Phospholipase C-beta (PLCβ) enzymes are activated by Gαq and Gβγ subunits and catalyze the hydrolysis of the minor membrane lipid phosphatidylinositol 4,5 bisphosphate (PI(4,5)P2). Activation of PLCβ2 by Gβγ subunits has been shown to be conferred through its N-terminal pleckstrin homology (PH) domain although the underlying mechanism is unclear. Also unclear are observations that the extent of Gβγ activation differs on different membrane surfaces. In this study, we have identified a unique region of the PH domain of PLCβ2 domain (residues 71-88) which, when added to the enzyme as a peptide, causes enzyme activation similar to Gβγ subunits. This PH domain segment interacts strongly with membranes composed of lipid mixtures but not those containing lipids with electrically neutral zwitterionic head groups. Moreso, addition of this segment perturbs interaction of the catalytic domain, but not the PH domain, with membrane surfaces. We monitored the orientation of the PH and catalytic domains of PLC by intermolecular fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) using the Gβγ activatable mutant, PLCβ2/δ1(C193S). We find an increase in FRET with binding to membranes with mixed lipids but not to those containing only lipids with electrically neutral head groups. These results suggest that enzymatic activation can be conferred through optimal association of the PHβ71-88 region to specific membrane surfaces. These studies allow us to understand the basis of variations of Gβγ activation on different membrane surfaces.
Phospholipases C are intracellular enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of lipid phosphatidylinositol 4,5 bisphosphate (PI(4,5)P2) to give 1,4,5 inositol trisphosphate (IP3) and diacylglycerol (DAG) which in turn promote the release of Ca2+ from intracellular stores and the activation of protein kinase C. There are several families of mammalian PLCs whose tissue distribution and cellular regulation differ. The PLCβ family is regulated by heterotrimeric G proteins. All four known subtypes of PLCβ are activated by Gαq subunits while two (PLCβ2 and PLCβ3) are additionally activated by Gβγ subunits[1, 2].
PLCβs are multidomain enzymes consisting of an N-terminal PH domain, 4 EF hands, a catalytic X/Y domain, a C2 domain and a C-terminal tail. While the only domain of PLCβ whose structure has been solved is the C-terminal tail [3], high-resolution structures of the PH [4] and catalytic-C2 domains [5] of the closely related enzyme PLCδ1 are available. The relatively high sequence homology between PLCβ2 and PLCδ1 has allowed the construction of theoretical models of the PH and catalytic domains of PLCβ2 [6-8].
The ability of PLC ancillary domains to regulate the activity of the catalytic core has been studied. The C2 domain and C-terminal tail play key roles in regulating binding and activation of Gαq subunits [9][9](9)(9)(9)(9)(9)(9)(9)(9)(9)(9)(9)(9)(9)(9)[9][10]. The N-terminal PH domain of PLCβ2 serves a dual role of anchoring the enzyme to the membrane surface, and securing binding and activation by Gβγ subunits [11, 12]. In parallel, the PH domain of PLCδ1 binds strongly and specifically to PI(4,5)P2 [13] resulting in activation [8, 14]. The importance of the PH domain in conferring activation can be clearly seen through studies showing that swapping the PH domain of PLCβ2 into PLCδ1 results in a chimera PLCβ2/δ1 possessing the same Gβγ and membrane binding properties as PLCβ2, and which can be identically activated by Gβγ subunits [15]. Similarly, swapping the PH domain of PLCδ1 into PLCβ2 results in a chimera PLCβ2/δ1 that can no longer be activated by Gβγ but instead can be activated by PI(4,5)P2 similar to PLCδ1 [8]. The observation that activation of PLCβ2 and PLCδ1 can be conferred through binding of the PH domain to a membrane activator leads to the suggestion that the orientation of the enzyme with respect to the membrane surface and surface-associated proteins may be critical in regulating catalytic activity.
Since PLC works on lipid surfaces, it is not surprising that enzyme activity and activation depends strongly on the physical properties of the membrane surface. It has been shown that the activity of both PLCβ2 and PLCδ1 depend on the matrix in which their PI(4,5)P2 substrate is immersed. For example, while sphingomyelin lipids inhibit PLCδ1 [16], fatty acids promote its activity [17]. PLCβ1 has a higher activity in the presence of an excess of PA lipids [18], while the binding of PLCβ2 is somewhat promoted by the inclusion of PE lipids [11]. It is generally found that inclusion of PE in assays increases the ability of PLCβ2 to be activated by Gβγ subunits [19], but the mechanism for this is unclear. It is possible that activation may be promoted by the expansion of the membrane surface due to the reduced size and polarity of PE head groups which may allow better membrane penetration into the surface to access substrate (see [20]).
In this study, we continued our previous work in understanding the role of the PH domain of PLCβ2 in conferring Gβγ activation. We began with the observation that PHβ2 contains a unique sequence (PH71-88) which can interact with membranes. Surprisingly, addition of a peptide having this sequence to PLCβ2 simulates its activity to an extent similar to Gβγ. Combining these two observations, we find that this peptide can affect the membrane orientation of the enzyme. These studies lead to a model in which activation of PLCβ2 by Gβγ involves critical alignment of the catalytic core with the membrane surface which is mediated by PH71-88.
Protein expression and purification
His6- PLCβ2/δ1 and mutants, obtained by using the site-directed mutagenesis kit from Stratagene, were expressed for 20 hours at room temperature in BL21D3 E. coli growing in Superbroth medium after an induction at OD of 0.6 with 1 mM IPTG. The bacteria were harvested by centrifugation at 6000 x g. The pellet was resuspended in lysis buffer (50 mM NaH2PO4 (pH 8), 300 mM NaCl, 10 mM imidazole) containing 1mM PMSF, 2.5 mM benzamidine, 1mM DTT and supplemented with a protease inhibitor cocktail (Sigma) and the bacteria were broken. The lysate was treated for 30 minutes with DNAseI in the presence of Mg2+ and with RNAse A. The cell material was centrifuged for 90 minutes at 140000 g at 4°C and the supernatant was loaded 3 times on a Ni2+-NTA column (Qiagen). After washing the column twice with buffer containing 20 mM imidazole, the protein was eluted with 250 mM imidazole. Fractions showing the highest PLC activity were pooled and diluted 10 times in 25 mM Tris (pH 7.4) buffer with 1mM DTT, and brought to a final NaCl concentration of 30 mM. The material was loaded onto a 1 5Q column and eluted with a NaCl gradient from 0 to 500 mM.
His6-PLCβ2 was expressed using a Sf9 expression system and purified as described with minor modifications [21]. Gβ1γ2 subunits were prepared by co-expression of Gαq, Gβ1 and His6-Gγ2 in Sf9 cells and purified on a Ni2+-NTA column [22]. This construct activates PLCβ2 identically to the non-His tagged counterpart [15].
The purity of proteins was assessed by electrophoresis on SDS-PAGE gel and concentrations were determined by a Bradford assay (Biorad) or on SDS-PAGE gel with known concentrations of BSA for reference.
PHβ71-88 (NH2-KFAKMPKSQKLRDVFNMD-CONH2), sPHβ71-88 (NH2-VSKQDLKMFNKMRDAPFK-CONH2) and PHβ120-135 (NH2-ENVGKAWAEDVLALVK-CONH2) were purchased from the American Peptide Company (Sunnyvale, CA) with a purity >90 % as confirmed by analytical HPLC and mass spectrometry and were used as received. The peptide Gβ86-105 and Gβ86-105(M101N) are gifts from Dr. R.Iyengar (Dept. of Pharmacology, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine). The concentration of PHβ71-88 and sPHβ71-88 were estimated by BCA assay (Pierce) whereas the concentration of other peptides is estimated by absorption at 280 nm.
1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl phosphatidylethanolamine (POPE), 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoylphosphatidylserine (POPS), 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoylphosphatidylcholine (POPC) and phosphatidylinositol 4,5 bisphosphate (PI(4,5)P2) in chloroform were purchased from Avanti Polar Lipids, Inc (Alabaster, AL) whereas the [3H]PI(4,5)P2 was from New England Nuclear, Inc.
Enzyme Activity Studies
Measurements of PI(4,5)P2 hydrolysis by PLC enzymes were carried out using small, unilamellar vesicles composed of POPE:POPS:PI(4,5)P2 at a 66:32:2 molar ratio and doped with enough [3H]PI(4,5)P2 to obtain approximately 10000 dpm/assay. The purified enzymes were diluted to 1-3 nM in 15μl Ca2+ free-MAIN buffer (50 mM Hepes pH 7.2, 160 mM KCl, 3 mM EGTA, 1 mM DTT). Gβγ subunits were dialyzed three times in a Slide-A-Lyzer (Pierce) with a molecular weight cut-off of 3500 Da, for 30 minutes at 4° C against 50 mM Hepes (pH 7.4), 150 mM NaCl, 1mM DTT buffer. When appropriate, enzymes were premixed with Gβγ subunits or with an identical volume of Gβγ-stock buffer dialysed as mentioned above.
To measure PLC activity, the proteins (15μl) were placed on ice and mixed with 10μl of 3mM freshly sonicated lipids and 5μl of MAIN buffer containing 12mM CaCl2 to give a final concentration of 1000 nM Ca2+ [11]. The reaction was initiated by placing the samples in a water bath at 37 °C for 30s-5 minutes (depending on the phospholipase) and terminated by the addition of 0.2 ml ice cold 10% trichloroacetic acid, followed by 0.1 ml of cold 1% BSA. The aqueous and organic phases were separated by centrifugation (5 min at 7200 x g) and 0.27 ml of the upper aqueous phase, mixed with 2 ml of scintillation liquid, was counted by liquid scintillation. All experiments were done in triplicate and compared to control samples containing all the reaction components but carried out on ice for the same incubation time.
Fluorescence labeling and measurements
All probes were purchased from Molecular Probes Inc. (Eugene, OR) Enzymes, stored at - 80°C in 10% glycerol were thawed and dialyzed for 1 hour against 500 ml of 20 mM Hepes (pH 7.4), 150 mM NaCl buffer. After, the proteins were labeled on ice with the thiol-reactive probe 7-diethylamino-3-(4′-maleimidylphenyl)-4-methylcoumarin (CPM) at a probe:protein ratio of 2:1, or the thiol reactive probe acrylodan at a probe:protein ratio of 4:1. We have found that these ratios yields proteins labeled at a 1:1 probe:enzyme molar ratio was determined by absorption to deteremine the probe concentration and BCA analysis to determine the protein concentration. After one hour, the reaction was stopped by adding 10 mM βmercaptoethanol. The labeled proteins were separated from the free excess probe by applying the mixture to a 1ml PD6 column followed by elution with 1 ml of 20 mM Hepes (pH 7.4), 150 mM NaCl, 1 mM DTT buffer, or by extensive dialysis with the same buffer. In the studies described here, we used also DABCYL-SE or CM-SE, which covalently attaches to free amine groups. Labeling by these probes was performed at pH 7 to favor a specific labeling of the N-terminus and labeling was verified by elimination of the susceptibility of the protein to Edman degradation carried out at the Promeotics Center SUNY Stony Brook.
Fluorescence measurements were performed on an ISS spectrofluorometer (Champaign, IL) using 3 mm quartz cuvettes. Peptide and protein stocks were diluted into 20 mM Hepes (pH 7.2), 160 mM NaCl, 1 mM DTT. The emission spectrum of CPM-labeled protein was measured from 415 to 530 nm (λex=384 nm) whereas the emission of acrylodan-labeled protein was measured from 400 to 580 nm (λex=360 nm). The background spectra of unlabeled protein or peptide were subtracted from each spectrum along the titration curve. All of the spectra were corrected for the 10-12% dilution that occurred during the titration.
Intramolecular FRET was assessed by the decrease in CPM or acrylodan fluorescence when DABCYL, a non-fluorescent energy transfer acceptor, is attached to the N-terminus (see above). For these studies, proteins labeled with the thiol-reactive probe were either subsequently reacted with the FRET acceptor, or saved as a control but taken through the same dialysis steps. The ratio of the doubly labeled to singly labeled intensities are reported.
Membrane binding studies
Membrane binding was carried out either by titrating large, unilamellar vesicles, (prepared by manual extrusion through 0.1 μm polycarbonate filter), into a 100 nM solution of labeled protein and by measuring the change in the integrated area of the probe spectra after correcting for background and dilution using the settings described above. Membrane binding of unlabeled PLCβ2/δ1 was carried out by monitoring the change in the intrinsic fluorescence intensity (λ ex=280 nm, scanning from 300-450 nm). Membrane binding of PHβ71-88 and sPHβ71-88 was determined by using LUVs labeled with 0.1% Laurdan (see[23]]) and scanning the emission from 400 to 580 nm with λex=360 nm. After correction for dilution and background, the change in fluorescence intensity was plotted as a function of lipid concentration and fit to a hyperbolic curve using SigmaPlot (Jandel, Inc.) to obtain the apparent partition coefficient (Kp) which corresponds to the lipid concentration at which 50% of the protein or peptide is bound.
Homology modeling
We built a structural model of the PH domain of the human PLCβ2 by using the first 135 residues (SwissProt accession number: Q00722). Two distinct on-line modeling servers were used (@TOME [24] and ROBETTA [25]) and both identified the PH domain of PLCδ1 (PDB code: 1MAI) as the best template for a homology modeling. Since the servers use different methods for the alignment and building steps, the two resulting structures are different (RMS = 4.86 Å), especially at the N-terminus (residues 1-12) and loops 48-59 and 71-88 segments. The models were minimized in a water box (10 × 10 × 10 Angstroms) by using the program AMBER v7.00 [26][26](26)(26)(26)(26)(26)(26)(26)(26)(26)(26)(26)(26)(26)(26)[26] and then evaluated by using programs PROSA II [27], Verify3D [28], ProQ (LGscore, MaxSub) [29], What If Fine Packing quality and the Ramachandran Plot (by using the MolProbity server). The best model was created by ROBETTA with the following evaluation scores: Verify3D = 0.238; PROSAII = -0.199; ProQ (Lgscore/ MaxSub) = 2.220 / 0.232; Ramachandran (% residue in favorable/allowed region) = 97.7 / 100; WhatIF (Av/Z-score) =0.405 / -2.70 compared to those calculated for PHδ 1 structure (0.415; -1.671; 4.526 / 0.551; 96.58 / 99.15; 0.279/1.79). A major advantage of this homology modeling method is to build the additional residues in PHβ2 which are not present in the template.
Membrane insertion simulation
The orientation and insertion of the PHβ 2 domain into a phospholipid membrane were simulated by using the method described by Ducarme et al. [30, 31]. We note that specific lipids are not used in the simulations but rather a restraint force field to mimic the membrane, and the lipid/water interface is described as a continuum medium by an empirical function, C(z), which varies along the z-axis perpendicular to the plane of the membrane (the origin of z-axis is the center of the bilayer).
with α = 2.042275 and z0 = 15.75 as indicated previously [31].
The protein is described by its full atomic coordinates. A standard Monte Carlo procedure is applied to explore the configuration of the protein in the membrane. Each run was performed twice at 298° K for 105 steps. Translations along the z-axis (maximum of 1 Å step) and rotations (maximum of 5° step) moves are randomly generated. The metropolis procedure is used to accept or reject the new energetic configuration based on the following energy calculation:
Eint increases when accessible hydrophilic atoms penetrate into the membrane and decreases in cases of hydrophobic atoms (favorable configuration) whereas Elip accounts for the perturbation of the lipid bilayer due to the protein insertion and increases with the surface of the protein in contact with lipids. Energy calculation is based on the accessible surface S of each atom i of the protein. Seven atomic types are defined and associated with an empirical transfer energy Etr. Accessible surface area was calculated using the program NSC [32] with the atomic radii from A. Bondi [33]. αlip is an empirical factor fixed to - 0.018 [30].
The electrostatic potential of PHβ 2 models was evaluated by using the program APBS (Adaptive Poisson_Boltzmann Solver) [25]. Atomic radius and charges were AMBER ones. The concentration of mobile ion species [positives] = [negatives] were 0.150 M during the calculation. VMD (Visual Molecular Dynamics) software [34] was then used to visualize the electrostatic potential with the + 1 kT/e potential isocontour as a blue transparent surface and the -1 kT/e isocontour as a red one.
Identification of PHβ2 region that produces activation
The PH domain of PLCβ2 has been shown to bind to Gβγ and mediate its ability to activate the catalytic core [15], while the PH domain of PLCδ1 binds specifically to PI(4,5)P2 to confer activation [8, 14]. The structure of the PHδ1-Ins(1,4,5)P3 has been solved [4] and has been used as a basis for theoretical models of PHβ2 [6, 7] However, these models give little insight into the reason why PHβ2 binds strongly to model membranes with little specificity whereas PHd1 binds specifically to membranes that contain PI(4,5)P2 [11, 12]. PH domains share little sequence identity despite their conserved fold [35] and homology profiles show that the sequence of PHβ2 has highest homology to PHδ1 with 11% of sequence identity. When building a model of the PH domain of PLCβ2 based on the high-resolution structure of PHδ1 (Figure 1A), we noted this former contains a unique insertion of 9 amino-acids between β strands 5 and 6 (segment 75-83). The structural alignment of PHβ2 and PHδ1 highlights this observation (Figure 1B), as well as indicating that PHβ2 contains a more apolar N-terminal region compared to PHδ1. Neither of the reported models of PHβ2 has included this latter region [6, 7]. The 71-88 region of PHβ2 (i.e. the β5/β6 loop), which was included in the study of Singh & Murray [6], is predicted to be outside the core of the domain. We tested the possibility that it may be involved in Gβγ activation.
Figure 1.
(A) Structural model of the PH domain of PLCβ2 with residues 71-88 represented in CPK. (B) Structural alignment of PHβ2 and PHδ1 highlighting the loop between β5 and β6 PH- PLCβ2 not found in PH-PLCδ1. The residues in lowercase are those of PHδ1 not included in the structure [4]. The residues 71-88 are colored in blue and define the β5/β6 loop in PLCβ2. Asterisks and dots indicate respectively the identical and homologous residues.
We synthesized a peptide corresponding to the PLCβ2 71-88 segment (PHβ71-88) and a peptide with a scrambled sequence to use as a control (sPHβ71-88). We then tested the ability of these peptides to affect the activity of PLCβ2 and the activity of a chimeric enzyme consisting of the PH domain of PLCβ2 and the remaining domains of PLCδ1 (PLCβ2/δ1). PLCβ2/δ1, (previously described as PLCβ2PH-L/δ1 [15]), is activated to the same extent as PLCβ2 by Gβγ subunits. The rationale for using this protein is that it lacks the PLCβ2 C-terminal tail which may result in enzyme dimerization [36, 37] and it can be expressed in bacteria, unlike PLCβ2, allowing for easier preparation of point mutations. We note that key studies were repeated using wild type PLCβ2.
In Figure 2A, we show the effect of PHβ71-88 on PLCβ2/δ1 activity and its activation by Gβγ subunits using substrate dispersed in bilayers composed of POPE:POPS :PI(4,5)P2 (66:32:2). Unexpectedly, we find that the peptide increases the activity of PLCβ2/δ1 4-fold as compared to control in the absence of Gβγ subunits. In addition, above a peptide concentration of 0.66 μM, we find that PLCβ2/δ1 is no longer activated by Gβγ subunits. Parallel studies using the scrambled peptide, sPHβ71-88, show a reduced effect on activity and allow for the Gβγ activation at the highest peptide concentration tested. As a control, we tested the ability of the peptide to activate wild type PLCβ2. In Figure 2B we show that the addition of 6.6 μM of PHβ71-88 but not sPHβ71-88 to PLCβ2 increases its activity and that the complex can not be further activated by Gβγ subunits. We note that the extent of activation of PLCβ2 by Gβγ subunits in our assays varies 2-5 fold depending on the age of the protein preparations and the nature and concentration of detergent used to solubilize Gβγ (see [18]). However, the extent of Gβγ activation of PLCβ2 and PLCβ2/δ1 has been shown to be identical [15] and we find that the extent of activation produced by PHβ71-88 is similar to Gβγ for both types of enzymes.
Figure 2.
(A) Activation of the PLCβ2/δ1 in presence of increasing concentration of PHβ71-88 or scrambled sPHβ71-88 in the absence (black bars) or presence (gray bars) of 50 nM Gβγ. The activity was normalized to the basal activity (5-7.5 μmol.min-1.mg-1). Each bar is the mean of five separate experiments, each performed in triplicate, and the error bars indicate the standard deviation. (B) Activation of the PLCβ2 by 6.6 μM of peptide PHβ71-88 or sPHβ71-88 in the absence (black bars) or the presence (gray bars) of 50 nM Gβγ. The activity was normalized to the basal activity (8.2 μmol.min-1.mg-1). Each bar is the mean of six separate experiments with the error bars indicating the standard deviation. In these studies, PLCβ2/δ1 and PLCβ were incubated for 30 s or 3 minutes respectively at 37°C in Ca2+ -containing MAIN buffer with 1 mM POPE:POPS:PI(4,5)P2 (66:32:2) vesicles, freshly sonicated, doped with [3H]PIP(4,5)P2 as described in the methods section. The statistical significance of difference between the activity of phospholipase in absence and presence of peptide is indicated (ANOVA, *p<0.1;* * p<0.01, * ** p<0.001). (C) Activation of PLCβ2/δ1 (●), PLCβ2/δ1(K74E/K77E) (○) and PLCβ2/δ1(K80E/R82E) (■) with increasing concentration of Gβγ with 0.6 mM of vesicles. Each value is the mean of two independent experiments performed in duplicate with errors bars corresponding to the standard deviation. The activity was normalized to the basal activity which is 6.6 μmol.min-1.mg-1 for PLCβ2/δ1 6.2 μmol.min-1.mg-1, for PLCβ2/δ1 (K74E/K77E) and 16.6 μmol.min-1.mg-1 for PLCβ2/δ1 (K80E/R82E).
In an effort to understand the mechanism underlying the enhancement of PLCβ2/δ1 activity by PHβ71-88, we noted that this region contains 5 positively charged residues and 2 negatively charged residues. Previous studies have reported that cationic peptides including polylysine can activate PLCβ2 [38] although the amount of peptide required is much higher than we find for PHβ71-88 but within the range seen for the scramble peptide suggesting that activation by PHβ71-88 is specific. Therefore, we produced two mutants of PLCβ2/δ1 in which each has 2 cationic side chains replaced with anionic ones, PLCβ2/δ1(K74E/K77E) and PLCβ2/δ1 (K80E/R82E). Both mutants, and in particular PLCβ2/δ1 (K80E/R82E) were not as strongly activated by Gβγ subunits as compared to the wild type chimera although their binding to POPC and POPC:POPS (2:1) bilayers were the same within error as the wild type chimera. The reduced activity of these mutants support the idea that the 71-88 region plays a role in enzyme regulation (Figure 2C). Interestingly, as noted in the legend of Figure 2C, PLCβ2/δ1 (K80E/R82E) has a basal activity two-fold higher than PLCβ2/δ1, suggesting that in the wild type enzyme, residues 71-88 may have an inhibitory effect. These results indicate that other features of the PH71-88 region, besides electrical charge, plays a role in PLCβ2/δ1 activation.
PHβ71-88 interacts with membrane surfaces
We undertook a series of studies to understand the basis for PLCβ2/δ1 activation by PHβ71-88. Since the PH domains of PLCβ enzymes bind strongly and non-specifically to neutral and charged membrane surfaces [11, 12], we determined the most probable orientation of PHβ2 into an electrically neutral membrane by using a continuous restrain force-field [31]. As shown in the Figure 3A, the simulation identified a single minima with the PHβ2 mass center at z=28.3 Å (center of membrane z=0 Å) with a total energy of -17.7 kcal/mol. This minimum is associated with a configuration of PHβ2 where its non-polar N-terminus is inserted deeply into the membrane and where the 71-88 segment lies close to the membrane surface. Electrostatic potential calculations indicate that this region is part of the positively charged side of the PH domain in contact with the membrane interface whereas the negatively charged side of the domain is oriented toward the solvent (Figure 3B).
Figure 3.
(A) Simulated energy profile of PHβ2 embedded in an electrically neutral lipid bilayer. Each point corresponds to the total energy of an accepted configuration during the Monte-Carlo run as a function of the position of the center of mass of the protein along the z-axis. The protein is represented in ribbon with the 71-88 region (β5/β6 loop) colored in blue and is inserted into the membrane with the configuration corresponding to the lowest total energy (-17.7 kcal.mol-1). (B) Mapping of the electrostatic potential on the optimized configuration with + 1 kT/e potential isocontour as a blue transparent surface and the -1 kT/e isocontour as a red one.
If the 71-88 region of PHβ2 interacts with membranes, it is possible that it may change enzyme activation by modulating its orientation on the membrane surface. To test this idea, we directly measured the membrane binding of PHβ71-88 and sPHβ71-88 to negatively charged or electrically neutral surfaces. This study was carried out by doping large, unilamellar vesicles with 0.1 mol% of a lipophillic fluorescence reporter probe, Laurdan [12, 23] and measuring its change in fluorescence spectrum properties as peptides are added. Systematic changes in Laurdan fluorescence are observed when negatively charged lipid bilayers were added but not when electrically neutral bilayers were used (Figure 4). This lack of change suggests little or weak interaction with neutral membranes. In accord with this idea, PHβ71-88 showed similar binding affinities to POPC:POPS (2:1) as POPC:POPS:POPE (1:1:1) indicating that binding is primarily through electrostatic interactions. Interestingly, the scrambled sequence, sPHβ71-88, had a much weaker affinity to POPC:POPE:POPS bilayers compared to PHβ71-88 (Figure 4) even though its has an identical electrical charge suggesting that the distribution of charge and/or the helix-forming propensity contributes to PHβ71-88 membrane binding.
Figure 4.
Membrane binding of 1 μM PHβ71-88 peptide to POPC:POPS:POPE (1:1:1) (●) or POPC (■) LUVs labeled with 0.1% Laurdan. Also shown is the binding of 10 μM sPHβ71-88 to POPC:POPS:POPE (1:1:1) (□). Labeling was carried out by adding a small amount of probe from a concentrated stock in DMF to preformed membranes and by incubating them in a bath sonicator for 5 minutes at room temperature. Emission spectra were recorded from 380 to 580 nm with λex=350 nm. The integrated areas were corrected for dilution background controls in which buffer was substituted for peptide to give the change in fluorescence intensity (FI). These values were normalized to the maximum change in signal which was 14.2%.
We then tested whether PHβ71-88 altered PLCβ2/δ1 membrane interactions by measuring the capacity of the enzyme to bind to membranes in the absence or the presence of 10 μM peptide. In an initial series of studies, we monitored the binding of PLCβ2/δ1 to POPC:POPS:POPE large, unilamellar vesicles through changes in intrinsic fluorescence. We have previously found that the emission intensity of PLCβ2 significantly decreases by ∼35% upon membrane binding most likely due to the quenching of interfacial Trp residues by the ionic lipid head groups [11]. We find that this quenching also occurs upon the association of PLCβ2/δ1 to these membranes giving a membrane partition coefficient (Kp) of 11±5 μM. This identical value was obtained in the presence of 10 μM scrambled peptide sPHβ71-88. However, in the presence of 10 μM PHβ71-88, binding was reduced ∼10 fold indicating that PHβ71-88 interferes with membrane binding. This result prompted us to carry out a more comprehensive membrane binding study.
PHβ71-88 affects membrane interactions of the catalytic domain
In analyzing our data, we noted that our previous studies showed that the intrinsic fluorescence of PHβ2 does not change upon membrane binding [12]. Therefore, the changes in PLCβ2/δ1 intrinsic fluorescence must be due to Trp/Tyr residues in the EF-catalytic domains. Thus, the above results imply that PHβ71-88 is affecting membrane interactions at regions other than the PH domain.
To better understand which domains may be affected by PHβ71-88, we undertook a series of studies to determine whether membrane binding of the PH and catalytic domains are linked. We note that we could discriminate membrane binding of the PH domain by labeling with an amine reactive probe under conditions where attachment to the N-terminus is preferred (see methods) although we cannot discount the possibility of covalent labeling of Lys side chains in other regions of the protein. We also note that PLCβ2/δ1 contains 10 Cys residues which all lie in the catalytic domain except for one located in the EF hand domain (i.e. Cys193). Therefore, mutating Cys193 to Ser would allow us to follow membrane interactions of the catalytic domain through labeling with a thiol-reactive fluorescent probe. The corresponding mutant PLCβ2/δ1(C 193S) is correctly activated by Gβγ (data not shown).
We labeled PLCβ2/δ1 with amine reactive probe coumarin SE (CM-SE) under conditions that favor N-terminal labeling and monitored its change in fluorescence upon membrane binding. Addition of POPC:POPS:POPE bilayers to CM labeled-PLCβ2/δ1 resulted in a 3-fold increase in coumarin fluorescence after background subtraction with little change in the center of spectral mass, and yielded a Kp of 16 ± 3 μM. Addition of 10 μM PHβ71-88 did not significantly change the membrane binding of the enzyme (Figure 5A), nor did addition of 10 μM scrambled peptide. We note that identical data were obtained using the PLCβ2/δ1(C193S) mutant. These data show that PHβ71-88 does not interfere with the membrane interaction of N-terminal region of PLCβ2/δ1.
Figure 5.
(A) Binding of to POPC:POPE:POPS (1:1:1) LUVs in the absence (●) or in the presence (○) of 10 μM PHβ7 1-88. We note that an identical binding behavior was seen in the presence of 10 μM sPHβ71-88, and substituting POPC for POPC:POPE:POPS (1:1:1). (B) The effect of 10 μM PHβ71-88 on the binding of acrylodan-labeled PLCβ2/δ1 to POPC bilayers (○) as compared to binding in the absence of peptide (●). We also found that the inclusion of 10 μM sPHβ71-88 did not affect the binding membrane interactions of CM-PLCβ2/δ1 (□).
To follow membrane interactions of the catalytic domain of PLCβ2/δ1, we labeled the PLCβ2/δ1(C193S) mutant with the thiol-reactive probe acrylodan and followed membrane binding. We found that binding of the enzyme to POPC:POPS:POPE membranes was ∼3 fold stronger in the absence of 10 μM PHβ71-88 (Kp = 11 ± 2 μM) than in the presence of peptide (Kp = 36 ± 4 μM) or in the presence of 10 μM scrambled peptide (data not shown). Interestingly, the effect of peptide was more pronounced when membranes with electrically neutral head groups were used (i.e. Kp = 10 ± 2 versus 71 ±10 μM, see Figure 5B). These results show that the presence of peptide affects membrane interactions as monitored by a probe attached to the catalytic domain.
The results described above suggest that changes in the distance and/or orientation of the PH domain relative to the catalytic domains occur upon membrane binding. To determine whether this is the case, we used intramolecular fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET). Since the amount of energy transfer from a donor to an acceptor follows an R6 distance dependence, where R is the distance between the probes, then appropriately placed probes should be sensitive to changes in the distance between the domains. We carried out FRET studies by first labeling the enzyme in the catalytic domain with a fluorescent thiol-reactive probe to act as a FRET donor (CPM), and then further labeled a portion of this material on the N-terminus with a non-fluorescent FRET acceptor (DABCYL SE). If the two probes are positioned close enough for interdomain FRET to occur (∼25 Angstroms, [39]), then the emission intensity of the double-labeled probe should be significantly lower than its single labeled counterpart under identical conditions. Therefore, we assessed the presence of FRET by comparing the ratio of the DABYLC/CPM labeled protein versus the CPM labeled one.
We carried out these studies by labeling PLCβ2/δ1 (C193S) with CPM (see methods). Based on the crystal structure of the catalytic domain [5], there are two fully exposed Cys (C334 and C367) that are in close proximity and three (C188, C393 and C546) that are partially exposed. All other Cys residues are buried. Since the enzyme consistently and rapidly labels with thiol-reactive probes at a 1:1 probe:protein molar ratio, we postulate that one of the two Cys are preferentially labeled. We took half of PLCβ2/δ1 (C193S) - CPM and labeled it under conditions favoring attachment to the N-terminus with a non-fluorescence energy transfer acceptor DABCYL SE and labeling was verified by Edman degradation and the molar labeling ratio was ∼0.8 probe:protein as estimated by absorption of the probe and BCA analysis.
We stress that we are only viewing the changes in FRET upon membrane binding due to interdomain movement and not trying to assess the absolute changes in distance. Thus, precise knowledge of the exact location of the probe sites is not required. We note also we cannot discount the possibility that a small percentage of the DABCYL label is linked to the catalytic domain. If this were the case though, this population would be non-fluorescent since the probes would be in close proximity and not contribute to changes seen upon lipid binding since it is extremely unlikely that the catalytic domain would unfold upon membrane binding. The following studies were designed to qualitatively assess differences movement when binding to lipids.
As shown in Figure 6, we found a significant amount of fluorescence energy transfer in the absence of lipids (80%). Addition of POPC:POPS:POPE LUVs results in a small but significant increase in transfer. In contrast, addition of POPC reduces the amount of transfer. These data suggest that the N-terminus moves closer to the catalytic domain upon binding to POPC:POPS:POPE but not POPC. Thus, changes in FRET differ with the nature of the membrane surface.
Figure 6.
Qualitative assessment of the change in interdomain distance using FRET. PLCβ2/δ1 (C193S) was labeled in the catalytic domain with the thiol-reactive probe CPM. Half of this material was further reacted with DABCYL-SE under conditions that favor covalent modification of the N-terminus. (A) Effect of the addition of POPC:POPE:POPS (1:1:1) (○) or POPC LUVs (●) on FRET signal. The ratio of the fluorescence intensity of the doubly labeled versus singly labeled protein was then monitored as a function of lipid concentration. (B) Effect of increasing amount of Gβγ on the FRET signal. These measurements were carried out in the absence of added lipid and detergent by dialyzing purified Gβγ against a 10000-fold excess of buffer (20mM Hepes pH=7.5, 160 mM NaCl, 1mM DTT) for 30 minutes to remove excess storage detergent (0.1% cholate).
Although we could not selectively label the individual domains of wild type PLCβ2, we determined whether PH71-88 could alter its membrane binding properties. We labeled the protein with a thiol-reactive probe at a 1:1 stoichiometry but note that there are accessible Cys residues in the C-terminal region as well as the catalytic domain and the EF hands. We found that the presence of 10 μM PHβ71-88 did not significantly affect the binding affinity for POPC:POPS:POPE bilayers (Kp = 8 ± 0.5 μM). However, when the peptide concentration was increased to 30 μM, a decrease in the binding affinity was seen (Kp = 13 ± 1 μM). These same affinities were obtained for DOPC as well as POPC showing that the nature of the hydrocarbon region is not affecting enzyme binding. Since the ∼400 residue C-terminus of PLCβ2 contributes significantly to membrane binding [8], then it is likely that the PLCβ2 - PH71-88 complex (see below) interacts with membranes similarly to the uncomplexed enzyme, and the observed decrease in PLCβ2 binding to POP:POPS:POPE in the presence of 30 μM peptide is due to direct competition for the membrane surface by the peptide.
Activation of PLCβ2/δ1 is dependent on membrane curvature
Our membrane binding studies suggest that the 71-88 region will confer responsiveness to Gβγ more readily on membrane surfaces to where it is bound more strongly, (i.e. to POPC:POPS:POPE vesicles rather than POPC vesicles). Previous studies have also noted that PE lipids promote membrane binding of PLC β2 and activation by Gβγ subunits [19]. To better test this idea, we monitored the activity of PLCβ2/δ1 employing a peptide derived from the Gβ subunit, Gβ86-105, which activates PLCβ2 [40]. The rationale for using this peptide activator is that it does not bind to membranes as indicated by Trp fluorescence experiments (data not shown) and the orientation of Gβγ subunits may be sensitive to the physical properties of the membrane surface (see [41]). Thus, this peptide will allow us to isolate membrane effects on PLCβ2/δ1.
We first verified that Gβ86-105 peptide, but not the mutant Gβ86-105(M101N), affects the activity of PLCβ2/δ1.similar to PLCβ2 (Figure 7A). Interestingly, we found that this peptide also activated PLCδ1 thereby showing that activation by this peptide does not depend on its binding to the PHβ2 domain. This observation supports the idea that PH domains of PLCβ2 and PLCδ1 binds and orients activator (i.e. Gβγ or PI(4,5P)2) to a conserved site in the catalytic domain to achieve full activation [8, 42]. Also, as shown in Figure 7B, we found that PLCβ2/δ1, when completely activated by Gβ86-105 peptide, is not activated by Gβγ similar to the behavior reported for PLCβ2 [40].
Figure 7.
(A) Effect of the peptide Gβ86-105 or Gβ86-1 05(M 101N) on the rate of PI(4,5)P2 hydrolysis by 1nM PLCβ2/δ1, PLCβ2 or PLCδ1. PLCβ2/δ1 and PLCδ1 were incubated for 30 s whereas PLCβ2 was incubated for 2 min at 37°C in Ca2+-containing MAIN buffer with 1 mM POPE:POPS:PI(4,5)P2 (66:32:2) vesicles doped with [3H]PIP(4,5)P2. The catalytic activity (normalized to the basal activity) was examined in the presence of various concentration of Gβ86-105 (●) or Gβ86-105(M101N) (○). Each point is the mean of five independent experiments, the error bars indicating the standard deviation. (B) Activation of PLCβ2/δ1 by increasing concentration of peptide Gβ86-105 in the absence (black bars) or presence of 75 nM Gβγ (gray bars). Each bar is the mean of 5 separate experiments, the error bars indicating the standard deviation. The difference in activity of PLCβ2/δ1 in the absence or in the presence of the peptide is statistically significant when indicated (*p<0. 1). (C) Activity of PLCβ2/δ1 in the absence (black bars) or in the presence (gray bars) of 10 μM Gβ86-105 peptide with vesicles with different composition. The chimera was incubated for 30s at 37°C with 1mM of POPE:POPS:PIP(4,5)P2 (66:32:2), POPC:POPS:PIP(4,5)P2 (66:32:2) or POPC:PIP(4,5)P2 (98:2) Each bar is the mean of 2 separate experiments performed in triplicate, the error bars indicating the standard deviation. The difference in activity of PLCβ2/δ1 in the absence or in the presence of the peptide is statistically significant when indicated (** p<0.01).
In Figure 7C we show a direct comparison of Gβ86-105 activation of PLCβ2/δ1 on three types of membrane surfaces. We find that PE lipids are required for activation. We propose that this PE dependence is linked to better association of the β5/β6 loop with the membrane surface.
The β3/β4 strands plays a role in Gβγ interaction
If the β5/β6 loop of PHβ2 modulates membrane association, then other regions of the PH domain must interact with Gβγ subunits. Recently, the structure of the GRK2 (G-receptor kinase 2) PH domain in complex with Gβγ has been solved [43]. From structural alignment of PHβ2 with PH-GRK2, we determined whether a motif FζDK (ζ corresponding to a hydrophobic residue), essential for the binding of PH-GRK2 to Gβ subunit, is also present in PLC-β2. The Phe residue in this motif (F147) would be the equivalent of the Met664 of PH-GRK2 interacting with Trp99 and Met101 within Gβ subunit When superposing our model of the PHβ2 with the structure of the PH domain of GRK2 (PDB code:1OMW) we found the same motif in terms of sequence alignment (data not shown). However, we found that the activation of PLCβ2/δ1 (F147E) by Gβγ remains similar to that of PLCβ2/δ1. In contrast, we observed that the activation by Gβγ of mutant PLCβ2/δ1(Y48A), PLCβ2/δ1(Y48R) and the double-mutant PLCβ2/δ1 (Y48R/F147E) is systematically reduced compared to the native chimera. (Figure 8 A and B).
Figure 8.
(A) Activation of PLCβ2/δ1 and PLCβ2/δ1(Y48A) with increasing amounts of Gβγ at 0.6 mM of POPE:POPS:PI(4,5)P2 (66:32:2) vesicles doped with [3H]PI(4,5)P2. Each value is the mean of 3 independent measures with errors bars corresponding to standard deviation and representative of two independents experiments. The activity is normalized to the basal activity in the absence of Gβγ. (B) Relative Gβγ activation of mutants PLCβ2/δ1(F147E), PLCβ2/δ1(Y48A), PLCβ2/δ1(Y48R), PLCβ2/δ1(Y48R/F147E) at 200 nM Gβγ. (C) Effect on increasing PHβ120-135 on the activity of the PLCβ2/δ1 in the absence (black bars) or the presence (gray bars) of 75 nM Gβγ. Each bar is the mean of three separate experiments (n=5-7) with errors bars indicating the standard deviation. (D) Activation of the PLCβ2 by 5 μM PHβ120-135 in the absence (black bars) or the presence (gray bars) of 200 nM Gβγ. Each bar is the mean of five separate experiments performed in triplicate, the error bars indicating the standard deviation.
The crystal structure of the GRK2 - Gβγ also suggests that the C-terminal helix of the PH domain served as a binding site for Gβγ subunits. Additionally, we tried to define whether the segment 120-135 of the PHβ2 domain, which is strongly predicted to be an α-helix, is implicated in the PLCβ2/Gβγ interaction. We find that the presence of 5μM the PHβ120-135 shows a slight inhibition of activation of PHβ2/γ1 by Gβγ (Figure 8 C and D). However, this peptide did not inhibit of the Gβγ-mediated activation of PLCβ2.
The PH domains of PLCβ2 and PLCδ1 have been shown to confer activation to their catalytic core when binding to their particular activators, (i.e. Gβγ and PI(4,5)P2, respectively), and these activators can be interchanged by swapping PH domains [8, 15]. In this study, we have identified a region unique to the PHβ2 domain, residues 71-88. As discussed below and shown in Figure 9, we propose that this region will plays a role in inhibitory interactions between the PH and catalytic domains. Relief of inhibition will be achieved through binding of Gβγ subunits, or by adding an appropriate peptide that competes for this inhibitory interaction. Importantly, relief of this inhibition comes about when the enzyme is on an appropriate surface, such as membranes containing PE lipids. This model also suggests that the low level of activation seen at high concentrations of other cationic peptides [38], including the scrambled peptides used here, occur through a similar mechanism. Disrupting the inhibitory interactions through mutation can increase the basal activity and thereby reduce the net amount of activation by Gβγ subunits, as seen by the data for the K80E mutant. As discussed below, we propose that activation by PHβ71-88 is not through direct interaction with the catalytic core but through modulating the orientation of the active site on the membrane surface.
Figure 9. Model of Gβγ activation of PLCβ2.
In solution, the PH domain of PLCβ2/δ1 can be docked to the catalytic domain in several interchangeable orientations. Binding to membranes can stabilize particular contacts between the PH domain with the catalytic region which are inhibitory. Addition of cationic peptides (i.e. PHβ71-88) compete with these contacts allowing the catalytic domain to have productive interactions with the membrane surface containing substrate. Inhibitory contacts are also overcome by addition of Gβγ subunits. We note that optimal interactions between the catalytic domain and the membrane surface comprise and expanded surface as produced by PE lipids.
In trying to understand the basis for enzyme activation by this peptide, we noted that the 71-88 segment of PHβ2 (i.e. the β5/β6 loop) has 5 positively charged residues that could participate in the regulation of PLCβ2 and the chimera, PLCβ2/δ1. Mutation of these residues did not affect membrane binding of PLCβ2/δ1 but modified the activation by Gβγ, as exemplified by the Lys80/Arg82 mutant. We note also that this mutant displayed a higher basal suggesting that the region 71-88 may inhibit the catalytic domain allowing for a higher extent of activation by Gβγ subunits. Likewise, the observation that apparent activation of PLCβ2/δ1and PLCβ2 by Gβγ is eliminated when incubated with PHβ71-88 suggests a common mechanism between these activators. Taken together these results suggest that the 71-88 loop of PHβ2 plays a role in regulating the catalytic domain rather than being directly involved in Gβγ subunit interactions.
To assess whether the PHβ5/β6 loop may play a similar role in other PLCβ isozymes, we note that while all PLCβ isoforms are activated by Gαq subunits, only PLCβ2 and PLCβ3 are also activated by Gβγ. The lack of Gβγ activation of PLCβ1 correlates well with its inability to bind Gβγ subunits strongly, even though its isolated PH domain binds to Gβγ with high affinity [12]. Multiple sequence alignments with rat and human PLCβ1-4 show a pair of positively charged residues corresponding to the K74/K77 pair in PLCβ2. Additionally, PLCβ1,3 contain positively charged residues corresponding to K80/R82. Therefore, while PLCβ1 has the potential to be activated by Gβγ through PH71-88, its lack of association prevents this mechanism from occurring. Studies are underway to better understand the underlying mechanism for this lack of activation.
Our studies show that PHβ71-88 has the ability to bind to negatively charged membranes and we propose that this interaction may serve to stabilize the position of the catalytic core in an orientation favorable for Gβγ activation. Several pieces of data support this idea. First, we find that PH71-88 affects the fluorescence properties of Laurdan embedded in POPC:POPS (2:1), POPC:POPS:POPE (1:1:1) bilayers, but not in POPC, suggesting very weak or superficial PC interactions. Thus, if PH71-88 played a role in enzymatic regulation through membrane interactions, we would expect inhibition of PLCβ2 activity and Gβγ activation on electrically neutral surfaces, and this is what is observed. Moreso, if PH71-88 played a role in membrane orientation, then we would not expect productive Gβγ activation on surfaces where optimization of orientation cannot occur, such as on micelles, and it has been shown that PLCβ2 is not activated by Gβγ on micellar surfaces [19]. By this argument, the nature of the membrane surfaces is the critical determinant for activation rather than the hydrocarbon interior and this idea is under investigation. Thus, the lipid specificity of PLCβ2/δ1 - Gβγ activation can be rationalized by the membrane binding specificity of PHβ71-88 even though the entire PH domain binds to membranes with little specificity [12].
It is important to note that the PH domains of PLCγ1 and PLCβ2 serve to anchor the protein to the membrane to allow the catalytic domain to processively catalyze substrate. This mechanism stems from the very strong membrane interactions of the PH domain versus the ∼1000 fold weaker membrane interactions of the catalytic domain (see [13, 19, 44]). The lack of effect of PHβ71-88 on membrane binding as seen by the N-terminal region containing the PH domain is due to the strong binding of this region, which overshadows the weaker membrane interactions of the catalytic domain. This idea is further supported by the similarities of the membrane binding affinities between the isolated PH domains and the whole proteins [12, 44]. Thus, the overall membrane binding of the enzyme is binding is dictated through the PH domain while membrane interactions of the weakly binding catalytic domain are susceptible to weakening and changing the domain orientation in the presence of PHβ71-88. Our results support a model in which the two domains have some independence of motion even though they are in some way linked.
Support for the idea that PHβ7 1-88 modulates the position of the catalytic core comes from fluorescence studies with the PLCβ2/δ1 chimera. We find that PHβ71-88 alters the membrane binding affinity of PLCβ2/δ1 as measured by Trp fluorescence, presumably in the catalytic domain. This idea was confirmed using a probe located in the catalytic domain. However, the presence of PHβ71-88 did not affect the binding of a probe that targets the N-terminus. These data show that PHβ71-88 preferentially affects the membrane interactions of the catalytic domain.
The above studies suggest that movement of the PH and catalytic domains of PLCβ2/δ1 may be independent. This idea was tested by intramolecular FRET studies between probes in the catalytic domain and N-terminal regions. In general, increased transfer corresponds to a reduced distance between two probes. We find that enzyme binding to POPC:POPS:POPE bilayers results in an increase in FRET suggesting that PE surfaces stabilizes PH-catalytic domain orientation that allows for more efficient transfer. In contrast, a reduction in FRET is observed when the enzyme binds to POPC membranes suggesting an increase in interdomain distance. Taken together, these studies support the idea that different membrane surfaces promote differing distances/orientations between the PH and catalytic domains. This finding correlates well with the observation that the PH domain of PLCδ1 is unresolved in crystals which suggests multiple domain orientations [5]. We also note that the independence of the PH versus catalytic domains in membrane orientation may explain some of the different membrane binding to POPC seen in previous studies [45, 46] versus our own [11].
While the PHβ71-88 peptide also stimulated the activity of wild type PLCβ2, it did not greatly affect its membrane binding. The simplest explanation is that the membrane interaction sites in the C-terminal region are masking any effect of the peptide either directly or indirectly by promoting protein dimerization. Selective labeling of the catalytic domain to determine interdomain movement is not straightforward and is the subject of current study.
Our results show that activation of the enzyme by Gβ86-105 depends on the PE content of vesicles similar to studies using Gβγ [19]. Even though membrane charge is important in PHβ71-88 - membrane interactions, activation is optimal on an expanded PE surfaces. This result, in combination to the membrane binding studies, allows us to speculate that the increased curvature and hydrophobicity of PE-containing vesicles allows residues 71-88 to orient the PH domain with the catalytic domain. It is possible that this orientation allows Gβγ subunits, the Gβ86-105 peptide or PHβ71-88 to bind to enzyme allowing activation.
The studies here employed model membranes that allowed us to isolate the effects of an expanded membrane surface. It is interesting to speculate the situations that may arise on cellular membranes whose surfaces are variable. Our results suggest that activation would be inhibited on the compacted surfaces of lipid rafts, but may be promoted on membranes with a high PE content. Importantly, membrane proteins may assist in modulating PHβ71-88 membrane interactions. More studies are needed to determine whether different cellular membrane have the ability to modulate PLCβ2 activity and its ability to be activated by Gβγ subunits.
Many reports have identified potential sites of interaction on Gβγ for PLCβ2 [40, 47-50] and potential sites of Gβγ binding on PLCβ2 [9,12,44]. We have found here that the Gβ86-105 peptide, which corresponds to a segment of Gβ subunit, not only activates PLCβ2 as previously demonstrated [40], but also stimulates the PLCβ2/δ1 chimera and PLCδ1. This finding suggests that the segment interacts with PLCβ2 independently of the PH domain. Since the catalytic domains of the PLCβ2 and PLCδ1 are very homologous, it is conceivable that they share a binding site for the region 86-105 of Gβγ. We note that structural studies of the GRK2-Gβγ complex [43] show that the primary interaction site is between Gβ86-105 and the C-terminal region of the GRK2 PH domain. However, our studies show that the C-terminal region of PHβ2 does not play a significant role in Gβγ activation (Figure 8).
So far, the mechanism through which PHβ2 binds to membranes is unknown in contrast to PHδ1 whose membrane interactions have been clearly identified [4, 50]. A structural model of PHβ2 and subsequent simulation of its insertion into an electrically neutral membrane allows us to propose a dominant membrane orientation where the 71-88 region resides on the membrane surface (Figure 3). It has been suggested that the accessible hydrophobic patch in the β3/β4 region, not present in PHδ1 (see alignment in Figure 1) may play a role in the membrane binding of PHβ2 [6]. Interestingly, our simulations show that when the orientation of the ten first residues is modified by a trans-to-cis conversion of the Pro11-Lys12 amide bond, a second and additional local minima is found in which β3/β4 lies close to the membrane (data not shown). Indeed, this study highlights the possibility that the orientation of the PHβ2 domain with respect to the catalytic domain and the membrane surfaces is dynamic. In any case, the β3/β4 hydrophobic patch is accessible to the solvent in the configuration that is thought to be necessary for the Gβγ activation. We note that in our model the C-terminal helix of the PH domain lies parallel to the membrane surface correlating with our observation that the C-terminus of PHβ2 does not play a significant role in Gβγ activation.
Based on our results, we propose a model of Gβγ activation (Figure 9) in which in solution, the PH domain of PLCβ2/δ1 can be docked to the catalytic domain in several interchangeable orientations. Binding to membranes containing PE lipids can stabilize a particular membrane orientation of the PH domain due to the penetration of the β5/β6 loop into PE surfaces, most likely due to the higher degree of curvature or more expanded surface caused by these lipids. This orientation of the PH domain stabilizes an inhibited form of the enzyme but promotes Gβγ binding and subsequent activation of the catalytic core.
We are indebted to Dr. John Tesmer for discussion and generation of the PH domain mutants based on GRK2. We are also indebted to Finly Philip for providing Gβγ to Dr. Yuanjian Guo for providing some of the PLC chimera used in portions of this work, to Dr.Mario Rebecchi for PLCδ1, and to Dr Ravi.Iyengar for Gβ86-105 and Gβ86-105(M101N). We like to thank Dr. Paxton Provitera and Louisa Dowal for helpful advice and criticism.
- Acrylodan
7-(dimethylamino)coumarin-4-acetic acid succinimidyl ester
4-((4-(dimethylamino)phenyl)azo)benzoic acid succinimidyl ester
- IP3
inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate
- Laurdan
- LUVs
large unilamellar vesicles
mammalian phosphosinositide-specific phospholipase C
- PH
pleckstrin homology
- PI(4,5)P2
phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate
This work was supported by NIH GM53123
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