Intracranial depth electrode EEG records of 478 seizures, recorded in 68 patients undergoing diagnostic monitoring with depth electrodes, were evaluated to investigate the correlates of electrographic onset patterns in patients with temporal lobe seizures. The seizure onsets in 78% of these patients were identified as either hypersynchronous onsets, beginning with low-frequency, high-amplitude spikes, or low-voltage fast (LVF) onsets, increasing in amplitude as the seizure progressed. The number of patients (35) having hypersynchronous seizure onsets was nearly twice that of patients (18) having LVF onsets. Three major differences were seen among patients with the two seizure-onset patterns. When compared with patients having LVF onsets, patients with hypersynchronous seizure onsets had a significantly greater probability of having (1) focal rather than regional seizure onsets (p<0.01), (2) seizures spreading more slowly to the contralateral mesial temporal lobe (p<0.003), and (3) cell counts in resected hippocampal tissue showing greater neuronal loss (p<0.001). The results provide evidence that the most frequent electrographic abnormality associated with mesial temporal seizures is local hypersynchrony, a condition associated with major neuronal-loss in the hippocampus. The results also indicate that LVF seizure onsets more frequently represent widely distributed discharges, which interact with and spread more rapidly to surrounding neocortical areas.
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