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Bulletin of the World Health Organization logoLink to Bulletin of the World Health Organization
. 1956;15(1-2):43–121.

Poliomyelitis in 1954

A M-M Payne, M-J Freyche
PMCID: PMC2538162  PMID: 13383360


As in an earlier study, the authors have endeavoured to review the world incidence of poliomyelitis on the basis of the available statistical information (official notifications of cases and deaths) and to compare these data with data received from various sources regarding the prevailing viruses.

It is certainly not yet possible to establish side by side the cartography of actual poliomyelitis cases and that of the prevalence and distribution of the polioviruses. However, it may not be too early to make a start in this direction.

In Africa there was a rise of about 40% in the number of poliomyelitis notifications. Part of this increase is probably due to improved reporting. Characteristic epidemics were observed in the west (Senegal, Cameroons under French administration), as well as in the east (Sudan, Kenya, Tanganyika, Northern and Southern Rhodesia, Union of South Africa).

In America the most outstanding outbreaks were observed in Alaska, in Wyoming, Nebraska, Iowa, Florida, and California, and all round the Caribbean Sea (Costa Rica, Guatemala, Haiti, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Trinidad).

In the Asiatic countries the number of notifications was generally of the same order as in 1953.

The incidence also declined in Europe, in spite of the fact that Greece was affected by the most serious epidemic recorded in its history. Other outbreaks were recorded in Finland, Switzerland, and Austria, where the incidence had also been high in the previous year. An increase was also noted in Scotland.

Finally, in Oceania, poliomyelitis took on epidemic proportions in Australia (in the territory of the Federal Capital and in the States of Victoria and Western Australia) and in the Hawaiian Islands.

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Selected References

These references are in PubMed. This may not be the complete list of references from this article.

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