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Sexually Transmitted Infections logoLink to Sexually Transmitted Infections
. 2006 Jun 21;83(1):29–34. doi: 10.1136/sti.2006.019893

Disclosure of HIV status to sex partners and sexual risk behaviours among HIV‐positive men and women, Cape Town, South Africa

L C Simbayi 1,2, S C Kalichman 1,2, A Strebel 1,2, A Cloete 1,2, N Henda 1,2, A Mqeketo 1,2
PMCID: PMC2598581  PMID: 16790562



The HIV epidemic continues to amplify in southern Africa and there is a growing need for HIV prevention interventions among people who have tested HIV positive.


Anonymous surveys were completed by 413 HIV‐positive men and 641 HIV‐positive women sampled from HIV/AIDS services; 73% were <35 years old, 70% Black African, 70% unemployed, 75% unmarried, and 50% taking antiretroviral treatment.


Among the 903 (85%) participants who were currently sexually active, 378 (42%) had sex with a person to whom they had not disclosed their HIV status in the previous 3 months. Participants who had not disclosed their HIV status to their sex partners were considerably more likely to have multiple partners, HIV‐negative partners, partners of unknown HIV status and unprotected intercourse with non‐concordant sex partners. Not disclosing their HIV status to partners was also associated with having lost a job or a place to stay because of being HIV positive and feeling less able to disclose to partners.


HIV‐related stigma and discrimination are associated with not disclosing HIV status to sex partners, and non‐disclosure is closely associated with HIV transmission risk behaviours. Interventions are needed in South Africa to reduce the AIDS stigma and discrimination and to assist people with HIV to make effective decisions on disclosure.

HIV/AIDS is ravaging sub‐Saharan Africa, with >60% of all HIV infections in the world occurring in this region.1,2 Although most of the HIV‐infected people in southern Africa have not been tested for HIV and do not know that they are HIV positive, uptake of HIV testing is increasing as antiretroviral (ARV) treatment becomes available. To date, few empirical studies have examined the sexual relationships and sexual behaviours of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) in Africa. In a study from Uganda, 47% of HIV‐positive men and 21% of HIV‐positive women were sexually active before initiating ARV treatment, with 45% of these people reporting unprotected intercourse in a 3‐month period.3 Although condom use has increased over the past 2 years among people living with HIV in South Africa,2,4 one in three HIV‐positive South Africans report that their most recent intercourse occasion was unprotected,2 a finding that mirrors other studies in Africa5,6 and elsewhere.7,8,9,10

Not disclosing HIV status to sex partners is probably the product of multiple factors.11 Some people living with HIV infection may generally conceal their HIV status from people in their lives, not just their sex partners. In addition, people who do not disclose their HIV status may have had adverse experiences related to previous disclosures, including loss of social support, loss of employment, violent reactions and other forms of discrimination. Finally, people who fail to disclose their HIV status may merely lack a sense of efficacy for being able to effectively disclose their HIV status, especially to their sex partners. The purpose of this study was to examine factors related to HIV disclosure to sex partners among PLWHA in South Africa.



Surveys were completed by 414 HIV‐positive men and 641 HIV‐positive women. Participants were sampled from multiple sources that provide social and health services to PLWHA in Cape Town, South Africa (table 1).

Table 1 Demographic and health characteristics, sexual behaviours and substance use in the previous 3 months reported by men and women living with HIV/AIDS.

Men (n = 414) Women (n = 641) OR 95% CI
n % n %
Age (years)
 ⩽20 (reference) 37 9 42 7
 21–25 100 24 125 20
 26–35 163 40 295 46
 ⩾36 113 27 179 27 1.1 0.9 to 1.2
 Black African (reference) 263 64 448 71
 White 27 7 19 3
 Coloured 65 16 92 14
 Indian 52 13 74 12 0.9 0.8 to 1.0
Employed 123 30 176 28 1.1 0.8 to 1.4
Has children 232 56 513 80 0.3** 0.2 to 0.4
Married 98 25 182 30 0.8 0.6 to 1.0
Taking ARVs 215 52 297 48 1.2 0.9 to 1.6
HIV‐related hospitalisations
 Not hospitalised (reference) 182 44 340 53
 One hospitalisation 101 25 113 18
 Two or more hospitalisations 130 31 188 29 1.0 0.9 to 1.1
HIV risk history
 Has had an STI 258 61 356 56 1.3 1.0 to 1.6
 Received money for sex 46 11 65 10 1.1 0.7 to 1.6
 Gave money for sex 61 15 37 6 2.7** 1.8 to 4.2
 IDU 56 13 25 4 3.8** 2.3 to 6.2
 IDU sex partner 60 14 50 8 1.9** 1.3 to 2.9
 Men who typically have sex with men 78 18 n/a
Sexual behaviour
 Any sex partner 377 90 526 81 1.9** 1.4 to 2.8
 HIV‐positive partners 295 70 356 55 1.9** 1.5 to 2.5
 HIV‐negative partners 210 50 204 32 2.2** 1.6 to 2.7
 Partners of unknown HIV status 164 39 251 39 1.0 0.7 to 1.3
Number of partners
 0 (reference) 46 10 115 19
 1 208 49 412 64
 2 64 15 44 7
 >3 105 25 70 11 1.7** 1.5 to 1.9
Unprotected vaginal intercourse
 Concordant partners 152 36 230 36 1.0 0.8 to 1.3
 Non‐concordant partners 97 23 164 25 0.9 0.6 to 1.2
Unprotected anal intercourse
 Concordant partners 109 26 101 16 1.9** 1.3 to 2.5
 Non‐concordant partners 87 21 69 11 2.2** 1.5 to 3.1
Substance use
 Alcohol 268 64 277 43 2.3** 1.8 to 3.0
 Dagga 118 28 63 10 3.6** 2.5 to 5.0
 Methamphetamine (Tik) 66 16 48 8 2.3** 1.6 to 3.4
 Mandrax 47 11 27 4 2.8** 1.8 to 4.7
Years since testing HIV positive 2.7 2.5 2.7 2.3 1.0 0.9 to 1.1
HIV symptoms 6.1 3.6 6.7 3.8 1.0 0.9 to 1.0

ARVs, antiretrovirals; IDU, injection drug use; STI, sexually transmitted infection.




Measures were administered in a seven‐page anonymous survey in three languages: Xhosa, English and Afrikaans.

Demographics, health and HIV risk history

In addition to demographic characteristics and HIV‐related health status, we assessed the behavioural history for risks of HIV transmission. Participants were asked if they had ever been diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection other than HIV, whether they had received or given money or a place to stay in exchange for sex, and whether they had ever injected drugs or had an injecting drug user as a sex partner. We also asked men whether they typically have sex with men.

Disclosure of HIV status and discrimination

Participants reported the number of sex partners they had in the previous 3 months to whom they did not disclose their HIV status. To assess general HIV concealment, we asked participants whether they hide their HIV status from others, whether there are people they have not told about their HIV status because they feared their reaction, whether they had talked with a friend about their HIV, and whether they find it difficult to tell people about their HIV status. To assess experiences of discrimination, we asked participants whether they had been treated differently after disclosing their HIV status to friends and family, whether being HIV positive had caused them to lose their jobs or a place to stay and whether they had experienced discrimination because they are HIV positive. Finally, to assess the efficacy for disclosing HIV status to sex partners, we asked participants whether they were certain that they could tell their sex partners that they are HIV positive. All of these items were responded to dichotomously, either a yes or a no.

Substance use

Participants reported their use of alcohol, cannabis (dagga), methamphetamine (Tik), cocaine, methaqualone (Mandrax) or any injected drug in the previous 3 months.

Sexual behaviours

Participants reported the number of sex partners they had in the previous 3 months, followed by a breakdown of the number of partners who were HIV positive (concordant), HIV negative (non‐concordant) and the number whose HIV status was not known. Participants were then asked to recall the number of times they had engaged in vaginal intercourse with HIV‐positive partners and the number of times with partners who were not HIV positive. Responses were collected separately for intercourse with and without condoms. The same format was used for collecting rates of protected and unprotected anal intercourse. Numerical response formats reduce arbitrary anchor biases that can occur with lower and upper bound numerical rating scales.12 We also computed the proportion of intercourse occasions that were protected by condoms using the formula: frequency of intercourse with condoms/total frequency of intercourse.


The survey was developed from measures used in previous research conducted in South Africa13,14,15 and the US.16 Initial drafts of the survey were pilot tested with HIV‐positive volunteers in Cape Town. Survey venues were selected based on known supportive services (eg support groups, 38%), treatment services (eg clinics, 39%) and by word‐of‐mouth (chain) recruitment (23%). Surveys were carried out by 11 trained, racially and ethnically diverse field workers. The measures were self‐administered, with <5% of participants requiring help in reading the survey items. Participants were offered 20 South African Rand (US$3) after they completed the survey. Participants were not told about the cash reimbursement until after returning the survey to avoid participation coercion and response bias. No potential participants refused to take the survey. Of the 1055 people who accepted the survey, 21 (2%) were <75% complete, representing an overall completion rate of 98%.

Data analyses

Three sets of analyses were conducted. Firstly, we compared the demographic, health, risk history and behavioural characteristics between HIV‐positive men and women. Secondly, we focused only on the 903 (84%) participants who were currently sexually active. Participants who had not disclosed their HIV status to sex partners in the previous 3 months (n = 378) were compared with those who had disclosed to partners (n = 525). Disclosure to partners was the dependent variable in the main logistic regression analyses. Finally, we examined: the tendency to generally conceal HIV status from others; HIV‐related experiences of discrimination; and sense of efficacy among people who had not and those who had disclosed their HIV status to sex partners. All analyses were performed using logistic regression with 95% confidence intervals. Comparisons of people who had and had not disclosed their HIV status to sex partners were controlled for sex, race and marital status.


In all, 73% of the sample was <35 years old and most of the participants consisted of black Africans, although there was racial diversity, with about 30% of participants self‐identifying as white, coloured or Indian. About 70% of participants were unemployed, and nearly 75% were not currently married. Participants were relatively recently diagnosed HIV positive, with the average person receiving their HIV diagnosis approximately 2½ years earlier. In terms of their health status, nearly half of the sample had been hospitalised at least once for an HIV‐related problem, and half of the sample was taking ARVs. All participants reported having physical symptoms associated with HIV infection, with an average of six current symptoms experienced. For HIV risk history, most of the sample had been diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection other than HIV, and between 10% and 20% reported various other markers for history of HIV transmission risks. Men were considerably more likely to have given someone money or a place to stay in exchange for sex, and were more likely to have been involved with injection drugs. Table 1 shows the demographic, health and risk history characteristics of men and women living with HIV.

In all, 90% men and 81% of women reported being sexually active in the previous 3 months. For the entire sample, 40% of men and 18% of women had two or more sex partners during that time (table 1). Most of the participants had HIV‐positive partners. However, 50% of men and 32% of women reported having HIV‐negative partners, and 39% of both men and women had sex partners whose HIV status they did not know. For each category of partner status, men reported more sex partners than women. Unprotected vaginal and unprotected anal intercourse with HIV concordant and HIV non‐concordant sex partners was reported by both men and women. Men were more likely than women to have unprotected anal intercourse with concordant and non‐concordant partners. Substance use was also common in the sample, with 51% of participants reporting recent alcohol use, 17% using dagga and 11% using methamphetamine in the previous 3 months; more men reported using each substance than women did.

HIV status disclosure and sexual behaviour

Among the 903 participants who were currently sexually active, 378 (42%) indicated that they had had sex with a person they had not disclosed their HIV status to in the previous 3 months. Participants who had not disclosed to sex partners were significantly more likely to be married and were slightly more likely to identify their race as coloured (table 2).

Table 2 Demographic and health characteristics of sexually active people living with HIV/AIDS who disclosed their HIV status to all their sex partners in the previous 3 months and those who did not disclose to all partners.

Disclosed to all sex partners (n = 525) Had sex with a partner not disclosed to (n = 378) OR 95% CI
n % n %
Men 209 40 168 44
Women 316 60 210 56 0.8 0.6 to 1.1
Age (years)
 ⩽20 (reference) 30 6 40 11
 21–25 112 21 86 23
 26–35 250 48 148 37
 ⩾36 131 25. 97 29 0.9 0.8 to 1.0
 Black African (reference) 376 73 225 62
 White 20 4 22 6
 Coloured 59 12 74 20
 Indian 57 11 44 12 1.2* 1.1 to 1.4
Married 66 26 295 49 2.7** 1.9 to 3.7
Years since testing HIV positive 2.8 2.3 2.7 2.5 1.0 0.9 to 1.0



We found a close association between having not disclosed HIV status to sex partners and engaging in practices with high risk of HIV transmission (table 3). People who had not disclosed their HIV status to partners reported more sex partners in each HIV status category and reported more unprotected vaginal and anal intercourse than people who had disclosed. Differences were most pronounced, however, for sexual behaviours involving non‐concordant partners. Those who had not disclosed to a partner were nearly six times as likely to have sex partners whose HIV status was known to be HIV negative, and nearly 28 times more likely to have partners whose HIV status was not known. Risks of exposure to HIV occurred in these sexual encounters, with 55% of people who did not disclose their HIV status indicating that they had unprotected vaginal intercourse and 38% indicating that they had unprotected anal intercourse with their non‐concordant partners. Unprotected vaginal and anal intercourse was far less common for participants who had disclosed their status to all of their recent sex partners, including unprotected acts with both concordant and non‐concordant partners.

Table 3 Sexual behaviours among sexually active people living with HIV/AIDS who disclosed their HIV status to their sex partners and those who did not disclose to all partners.

Disclosed to all partners (n = 525) Had sex with a partner not disclosed to (n = 378) OR 95% CI
n % n %
HIV‐positive partners 350 67 301 79 1.9** 1.4 to 2.7
HIV‐negative partners 145 28 265 69 5.9** 4.2 to 8.1
Partners of unknown HIV status 87 17 326 85 27.9** 18.8 to 41.6
Any non‐concordant partners 212 40 347 91 15.0** 9.8 to 22.9
 Number of sex partners
  1 (reference) 408 78 215 56
  2 66 13 43 39
  >3 52 10 124 33 1.8** 1.5 to 2.1
 Unprotected vaginal intercourse
  Concordant partners 148 28 233 61 4.7** 3.3 to 6.5
  Non‐concordant partners 51 10 210 55 12.7** 8.6 to 18.7
 Unprotected anal intercourse
  Concordant partners 62 12 148 39 4.1** 2.8 to 5.9
  Non‐concordant partners 12 2 144 38 21.6** 11.6 to 40.3
Concordant partners
 Unprotected intercourse 2.5 8.4 4.9 8.6 1.1** 1.1 to 1.2
 % Condom use 80.1 30 51.3 30 0.05** 0.02 to 0.09
Non‐concordant partners
 Unprotected intercourse 1.1 7.5 4.4 11.4 1.1** 1.1 to 1.2
 % Condom use 75.1 39.4 46.4 31.2 0.1** 0.05 to 0.21

Odds ratios adjusted for sex, race and marital status.



Disclosure of HIV status and HIV‐related discrimination

Analyses showed that participants often reported efforts to conceal their HIV status from others. Most of the participants endorsed all four items assessing concealment of their HIV status behaviours. Analyses controlling for participants' sex, race and marital status found that not having talked with friends about their HIV status and not having told others about their HIV‐positive status because they feared potential adverse reactions were significantly related to not disclosing HIV status to sex partners. In addition, those who had not disclosed their HIV status to sex partners were significantly more likely to have experienced discrimination related to their HIV status and more than twice as likely to have lost a job or a place to stay because they are HIV positive. Finally, people who had not disclosed to partners were significantly less likely to state that they were certain they can tell their sex partners that they are HIV positive (table 4)

Table 4 Disclosure and history of discrimination among sexually active people living with HIV/AIDS who disclosed their HIV status to all their sex partners in the previous 3 months and those who did not disclose to all partners.

Disclosed to all partners (n = 525) Had sex with a partner not disclosed to (n = 378) Crude OR Adjusted OR 95% CI
n % n %
Concealing HIV status
 It is difficult to tell people about my HIV infection 355 64 236 63 1.0 .
 I hide my HIV status from others 286 55 196 53 1.1
 I have spoken to a friend about AIDS 414 79 267 70 0.7** 0.7 0.5 to 1.0
 There are people I have not told I am HIV positive because I am afraid of their reaction 298 57 243 65 1.4** 1.2 0.9 to 1.6
HIV‐related discrimination
 I was treated differently by my friends and family once they found out I have HIV 199 37 136 36 0.8
 My HIV status has caused me to lose a job or a place to stay 78 15 118 31 2.3** 2.2** 1.5 to 3.2
 I have experienced discrimination because I am HIV positive 195 37 190 51 1.5** 1.2 0.9 to 1.7
Efficacy for disclosing to sex partners
 I am certain I can tell my sex partners that I have HIV 393 75 245 65 0.6** 0.6* 0.5 to 0.9

All odds ratios adjusted for sex, race and marital status. Adjusted odds ratios control for all variables entered in multivariate model.



A multivariate logistic regression entered having disclosed HIV status to sex partners as the dependent variable and included all the concealment, discrimination and efficacy items that significantly differentiated the groups in the crude analyses, again controlling for participants' sex, race and marital status. Results of the multivariate model showed that not disclosing HIV status to sex partners was associated with having lost a job or place to stay in relation to being HIV positive and having a lower sense of efficacy for disclosing to sex partners (table 4).


Sexual transmission risk behaviours were reported mostly in people who had not disclosed their HIV status to sex partners. The relationship between engaging in unprotected intercourse and not disclosing HIV status to partners was most apparent when partners were of unknown HIV status. Specifically, people who had not disclosed their HIV status to all sex partners were 28 times more likely to have sex partners whose HIV status was unknown. This finding shows that HIV transmission risks for many HIV‐positive South Africans occur in the context of mutual unawareness of partner's HIV status; the practice of not asking and not telling.17 However, not disclosing HIV status to sex partners was part of a larger social context that entails concealment of HIV status and discrimination against people with HIV/AIDS. Although declining somewhat over the past few years,2 the levels of stigma and discrimination against people with HIV/AIDS still remains high in South Africa,13,14 especially in some communities least affected by HIV/AIDS.18 Previous experience of having lost a job or a place to stay because of HIV‐related discrimination was the single strongest independent predictor of not having disclosed HIV status to sex partners. A lack of personal efficacy for disclosing HIV status to partners also emerged as a unique and independent predictor of not having disclosed to sex partners. Disclosure of HIV status to sex partners is therefore less likely to occur when a person has experienced adverse outcomes from previous disclosures.

The current findings should, however, be interpreted in the light of the methodological limitations of the study. Firstly, we used a dichotomous measure of status disclosure of HIV that does not fully capture the complexity of the issues and circumstances of disclosure to sex partners. People who fully disclose their HIV status to sex partners probably differ from those who disclose to only some partners. For example, Hart et al19 found that both always disclosing and never disclosing to sex partners were associated with greater protective behaviours than was selective disclosure. Also, factors beyond merely disclosing HIV status, particularly discussing safer sex behaviours, are important in reducing risk regardless of disclosure of HIV status.8 Future studies on disclosure of HIV status in southern Africa should examine a broader range of behaviours of HIV disclosure.

Another limitation of the study was that the research was conducted in Cape Town, South Africa, a city with greater racial diversity and more economic resources than other cities and regions in South Africa. The study is also limited by our use of targeted, convenient sampling procedures. We also relied entirely on self‐reported data within the constraints of a brief and anonymous survey. Finally, the sampling strategy relied on self‐reported HIV status among people attending the targeted service and community venues. With these limitations in mind, we conclude that our findings have implications for interventions with PLWHA in southern Africa.

Key messages

  • A significant minority (42%) of HIV‐positive men and women surveyed in Cape Town, South Africa, report having recent sex partners to whom they had not disclosed their HIV status

  • Not disclosing HIV status to sex partners among HIV‐positive people in Cape Town, South Africa, is associated with previous HIV/AIDS‐related experiences of discrimination

  • Effective HIV prevention for HIV‐positive people in southern Africa will require reversing HIV/AIDS‐related stigmas and discriminatory practices

Given the high rate of unprotected intercourse with non‐concordant partners, our results suggest the need for behavioural interventions to reduce the risks of HIV transmission among men and women living with HIV in South Africa. Participants who had not disclosed their HIV status to partners reported a lower sense of efficacy for being able to disclose their HIV status to partners, suggesting the potential benefits of skills‐focused interventions. Interventions developed for people living with HIV in the US have concentrated on skills for deciding whether to disclose HIV status to sex partners as central to practising safer sex.20,21,22 Protecting partners by 100% condom use and other safer sex behaviours regardless of decisions on disclosure should be the focus of HIV prevention for PLWHA. Decisions to disclose HIV status should be made when risks of adverse outcomes are minimal, including potential abandonment and violence, and when social safety nets are in place. In this study, having not disclosed to all partners was predicted by having experienced AIDS‐related discrimination, and not disclosing HIV status was closely associated with unprotected sex with non‐concordant partners. As increasing numbers of South Africans are tested for HIV, the need for interventions to assist them to make effective decisions on disclosure and safer sex practices will become increasingly urgent.


ARV - antiretroviral

PLWHA - people living with HIV/AIDS


Funding: This research was supported by grants from the British Department for International Development (DFID), the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and The Netherlands Government's Department of Foreign Affairs' Division of Research and Communication (DGIS). LCS and SCK were also supported by grant R01 MH74731 from the US National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH).

Competing interests: None declared.


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