GnRH is detectable in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), but its source remains unidentified. Previous studies have harvested CSF for GnRH analysis from the median eminence region, but it is unknown whether GnRH in CSF is restricted to this region. If CSF-GnRH plays a physiological role, through volume transmission, to communicate with brain regions that express GnRH receptors but are not evidently innervated by GnRH neurons, then it is essential to establish whether GnRH is more pervasive throughout the cerebroventricular system. Three cannulae were placed in the supraoptic, infundibular, and pineal recesses of the third ventricle. GnRH was undetectable in lateral ventricle CSF. GnRH pulses were detected in all ewes in infundibular recess CSF, but at sites more rostral (supraoptic) and caudal (pineal), GnRH pulse frequency and amplitude significantly (P < 0.05) decreased. A GnRH surge was evident in CSF collected simultaneously from all cannulae, but the amplitude was greatest (P < 0.05) at the infundibular recess. A final study established whether iv administered GnRH enters the CSF. A 250-ng GnRH dose did not affect CSF-GnRH concentrations (1.6 ± 0.3 pg/ml), but 2.5 μg (2.7 ± 0.2 pg/ml; P < 0.001) and 1 mg (38.5 ± 10.6 pg/ml; P < 0.05) significantly increased CSF-GnRH concentrations. The present study shows: 1) the median eminence region is likely to be the major, if not only, source of GnRH entering the cerebroventricular system; and 2) exogenous GnRH crosses the blood-brain barrier, but extremely high doses are required to elevate CSF concentrations to physiological levels. Thus, CSF-GnRH may affect sites that are closer in proximity to the infundibular recess region than previously thought.
WE (1,2,3,4) AND OTHERS (5,6,7) have shown that GnRH is present in mammalian cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Concentrations of GnRH harvested from CSF in the infundibular region of the third ventricle are notably high and are comparable to those found in the hypophyseal portal blood (2). Like hypophyseal portal-GnRH, this CSF-GnRH displays both a pulsatile and a surge profile (2,5,8). We have previously shown that CSF-GnRH does not contribute to hypophyseal portal-GnRH concentrations (9). Although GnRH is known to be released in the external zone of the median eminence before entering the hypophyseal portal circulation, it remains unclear how and where GnRH enters the CSF.
Considering that the external zone of the median eminence, which is immediately ventral to the infundibular recess, is the established site of GnRH release into the hypophyseal portal vasculature, it is tempting to speculate that this is the source of GnRH in CSF. However, there is compelling evidence that a tight junction barrier limits the penetration of factors from this external zone into the CSF (10,11,12).
GnRH may be secreted directly into the CSF by specific ventricle-contacting neurons (13,14,15,16,17). There is an abundance of GnRH fibers surrounding the infundibular recess of the third ventricle, and some of these axons may terminate in the third ventricle (13,14). Many GnRH fibers are also evident within the organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis (OVLT), but their function remains unknown. Sparse GnRH neurons and projections have been reported more caudally in the brain (18,19,20). However, studies suggest that only a few GnRH neurons may be required to generate sufficient endogenous release (21,22). To gain further insight into the origins of GnRH in CSF, we placed cannulae in third ventricular regions that were in close proximity to the OVLT, infundibular recess, and pineal recess. We hypothesized that the relative GnRH concentrations in these three locations would indicate which site(s) was the major source of this decapeptide in CSF. Two experiments were performed using ovariectomized ewes during the anestrous season. In the first experiment, GnRH pulsatility was compared with LH pulsatility in peripheral blood. In a second experiment, we investigated the relationship between CSF-GnRH and LH secretion during an estradiol-induced LH surge.
An additional study sought to establish if peripherally administered GnRH was capable of entering the cerebroventricular system. This study sought to clarify why GnRH has been able to induce sexual behavior in some mammalian studies (23,24,25,26) but not in others (27,28).
Materials and Methods
Sexually mature Ile-de-France ewes were ovariectomized at least 1 month before experimentation, were housed in rooms with natural photoperiod, had free access to water, and were fed daily with hay, straw, and corn. Experiments were performed during anestrus (January to August for this breed in the Northern Hemisphere). Ovariectomy was performed so that the level of steroid exposure, which has a profound effect on the neuroendocrine reproductive axis, was comparable among animals. The steroid-primed LH surge induction model has been used extensively by our laboratory and others (29,30,31), and is not seasonally dependent. The ovariectomized LH pulse model during anestrus was used because large distinct LH pulses are known to occur approximately every hour in the model (32). For experiments, ewes were placed in pens that prevented them from turning around, but they were able to lie down and move forward and backward freely. To prevent the stress of social isolation, ewes were always in contact with other sheep. All procedures were performed in accordance with authorization A37801 (French Ministry of Agriculture).
At least 2 wk before a study was performed, CSF guide cannulae (17 gauge, 50 mm, stainless steel luer-lock needle) were introduced stereotaxically into the third ventricle using a modification of a method described in detail previously (1). Briefly, under halothane anesthesia, the sheep head was positioned in a stereotaxic frame, and 1 ml radioopaque liquid (Omnipaque; Nycomed Ingenon, Suresnes, France) was injected into the right lateral ventricle. In experiment 1, three cannulae were positioned in the third ventricle. The first cannula was placed in the optic recess, which is immediately in front of the OVLT, the second in the infundibular recess, which is surrounded by the median eminence, and the third cannula was placed close to the pineal recess (Fig. 1). In experiment 2, in addition to these three cannulae, a fourth cannula (used during the surgical procedure to inject radioopaque material) was retained in the lateral ventricle and used to collect CSF. For experiment 3, a cannula was placed only in the infundibular recess of the third ventricle. Correct placement inside the ventricle was verified by the flow of CSF, and additional x-rays confirmed the precise location within the third ventricle. The cannulae were plugged and fixed in place with dental acrylic cement, and a Teflon cap (DuPont Co., Wilmington, DE) was placed around them for protection.
Figure 1.
Surgical placement of four cannulae in the ovine cerebroventricular system. A, Lateral x-ray image showing the placement of cannulae in the supraoptic (C1), infundibular (C2), and pineal (C3) recesses, as well as the lateral ventricle (C4), at the end of the surgery. B, The schematic shows the main landmarks and targets used for placement of the cannulae.
Experiment 1: measurement of GnRH in three different third ventricle locations in relation to LH pulses in ovariectomized ewes
Instantaneous jugular blood and integrated CSF samples were collected every 15 min for 12 h from ovariectomized ewes (n = 8). A polyethylene catheter was inserted through each third ventricular guide cannulae so that the distal end terminated at the tip of the cannula. To avoid the quantity of CSF withdrawal by the pump exceeding CSF production (3), CSF was collected simultaneously only from two of the three cannulae using a Minipulse II peristaltic pump (Gilson, Villiers-le-bel, France) at a flow rate of 250 μl/15 min for 4 h. Every 4 h the paired cannulae from which the CSF was harvested were switched in a random order so that CSF was collected from each cannula twice for two 4-h periods.
Experiment 2: measurement of GnRH in four different ventricle locations in relation to an estradiol-induced LH surge
An LH surge was induced in all ewes (n = 6) using a well-characterized follicular phase model (33). Briefly, a 10-mm SILASTIC brand (Dow Corning, Midland, MI) 17β-estradiol implant was inserted sc, and a progesterone implant (CIDR; InterAg, Hamilton, New Zealand) was also inserted intravaginally. The progesterone implant was then removed after 10 d to simulate luteolysis. Four 30-mm estradiol implants were inserted sc 24 h later to simulate the preovulatory estradiol increase. Instantaneous jugular blood and integrated CSF samples (600 μl/h) were collected hourly for 25 h, starting 12 h after insertion of the four estradiol implants.
Experiment 3: entry of iv GnRH into the infundibular recess of the third ventricle
CSF samples (300 μl/min) were collected every 10 min for 30 min to establish basal CSF-GnRH concentrations. Using an indwelling catheter in the jugular vein, ewes were then injected with 250 ng (n = 7), 2.5 μg (n = 6), or 1 mg (n = 5) GnRH, and 10-min CSF samples were collected for another 30 min. It is known that a 250 ng iv GnRH injection is sufficient to induce an LH pulse comparable to a physiological LH pulse (34).
GnRH concentrations in CSF were estimated in duplicate using a well-validated RIA (35). GnRH for iodination and standards were purchased from UCB-Bioproducts (Brussels, Belgium). All CSF samples from an individual ewe were measured in the same assay. The intraassay coefficient of variation and assay sensitivity averaged 14% and 2.5 pg/ml, respectively. Concentrations of LH were estimated in duplicate 100-μl jugular plasma samples using an established RIA (2), and all samples from an individual ewe were measured in the same assay. The intraassay coefficient of variation was 7%, and assay sensitivity was 0.13 ng/ml for standard 1051-CY-LH.
Data are presented as the mean (±sem). In experiment 1, pulses of plasma LH and GnRH in CSF were detected using the Munro program (Zaristow Software, East Lothian, Scotland) (36). The program identifies secretory peaks by height and duration from a smoothed baseline, using the assay sd as a scale factor. Munro is an adaptation of the Pulsar Program PULSAR algorithm developed by Merriam and Wachter (37). The only essential difference is in the calculation of the baseline; in the Munro program, the baseline is generated by linear interpolation between the nadirs, followed by smoothing, using a moving average. The remaining stages of the Munro algorithm are identical with the Pulsar program. Because the baseline in the Munro program is calculated from the nadirs rather than from the moving average of the data, this program can process data containing pulses with variable widths and amplitudes. The cutoff parameters G1-5 of the Munro program for GnRH and LH were set at 3.98, 2.4, 1.68, 1.24, and 0.93; these values give a 5% false-positive error rate (37). The Baxter parameters (b1-3) were 0.21205, 0.02516, and 0.0004 for GnRH, and 0.09, 0.001, and 0.0001 for LH.
In experiment 2, the onsets of the LH and GnRH surges were defined as the first LH or GnRH sample to exceed the presurge baseline by 2 sd values of this baseline, after which hormone concentrations did not return to baseline levels within 2 h. The presurge baseline and sd were calculated from the samples collected for the first 4 h of the experiment. Because GnRH concentrations were still above the presurge baseline at the end of the experiment for most of the GnRH profiles, surge GnRH secretion for each cannula was estimated by calculation of the area under the curve (AUC) of the concentration vs. time plots above the baseline. AUC was calculated with the trapezoidal rule over the period from the surge onset until the end of the experiment. In experiment 3, the mean concentration of GnRH in CSF was calculated for each ewe for the 30 min before the GnRH injection and the 30 min after injection.
Comparisons between the pulse amplitude and frequency of GnRH and LH pulses were performed using Friedman’s test with repeated measures. Significance was accepted at P < 0.05, and Dunn’s multiple comparison test was used for post hoc repeated measures comparisons. For the CSF-GnRH surge study, the amount of GnRH secreted and the amplitude of the GnRH surge between cannulae were compared using ANOVA with repeated measures. To assess the extent of exogenous GnRH penetration into CSF, both the percent increase and the peak increase in CSF-GnRH concentration above baseline were calculated for each dose and analyzed by ANOVA. Significance was accepted at P < 0.05, and the Bonferroni correction was used for post hoc repeated measures comparisons.
Experiment 1: measurement of GnRH in three different third ventricle locations in relation to LH pulses in ovariectomized ewes
CSF was successfully harvested from each of the three cannula placements in four of the eight animals used in this study. As shown in previous studies (2,3), GnRH secretion is clearly pulsatile in the CSF harvested from the infundibular recess (Fig. 2). GnRH pulses are less apparent in the CSF-GnRH profiles harvested from the supraoptic or pineal recesses. In all ewes, as shown in Fig. 3A, the mean CSF-GnRH concentration (over the two 4 h sampling periods) harvested from the infundibular recess is larger than the CSF-GnRH concentration harvested from the two other locations for all animals. For the four ewes with all three cannulae working, the amplitude of the CSF-GnRH pulses were significantly (P < 0.05) higher in the CSF harvested from the infundibular recess (2.07 ± 0.03 pg/ml) compared with the CSF harvested from either the supraoptic (1.11 ± 0.06 pg/ml) or pineal (1.55 ± 0.15 pg/ml) recesses (Fig. 3C). There was a significant effect (P < 0.05) of cannula placement on GnRH pulse frequency (Fig. 3B). The CSF-GnRH pulse frequency was higher in infundibular recess (3.63 ± 0.11 pulses/4 h) CSF compared with that in the supraoptic recess (1.50 ± 0.40 pulses/4 h; P < 0.05) and pineal recess (2.38 ± 0.27 pulses/4 h; P < 0.01). LH pulse frequency (4.16 ± 0.23 pulses/4 h) in jugular blood was not significantly different from the CSF-GnRH pulse frequency in infundibular recess, but the CSF-GnRH pulse frequencies in the pineal (P < 0.01) and supraoptic (P < 0.05) recesses were significantly lower.
Figure 2.
Results from two ewes showing GnRH concentration profiles (•) in CSF harvested simultaneously from cannulae located in the optic, infundibular, or pineal recess during two periods of 4 h for each cannula. Corresponding LH secretion in the peripheral blood over the 12 h of the sampling period is also shown (▪). The locations of the cannulae in the ventricular system are illustrated in the schematic. The horizontal dashed line indicates the detection limit of the GnRH assay, and values set at this limit are noted by an open circle (○). The vertical dotted lines facilitate visual alignment of the values between the cannulae and jugular blood. Pulses are noted by an arrowhead (▾). The asterisk (*) indicates a missing sample.
Figure 3.
Effect of cannula placement within the third ventricle on CSF-GnRH release during pulses. A, Mean (±sem) concentration of GnRH over the two 4-h periods for each of the eight ewes. It is evident that CSF harvested from the infundibular recess had the greatest GnRH concentration. B, Mean (±sem) GnRH pulse frequency in the CSF for the four animals in which CSF could be collected from all three cannulae. LH pulse frequency in the peripheral blood is also shown (gray bar). C, Mean (±sem) GnRH pulse amplitude in the CSF for the four animals in which CSF could be collected from all three cannulae. The optic recess data are noted by a black bar, infundibular recess data by a dashed bar, and pineal recess by a white bar. Differing letters indicate significant differences P < 0.05.
Experiment 2: measurement of GnRH in four different ventricle locations in relation to an estradiol-induced LH surge
CSF was successfully harvested from the cannula located in the lateral ventricle in three of the animals, but because GnRH levels were below the detection limit for all samples in all these GnRH profiles, the data were not statistically analyzed. CSF was successfully harvested from all three cannulae in the third ventricle in four of the six ewes used. Analysis was only performed on the data from these four animals. It was evident in experiment 1 (Fig. 2, GnRH pulses in pineal recess CSF decline after the infundibular CSF collection commences) that sampling from the infundibular recess could affect CSF-GnRH concentrations at the other loci. Accordingly, these data must be viewed as an underestimate of the physiological concentration at the optic and pineal recesses. A surge of LH that was synchronous with a CSF-GnRH surge was evident in all cannula placements in the third ventricle (Fig. 4A). The amount of GnRH released during the surge at the infundibular recess was significantly (P < 0.05) greater (as estimated by AUC) than the amount detected at the supraoptic or pineal recess areas, which were not significantly different from each other (Fig. 4B). Similarly, the amplitude of the CSF-GnRH surge was significantly greater (P = 0.01) at the infundibular recess compared with either the supraoptic or pineal recesses (Fig. 4C).
Figure 4.
Effect of cannula placement within the third ventricle on CSF-GnRH release during the estradiol-induced surge. A, Representative ewes (nos. 21 and 22) showing the LH concentration profiles (□) and GnRH concentration profiles in CSF harvested simultaneously from cannulae located in the supraoptic (♦), infundibular (▴), and pineal recess (•) during an estradiol-induced GnRH/LH surge. B, Mean (±sem) amount of GnRH (AUC) released into the CSF harvested from cannulae located in the supraoptic, infundibular, and pineal recesses. C, Mean (±sem) amplitude of the GnRH surge in CSF harvested from cannulae located in the supraoptic, infundibular, and pineal recesses. Differing letters indicate significant differences P < 0.05.
Experiment 3: entry of iv GnRH into the infundibular recess of the third ventricle
Basal CSF-GnRH concentrations averaged 1.3 ± 0.2 pg/ml. The 250-ng dose did not cause a significant increase above baseline CSF-GnRH (1.6 ± 0.3 pg/ml). However, both the 2.5 μg (2.7 ± 0.2 pg/ml; P < 0.001) and 1 mg (38.5 ± 10.6 pg/ml; P < 0.05) iv doses of GnRH were clearly capable of entering the CSF of the third ventricle (Fig. 5).
Figure 5.
The percent increase in CSF-GnRH in 30 min above baseline levels after an iv injection of 250 ng, 2.5 μg, and 1 mg. ***, P < 0.001; *, P < 0.05 compared with baseline.
Although it is well established that GnRH is detectable in the CSF of the third ventricle (1,2,3,4,5,6,7), how this GnRH gets into the CSF is unknown. The present study provides strong support for the hypothesis that most, if not all, of the GnRH in CSF originates from the GnRH axonal bed in the median eminence that lies in close proximity to, and at times impinges on, the third cerebral ventricle (13,14,15). The present study also confirms that iv administered GnRH is capable of entering the CSF and is not excluded by the blood-brain barrier.
This GnRH may enter the CSF of the infundibular recess in three ways that are not mutually exclusive. The first and most logical way would be for GnRH simply to overflow from the periportal spaces between the GnRH terminals and hypophyseal portal vessels into the extracellular fluid. However, there is compelling evidence that the extracellular fluid occupying this perivascular space is not in free communication with the CSF. Brightman et al. (10) showed that intravascular injections of horseradish peroxidase penetrated the median eminence but not the rest of the brain, whereas intracerebroventricularly (icv) administered horseradish peroxidase was unable to enter the median eminence. Additional electron microscopy studies revealed the presence of tight junctions between the median eminence and the brain (10). Subsequent studies have provided strong support for this tight junction barrier between the median eminence and the rest of the brain (11,12). We have also shown that icv administered GnRH does not enter the hypophyseal portal circulation, providing further support for the integrity of this barrier (9).
Second, a long-standing hypothesis is that hypothalamic factors may be transported to the CSF by tanycytes (38). In this hypothesis, GnRH would be released into the periportal space and then transported back to the third ventricle through tanycytes. Clearly, there is an intimate anatomical relationship between GnRH terminals and tanycytes (39). GnRH administered icv has been taken up by tanycytes (40), but, to our knowledge, studies have not shown that peripherally administered GnRH is taken up by these specialized ependymal cells. Moreover, in contrast to GHRH (41), immunocytochemical studies have not detected GnRH in tanycytes (42,43). Thus, we hypothesize that the role, if any, of infundibular tanycytes in the transport of GnRH from portal vasculature to CSF is likely to be small.
Third, there is compelling evidence that neurons contact the cerebroventricular CSF via their dendrites, axons, or perikarya (for review, see Ref. 15). For the GnRH system, this is conserved through evolution because GnRH-positive CSF-contacting neurons been in both cyclostomes and teleosts (44), as well as mammals (14,16,17). We are unaware of electron-microscopy studies showing specific GnRH terminals in the mammalian cerebroventricular system. Electron-microscopy studies would provide the strongest anatomical support for the release of GnRH by neurons directly into CSF. However, the most compelling evidence comes from a preliminary study by Billings et al. (13), in which cholera toxin was injected into the third ventricle of the ewe. In two sheep, in which it could be ascertained that the cholera toxin did not diffuse beyond the ependymal cell layer, more than half of the GnRH perikarya were labeled with the toxin. Together, these data support the hypothesis that GnRH is directly released into CSF.
Experiment 1 supports the hypothesis that CSF-GnRH pulses are derived predominantly, if not exclusively, from GnRH entering CSF in the infundibular recess region. First, the closer to the median eminence the CSF is collected, the higher the GnRH concentration. Second, when CSF was harvested from the infundibular recess, the CSF-GnRH profiles at the other locations could be perturbed. This is clearly evident in ewe no. 2 (Fig. 2) because GnRH secretion is significantly reduced at the pineal recess as soon as the collection of CSF from the infundibular recess commences. This suggests that most of the GnRH molecules diffusing from the median eminence are being extracted by the infundibular cannula. Consistent with our earlier investigations (2,3), the peak pulse concentration rarely exceeded 4 pg/ml. In contrast, surge CSF-GnRH concentrations were substantially higher at all three locations, and this increased release was evident for several hours and not minutes. From a dynamic perspective, this indicates that more GnRH molecules are diffusing from the median eminence or that the diffusing surface (i.e. the region from which GnRH is originating) is larger during the surge because many more GnRH neurons are recruited at this stage (45).
The concentration profile of GnRH in CSF that we have observed, with highest levels in the immediate vicinity of the infundibular recess and lower levels both more rostral and caudal, may have significant implications for our understanding of the potential physiological role this pool of GnRH plays through volume transmission (46,47). For example, high densities of GnRH receptor-expressing neurons have been consistently reported within the hippocampus of rodents (17,48,49) and recently in humans (50). We have recently confirmed the presence of GnRH receptors in ovine hippocampal neurons (51). Few studies suggest that there is direct GnRH axonal input to the hippocampal area. However, hippocampal pyramidal neurons take up I125-Buserilin, a GnRH receptor agonist, when it is injected icv (48). Importantly, GnRH alters the electrical properties of hippocampal pyramidal cells (52,53) and stimulates increased inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate production within these cells (52). If the CSF-GnRH that we have reported in the present study modulates hippocampal neuronal activity physiologically, it will be imperative to perform such studies in the concentration range that we have detected.
GnRH has affected sexual behavior in numerous mammals (23,24,25,26,54). An elegant series of studies on rats (23,24) provided compelling evidence that GnRH acts within the mesencephalic central gray region to evoke this behavioral response. GnRH binding has been observed in the mesencephalic central gray (48), and we have recently detected GnRH receptor-immunoreactive neurons in the ovine mesencephalic central gray (55). However, there is scant evidence of direct GnRH innervation of the mesencephalic central gray. The pineal recess of the third ventricle is close to the mesencephalic central gray and may provide a possible route through which GnRH may access potential target neurons in this region. It is also of interest that the duration of sexual behavior corresponds quite closely to the duration of the GnRH surge in the CSF.
The present study may also reveal why some, but not all, studies in larger mammals have been successful in inducing sexual behavior with GnRH. Specifically, GnRH stimulates proceptivity in marmosets (54) and, if GnRH is administered icv, can induce sexual receptivity in sheep (25). However, many researchers were unable to elicit sexual behavior in ungulates using GnRH administered via the jugular vein (25,27,28) (Findlay, J. K., C. Fabre-Nys, F. J. Karsch, and K. M. Kendrick, personal communication). It was hypothesized that one possible reason for this failure was that exogenous GnRH did not cross the blood-brain barrier. Although the present study is unable to discriminate between intact and cleaved GnRH [i.e. GnRH (1,2,3,4,5)], compelling evidence that GnRH (1,2,3,4,5) is able to elicit sexual behavior in rodents (56) suggests that GnRH degradation does not underlie the inability of iv GnRH to induce sexual behavior. Moreover, closer examination of rodent studies that were successful at inducing sexual behavior with peripherally administered GnRH suggests that high doses are required for efficacy (57,58). As is evident from the current study, 1 mg GnRH administered iv elevates CSF concentrations into the low surge range, whereas 2.5 μg increases basal CSF-GnRH levels by less than 2 pg/ml. The 250 ng GnRH dose, which can induce an LH pulse, did not elevate CSF-GnRH concentrations significantly. We estimate that if GnRH uptake into the brain is nonsaturable then to increase CSF-GnRH levels in the brain to those detected in the infundibular recess at the peak of the surge, at least 5 mg will be required. Thus, it is likely that in the earlier studies, the central concentrations of GnRH produced by iv GnRH were insufficient to induce a behavioral effect.
The question of “physiologically relevant dose” is important to consider for all potential extra-pituitary sites. If it is assumed that the binding affinity of GnRH receptors at these sites is the same as that of the pituitary GnRH receptors, then it would appear that CSF-GnRH concentrations (∼50 pm) are lower than the reported in vitro ovine pituitary GnRH receptor binding affinity [230 pm (59)]. However, we have previously shown (2) that CSF-GnRH concentrations, at the surge, are comparable to hypophyseal portal-GnRH concentrations, which are clearly sufficient to induce an LH surge. It is well established that a 250-ng GnRH treatment elicits an LH pulse comparable to that produced in vivo (60,61). This 250-ng challenge produces a portal GnRH concentration of 6 pg/min (∼15–20 pg/ml; ∼15 pm), which is indistinguishable from the endogenous release rate of 5.4 pg/min (34). Thus, there appears to be a mismatch between reported GnRH binding affinity at the level of the pituitary and the physiological GnRH concentrations that are capable of eliciting a LH response, and, clearly, more research is required to address this disparity.
In summary, the present study shows that GnRH is not uniformly distributed throughout the third cerebroventricle but is more concentrated in the infundibular recess region. Accordingly, we hypothesize that the ependyma surrounding the infundibular recess is the source of most, if not all, GnRH in CSF. Thus, we propose that for most of the estrous cycle, when GnRH release is pulsatile, few cerebral regions are exposed to CSF-GnRH (Fig. 6). In contrast, at the preovulatory GnRH surge, potential neuronal targets will receive a stronger, volume-transmitted, signal. Our study also shows unequivocally that iv administered GnRH can penetrate the cerebroventricular system. However, extremely high doses are required to increase the resulting CSF-GnRH concentrations into those found during the estradiol-induced GnRH surge, and this result may explain why several earlier attempts to induce sexual behavior in sheep with exogenous GnRH were unsuccessful.
Figure 6.
Schematic of how we propose that the flow of GnRH in CSF will progress through the cerebroventricular system during tonic release and at the preovulatory GnRH surge. During the surge period, or periods with sustained GnRH release, infundibular GnRH is likely to penetrate more widely in the brain.
We thank Alexandre Figwer for his help in experiment 1, which formed part of his candidature for a master of science in Animal Physiology of the University of Tours, and Christine Briant for assistance with the statistical analysis. We are deeply grateful to B. Delaleu, D. Lomet, and A. Duittoz for assisting with the numerous cerebrospinal fluid and blood sampling periods, as well as to the people of “l’hôpital-Abbatoire” for the animal surgeries and the shepherds for taking good care of the animals.
D.C.S. was supported by Grant RR15640 from the National Center for Research Resources, a component of the National Institutes of Health.
Disclosure Statement: The authors have nothing to disclose.
First Published Online June 19, 2008
Abbreviations: AUC, Area under the curve; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; icv, intracerebroventricularly; OVLT, organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis.
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