. 1994 Dec 10;309(6968):1551–1552. doi: 10.1136/bmj.309.6968.1551
Interpretation of electrocardiograms by doctors.
H Montgomery
1, S Hunter
1, S Morris
1, R Naunton-Morgan
1, R M Marshall
H Montgomery
1Hatter Institute for Cardiovascular Studies, University College London Hospitals NHS Trust.
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S Hunter
1Hatter Institute for Cardiovascular Studies, University College London Hospitals NHS Trust.
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S Morris
1Hatter Institute for Cardiovascular Studies, University College London Hospitals NHS Trust.
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R Naunton-Morgan
1Hatter Institute for Cardiovascular Studies, University College London Hospitals NHS Trust.
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R M Marshall
1Hatter Institute for Cardiovascular Studies, University College London Hospitals NHS Trust.
Find articles by R M Marshall
1Hatter Institute for Cardiovascular Studies, University College London Hospitals NHS Trust.
PMCID: PMC2541733 PMID: 7819897
See letter "Interpretation of electrocardiograms. Interpretation of the ECG is as much an art as a science." in volume 310 on page 467.
See letter "Interpretation of electrocardiograms. Formal teaching can reduce serious errors in interpretation." in volume 310 on page 468.