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Canadian Journal of Surgery logoLink to Canadian Journal of Surgery
. 2008 Oct;51(5):346–354.

Surgical outcomes in women with ovarian cancer

Laurie M Elit *, Susan J Bondy †‡, Lawrence P Paszat ‡§;¶, Eric J Holowaty **, Gillian M Thomas §, Therese A Stukel ‡¶, Mark N Levine ††
PMCID: PMC2556534  PMID: 18841223



We sought to assess whether the specialty of the surgeon or the hospital involved in the initial management of women with ovarian cancer determined the likelihood of unnecessary repeated abdominal surgery and long-term patient survival.


We conducted a population-based study involving women in Ontario, Canada, who had epithelial ovarian cancer treated initially with abdominal surgery between January 1996 and December 1998. We documented incident surgical cases using hospital contact data and the Ontario Cancer Registry. We obtained data on patient characteristics, clinical findings, surgical techniques and perioperative care from electronic administrative data records and patient charts. We performed regression analyses to assess the influence of surgeon and hospital specialization and of case volumes on the likelihood of repeat surgery and survival. We controlled for stage of disease and other factors associated with these outcomes. We also examined the relation between the adequacy of surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy with survival.


A total of 1341 women met our inclusion criteria. Our analysis showed that repeat surgery was associated with the surgeon's discipline, younger patient age, well-differentiated tumours and early stage of disease. However, survival was not associated with the surgeon's discipline; rather, it was associated with advanced patient age, increasing comorbidities, advanced stage of disease, poorly differentiated tumours, urgent surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy. We observed a trend between inadequate surgery and a decreased likelihood of survival.


Further study is needed to understand patterns of repeat surgery for ovarian cancer. Improved quality of operative reporting is required to classify surgical adequacy.

Ovarian cancer is the leading cause of death from gynecologic cancer in women. Surgery plays a key role in the management of this disease, and it is important for making the diagnosis, identifying prognostic factors, alleviating symptoms and extending survival. Unfortunately, there is evidence1–14 that some women are not being appropriately staged or optimally debulked at the time of initial surgery. In addition to having a direct impact on survival, inadequate initial surgical management can result in greater morbidity because of a need for repeat abdominal surgery.

In 2002, we reported15 marked differences in staging and debulking as a result of the surgical management of incident ovarian cancer in Ontario depending on the specialization of the surgeon and hospital. We also demonstrated a volume– outcomes effect in which repeat surgery was more common among patients who underwent initial surgery in institutions with low surgical volumes where no gynecologic oncologist (GO) was present or where the initial surgery was performed by someone other than a GO. We also found that patient survival varied depending on the discipline of the surgeon who performed the initial procedure.

Our previous study was based exclusively on electronic administrative data. We could not be certain when repeat surgery was attributable to complications. We were also unable to adjust for potentially important clinical determinants of survival. Hence, we designed the present study to assess the roles that patient, disease and clinical care factors play in the outcomes of care by collecting data through extensive chart abstraction.


Data sources and study population

We conducted a population-based cohort study of all women in Ontario, Canada, with newly diagnosed ovarian cancer treated initially with abdominal surgery between Jan. 1, 1996, and Dec. 31, 1998. We obtained ethics approval from the Ontario Central Research Ethics Board and each hospital.

We used the databases of the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) and the Ontario Cancer Registry (OCR) to identify patients with ovarian cancer (diagnostic code 183). We excluded patients whose records could not be linked to a valid health number and patients whose charts we were not able to access for abstraction. We also excluded patients if they had received a prior diagnosis of ovarian cancer, patients with nonepithelial cancer (e.g., low malignant potential tumours, germ cell tumours, stromal cell tumours or other histologic findings), patients who had primary surgery outside the recruitment window or who had chemotherapy before index surgery, and patients for whom we found no operative records assigning disease stage. We removed duplicate records.

Chart abstraction

We designed and tested a data manual and a computerized data abstraction program. Six abstractors with nursing or data abstraction backgrounds trained to use these tools. We performed reliability testing after the abstraction of 10 and then 20 charts. The lead author (L.E.) reviewed surgical and pathology notes, blinded by outcome, to ensure reliable stage assignment.

Variable definition


We defined repeat surgery as a second abdominal surgery unrelated to complications performed within 5 months of the index surgery. Mortality was documented in hospital admission and discharge data, and we linked vital statistics data to public health insurance data and the OCR. We calculated survival time from the pathologically confirmed diagnosis of ovarian cancer (initial date of surgery) and the date of death from any source. Follow-up ended with the latest available health insurance data.


We identified the most responsible surgeon from operative notes in patient charts. We then classified surgeons as general surgeon, gynecologist or other using the Canadian Medical Protective Association code from a provincial care provider database. We identified gynecologic oncologists within the gynecologist group using a previously established list of subspecialists.

We defined patient volumes for surgeons and facilities within the population-based cohort (annual number of incident ovarian cancer patients who had surgery during the study period). We classified surgical centres as hospitals with onsite access to a GO, university-affiliated teaching hospitals or affiliates of regional cancer centres without onsite access to a GO or all remaining (community) hospitals.


Covariates included the patient's age at diagnosis, history of previous cancer (as indicated in the OCR), disease stage and histology at diagnosis (patient charts), and comorbidity at diagnosis using the Charlson index.16 We calculated the comorbidity score based on medical conditions documented in patient charts and electronic hospital records that existed prior to the diagnosis of ovarian cancer. We linked the patients' postal codes to Canadian Census summary data on the size of the patients' communities and urban/rural classification, as well as an indicator of relative affluence of the small area of residence (quintiles of median household income).

Quality indicator

We derived a novel indicator of surgical adequacy. We deemed a woman to have had an adequate index surgery if she had stage 1 disease and was optimally staged based on European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer criteria (optimal v. moderate or inadequate),17 or if she had stage 2, 3 or 4 disease and was optimally debulked to 1 cm or less of residual disease.18 We deemed surgery to be inadequate if these criteria were not met. Undefined surgery referred to procedures for which the quality could not be discerned from the surgical or pathology records.

Statistical analysis

We performed regression analyses to estimate the influence of patient characteristics, disease stage and histology, and surgeon and hospital characteristics on the outcomes of repeat surgery and mortality. For the outcome of repeat surgery, we used Poisson regression to obtain estimated relative risks (RRs) and associated confidence intervals (CIs). We performed survival time analysis using the Cox proportional hazards model (adjusting for patient age, stage of disease, comorbidity and grade). Model diagnostics included the evaluation of residuals and tests of model assumptions. For all models, robust variance estimates and CIs account for the fact that patients may have been seen by the same surgeon. We performed analyses using the SAS GENMOD procedure (with exchangeable covariance matrix) and comparable procedures in Stata software (StataCorp LP).


Our study was funded by the National Cancer Institute of Canada through a peer review granting process. They were not involved in the design or conduct of the study or the reporting of the findings.


Study population

Our search on the CIHI database identified 3153 patients with ovarian cancer who had surgery during our study period. Of these, we excluded 558 patients because they had received a prior diagnosis of ovarian cancer between 1988 and Dec. 31, 1995. We found procedure codes for abdominal surgery for 2094 women aged 18 years and older. The OCR indicated that 2874 incident cases of ovarian cancer were identified from 1996 to 1998 by a process of case ascertainment consisting of deterministic linkage of records from the cancer centres, pathology reports from the Ontario hospitals, hospital discharge abstracts from CIHI and death certificates from the registrar general. The database comprised 2626 records, of which 48 could not be linked to a valid health number. We were unable to access 80 charts for abstraction. We excluded 723 patients who had nonepithelial cancer, 347 patients who had primary surgery outside the recruitment window and 61 patients who had chemotherapy before the index surgery. For 17 patients, we found no operative records assigning disease stage. After removing duplicate records, 1341 patients were eligible for inclusion in our study.

Characteristics of the patient cohort are presented in Table 1. The median patient age was 60.7 years. More than 90% had no history of cancer and 5% had a comorbidity score of 2 or more. Roughly 25% of the cohort had stage 1, 12% had stage 2, 56% had stage 3 and 7% had stage 4 disease at the time of initial surgery.

Table 1

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Repeat surgery

Eighty-four patients (6.3% of the cohort) experienced repeat abdominal surgery unrelated to complications within 5 months of the index surgery (Table 1). Twenty-two percent of these patients were upstaged. Patient-, disease-and care-related covariates (Table 1) that had associations with the likelihood of repeat surgery on univariate analysis are presented in Table 2. In addition, all other levels of surgeon training were significantly associated with an increased probability of repeat surgery relative to GOs in the unadjusted analysis. The relative risk (RR) (and 95% confidence intervals [CIs]) were 9.31 (3.81–22.78) for obstetrician/gynecologists and 16.11 (6.24–41.60) for general surgeons. Lower surgeon volume and hospital volume were significantly associated with repeated surgery (Table 2). The RRs (and 95% CIs) were 7.63 (3.29–17.69) for a surgeon volume of 3–9, 10.04 (4.44–22.71) for a surgeon volume of 1–2 and 5.70 (1.22–26.73) for a hospital volume of 1–15 procedures. Patients with a lower disease stage and well-differentiated tumours were more likely to have repeat surgery, as were those living in rural areas. In the multivariate model, surgical discipline was significantly associated with risk for repeat surgery (Table 3). The RR (and 95% CI) for other surgical disciplines was 12.42 (2.69–57.41). Patients who initially saw a general surgeon were 17 times more likely to undergo repeat surgery than those who saw GOs (RR 16.97, 95% CI 6.35–45.32). Those whose surgeries were performed by obstetricians were 6 times more likely than those who saw GOs to undergo repeat surgery (RR 6.54, 95% CI 2.53–16.93). Younger age, earlier stage of disease and lower grade continued to have an influence on this outcome.

Table 2

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Table 3

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We found that surgeon and hospital specialization were strongly correlated (model not shown). Hospital type did not make a significant contribution to the fit of the model; however, adding hospital type caused a marked reduction in the size of the effect associated with surgeon discipline. After adjustment for hospital effects, patients of a general surgeon continued to have an estimated likelihood of repeated surgery that was 6 times greater than that of patients who saw GOs (RR 5.7, 95% CI 1.17–28.46).


The results of the unadjusted Cox regression models of mortality are presented in Table 4. As expected, advanced patient age, comorbidity and advanced disease were all associated with higher mortality. Before consideration of confounding by case-mix and other factors, patients whose index surgeries were performed by GOs had shorter survival than the patients of gynecologists. Similarly, before adjustment, patients seen at centres with a GO on staff had poorer survival. Neither hospital volume nor patient residence was associated with survival.

Table 4

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In the multivariate model, after adjustment for age and disease severity (Table 5), the previous pattern in which survival was shortened for patients of GOs disappeared, with patients of GOs and gynecologists having the lowest mortality. This association was not statistically significant (hazard ratio [HR] 1.00, 95% CI 0.86–1.16). The survival for patients of general surgeons was not significantly different from that of patients of GOs or gynecologists (HR 1.19, 95% CI 0.94–1.50). Mortality was significantly increased for the category of “other” physicians, a small patient group for which we had no a priori expectation (HR 1.52, 95% CI 1.18–1.95). Advanced patient age, higher grade and stage of disease, and urgent index surgery were all significantly associated with mortality. The HRs (and 95% CIs) were 2.31 (1.71– 3.12) for stage 2, 6.33 (4.87–8.20) for stage 3, 11.33 (7.98–16.10) for stage 4 and 1.47 (1.20–1.82) for urgent index surgery. We used multivariate models to detect whether the surgeon's discipline affected mortality among patients with stage 1 disease and among patients with stage 2, 3 or 4 disease. We detected no relation between surgical discipline and mortality within the stage groupings.

Table 5

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Quality indicator

We considered several indicators of quality of care in the univariate survival model for repeat surgery and survival. These included the delay from admission to surgery, whether the surgery was emergent or elective (both indicators of complex clinical conditions), adequacy of surgery and adjuvant therapy. Surgical adequacy was not associated with repeat surgery in either the univariate or multivariate model (Table 2). Those patients whose surgical records did not show complete staging or debulking at index surgery had poorer survival time in the univariate model. Table 6 shows the effect of adding treatment modifiers to the multivariate model. Surgical adequacy improved the fit of the model; however, the highest risk of death was associated with incomplete operative data (undefined category) compared with adequate staging or cytoreduction. Postsurgical treatment also improved the fit of the model, with superior survival being associated with the use of multimodality therapy involving surgery and chemotherapy compared with surgery alone (HR 0.72; 95% CI 0.62–0.87).

Table 6

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Findings regarding repeat surgery

Repeat invasive surgery for staging or debulking represents an important increase in patient morbidity and mortality. We confirmed that patients whose index surgeries were performed by a general surgeon were nearly 6 times more likely to have repeat surgery than patients of GOs, after adjustment for patient characteristics and the nature of the centre in which the initial surgery took place.

We looked at several clinical and structural predictors of repeat surgery. Our data showed that repeat surgeries tended to be performed in younger women and in women with early-stage disease that was well differentiated. This finding is in keeping with a treatment philosophy of adequate surgical staging (as opposed to adjuvant chemotherapy) for stage 1 moderate to well-differentiated ovarian cancer. These younger, healthier women are more likely to tolerate a second surgery without major sequelae. Even after adjusting for these patient factors, different rates of repeat surgery by discipline remained.

We also set out to confirm or refute the specific hypothesis that repeat surgery was necessitated by inadequate index surgery performed by nonexpert surgeons. Although we demonstrated that repeat surgery was associated with surgical specialty, our findings failed to support the hypothesis that surgical adequacy was the explanation. However, this could have been a result of poor documentation. The reasons for the observed effects by specialization are not clear. The decision to repeat a surgery is partially subjective, and the answer may lie in clinical decision-making. Factors that contribute to the decision to perform repeat surgery include the patient's age, other comorbidities, opportunity to avoid adjuvant therapy because of the information from a subsequent staging surgery, the strength of the conviction that optimal debulking improves survival, physician bias based on who performed the initial surgery and patient preference.19

Observations on patient survival

For cancer patients, the overall length of survival or the potential disease-free interval are important factors in making a treatment decision. We did not find a significant relation between surgical discipline and survival. This is in contrast to our previous study15 and the work of others.1–3 The difference between our 2 reports is that, in the present study, we were able to adjust the analysis for potentially important confounders in a particular stage. It is very likely that women with ovarian cancer whose surgeries were performed by general surgeons had very advanced disease. We did show a survival benefit related to the use of adjuvant therapy. This is in keeping with randomized studies of early-stage disease and meta-analyses of advanced-stage disease.20 Although we identified a relation between survival and the quality indicator for surgical adequacy, this finding was specific to the subgroup of “undefined” surgical adequacy. Our present study differs from the previous studies in that we failed to show a simple survival benefit associated with maximal surgical staging and cytoreduction.1,3 The difference likely lies with the quality of the data available to us, with respect to how well residual disease and surgical procedures were documented (a more detailed assessment of what information is available in the Ontario system will be the subject of a parallel report from our cohort). In fact, we found that missing information on cytoreduction and staging was associated with poorer survival — most likely reflecting unmeasured prognostic or quality of care factors correlated with data quality and the extent of information provided in the medical records. We suspect that patients whose medical records lack specific evidence of extensive debulking are more likely to have had inadequate surgical management; however, we cannot confirm this hypothesis.

Our present study shows a potential limitation of outcomes research using administrative databases in which stage and other patient factors cannot be measured. When we adjusted for stage of disease and other prognostic factors, we observed a meaningful reduction in the magnitude of differences in survival among surgeons' practices. Caution is still warranted because not all clinically relevant prognostic factors can be assessed through patient records, and we have identified incomplete clinical information as a potential source of error that can result in residual confounding of case severity on observed patient outcomes associated with setting and specialty.

We have shown that the risk of repeat surgery is increased when a physician who is not specialized in ovarian cancer performs the index surgery. A repeat surgery is synonymous with increased morbidity and a delay in instituting adjuvant therapy. We have also shown that adjuvant therapy is associated with a survival advantage, thus supporting the role of chemotherapy in this disease. A standardized format for ensuring this information is captured will help us to better define the role of surgical adequacy as a quality indicator for the treatment of ovarian cancer21 and possibly trigger a more careful conduct of the surgery and decision-making around who should perform the surgery.


We wish to acknowledge the following hospitals, their affiliated cancer centres and their ethics boards for agreeing to participate in this study: Arnprior and District Memorial, Brantford General, Brockville General, Cambridge Memorial, Campbellford Memorial, Cancer Care Ontario, Carleton Place and District Memorial, Chatam-Kent Health Alliance, Collingwood General and Marine, Cornwall Community, Douglas Memorial, Grand River, Greater Niagara General, Grey Bruce Health Services, Groves Memorial Community, Guelph General, Haldimand War Memorial, Halton Healthcare Services, Hamilton RCC, Hamilton Health Sciences (Dr. Elit), Hanover and District, Hawkesbury and District, Headwaters Heather Care, Hopital Montfort, Hotel Dieu Grace, Hotel Dieu Health Sciences, Hotel Dieu, Humber River Regional, Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance, Huronia District, Joseph Brant Memorial, Kingston General, Kingston RCC, Kirkland and District, Lakeridge Health Corporation, Leamington District Memorial, London Health Sciences (Dr. M. Carey), Markham Stouffville, Mt. Sinai, Milton District, Norfolk General, North Bay General, Northeastern Ontario RCC, Northumberland Health Care Corp, Northwestern Ontario RCC, North York General, Northumberland Health Care Corporation, Orillia Soldiers' Memorial, Ottawa RCC, Palmerston and District, Pembroke General, Penetanguishene General, Perth and Smith Falls District, Peterborough Regional Health Centre, Princess Margaret Hospital, Queensway Carleton, Quinte Healthcare Corporation, Renfrew Victoria, Ross Memorial, Rouge Valley Health System, Royal Victoria, Sault Area, Sioux Lookout District Health Centre, South Bruce Grey Health Centre, South Muskoka Memorial, Southlake Regional Health Centre, St. Catharines General, St. Joseph's General, St. Joseph's Health Care, St. Joseph's Health Care System, St. Joseph's Health Centre, St Joseph's Healthcare, St. Mary's General, St. Michael's (Dr. M. Yudin), St. Thomas-Elgin General, South Muskoka Memorial, Stevenson Memorial, Stradford General, Strathroy Middlesex General, Sudbury Regional, Sunnybrook and Women's College Health Sciences Centre, Temiskaming, The Credit Valley, The Ottawa, The Scarborough, Thunder Bary Regionals, Tillsonburg District Memorial, Timmins & District General, Toronto East General, Toronto Sunnybrook RCC, Trillium Health Centre, University Health Network, Welland County General, West Lincoln Memorial, West Parry Sound Health Centre, William Osler Health Centre, Winchester District Memorial, Windsor RCC, Windsor Regional, Wingham and District, Woodstock General and York Central.

Presented at the Society of Gynecologic Oncology Meeting, March 22–26, 2006. This study has received National Cancer Institute of Canada grant support.

Contributors: All authors designed the study and gave final approval for the article's publication. Drs. Elit, Bondy, Paszat and Thomas acquired and analyzed the data, and wrote and reviewed the article. Dr. Holowaty acquired the data and reviewed the article. Dr. Stukel analyzed the data and reviewed the article. Dr. Levine analyzed the data and wrote the article.

Competing interests: None declared.

Accepted for publication Apr. 4, 2007

Correspondence to: Dr. L.M. Elit, Juravinski Cancer Centre, 699 Concession St., Hamilton ON L8V 5C2; fax 905 575-6343;


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