Application of the widely used Farquhar model of photosynthesis in interpretation of gas exchange data assumes that photosynthetic properties are homogeneous throughout the leaf. Previous studies showed that heterogeneity in stomatal conductance (gs) across a leaf could affect the shape of the measured leaf photosynthetic CO2 uptake rate (A) versus intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) response curve and, in turn, estimation of the critical biochemical parameters of this model. These are the maximum rates of carboxylation (Vc,max), whole-chain electron transport (Jmax), and triose-P utilization (VTPU). The effects of spatial variation in Vc,max, Jmax, and VTPU on estimation of leaf averages of these parameters from A-Ci curves measured on a whole leaf have not been investigated. A mathematical model incorporating defined degrees of spatial variability in Vc,max and Jmax was constructed. One hundred and ten theoretical leaves were simulated, each with the same average Vc,max and Jmax, but different coefficients of variation of the mean (CVVJ) and varying correlation between Vc,max and Jmax (Ω). Additionally, the interaction of variation in Vc,max and Jmax with heterogeneity in VTPU, gs, and light gradients within the leaf was also investigated. Transition from Vc,max- to Jmax-limited photosynthesis in the A-Ci curve was smooth in the most heterogeneous leaves, in contrast to a distinct inflection in the absence of heterogeneity. Spatial variability had little effect on the accuracy of estimation of Vc,max and Jmax from A-Ci curves when the two varied in concert (Ω = 1.0), but resulted in underestimation of both parameters when they varied independently (up to 12.5% in Vc,max and 17.7% in Jmax at CVVJ = 50%; Ω = 0.3). Heterogeneity in VTPU also significantly affected parameter estimates, but effects of heterogeneity in gs or light gradients were comparatively small. If Vc,max and Jmax derived from such heterogeneous leaves are used in models to project leaf photosynthesis, actual A is overestimated by up to 12% at the transition between Vc,max- and Jmax-limited photosynthesis. This could have implications for both crop production and Earth system models, including projections of the effects of atmospheric change.
The Farquhar model of photosynthesis is a mechanistic, biochemical model that is widely used to describe steady-state CO2 assimilation in leaves (Farquhar et al., 2001). Applications of this model range from analysis of transgenic plants to projection of the gross primary production of the terrestrial biosphere under global change (Cramer et al., 1999; Farquhar et al., 2001; Gielen et al., 2005). The model also provides a widely used practical method of quantifying the key biochemical limitations to steady-state C3 photosynthesis in vivo from the response of leaf photosynthetic CO2 uptake per unit leaf area (A) to intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) as measured in gas exchange systems (Wullschleger, 1993; Long and Bernacchi, 2003).
One of the basic premises of the Farquhar model, as modified by Sharkey (1985), is that steady-state photosynthesis is limited by either (1) the maximum rate of carboxylation governed by Rubisco, termed Vc,max; (2) the rate of ribulose-1,5-bisP (RuBP) regeneration, which is assumed to be limited by the maximum rate of electron transport, known as Jmax; or (3) capacity for triose-P utilization, VTPU. Once these three are known, the leaf photosynthetic rate can be calculated given light flux, CO2 and O2 concentrations, and temperature. An implication of this is that the A-Ci response of a leaf will show an abrupt decrease in dA/dCi, with increasing Ci when A passes from Rubisco- to RuBP-limited photosynthesis and, in turn, to TPU limitation. Represented graphically, this will be evident as inflections in the A-Ci response. Photosynthetic CO2 uptake is routinely measured by enclosing a whole leaf or a few square centimeters of a leaf in a gas exchange cuvette. The A-Ci response measured this way rarely shows the abrupt transitions predicted by the Farquhar model (e.g. Riddoch et al., 1991; Wullschleger, 1993). Further, metabolic control analysis using leaves with transgenically decreased quantities of specific photosynthetic proteins suggest that, for a given CO2 concentration, control is shared between Rubisco and proteins limiting the rate of RuBP regeneration (Quick et al., 1991; Price et al., 1998; Raines, 2003). Understanding the basis for these inconsistencies between assumptions of the model and observations may be critical to the application of the model both as an in vivo method of determining biochemical limitations and in projecting photosynthesis at scales from crop canopies to the globe.
Application of the Farquhar model assumes that the photosynthetic properties of the leaf are spatially homogeneous (von Caemmerer, 2000). Based on this assumption, Vc,max, Jmax, and VTPU are derived by fitting the Farquhar model to measured leaf responses of A to Ci (Long and Bernacchi, 2003; Sharkey et al., 2007). Given complex gradients of leaf development, impact of heterogeneous environments, disease, and pest attack, it seems unlikely that the assumption of homogeneity is often met in nature (Terashima, 1992; von Caemmerer, 2000; Aldea et al., 2006), but does this matter for fitting Vc,max, Jmax, and VTPU and for accurate modeling of photosynthetic carbon assimilation?
The effect of leaf-level heterogeneity in stomatal conductance (gs) on the A-Ci response curve has previously been studied (Cheeseman, 1991; Buckley et al., 1997). Increased stomatal heterogeneity was found to decrease the initial slope of the A-Ci curve with the result that Vc,max determined from such curves underestimated the true value. However, simulations showed that stomatal heterogeneity could not fully explain the observed leaf-level variability in photosynthetic activity (Cheeseman, 1991; Buckley et al., 1997). Variation in biochemical parameters (i.e. Vc,max, Jmax, and VTPU) has been implicated as a possible explanation; however, the effects of spatial heterogeneity in these parameters have not yet been investigated.
In addition, there is an exponential decline in light from the upper to lower surface when the leaf is illuminated from above. Photosynthetic capacity (i.e. Vc,max and Jmax) may decline with this vertical gradient, a phenomenon known as light acclimation (Terashima and Hikosaka, 1995). This acclimation maximizes nitrogen-use efficiency with respect to CO2 uptake (Delucia et al., 1991; Hikosaka and Terashima, 1995, 1996). The effect of leaf cross-sectional gradients in electron transport rate on the light response curve has previously been modeled (Terashima and Saeki, 1985); however, its effect on the A-Ci response, with regard to fitting the Farquhar et al. (1980) model, has not been studied.
It is difficult to measure variability in these various photosynthetic parameters at high resolution across a leaf. But, it is relatively easy to determine the effects of biochemical variability via a mathematical model incorporating defined degrees of spatial variability in Vc,max, Jmax, VTPU, gs, and light, while knowing the exact average of these parameters. This study constructs and applies such a model to determine the effect of simulated spatial variance in Vc,max, Jmax, VTPU, gs, and light on the measured A-Ci response curve, and estimates of Vc,max and Jmax derived from that curve. It addresses the question: Is the Farquhar model able to accurately predict leaf photosynthetic performance from leaf-level measurements of the A-Ci response in the presence of within-leaf biochemical heterogeneity?
This study shows that biochemical variability within a leaf has little effect on the accuracy of the Farquhar model in predicting photosynthetic capacity (i.e. the average Vc,max and Jmax of a leaf) so long as Vc,max and Jmax remain closely coupled and VTPU is nonlimiting or uniform throughout the leaf. When Vc,max and Jmax become uncoupled or when significant within-leaf heterogeneity in VTPU is present, the A-Ci response assumes a shape close to that commonly observed in practice. For such A-Ci responses, Jmax and, to a lesser extent, Vc,max are underestimated. When these parameters are, in turn, used in models to project whole-leaf photosynthetic CO2 uptake, A is underestimated, the largest error occurring at the transition between Vc,max- and Jmax-limited photosynthesis.
Effect of Heterogeneity in Leaf Biochemistry on the A-Ci Response Curve
A total of 110 theoretical leaves, each with different levels of univariate variability in Vc,max and Jmax (defined by the coefficient of variation [CVVJ]) as well as Ω (statistical correlation between Vc,max and Jmax), were generated. Figure 1 shows sample distributions of Vc,max and Jmax for three simulated portions of leaves of varying heterogeneity.
Figure 1.
Sample distributions of Vc,max and Jmax in three simulated leaves exhibiting different degrees of within-leaf biochemical heterogeneity. Each pixel represents the Vc,max or Jmax of a square section of a theoretical leaf, as, for example, might be enclosed in a gas exchange cuvette (400 sections/leaf). CVVJ is the coefficient of variation of both Vc,max and Jmax, and Ω is the correlation between Vc,max and Jmax (1.0 is perfect correlation); CVVJ is expressed in percent.
A leaf with homogeneous Vc,max and Jmax (CVVJ = 0% and, by definition, perfect correlation; Ω = 1.0) showed an A-Ci response, with a clear inflection marking the transition between Rubisco-limited and RuBP regeneration-limited photosynthesis (Fig. 2). Raising CVVJ to 50% while keeping perfect correlation (Ω = 1.0) resulted in an A-Ci response nearly identical to the A-Ci curve of the homogeneous leaf at low Ci, but with a lower A at high Ci, even though the underlying average Vc,max and Jmax were unchanged from the first curve (Fig. 2). Decreasing the correlation between Vc,max and Jmax while keeping the CV low (CVVJ = 10%; Ω = 0.3) likewise produced little change in the A-Ci curve from the homogeneous leaf. However, decreasing the correlation while also increasing the CV (CVVJ = 50%; Ω = 0.3) produced an A-Ci curve that deviated markedly from the curve for the homogeneous leaf and one that underestimated A at all Ci values, even though the average Vc,max and Jmax were unchanged.
Figure 2.
The effect of heterogeneity in Vc,max and Jmax on simulated leaf CO2 uptake (A) to intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) curves. All curves were generated with the same average Vc,max and Jmax (90 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1 and 170 μmol electrons m−2 s−1, respectively, taken from the approximate mean values from 109 C3 species surveyed in Wullschleger (1993). VTPU was assumed to be nonlimiting. CVVJ and Ω are as described and defined in Figure 1.
Determining the Error in Vc,max and Jmax Estimates for Biochemically Heterogeneous Leaves
When the correlation between Vc,max and Jmax was perfect (Ω = 1.0), there was practically no error in the estimation of Vc,max at all levels of CV (0%–50%), and only a 3% error in Jmax at the highest CV used, 50% (Fig. 3, A and B). Similarly, when the correlation between Vc,max and Jmax was decreased while keeping the CV low, the error in estimated Vc,max was negligible (<1%; Fig. 3A). However, when the CV of Vc,max and Jmax was increased while simultaneously lowering the correlation between the two, Vc,max was underestimated by as much as 12.5%, where CVVJ = 50% and Ω = 0.1 (Fig. 3A). When the CV was kept below 10%, estimation error of Jmax was also near zero (Fig. 3B). In contrast to estimates of Vc,max, estimates of Jmax showed an error of up to 2.9% at CVVJ = 50%, even when Ω = 1.0. When CV is increased and correlation decreased, Jmax was progressively underestimated, the error reaching 17.7% at CV = 50%; Ω = 0.1 (Fig. 3B).
Figure 3.
A, The percent underestimation of Vc,max that would result from fitting the Farquhar model to A-Ci curves generated from leaves with varying degrees of biochemical heterogeneity. Heterogeneity was generated by increasing the CV of both Vc,max and Jmax on the one axis and decreasing the correlation (Ω) of Vc,max and Jmax on the other. CV and Ω are as described in Figure 1. B, As in A, except the z axis is the percent underestimation of Jmax. VTPU was nonlimiting in the simulations to simplify estimation of Jmax.
Effect of Variation in TPU Limitation
Adding heterogeneity in VTPU produced a large effect on the whole-leaf CO2 response curve (Fig. 4). A leaf with homogeneous Vc,max, Jmax, and VTPU (CVVJ = 0%; Ω = 1.0, CVTPU = 0%) shows the characteristic A-Ci response with two clear inflections in the curve as control of photosynthesis progresses from Rubisco, through RuBP regeneration, to TPU, as predicted by the Farquhar model and the modifications from Sharkey (1985; Fig. 4, black squares). Estimating the parameters Vc,max, Jmax, and VTPU by curve fitting the illustrated A-Ci curve (Eqs. 1–7 in Supplemental Appendix S1) gave values of 90.8 μmol m−2 s−1, 170.1 μmol m−2 s−1, and 10.0 μmol m−2 s−1, respectively, essentially returning the exact values that were used to generate the data (see “Materials and Methods”). Increasing the heterogeneity in VTPU in the absence of heterogeneity in Vc,max and Jmax (CVVJ = 0%; Ω = 1.0; CVTPU = 50%) caused A to decline very substantially relative to the curve without heterogeneity in VTPU even though the plateau considered characteristic of TPU limitation was lost (Fig. 4). Estimating the three biochemical parameters from this curve gave values of 86.5 μmol m−2 s−1, 141.1 μmol m−2 s−1, and 8.8 μmol m−2 s−1, respectively (a 3.9% underestimate of Vc,max, 17% underestimate of Jmax, and 12% underestimate of VTPU). Increasing variation in VTPU in the presence of heterogeneity in Vc,max and Jmax (CVVJ = 50%; Ω = 0.3; CVTPU = 20%) produced a greater decrease in A than variation in Vc,max and Jmax alone (Fig. 4). Parameter estimates for this combined heterogeneity were 70.0 μmol m−2 s−1, 110.9 μmol m−2 s−1, and 7.2 μmol m−2 s−1, underestimating the true means of Vc,max, Jmax, and VTPU by 22.2%, 34.8%, and 28%, respectively.
Figure 4.
The effect of heterogeneity in VTPU on CO2 response curves of theoretical leaves with and without heterogeneity in Vc,max and Jmax. The y axis has been rescaled to reveal the differences at high Cis. CVVJ is the coefficient of variation of both Vc,max and Jmax, Ω is the correlation between Vc,max and Jmax (1.0 is perfect correlation), and CVTPU is the coefficient of variation of a normal distribution of VTPU values across the leaf; CVVJ and CVTPU are expressed in percent.
Effect of Variation in gs
There was a very minor effect of heterogeneity in gs on the whole-leaf CO2 response curve (Fig. 5). The addition of heterogeneity in gs (CVgs = 50%) caused a small, but visible, decrease in A at all Ci above 150 μmol mol−1 (Fig. 5). Parameter estimates of Vc,max, Jmax, and VTPU from this curve gave values of 90.5 μmol m−2 s−1, 167.0 μmol m−2 s−1, and 9.9 μmol m−2 s−1, respectively, resulting in a nearly perfect estimation of Vc,max, but very slight underestimation of Jmax and VTPU by 1.8% and 1.0%, respectively. Increasing variation in gs in the presence of heterogeneity in Vc,max and Jmax (CVVJ = 50%; Ω = 0.3; CVgs = 50%) produced a similar result; the A-Ci response curve showed a minimal decrease in A at most Ci values when compared to the curve generated with variation in Vc,max and Jmax alone (Fig. 5).
Figure 5.
The effect of heterogeneity in stomatal conductance (gs) on simulated leaf CO2 uptake (A) to intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) curves of theoretical leaves with and without heterogeneity in Vc,max and Jmax. CVVJ and Ω are as described in Figure 4, and CVgs is the coefficient of variation of a normal distribution of gs values across the leaf; CVVJ and CVgs are expressed in percent. The simulated leaves were assumed to be perfectly heterobaric; mean leaf Ci at each point was calculated as the average Ci across all sections of the leaf at each ambient CO2 concentration (Ca).
Heterogeneity in Light Environment and Light Acclimation
Heterogeneity in within-leaf light environment, in the form of decreasing light from the upper to lower surface of the leaf, was simulated by dividing the theoretical leaf into three layers of equal thickness. Each layer was ascribed a photon flux according to the exponential decline observed in actual leaves (Vogelmann and Evans, 2002). In the three-layer leaf simulations, there was a significant difference in whole-leaf photosynthesis between simulated leaves with and without light acclimation (Fig. 6, B and A, respectively). The A-Ci response of the three-layer leaf without light acclimation (i.e. uniform Vc,max, Jmax, VTPU, and Rd across all layers; see Supplemental List of Abbreviations S1 for complete list of abbreviations and definitions) showed lower A than the single-layer leaf at Ci > 250 μmol mol−1. However, when parameters were assumed to diminish with depth into the leaf, in concert with the light gradient, the response was virtually identical to that of the single-layer leaf (Fig. 6, A and B). In the nonacclimated leaf, the contribution of each of the three layers to overall photosynthesis was relatively equal, with the top two layers producing nearly identical A-Ci curves and the bottom layer producing lower A at Cis above 200 μmol mol−1 (Fig. 6A). In contrast, in the acclimated leaf, each layer contributed significantly different amounts to the overall leaf photosynthesis, approximately proportional to the amount of light absorbed by each layer (50%, 30%, and 10%, respectively; Fig. 6B).
Figure 6.
Comparison of the simulated leaf CO2 uptake (A) to intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) curves for leaves exhibiting a simulated decline in light through the leaf, with and without simultaneous decline in its biochemical parameters (Vc,max, Jmax, VTPU, and Rd) and with and without paradermal variation in Vc,max and Jmax. The CO2 response curve for a homogeneous leaf consisting of a single leaf layer with uniform light absorption and biochemical parameters is shown in black squares (▪) in each plot. This is compared to a leaf consisting of three transdermal layers of equal thickness, in which 50%, 30%, and 10% of the incident photon flux (2,000 μmol m−2 s−1) is absorbed, respectively. A-Ci response curves are given for layers 1 (○), 2 (▴), and 3 (⋄), and for the sum of the three layers (stars). A, Leaf with no light acclimation (i.e. all three leaf layers have the same Vc,max, Jmax, VTPU, and Rd regardless of light environment). B, Leaf with light acclimation (i.e. the Vc,max, Jmax, VTPU, and Rd of each leaf layer is proportional to the fraction of light absorbed by each layer). C, Leaf with light acclimation, as in B, but also with paradermal heterogeneity in Vc,max and Jmax (CVVJ = 50%; Ω = 0.3, as in Fig. 2).
Adding variability in Vc,max and Jmax in the three paradermal layers produced a significantly lower A at all Ci values (Fig. 6C). The effects of heterogeneity in Vc,max and Jmax on the CO2 response curve that were observed in Figure 2 were seen within each layer (i.e. a smoothing of inflection points).
Implications for Modeling Photosynthesis from Heterogeneous Leaves
Figure 7 compares the A-Ci response curve for a simulated leaf exhibiting heterogeneity in Vc,max and Jmax (CVVJ = 50%; Ω = 0.3) to the predicted curve generated by the Farquhar model based on the estimates of Vc,max and Jmax fitted to the heterogeneous leaf. There was a significant difference between the initial A and modeled A that resulted from using parameters derived from the Farquhar model to describe the heterogeneous leaf (Fig. 7A). The fitted curve agreed well with the original curve at low Ci, but then progressively overestimated A as Ci increased, reaching a maximum overestimation of 12.5% at Ci = 350 μmol mol−1, in the transition region from Rubisco-limited to RuBP-limited photosynthesis (Fig. 7B). With further increase in Ci, the overestimation diminished progressively and then underestimated A at Ci > 800 μmol mol−1 (Fig. 7A).
Figure 7.
An example of the result of modeling photosynthesis using Vc,max and Jmax calculated from a heterogeneous leaf under the assumption that it is homogeneous. A, The leaf CO2 uptake (A) to intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) curve for a leaf of known Vc,max and Jmax and of defined heterogeneity (CVVJ = 50%; Ω = 0.3; ▪) and the modeled curve derived from the Vc,max and Jmax estimated from the first curve under the assumption of homogeneity (○). B (inset), Overestimation of the actual A (%). VTPU is assumed to be not limiting.
Spatial heterogeneity in Vc,max and Jmax within leaves was found to have an effect on the ability of the Farquhar model to accurately characterize and predict photosynthesis at the leaf level. The most apparent effect is that, while an A-Ci curve derived from a leaf with homogeneous biochemical properties (i.e. constant Vc,max and Jmax) across the leaf shows a distinct inflection point, curves derived from heterogeneous leaves show a smoother transition from Rubisco-limited to RuBP-limited photosynthesis (Fig. 2). This smooth transition resembles many reported A-Ci curves measured both in the field and in controlled conditions, suggesting that photosynthesis in real leaves is more often heterogeneous than not (e.g. Wullschleger, 1993). Why does heterogeneity lead to a smoother A-Ci response curve? Theoretically, when the Vc,max to Jmax ratio varies between patches in a leaf, the Ci at which the transition occurs must also vary (Farquhar et al., 1980). Thus, the observed overall A-Ci response of the leaf is the average of a range of photosynthetic CO2 response curves, each with inflection points at different Ci values. This could explain an apparent inconsistency between metabolic control predicted by the Farquhar model and that determined by control analysis of transgenic plants. Implicit in the Farquhar model is that, at low Ci, metabolic control will reside entirely with Rubisco (i.e. a control coefficient of 1), whereas above the inflection point of the curve, control will reside entirely with regeneration of RuBP. However, transgenic alteration of the amount of individual photosynthetic proteins suggests that control is shared between Rubisco and proteins involved in RuBP regeneration (for review, see Raines, 2003). Incomplete coupling of spatial variation in the amount of Rubisco and proteins controlling RuBP regeneration could explain the apparent contradiction between the theory of Farquhar et al. (1980) and observed metabolic control.
Heterogeneity in biochemical properties of the leaf led to underestimation of Vc,max and Jmax, but only when the two were uncoupled (Fig. 3). This implies that, providing the two parameters vary in concert within actual leaves, estimates of Vc,max and Jmax made from A-Ci curves will not be in error due to this heterogeneity. However, spatial variability in the two parameters (CVVJ) interacts with decreased coupling to amplify the error (Fig. 3). Estimation of Vc,max was affected less by a given amount of heterogeneity than Jmax. This is because Vc,max is estimated from the initial slope of the A-Ci curve. As Ci approaches 0, dA/dCi will be unaltered. Increasing heterogeneity will simply cause the initial slope of dA/dCi to decline from that projected by Rubisco kinetics at a progressively lower Ci. As long as Vc,max is estimated from the true initial slope, it will not be underestimated. However, heterogeneity causes A to be lower at all higher values of Ci. As a result, Jmax will be underestimated (Fig. 2). Lower A at high Ci occurs because, by simulating variation in Vc,max independent of Jmax, some of the patches contributing to the simulated average A will be limited by low amounts of Rubisco, even at high Ci. Consequently, one practical application of this finding is that the data points chosen from the A-Ci curve to estimate Vc,max and Jmax should avoid the transition area between Rubisco- and RuBP-limited photosynthesis to minimize estimation errors due to heterogeneity. However, in leaves exhibiting TPU limitation, finding points that are exclusively RuBP limited could be difficult, if not impossible. This task is made even more difficult when even a little variation in VTPU is introduced (Fig. 4). The A-Ci response curve appears to be very sensitive to variation in TPU, showing significant decreases in A at even low CVTPU (Fig. 4). Of greater concern, perhaps, is the loss of a clear plateau in the CO2 response curve in the presence of TPU heterogeneity because this makes it appear as if the leaf is not limited by TPU at all. Under these conditions, Jmax would be underestimated and VTPU might be assumed to not be limiting at any of the measurement values of Ci.
Adding stomatal heterogeneity to the simulations did not alter the A-Ci response curve significantly (Fig. 5). A CV of 50% in gs produced an A-Ci response that was virtually identical to the homogeneous case at lower Cis and caused a marginally lower A at higher Cis. This minimal effect was the same regardless of variability in Vc,max and Jmax, indicating that there was no interaction between heterogeneity in Vc,max and Jmax, with gs. However, stomatal heterogeneity did visibly lower the Ci at each Ca compared to the uniform leaf. This should be considered a worst-case scenario because the leaf was assumed to be entirely heterobaric (i.e. the substomatal chambers were assumed to be not connected). In reality, heterogeneity in gs would be partially offset by lateral diffusion between areas of high and low Ci. The finding here should not be interpreted as a contradiction of the simulations of Cheeseman (1991) and Buckley et al. (1997), which ascribed a higher importance to heterogeneity in gs. These studies found significant effects of stomatal heterogeneity on the A-Ci curve, but only when either very low gs values made up a large proportion of the distribution or the distributions were heavily skewed or bimodal (Cheeseman, 1991; Buckley et al., 1997). Here, use of a maximum CV of 50% showed the A-Ci response to be far less sensitive to heterogeneity in gs than in Vc,max and Jmax (Fig. 5).
The effects of varying the light environment within the leaf were in agreement with previous analyses (Fig. 6; Terashima and Hikosaka, 1995). When the chloroplasts within the cross-section of the leaf were acclimated to their respective light environments in the three-layer simulations, the nitrogen-use efficiency of the leaf was maximized (Fig. 6B). However, when all chloroplasts were assumed to be equal through the cross-section of the leaf (i.e. nonacclimated), the A-Ci response curve was lower than its potential maximum (Fig. 6A). This was due to the fact that the lower layers were not light saturated and, as a result, the actual mean Vc,max and Jmax of the leaf was slightly underestimated by curve fitting the Farquhar model (Fig. 6A). This error could be significant for leaves that are naturally near vertical in orientation and lit from both surfaces. Such leaves are unlikely to show acclimation of photosynthetic capacity from the adaxial to abaxial surface, but, if artificially lit only from above, as in a conventional gas exchange chamber (Smith et al., 1998; Johnson et al., 2005), then the error shown in Figure 6A would apply. However, this effect was small compared to the effects of lateral heterogeneity in Vc,max and Jmax on the overall CO2 response curve (Fig. 6C).
Landscape and regional models of terrestrial carbon assimilation are commonly scaled from the Farquhar model of leaf photosynthesis (for review, see Cramer et al., 1999). This, in turn, is parameterized from leaf-level measurements of the A-Ci curve from which Vc,max and Jmax are derived. Under conditions where the measured leaves exhibit biochemical heterogeneity, this could result in an overestimation of modeled CO2 uptake (Fig. 7). The modeled response curve, generated here from the estimated values of Vc,max and Jmax, showed the greatest deviation from the actual curve in the transition area between the Rubisco-limited and RuBP regeneration-limited sections of the curve (Fig. 7). This could have substantial consequences because most photosynthesis in nature occurs near the inflection point of the A-Ci curve (Drake et al., 1997; Bernacchi et al., 2005).
How prevalent is heterogeneity of Vc,max and Jmax, and how well coupled are they in nature? The Vc,max to Jmax ratio is generally well conserved within species, even under a variety of conditions such as variable nutrient availability and water stress (Wullschleger, 1993; Wohlfahrt et al., 1999; Medlyn et al., 2002; Nogues and Alegre, 2002; Bruck and Guo, 2006). To date, there have been no studies of within-leaf variability of both Vc,max and Jmax, so it is difficult to assess the degree to which heterogeneity in these parameters actually affects leaf-level photosynthetic studies that employ the Farquhar model. However, it is conceivable that certain environmental stresses could induce conditions where heterogeneity could be a significant factor. One example is the effect of tropospheric ozone stress. In species such as wheat (Triticum aestivum) and oak (Quercus robur), under both short- and long-term ozone exposure, Vc,max is decreased to a greater extent than Jmax (Farage et al., 1991; Farage, 1996), possibly because decreased Rubisco activity is often the first symptom of ozone damage (Pell et al., 1997; Long and Naidu, 2002). Effects of ozone are known to be heterogeneous across the leaf surface, (Nie et al., 1993), suggesting that decrease in Vc,max relative to decrease in Jmax would not be uniform across the leaf. Senescence within a leaf is often patchy and, because Rubisco protein is catabolized before the membrane proteins of the electron transport apparatus (Weng et al., 2005), uncoupled variation in Vc,max and Jmax could result during the latter part of a leaf's lifespan.
Of greater uncertainty is the variability in other photosynthetic parameters, such as VTPU or Rd (mitochondrial respiration). There is currently no literature on the within-leaf variability of TPU; VTPU has always been considered as a whole-leaf parameter. Effects of variation in Rd were not considered in this study outside the light acclimation simulations, but recent studies have suggested that Rd could vary within leaves in a manner coupled to the photosynthetic capacity (Tcherkez et al., 2008).
In conclusion, this study found that leaf-level photosynthetic heterogeneity within the mesophyll could lead to underestimation of Vc,max, Jmax, or VTPU calculated by fitting the Farquhar model to the A-Ci response of photosynthesis. Substantial error, though, would only result if the Vc,max to Jmax ratio or VTPU itself was heterogeneous within the leaf (e.g. Ω < 0.8 or CVTPU > 10%). Given that it would be expected that variation in Vc,max and Jmax would normally be well coupled, we conclude that error caused by heterogeneity in the estimation of these parameters and error resulting in turn from their use in crop production and Earth system models will be small. Proof of this conclusion would require quantification of within-leaf heterogeneity of Vc,max, Jmax, and VTPU in actual leaves.
Construction of the Model
The equations in the Farquhar model of photosynthesis as implemented by Long and Bernacchi (2003) were coded into a graphical modeling environment (Stella 7.0.3; iSee Systems). The equations and constants used are given in Supplemental Appendix S1. The model was designed so that each run simulates a theoretical leaf with a specified range of stochastic variability in Vc,max and Jmax. Each theoretical leaf consisted of 400 squares of equal area and for each section a particular Vc,max and Jmax was assigned, based on a bivariate normal frequency distribution of the two parameters. Vc,max and Jmax were varied around these means based on a probability density function for bivariate normal distributions (according to Ripley, 1987):
![]() |
(1) |
where x and y correspond to Vc,max and Jmax, respectively; σx and σy correspond to the sd for Vc,max and Jmax, respectively; and Ω corresponds to the statistical correlation between Vc,max and Jmax. In all simulations, temperature was 25°C, photosynthetic photon flux density was 2,000 μmol quanta m−2 s−1, and oxygen concentration was 210 mmol mol−1. To isolate the effect of biochemical heterogeneity in the mesophyll from stomatal effects, Cis were treated as uniform within each leaf, except where stated otherwise.
Systematic Variation of Vc,max and Jmax
To determine the effects of different degrees of heterogeneity on estimates of Vc,max and Jmax based on the Farquhar model, fixed average values of Vc,max and Jmax were set for all leaves. Wullschleger (1993) surveyed the measured Vc,max and Jmax of a wide range of species and found an average Vc,max of approximately 90 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1 and Jmax of 170 μmol electrons m−2 s−1 for a typical C3 leaf. These values were used here. The coefficient of variation (i.e. the ratio of sd to mean) was varied from 0% to 50% at intervals of 10% for both Vc,max and Jmax simultaneously; sds therefore correspondingly ranged from 0 to 45 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1 for Vc,max and 0 to 85 μmol electrons m−2 s−1 for Jmax. The correlation coefficient between the two parameters (Ω; i.e. how well-conserved the Vc,max to Jmax ratio was between sections within a given leaf) was varied from 1.0 to 0.1 at intervals of 0.1 (Fig. 1). A Ω of 1.0 represented perfect correlation (i.e. a constant Vc,max to Jmax ratio across all areas of a leaf).
A-Ci responses were generated with 30 values of Ci ranging from 50 to 2,000 ppm for each section. Results for individual sections were combined and means were calculated to obtain the overall A-Ci response for the leaf. Vc,max and Jmax estimates for each simulated leaf were then obtained by fitting the equations of Farquhar et al. (1980) to this whole-leaf response (Eqs. 3 and 5 in Supplemental Appendix S1). Vc,max was estimated using Cis of 60, 80, 100, and 150 ppm, and Jmax was estimated using points at 700, 800, 1,000, and 1,200 ppm for all leaves. These estimated values of Vc,max and Jmax were compared against the original parameters used to generate the theoretical leaf, to determine the percent error in each parameter estimate.
Heterogeneity in VTPU and gs
Heterogeneity in VTPU, the limitation on carbon assimilation rate imposed by capacity for TPU, was added to the model for selected simulations by varying the CV of VTPU (Eq. 1) across all sections while keeping the mean value constant (VTPU = 10 μmol m−2 s−1). VTPU was varied independently of Vc,max and Jmax. In these selected simulations, VTPU was estimated for each leaf from the whole-leaf CO2 response curve as defined in the equations in Supplemental Appendix S1.
Likewise, gs was varied for selected simulations by controlling the CV of the population of gs associated with the sections of the leaf. Mean gs was 0.1 mmol m−2 s−1. When gs was varied, the leaf was assumed to be perfectly heterobaric (i.e. there was no diffusion of CO2 between the intercellular spaces of different sections of the leaf). Consequently, Ci for each section at each ambient CO2 concentration (Ca) was calculated based on the intersection of the demand function (the A-Ci response curve) and the supply function (1/gs). Overall Ci for each leaf was calculated as the mean of the Ci of each section, in the same manner as the calculation of A in the construction of the whole-leaf CO2 response curves.
Modeling Cross-Sectional Light Acclimation and Photosynthetic Heterogeneity
To investigate the effect of transdermal variation in light environment and photosynthetic capacity on the A-Ci response, the leaf model was replicated in triplicate to simulate three leaf layers of equal thickness, which might approximate to upper palisade, lower palisade, and spongy mesophyll. The light absorbed by each layer was 50%, 30%, and 10% of the incident photon flux, respectively, and was approximated from the data of Vogelmann and Evans (2002). For simplicity, the incident photon flux was 2,000 μmol m−2 s−1 for all simulations and was assumed to be all blue (approximately 470 nm).
To simulate a leaf exhibiting no acclimation to local light environment, the Vc,max, Jmax, VTPU, and Rd (mitochondrial respiration) were apportioned into each layer equally (i.e. each parameter in each layer was one-third the value found in the single-layer leaf). Light acclimation was then simulated by apportioning the above parameters into the three layers in relative proportion to the light absorbed by each layer. The A-Ci relationship was calculated for each layer separately and fit to the equations of Farquhar et al. (1980) to estimate Vc,max and Jmax for each layer, then summed to give the overall photosynthetic capacity of each leaf. The A for all three layers was also summed at each Ca to generate a whole-leaf CO2 response curve. Simulations were run with and without lateral variation in Vc,max and Jmax to check for interaction between transdermal and paradermal heterogeneity.
Modeling Photosynthesis from a Heterogeneous Dataset
To determine the effect of heterogeneity on the ability of the Farquhar model to accurately predict photosynthetic performance, the modeled A for a given Ci was compared to the actual A from a leaf with a Vc,max and Jmax CV of 50% and a Ω of 0.3. The resulting A-Ci curve was then used to estimate Vc,max and Jmax as if it had been generated from gas exchange methods, following the procedures of Long and Bernacchi (2003). A further A-Ci curve was then generated with these estimates from the Farquhar model, assuming no heterogeneity. The difference between A generated by this modeled curve and actual A for the simulated leaf at any given Ci represents the error that results from assuming homogeneity of the A-Ci response across a leaf that in reality is heterogeneous.
Supplemental Data
The following materials are available in the online version of this article.
Supplemental Appendix S1. The equations of the Farquhar model as implemented here.
Supplemental List of Abbreviations S1. Definitions, units, and, where appropriate, values of all abbreviated terms in the text.
Supplementary Material
We thank Dr. Fernando Miguez for his advice on the generation of the bivariate distributions.
This work was supported by a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship.
The author responsible for distribution of materials integral to the findings presented in this article in accordance with the policy described in the Instructions for Authors (www.plantphysiol.org) is: Stephen P. Long (stevel@life.uiuc.edu).
The online version of this article contains Web-only data.
Open Access articles can be viewed online without a subscription.
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