Table 2.
Comparison of Selected Members of the ERV/ALR Family
Protein a | # electrons to dihydroflavinb | Maximum # of electronsc | Flavin/Thiolate CT complexd | Blue Semiquinoned | TN/min with 5 mM DTT | TN/min with RNasered (200 µM –SH) |
Erv2pe | 4 | 6 | No | Yes | 63 | 6 (200 uM SH) |
ALR short formf | 2 | 4 | No | Yes | 46 | ~0 |
QSOX-Erv domaing | 2 | 6 | No | Yes | 20 | ~0 |
QSOX completeh | 4 | 8 | Yes | No | 1005 | 630 |
Proteins sources: Erv2p from S. cerevisiae, human ALR short form, QSOX Erv domain and complete protein were from avian egg white.
Denotes the number of electrons delivered during dithionite titrations when full reduction of the flavin is observed.
Electron equivalents derived from multiplying the total number of known redox centers by 2-electrons.
Thiolate to oxidized flavin charge-transfer complex or blue semiquinone observed during anaerobic reductive titrations of the proteins.
This work.
Farrell and Thorpe (25).
Raje and Thorpe (29).