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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2009 Aug 1.
Published in final edited form as: J Public Econ. 2008 Aug;92(8-9):1833–1845. doi: 10.1016/j.jpubeco.2007.12.015

The Reliability of Subjective Well-Being Measures

Alan B Krueger 1, David A Schkade 2
PMCID: PMC2597879  NIHMSID: NIHMS57073  PMID: 19649136


Economists are increasingly analyzing data on subjective well-being (SWB). From 2000 to 2006, 157 papers and numerous books have been published in the economics literature using data on life satisfaction or subjective well-being, according to a search of Econ Lit.1 Data on life satisfaction or happiness have been used as outcome measures in studies of the tradeoff between inflation and unemployment, the effect of cigarette taxes on welfare, the effect of German reunification on well-being, and the effect of lottery winnings on well-being.2 In addition, life and work satisfaction measures have appeared as explanatory variables in studies of labor turnover, productivity and health.3 If it could be measured accurately, or even approximately, subjective well-being is a natural variable for economists to model and understand because utility maximization is a central idea in economics, from either a normative or positive perspective.

Here we analyze the test-retest reliability of two types of measures of subjective well-being: a standard life satisfaction question and affective experience measures derived from the Day Reconstruction Method (Kahneman et al., 2004). Although economists have longstanding reservations about the feasibility of interpersonal comparisons of utility that we can only partially address here, another question concerns the persistence of subjective well-being measurements for the same set of individuals over time. Absent dramatic events, overall life satisfaction should not change much from week to week. Likewise, individuals who have similar routines from week to week should experience similar feelings over time. How persistent are individuals’ responses to subjective well-being questions? To anticipate our main findings, both measures of subjective well-being (life satisfaction and affective experience) display a serial correlation of about 0.60 when assessed two weeks apart, which is lower than the reliability ratios typically found for education, income and many other common micro economic variables (Bound, Brown, and Mathiowetz, 2001 and Angrist and Krueger, 1999). If measurement errors are white noise, a reliability ratio of 0.60 implies substantial attenuation if the variable is used as an explanatory variable in a regression. Measurement error when subjective well-being is used as a dependent variable would imply a loss of precision in resulting estimates. Nonetheless, the estimated degree of reliability of subjective well-being data is probably high enough to detect effects when they are present in most applications, especially if samples are large and the data are aggregated across people or activities.

The life satisfaction question that we examine is nearly identical to that used in the World Values Survey, and similar to that used in many other well being surveys. There is reason to expect, however, that life satisfaction measures such as this may not be as stable from week to week as might be assumed. Rather, these judgments are the result of a complex thought experiment which is often partially dependent on transient influences (e.g. one’s mood at the time; see Schwarz and Strack, 1999).

For measurements of the affective experience of daily life the gold standard is perhaps the Experience Sampling Method (ESM) (also called Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA)), in which participants are prompted at random intervals to record their current circumstances and feelings (Csikszentmihalyi & Larsen, 1987; Stone, Shiffman & DeVries, 1999). This method of measuring affect minimizes the role of memory and interpretation, but it is expensive and difficult to implement in large samples. The Day Reconstruction Method (DRM) is a recent development in the measurement of affective experience, which reduces the cost of obtaining this information. Consequently, we use the DRM, in which participants are requested to think about the preceding day, break it up into episodes, and describe each episode by selecting from several menus (Kahneman, et al., 2004). The DRM involves memory, but is designed to increase the accuracy of emotional recall by inducing retrieval of the specifics of successive episodes (Robinson & Clore, 2002; Belli, 1998). Evidence that the two methods can be expected to yield similar results was presented earlier for subpopulation averages (Kahneman, et al., 2004). A critical advantage of the DRM is that it provides data on time-use – a valuable source of information in its own right, which has rarely been combined with the study of subjective well-being.

In this paper we report reliability measures for a sample of 229 employed women who each filled out a DRM questionnaire for two Wednesdays, two weeks apart in 2005. We compare these reliability estimates to those of global well-being measures more typical in the literature, and we decompose the reliability of duration-weighted net affect into a component due to the similarity of activities across days and other factors. We also provide an application using the reliability estimates to correct observed correlations between self-reported well-being and other variables (e.g., income) for attenuation. We conclude with a discussion of the implications of measurement error for DRM studies and for well-being research more generally.

What is reliability and why should we care?

Consider an observed variable, y, which is a noisy measure of the variable of interest, y∗. We can write yi=yi+ei where yi is the observed value for individual i, yi is the “correct” value, and ei is the error term. Under the “classical measurement error” assumptions, ei is a white noise disturbance that is uncorrelated with yi and homoskedastic. Classical measurement error will lead correlations between y and other variables to be attenuated toward 0 in large samples.4 If we can measure yi at two points in time, and if the measurement errors are independent and have a constant variance over time, then the correlation between the two measures provides an estimate of the ratio of the variance in the signal to the total variance in y. We thus define the reliability ratio, r, as r=corr(yi1,yi2), where the superscripts indicate the measurement taken in periods 1 and 2. Under the assumptions stated, plimr=var(y)var(y)+var(e).

In addition to summarizing the extent of random noise in subjective well-being reports, the signal-to-total variance ratio is of interest because, in the limit, it equals the proportional bias that arises when SWB is an explanatory variable in a bivariate regression. Furthermore, as we explain below, correlations between SWB and other variables are attenuated by random measurement error in SWB. An important application of SWB data involves estimating the correlations among life satisfaction, affect and other variables such as income (e.g., Argyle, 1999). We can use the reliability ratio to correct those correlations for attenuation, which would mean that many reported relationships are stronger than previously thought.

Of course, if the measurement error is not classical, the test-retest correlation can underor over-state the signal-to-total variance ratio, depending on the nature of the deviation from classical measurement error. With only two reports of y, and without knowledge of y∗, it is not possible to assess the plausibility of the classical measurement error assumptions. If the errors in measurement are positively correlated over time, then the test-retest correlation will overstate the reliability of the data. Nevertheless, the test-retest correlation is a convenient starting point for summarizing the reliability of subjective well-being data.

Related literature

There is a vast empirical literature on subjective well being (see Kahneman, Diener and Schwarz, 1999 for a survey). Subjective well-being is most commonly measured by asking people a single question, such as, “All things considered, how satisfied are you with your life as a whole these days?” or “Taken all together, would you say that you are very happy, pretty happy, or not too happy?” Such questions elicit a global evaluation of one’s life. Surveys in many countries conducted over decades indicate that, on average, large increases in per capita national income have been found to have little effect on reported global judgments of life satisfaction or happiness over the last four decades. Although reported life satisfaction and household income are positively correlated in a cross section of people at a given time, increases in income have been found to have mainly a transitory effect on individuals’ reported life satisfaction (Easterlin, 1995).5 Moreover, the correlation between income and subjective wellbeing is notably weaker when a measure of experienced happiness is used instead of life satisfaction (Kahneman et al., 2006). Of course, such low correlations could be partially due to attenuation, if measurement error is high.

Table 1 summarizes past estimates of the reliability of SWB measures. Single-item measures of SWB have been found to have moderate reliabilities, usually between .40 and .66, even when asked twice in the same session one hour apart (Andrews and Whithey, 1976). Kammann and Flett (1983) found that single-item well-being questions under the instructions to consider “the past few weeks” or “these days” had reliabilities of .50 to .55 when asked within the same day. Interestingly, the only study we are aware of that looked at the reliability of an ESM measure of duration-weighted happiness found a correlation on the upper end of the range found for single-item global well-being measures (Steptoe, Wardle and Marmot, 2005). Overall, there has been surprisingly little attention paid to reliability, despite the wide use of these measures.

Table 1.

Estimates of Reliability for Well-Being Measures

Test-retest Correlation Temporal interval Variable
Single-Item Measures
Andrews & Whithey (1976) .40-.66 1 hour life satisfaction
Kammann and Flett (1983) .50-.55 same day overall happiness, satisfaction
Multiple Item Measures
Alfonso & Allison (1992a) .83 2 weeks SWLS
Pavot et al. (1991) .84 1 month SWLS
Blais et al. (1989) .64 2 months SWLS
Diener et al. (1985) .82 2 months SWLS
Yardley & Rice (1991) .50 10 weeks SWLS
Magnus et al.(1992) .54 4 years SWLS
Steptoe, Wardle & Marmot (2005) .65 weekend-weekday experienced happiness

The Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS, Diener et al., 1985) is another commonly used global satisfaction measure. In contrast to the single question measures it consists of the average of five related items, each of which is rated on a 7-point scale from Strongly Disagree (1) to Strongly Agree (7). The items are: “In most ways my life is close to my ideal”; “The conditions of my life are excellent”; “I am satisfied with my life”; “So far I have gotten the important things I want in life”; and “If I could live my life over, I would change almost nothing”. A key reason that SWLS has proven more reliable than single item questions (see Table 1), is that since it is the sum of multiple items, it benefits from error reduction through aggregation. Eid and Diener (2004) used a structural model to estimate reliability for a sample of 249 students, measured three times with four weeks between successive measurements. After controlling for the influence of situation specific factors, they estimated that the imputed stability for life satisfaction was very high, around 0.90.

One reason for the modest reliability of subjective well-being measures compared with education and income, which typically have reliability ratios of around 0.90, could be the susceptibility of SWB questions to transient mood effects. For example, researchers have documented mood changes due to such subtle events as finding a dime before filling out a questionnaire, the current weather, or question order, which in turn influence reported life satisfaction (e.g., Schwarz, 1987). Eid and Diener (2004) used a structural model to attempted to separate situational variability from random error and basic stability, they found that anywhere from 4% to 25% of the variance in various affect and satisfaction measures were accounted for by situation-specific factors. In an earlier study, Ferring et al. (1996) estimated the size of transient factors as between 12% and 34% of total variance. Since the experienced affect measure produced by the DRM is focused on reconstructing a specific event and the affect actually experienced during it, there is at least the possibility that such measures will be less vulnerable to current mood at the time of the interview.

We might expect DRM measures to be less reliable over time than life satisfaction, however, because a person’s activities change from day to day, and affect is associated with activities. At the same time, DRM measures are averages of multiple responses, while global life satisfaction of happiness is often assessed with just one question. If ESM is any guide, the DRM may be at least as reliable as reported overall life satisfaction.


We evaluate the test-retest reliability of the DRM by having the same respondents complete a DRM questionnaire two weeks apart regarding the same day of the week (Wednesday). The questionnaire, which is available from the authors on request, also contained standard global life satisfaction measures. The resulting data provide information for the same sample about the relative stability of the DRM compared to the types of global life satisfaction questions used in most well being research.

For comparability with some previous studies, the respondents (n = 229) were selected by random selection of women from the driver’s license list in Travis County, Texas and screening for employment and age between 18 and 60. Respondents were paid $50 upon completing the first questionnaire and an additional $100 upon completing the second one for a total of $150.6 The interview dates were two Thursdays, March 31, 2005 and April 14, 2005. Following the DRM procedure, participants reported on the previous day. Completion times for the self-administered instrument ranged from 45 to 75 min. The ethnic composition of the sample was 67% white (non-Hispanic), 7% African American, 21% Hispanic, and 5% other. Average age was 42.8 years. Median household income category was $40,000-$50,000. It is possible that the offer of a payment affected individuals’ moods, but it is important to note that compensation was not received until after the interview was completed.

The DRM protocol described by Kahneman et al. (2004) was followed. Groups of participants were invited to a central location for a session on Thursday evening, where they answered a series of questions contained in four packets. The first packet included general satisfaction and demographic questions. Next, the respondents were asked to construct a diary of the previous day (Wednesday) as a series of episodes, noting the content and the beginning and end time of each. In the third packet, they were asked for a detailed description of every episode as explained below. The fourth packet contained some general attitude and demographic questions. The average number of episodes a respondent described for the day was somewhat higher in the second session (14.8 vs 13.2, p < .001, by a paired t-test) although the total time covered by the episodes was no different (16.8 vs 16.7 hrs, p > .20, by a paired t-test). These figures compare to the 14.1 episodes and 15.4 hours reported in Kahneman et al. (2004).

The first few questions in the survey were global SWB questions. First was the overall life satisfaction question, “Taking all things together, how satisfied are you with your life as a whole these days? Are you very satisfied, satisfied, not very satisfied, not at all satisfied?” Next, similar questions were asked for “your life at home” and “your present job”. Two global mood questions followed, for home and for work. The question posed was, “When you are at home, what percentage of the time are you in a bad mood____%, a little low or irritable____%, in a mildly pleasant mood____%, in a very good mood____%.” The last two response categories were added together to obtain the percentage of time in a good mood. Net mood was computed by subtracting the sum of the first two response categories from the sum of the last two. The same procedure was applied to the work mood question.

All respondents received the packets in the same order. The DRM is very unlikely to be contaminated by the life satisfaction question coming first, because it involves a very detailed procedure which is carefully grounded in the actual experiences people had. On the other hand, there could be a potentially serious problem with having the life satisfaction question after the DRM, since it is a thought experiment and more susceptible to transient influences and order effects. In addition, the overall life satisfaction question usually comes before domain-specific questions in well being surveys, so we are matching the literature on this point as well.

The affect measures derived from the DRM are combinations of the duration-weighted affective adjectives that respondents rated for each episode. Net affect was computed by subtracting the average of negative emotions (encompassing tense/stressed, depressed/blue and angry/hostile), denoted negative affect (NA), from the average of positive emotions (encompassing happy, affectionate/friendly and calm/relaxed), denoted positive affect (PA). 7 Difmax is the duration-weighted average of happy less the maximum of tense/stressed, depressed/blue, angry/hostile. The U-index is closely related to Difmax, and equals one when Difmax < 0 and = 0 otherwise; that is, at the episode level, the U-index equals one if the most intense feeling is a negative one. We duration weight the episode-level data, so the person-level U-index measures the proportion of time that an individual spends in an unpleasant state. Difmax and the U-index reflect the intuition that an episode can be aversive if only one of the negative feelings is intense (Kahneman & Krueger, 2006; Kahneman, Schkade, Krueger, Fischler & Krilla, 2006).


Table 2 presents the correlations between various measures for the same person in the first and second sessions, as well as 95% confidence intervals. We focus first on overall measures of affective experience. Perhaps the most surprising finding is that the reliabilities of Net Affect (r=.64) and Difmax (r=.60) are at least as high as that for life satisfaction (r=.59). Satisfaction with domains of life (work and home) are both more reliable than satisfaction with life overall.8 The corresponding home and work mood measures are also more reliable than life satisfaction. Another notable feature of the results is that positive affect appears to be somewhat more reliable than negative affect.

Table 2.

Correlations Between Selected Measures at Period 1 and Period 2

95% confidence interval
Observed Lower Upper
Global Measures
Life satisfaction .59 .49 .67
Home satisfaction .74 .68 .80
Work Satisfaction .68 .61 .75
Home net mood .70 .63 .76
Work net mood .68 .61 .75
Experience Measures
Net affect .64 .56 .71
Difmax .60 .51 .68
Uindex .50 .40 .59
Positive Affect
Happy .62 .54 .70
affectionate/friendly .68 .61 .75
calm/relaxed .56 .46 .64
PA .68 .61 .75
Negative Affect
tense/stressed .54 .44 .62
depressed/blue .60 .51 .68
angry/hostile .54 .44 .63
Frustrated .48 .37 .57
NA .60 .51 .68
Other affect adjectives
impatient for it to end .56 .47 .65
competent/doing well .64 .55 .71
interested/focused .57 .47 .65
Tired .65 .56 .72
Household income .96 .95 .97
Education (yrs) .98 .98 .99
Age 1.00 1.00 1.00

Note: Confidence intervals for the correlations are not symmetric because they are based on the nonlinear Fisher’s z transformation (z = .5[ln(1+r) − ln(1−r)]), which is normally distributed and used for significance testing. Sample sizes are 228 or 229, except for age, which is 223 due to missing data.

The extent to which a person’s rating of a particular adjective over different episodes of the day represents personal traits or is influenced by the variability in situations is likely related to the reliability of that adjective. If a given person tends to feel the same way most of the time (a “happy” person or a “depressed” person) regardless of the situation, then this adjective might be expected to have greater reliability across the two sessions, since the activities the person engages in on the two days vary. To crudely gauge the extent to which particular adjectives are person-bound or situation-bound, for each adjective we pooled the two sessions and computed the variance of the duration-weighted personal averages across people and the average variance within each person’s days across episodes, and then took the ratio of the between people to within-person variances. A high ratio would indicate that an adjective is relatively constant for a person (more of an individual difference like a trait) and a low ratio would indicate that an adjective is determined more by the situation than who the person is. Results are shown in Table 3. Quite plausibly, feeling depressed appears to be a more trait-like descriptor, while feeling tense/stressed or impatient for an episode to end are highly situational. Interestingly, we found a correlation of 0.41 between the variance ratio and the reliability ratios shown in Table 3, which indicates moderate support for the hypothesis of greater reliability for trait-like emotions.9

Table 3.

Are Trait-like Feelings More Reliable?

Adjective Mean Within-Individual (σw) Across Individuals (σa) Ratio (σaw) Reliability
depressed/blue .70 .92 1.32 .60
Tired 1.38 1.39 1.01 .65
angry/hostile .81 .73 .90 .54
competent/doing well 1.02 .88 .86 .64
affectionate/friendly 1.31 1.10 .84 .68
Happy 1.18 .99 .84 .62
calm/relaxed 1.31 .95 .73 .56
frustrated 1.43 1.02 .71 .48
interested/focused 1.19 .83 .70 .57
tense/stressed 1.50 1.01 .68 .54
impatient for it to end 1.83 .96 .53 .56

Affective Similarity of Time Allocation

We next examine the affective similarity of how individuals spent their time on the two survey reference days. We can decompose the reliability ratio into a component that reflects the hedonic similarity of activities in the survey reference days and all other factors. Let Aij1 denote Net Affect for person i during her activity in episode j in week 1, and Aij2 net affect for person i during the activity in episode j in week 2. If the individual engaged in multiple activities during an episode, we use the one that was indicated as most important at the time. Using hij to denote the fraction of the day devoted to episode j, we write average net affect over the course of the day in week 1 and week 2 as yi1 and yi2, respectively, defined as yi1=jhij1Aj1 and yi2=jhij2Aj2. The reliability of average net affect in successive interviews, which we have emphasized so far, is measured by ρ=cov(yi1,yi2)/σy1σy2. The reliability ratio reflects the accuracy of reporting of the data and the persistence of average net affect over time. The affective experience data could be accurately reported, but if people engage in activities that yield very different affective experiences from week to week, the correlation will nonetheless be low.

To ascertain the proportion of the reliability ratio that results from engaging in activities that yield similar affective experiences over time, we define y^i1=jhij1A¯j, where Āj is the average affect taken over all people while they are engaged in activity j. Analogously, we define y^i2=jhij2A¯j for the follow-up interview. Notice that y^i1 and y^i2 are predicted average net affect based entirely on an individual’s time allocation and the sample’s overall rating of activity j. An individuals’ affective rating does not enter in these predictions (except through the sample mean). A straightforward measure of the similarity of activities on the reference days is the correlation between y^i1 and y^i2, which we denote as r′. The share of a single day’s signal in average net affect that is attributable purely to the affective similarity of the activities engaged in two weeks apart is given by:


We can also define the fraction of the observed variance in average net affect due to the similarity of activities as:


We measure Āj in two ways. First, we simply assign the average net affect associated with activity j. Second, we assign the conditional average based on a linear regression of net affect on 22 activity dummies and 9 interaction partner dummies. Table 4 presents these decompositions for Net Affect.

Table 4.

The affective similarity of time use a fortnight apart

Prediction of Āj r=cov(y^i1,y^i2)(σy^i1,σy^i2) κ=cov(y^i1,y^i2)cov(yi1,yi2) γ=cov(y^i1,y^i2)(σy1σy2)
Activity (22) .267 .009 .006
Activity (22) and Interaction Partner (9) .322 .014 .009

The results indicate that individuals would have a correlation of around 0.30 in their net affect on the reference dates if they used the sample-wide average net affect to rate their activities. Because activities and interaction partners only account for around 10 percent of the variation in net affect at the episode level, however, the variance of y^i1 and of y^i2 is considerably lower than the variance of yi1 and of yi2. Consequently, the share of the covariance or variance of reported net affect that is accounted for by time use is quite small, on the order of around 1 percent. When we look at specific affects we reach a similar conclusion. For example, time use accounts for only 2 percent of the estimated signal in tense/stress. Thus, the relatively high reliability of the DRM data across two weeks comes about mainly because of individual differences in affect, irrespective of the situations that people find themselves in on the reference days.

Adjusting Correlations for Attenuation

One consequence of less than complete reliability is that observed correlation between two measured variables x and y are attenuated in proportion to the degree of error. Assuming classical measurement error, the asymptotic equation relating the observed correlation to the “true” correlation is (Nunnally, 1978):



rxy = observed correlation between x and y

ρxy = true correlation between x and y

rxx = reliability of x

ryy = reliability of y

The correction for attenuation uses this relation to produce an asymptotically unbiased estimate of the “true” correlation by rearranging to solve for ρxy we have:


Since for nondegenerate distributions the denominator is in the interval (0,1), adjusted corrected correlations are higher than the observed correlations (ρ̂xy > rxy). Attenuation corrections are somewhat controversial because they are only asymptotically unbiased and because they may degree of attenuation may vary across data sets. Thus, if the assumptions of classical measurement error are satisfied, the magnitude of the adjusted correlation is best taken as a rule of thumb estimate for the true correlation.

Using the asymptotic formula as an approximation, we can examine the effect that measurement error might have on observed relationships. Table 5 shows some examples. Perhaps most importantly, the first row shows that the correlation between life satisfaction and net affect rises to .50 when we adjust for measurement error in both variables. Although this is a substantial increase, the resulting correlation nonetheless indicates that daily net affect and life satisfaction are distinct descriptors of individuals’ lives.

Table 5.

Examples of Correction for Attenuation

x y rxy ρ̂xy rxx ryy
Net affect Life Satisfaction .31 .50 .64 .59
Difmax Life Satisfaction .37 .62 .60 .59
Uindex Life Satisfaction −.26 −.48 .50 .59
Household Income Life Satisfaction .21 .28 .96 .59
Household Income Net affect .12 .15 .96 .64
Household Income Difmax .10 .13 .96 .60
Household Income U-index .−.06 −.09 .96 .50

Testing for Heteroskedastic Errors

Although with only two temporal observations we cannot directly test the assumptions of classical measurement error, we can investigate whether discrepancies in Net Affect over time are homoskedastic errors. Specifically, we regress net affect at period 2 on the same measure at period 1 and test for homoskedastic errors. With classical measurement error ei is assumed to have the same distribution for all i. To examine this property we use the method of Kroenker and Bassett (1982), which employs quantile regressions. Figure 1 shows a scatter diagram of net affect at periods 1 and 2, with 20th and 80th quantile regression lines. There is only a marginally significant difference between the 20th and 80th quantile regression lines (t = −1.70, p = .09), which indicates that there is possibly some evidence of heteroskedasticity. However, adjacent comparisons yield mixed results – if we instead use the 40th and 60th or 30th and 70th quantile pairings the test is not significant, but with the 25th and 75th or the 10th and 90th pairings the test is significant (p <.05). Using a different test for homoskedastic errors due to White (1980), we regress net affect at period 2 on period 1, and then regress the resulting squared residuals on period 1 net affect; n∗R2 from this second regression ~ χ2. The resulting R2 is .004 and χ2(1) =.916, ns, from which we cannot reject the hypothesis of homoskedastic errors. It is possible that the assumption of homoskedastic measurement error could be violated, but the deviation is probably slight.

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Scatterplot of Net Affect at Periods 1 and 2 with Quantile Regression Lines

Reliability of Aggregate Activity Experience Ratings

The reliabilities we have computed thus far are defined at the level of the individual. For many applications, however, the key issue is not the reliability of net affect for individuals, but rather the reliability of average net affect across individuals engaged in various activities. The question of reliability in this context is whether a given activity produces the same average experience at different times. A simple test for this is to compute the mean values Āj for each activity for each time period and correlate the vectors across activities. Table 6 presents the mean net affect for each day by activity and interaction partner. The two DRMs produce a remarkably similar patterns of mean net affect across activities (r = .96, see Table 6 and Figure 2) and also of relative frequency (r = .99, see third and sixth columns of Table 6). Note for example, that intimate relations (which includes non-sex intimacy) and playing are at the top in both cases, while commuting and working are both at the bottom. This is consistent with related findings in the economics literature on sex (Oswald and Blanchflower, 2004) and commuting (Stutzer and Frey, 2007) which used a different methods than those employed here.

Table 6.

Net Affect by Activity or Social Context

Period 1 Period 2

Mean Stderr N Mean Stderr N

playing 4.09 .26 48 4.16 .24 48
intimate relations 4.07 .33 29 4.40 .27 26
relaxing 3.68 .17 103 3.91 .16 119
walking, taking a walk 3.61 .23 53 3.60 .25 59
watching tv 3.42 .13 187 3.35 .14 193
exercising 3.37 .23 54 3.42 .29 49
eating 3.34 .13 210 3.44 .11 216
reading 3.24 .19 98 3.13 .20 101
preparing food 3.19 .16 165 3.20 .16 160
praying/worshipping/meditating 3.14 .32 54 3.24 .33 43
talking, conversation 2.94 .12 217 2.87 .13 220
rest/sleep 2.85 .28 76 2.81 .26 88
childcare 2.80 .24 83 2.80 .25 87
home computer 2.75 .26 80 2.54 .27 71
doing housework 2.73 .19 125 2.86 .19 121
grooming, self care 2.65 .14 203 2.59 .14 220
shopping, errands 2.55 .26 78 3.18 .18 91
other activities 2.47 .19 148 2.47 .18 148
listening to music 2.42 .19 119 2.36 .19 113
listening to radio, news 2.41 .20 104 2.26 .21 107
commuting, traveling 2.19 .14 211 2.22 .14 218
working 2.07 .14 218 2.02 .14 214
Social Interactions
friends/relatives 3.42 .18 126 3.19 .19 133
spouse/significant other 3.10 .17 143 3.18 .17 150
my children 3.10 .16 122 2.91 .18 125
parents 3.05 .41 40 2.55 .34 35
other people 2.53 .18 131 2.63 .20 135
customers/students 2.25 .19 104 2.38 .24 89
co-workers 2.21 .14 207 2.40 .15 206
boss 1.88 .19 129 2.08 .19 121

Figure 2.

Figure 2

Mean Net Affect for Activities by Session


We analyzed the persistence of various subjective well-being questions over a two-week period for a sample of 229 working women. We found that both overall life satisfaction measures and affective experience measures derived from the DRM exhibited test-retest correlations in the range of .50–.70. While these figures are lower than the reliability ratios typically found for education, income and many other common micro economic variables, they are probably sufficiently high to yield informative estimates for much of the research that is currently being undertaken on subjective well-being, particularly in cases where group means are being compared (e.g. rich vs poor, employed vs unemployed) and the benefits of statistical aggregation apply. In other situations, reliability estimates can be used to adjust correlations and regression coefficients for attenuation bias.

It is perhaps surprising that measures intended to assess the general state of SWB over an extended period (such as overall life satisfaction) should be no more reliable than measures of affective experience on different days two weeks apart. One’s general level of life satisfaction would be expected to change only very slowly over time, because so most of the known correlates (age, income, marital status, employment) of life satisfaction also change slowly. A key factor behind this result is probably the fact that answering a life satisfaction question explicitly invokes a nonsystematic review of one’s life, which leaves such measures vulnerable to transient influences that draw attention to arbitrary or incomplete information (e.g. one’s immediate mood, the weather). By contrast, measures of affective experience from experience sampling or the DRM do not rely on such cognitive appraisals, and have the benefit of aggregating over several episodes and adjectives, They also have the disadvantage, however, that no two days (even if intentionally matched, as in our study) are identical.

Another application of reliability estimates is to assist in the determination of appropriate sample sizes for the measurement of various emotional experiences. In clinical trials, for example, if SWB measures are one of the outcome variables of interest, reliabilities can be used to help determine the sample size needed to detect an expected difference between groups. Because the reliabilities are modest, the risk of incorrectly concluding that groups do not differ is of particular concern. As we saw in our examples of correction for attenuation, the true strength of relationships could easily be underestimated in the small samples that clinical studies sometimes employ (e.g. with special populations). An alternate design approach to larger samples would reduce error by sampling the same people at different points in time, or by selecting adjectives that are less situational and more person-specific.


The authors thank Daniel Kahneman, Norbert Schwarz, Arthur Stone and two anonymous referees for helpful comments and the Hewlett Foundation, the National Institute on Aging, and Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School for financial support.



If y is of limited range (e.g., a binary variable) than e will necessarily be correlated with y∗. We ignore this issue for the time being.


See Deaton (2007) for a careful study of the relationship between average subjective well-being across countries and the logarithm GDP per capita. Deaton finds a positive effect of the level of GDP, but GDP growth has a negative association with SWB.


A total of 241 respondents completed the first questionnaire. Of these, 10 did not show up for the second session and 2 showed up but failed to follow the questionnaire instructions sufficiently. There was no significant difference between the 229 who completed both questionnaires and these 12 dropouts on any demographic variable, nor on life satisfaction or mood in data from the first session (which they all completed). While it is possible that the greater payment in the second session could have influenced well being, the payment came after the questionnaires were completed, and we found no significant differences in the level of satisfaction or average affect between sessions.


Frustrated was excluded from negative affect for comparability with our other studies.


See Kristensen and Westergaard-Nielsen (2006) for a study of the reliability of self-reported job satisfaction in six European Union countries. Using a 10-point scale job satisfaction question that was administered twice in the same survey, they find that 80 percent of workers classified themselves identically or within one point, and differences in classifications were symmetric around zero.


We also computed these ratios for the DRM sample in Kahneman et al (2004). The two samples produced very similar sets of ratios – for the 8 adjectives in common between the two samples the correlation of the ratios was .89.

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Contributor Information

Alan B. Krueger, Princeton University

David A. Schkade, University of California, San Diego


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