy at 6 months | Fagan Test of Infant Intelligence; Visual Expectancy Paradigm | 6 and 12 months | DC | DC | R | All black, all received prenatal care | Maternal age, depression, prenatal visits, HOME, parity, examiner, infant’s sex, age at test | |
Jacobson et al,86 1999 | 29 + 57 - |
Cocaine exposed had lower basal cortisol prestress, but not poststress level | Cortisol levels before and after venipuncture | 13 months | DC | DC Related to higher basal cortisol, heavy exposure to poststress elevation | DC | All black, all received prenatal care | Milk, teething, pacifier, birth size, maternal verbal ability, age at test, postpartum drug use, ego maturity, caregiver depression | New teeth, maternal depression, AFDC associated with higher basal cortisol; age at visit, maternal verbal ability with poststress cortisol |
Johnson et al,87 1999 | 53 + 37 - |
No cocaine effect | CBCL | 24 months | NR | NR | NR | All Hispanic or black | Ethnicity, maternal stress and social support, maternal depression, child’s sex | Maternal stress and social support associated with total internalizing and externalizing behavior; depression with externalizing behavior problems |
Karmel et al,88 1996 | 46 + 147 - 162 - with CNS injury |
No cocaine effect | Arousal modulated visual attention | 4 months corrected for prematurity | NR | NR | NR | Cocaine-exposed had normal BAER and cranial ultrasounds | Arousal condition | CNS injury associated with neonatal pattern of attention |
Leech et al,90 1999 | 26 + 582 - |
Cocaine associated with increased errors of omission | CPT | 6 years | DC Associated with more errors of omission | DC | DC Associated with more errors of commission, fewer of omission | All in prenatal care by 5 months | Ethnicity, child’s sex, illnesses, hospitalizations, SBIS IQ, HSQ, maternal work status, life events, hostility, maternal age, male in household, current caregiver alcohol/drug use | Omission predicted by lower child SBIS IQ and age, and mother more hostile and not working; commission predicted by child’s male sex, male in household, and lower SBIS IQ |
Mayes et al,91 1995 | 61 + 47 - |
No effect on visual habituation, more cocaine-exposed too irritable to start procedure | Visual habituation | 3 months | C | C | C | All with biological mothers | Maternal age, education, OCS, prenatal care, birth weight, length, OFC | |
Mayes et al,92 1997 | 43 + 17 poly 21 - |
Less readiness for interaction at 6 months | Face-to-face interaction | 3 and 6 months | C | C | C | All with biological mothers | Maternal age and education, infant’s sex, OCS, infant size at birth | |
Richardson et al,93 1996 | 28 + 523 - |
No cocaine effect | Teacher Report Form of CBCL | 6 years | DC | DC | DC | All in prenatal care by 5 months | Ethnicity, child’s IQ and grade, current maternal alcohol/drug use | |
Roumell et al,94 1997 | 14 + 16 - |
Cocaine associated with less facial emotion | Facial expression coding after inoculation | 18 months | R | R | R | Hospital payment, maternal education, all black | ||
Scher et al,95 2000 | 37 + 34 - |
Third-trimester exposure associated with reduced spectral θ energies; no sleep effects | Quantitative EEG | Day 2, 1 year | DC Increased indeterminate sleep, increased arousal | DC Decreased indeterminate sleep and δ energies, increased REM and spectral correlation | DC Increased arousal, decreased β energies | Full-term, Apgar score >5, mother in prenatal care by 5 months, no general anesthesia | Child’s sex and age, ethnicity, number of hospitalizations, maternal age |
CNS indicates central nervous system; BAER, brainstem auditory evoked responses; CPT, Continuous Performance Test; EEG, electroencephalogram; and REM, rapid eye movement.
Differences in affective expression have been correlated with prenatal exposure to cocaine in 4 studies from 3 cohorts of infants younger than age 2 years. Alessandri et al62 found that 4- to 8-month-old cocaine-exposed children showed less arousal, interest, joy, or sadness during the learning task. In the same cohort, Bendersky and Lewis66 reported no differences in maternal behaviors, but less joy and more negativity among 4-month-old infants with heavy cocaine exposure following a perturbation of the face-to-face interaction between mother and infant. Roumell et al94 reported a bivariate association between prenatal cocaine exposure and decreased facial emotion after immunization, uncontrolled for other prenatal exposures. In studies of face-to-face interaction between mothers and infants, Mayes et al92 found heavy prenatal cocaine use correlated with less optimal maternal behavior and with decreased readiness for interaction among infants at age 6 months but not 3 months.
Diverse techniques have been used to assess neurophysiology in cocaine-exposed and unexposed infants aged 13 months and younger. Cocaine-exposed infants showed lower basal cortisol levels, but normal cortisol increase in response to the stress of venipuncture and no difference in amount of observed crying.86 On electroencephalographic sleep studies at 12 months, cocaine-exposed children did not differ from unexposed children in sleep architecture, but infants whose mothers continued to use cocaine into the third trimester showed subtle reductions in spectral energies.95 In 2 reports from a single cohort, assessments of heart and respiratory response to auditory, visual, and social stimulation at age 8 weeks found that cocaine-exposed children showed increased heart rate to social stimulation and a higher baseline respiratory rate, but were not more dysregulated in arousal modulation or observed behavioral state.65,71 Full-term cocaine-exposed infants showed better arousal modulation than their unexposed counterparts.65
Prenatal cocaine exposure, independent of exposure to alcohol, has not been found to be associated with levels of behavioral disturbances detectable by standard scoring of epidemiologic and clinical report measures by parents and teachers.64,72,73,77,78,87,93 However, 2 studies in 1 cohort (1 study using a study-specific measure72 and the other73 using a new and as-yet unreplicated method of scoring the Teacher Report Form of the Child Behavior Problem Checklist115) found less-optimal scores among cocaine-exposed children. Another research group90,93 found, after covariate control, an association between prenatal cocaine exposure and increased errors of omission, but not commission, on a continuous performance task.
Before summarizing our findings, we must acknowledge the limitations of our approach. Studies that meet our methodologic criteria may still lead to overestimation or underestimation of cocaine’s impact. Prospective studies may yield biased results if there is differential attrition.99 Less dysfunctional caregivers may be more likely to sustain study participation, creating differential retention of children with more favorable outcomes. Alternatively, caregivers of children with obvious impairments may be more willing to return for repeated assessments, leading to an overestimation of risk for poor outcomes.
Reliance on interviews alone to classify exposure, which was the state of the art when the cohorts reported here were recruited, entails unavoidable imprecision.14 In the absence of cumulative biological markers some cocaine-exposed children may have been misclassified as unexposed. Conversely, women who do admit cocaine use in interviews tend to be heavier users than those who deny use but whose use is detected by hair assays.111 Generalization from atypical cases at the highest levels of exposure will lead to overestimation of the impact of prenatal cocaine exposure in the broader population of users. However, if a sample contains very few infants heavily exposed to cocaine,77,93 possible effects of heavier use may be statistically “diluted” by overaggregation of various levels of exposure into a single category.114
Four studies with positive69,75,76,94 and 1 with negative68 findings have small sample sizes and must be interpreted with particular caution since they may overestimate cocaine effects due to the impact of a few outliers or underestimate effects because of insufficient power or sampling variation.
While acknowledging these limitations, we conclude that after control for exposure to tobacco and alcohol, effects of prenatal cocaine on physical growth are not shown.64,70,71,79,84,89,93 Researchers have not found a negative association of prenatal cocaine exposure, independent of environmental risk and exposure to other psychoactive substances, with developmental scores from infancy to age 6 years.* However, sufficient information is not available to elucidate whether there are specific cocaine effects on developmental scores in the context of prematurity.96
Prospective data in the language and motor domains are only available for children up to age 3 years.69,74-76,78,79,81 No effects on standardized language measures have been shown. Less-optimal motor development before age 7 months but not thereafter has been found by some investigators75,76,97 but not others.74,79,89 Recent research suggests that motor findings attributed to cocaine may in fact reflect heavy prenatal tobacco exposure.74
Except for the work of 1 investigator,72,73 prenatal cocaine exposure independent of exposure to alcohol has not yet been found to be associated with levels of behavioral disturbance that are readily detected by standard scoring of epidemiologic and clinical report measures from parents and teachers.64,72,77,78,87,93 However, sophisticated experimental and physiological paradigms of uncertain clinical importance have detected possible effects of prenatal cocaine exposure. Of these, only the finding of decreased emotional expressiveness has been replicated in more than 1 study.62,66,92,94
The differences between our conclusions and those of others show how methodologic rigor influences understanding of prenatal cocaine exposure. For instance, a respected research group recently concluded from a metaanalysis of 6 studies that prenatal cocaine exposure is associated with decreased competence in expressive and receptive language.98 However, 5 of these studies29,37,43,46,51 were retrospective; 2 did not use masked assessors.37,57 In 2 samples, the majority of cocaine-exposed children were also exposed to opiates and methamphetamines.37,57 Furthermore, none of these studies analytically controlled for the possible effects of prenatal tobacco exposure, an established correlate of language impairment.113 Nevertheless, newspaper articles used the conclusions of the meta-analysis to declare that “because of cocaine-related receptive language impairments,” “crack babies” would cost taxpayers an additional $42 to $352 million per year in special education services.116
When prenatal cocaine and tobacco exposure are compared dispassionately, it becomes clear how sociopolitical forces shape discrepant interpretations of similar scientific data. The mechanisms of nicotine and cocaine effects on the developing brain are similar, involving vasoconstriction, hypoxia, and perturbations of neurotransmitter networks.117 Prenatal tobacco exposure has been associated with infant mortality,118 moderate impairment of cognitive functioning,119 and a range of behavioral problems (which, unlike those associated with cocaine exposure, are detectable on relatively insensitive epidemiologic measures).120 It has been calculated that low birth weight attributable to maternal smoking annually costs $263 million (1995 dollars) in excess direct medical costs for neonatal care alone.121 Despite increased health care costs imposed by their tobacco use, there are no sterilization campaigns for mothers who use tobacco. No pregnant women have been charged with child abuse for tobacco use in pregnancy. Teachers do not dread having a “tobacco kid” assigned to their class.
We have focused on cocaine as a suspected behavioral teratogen, since exaggerated views of its teratogenicity have provided the rationale for selectively targeting pregnant women who use cocaine for sanctions even more punitive than those imposed on women who use other illicit substances.3,8,122 Our focus omits 2 important considerations beyond the scope of this review. First, even if cocaine were as hazardous to a child’s development as some claim, established teratogenicity (eg, that of heavy alcohol use) does not justify policies that violate the usual canons of medical ethics and civil liberties.3 Second, health providers should not ignore that cocaine use in pregnancy is often a marker for a mother-child dyad at risk for poor health and impaired caregiving due to factors ranging from infectious diseases to domestic violence. Addiction to any intoxicant may so impair parents that they abuse or neglect a child.123 However, presumptive punitive sanctions imposed in pregnancy or at birth do not reduce these risks to the child. On the contrary, fear of prosecution may discourage pregnant and parenting women from seeking prenatal care and drug treatment,8,124 which have been shown to optimize infant outcome.125 Stigma and negative expectations generalized from mothers to their children may in themselves impede the children’s academic progress.101 Care of families affected by substance abuse should be comprehensive and not irrationally shaped by social prejudices that demonize some drugs and drug users and not others.123
Much is still unknown about the effects of prenatal cocaine exposure. Research on prenatal marijuana and tobacco exposure suggests that, even if no drug effects are found between the ages of 6 months and 6 years, the increasing cognitive demands and social expectations of school or puberty may unmask sequelae of exposure not previously identified.126,127 Cumulative environmental risk and protective factors may also exacerbate or moderate negative cognitive and behavioral outcomes as children mature.128 However, among children up to 6 years of age, there is no convincing evidence that prenatal cocaine exposure is associated with any developmental toxicity different in severity, scope, or kind from the sequelae of many other risk factors. Many findings once thought to be specific effects of in utero cocaine exposure can be explained in whole or in part by other factors, including prenatal exposure to tobacco, marijuana, or alcohol* and the quality of the child’s environment.†
We thank Ruth Rose-Jacobs, ScD, David Bellinger, PhD, Howard Cabral, PhD, Tim Heeren, PhD, and Marjorie Beeghly, PhD, for their thoughtful comments. We also thank Ivana Hanson, BA, and Elizabeth Soares, BS, for their assistance in the preparation of the manuscript. We would particularly like to thank Lisa Blazejewski, MS, for her expert bibliographic and editorial assistance.
Funding/Support: This work was supported by grant DA 06532 from the National Institute of Drug Abuse (Dr Frank).
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