This paper evaluates the retrieval effectiveness of relevance ranking strategies on a collection of 55 queries and about 160,000 MEDLINE® citations used in the 2006 and 2007 Text Retrieval Conference (TREC) Genomics Tracks. The authors study two relevance ranking strategies: term frequency–inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) weighting and sentence-level co-occurrence, and examine their ability to rank retrieved MEDLINE documents given user queries. Furthermore, the authors use the reverse chronological order—PubMed's default display option—as a baseline for comparison. Retrieval effectiveness is assessed using both mean average precision and mean rank precision. Experimental results show that retrievals based on the two strategies had improved performance over the baseline performance, and that TF-IDF weighting is more effective in retrieving relevant documents based on the comparison between the two strategies.
In this article, we investigate the capability of two relevance ranking strategies (term frequency–inverse document frequency [TF-IDF] vs. sentence-level co-occurrence) in the context of MEDLINE searches. Furthermore, the two strategies are compared to one another as well as to a baseline strategy.
A number of techniques have been researched over the last 40 years in order to improve retrieval effectiveness including relevance ranking, query expansion, and relevance feedback in both the biomedical domain as well as other subject domains. 1–3 The work presented here examines one specific influential technique: relevance ranking as part of an ongoing investigation of how to improve upon MEDLINE search performance through PubMed.
Systems employing the relevance ranking technique attempt to sort retrieved documents based on some measures in order to display more relevant documents earlier. Two relevance ranking strategies investigated here are: TF-IDF weighting and sentence-level co-occurrence. They are compared to one another as well as to a baseline strategy that ranks retrievals by the reverse chronological order–the default display setting currently used in PubMed.
The TF-IDF ranking strategy is a simple term weighting approach in the vector space model where documents are represented as N-dimensional vectors (N is the number of unique terms in all documents) and are ranked according to the assigned weights of query terms. It was first developed by Salton 2 and has been extensively evaluated to show better retrieval output than the conventional Boolean approach normally used in operational retrieval situations. 3,4 In recent years, much IR research has focused on finding new and better term weighting schemes such as Okapi BM25. 5 Although some weighting schemes yielded better results in various tasks, none consistently outperformed any of the others over a range of different queries during a massive comparison of different weighting techniques against the TREC data. 6
Sentence-level co-occurrence is a term proximity approach—a completely different heuristic for ranking documents—postulating that documents with query terms in close proximity are more relevant than documents with terms scattered throughout the document. The research on term proximity originated from early studies by Keen, 7,8 followed by some evaluation studies on TREC data sets. 9,10 Although improved performance was seen in some circumstances, results of these evaluation studies are not conclusive. 11
Design Objectives
In addition to being used in the general information retrieval (IR) community, TF-IDF has also been applied to biomedical text retrieval recently. Lucene, 12 a search engine that implements TF-IDF weighting, was applied by multiple participating teams 13-15 in the previous TREC Genomics Tracks, 16,17 during which its ability to bring more relevant documents to the top of a ranked list has also been somewhat demonstrated. However, its precise contribution was difficult to characterize in those studies because a) it was often combined with other techniques in ad-hoc ways, and b) the lack of baseline performance. To this end, the first objective of this work is to evaluate the capability of the two ranking strategies in improving biomedical text retrieval while other techniques are kept constant or controlled for.
The second relevance ranking strategy, recently proposed by Siadaty et al., 18 uses sentence-level co-occurrence as a surrogate for the existence of relationships between query words. More specifically, the authors proposed that if words in a multi-word query occur within the same sentence in an article A versus different sentences in article B, then article A is more likely to be relevant to the original user query than B. Furthermore, they developed a search engine for MEDLINE called Relemed that employs such a strategy and showed that Relemed improved upon PubMed search performance.
However, their conclusion was drawn based on a very limited number of evaluation studies: two artificial queries in two case studies. As the authors pointed out, “additional evaluation and comparison of Relemed with PubMed and other search engines is essential” (for demonstrating its ability). This led to the second objective of our work, which is to evaluate this new ranking strategy by performing a large-scale comparison of this newly proposed strategy against the aforementioned TF-IDF weighting strategy as well as the baseline strategy. Note that instead of directly comparing results of some searches in PubMed and Relemed, we implemented our own search system that supports both Boolean and probabilistic text retrievals. Thus, not only can we evaluate the retrieval effectiveness of the strategies used in PubMed and Relemed, but we can compare them against the TF-IDF weighting strategy as well.
System Description
Text Collection
In this work, we first used the 2007 TREC Genomics data, 19 which consist of 36 topics (in the form of biological questions) and 162,048 full-text documents from Highwire Press (http://highwire.stanford.edu/). Except for 1,800 instances, most of the documents were successfully mapped to their corresponding PubMed Identifiers (PMIDs). Hereafter, we refer to the remaining set of 160,248 PMIDs as the TREC set in our study. The 36 topics (Topic IDs 200 to 235) were collected from bench biologists and represent actual information needs in biomedical research. For demonstration purposes, we show three topics 207, 229 and 231 in the list below:
<207> What toxicities are associated with etidronate?
<229> What signs or symptoms are caused by human parvovirus infection?
<231> What tumor types are found in zebrafish?
For each topic, a set of relevant documents from the TREC set were produced during the relevance judgments based on pooled results from team submissions. They are assumed as the ground truth or gold standard data in our investigation and referred to as the relevant set in the remainder of this paper. Since the same text collection was used in the 2006 TREC Genomics track, 20 the methods described here were also applied to the 28 topics in TREC 2006.
Automatic Query Construction
For each TREC topic, a user query is required for retrieving relevant documents in PubMed. In order to produce unbiased (i.e., without human interference) user queries in a consistent manner, we chose to automatically select words from questions as queries on the assumption that real users would also intuitively create their queries based on the questions. Specifically, for each question, we first removed stop words 21 from the question and enumerated all possible word combinations, each of which was then searched in PubMed. Subsequently, for each word combination that retrieved a non-empty set of documents, we compared those retrieved documents to the ones in the relevant set and computed the standard IR measures: 1 recall, precision and F-measure. In the end, the query with the highest F-measure was selected for studying the search strategies.
Take the topic 229 as example, we first removed stop words what, or, are, by from the question. A total of 63 different user queries were then generated based on the remaining six words (signs, symptoms, caused, human, parvovirus, infection) and subsequently searched in PubMed to obtain a set of relevant documents. Three example queries are shown in ▶ together with their corresponding IR measures after comparing the retrieved set with the relevant set. The query human parvovirus was finally chosen to study the search strategies because it yielded the highest F-measure.
Table 1.
Table 1 Three Potential User Queries Constructed Automatically by Selecting Words from Topic 229
Word Combination | Recall | Precision | F-measure |
Human parvovirus | 0.47 | 0.63 | 0.54 |
Human parvovirus infection | 0.39 | 0.85 | 0.53 |
Parvovirus infection | 0.39 | 0.69 | 0.49 |
We processed all 36 topics in this way and were able to identify query terms for most of the topics except two instances (topics 207 and 225) where no query terms could be generated to represent meaningful user queries (i.e., their F-measures are almost zero). Therefore, the two topics were excluded from further analysis. The automatically generated queries for the remaining 34 TREC topics varied in length from a single word to a maximum of four words, with a mean of 2.4 words and median of 2 words per query.
Once user queries were determined, a list of documents was retrieved for each topic e.g., for topic 229, 42 PMIDs from the TREC set were returned using the query (human parvovirus) and these retrieved documents were then ranked by the three strategies below.
Ranking Strategies
Rank by Reverse Chronological Time Order
In order to rank documents by the reverse chronological order, we first sorted the PMIDs numerically and then reversed the order. As a result, larger PMIDs would appear earlier in a ranked list. Note that PMIDs are consistent with Entrez Dates (EDAT) but not with Publication Dates (PDAT). That is, a PMID reflects the time sequence of when a citation was first entered in PubMed, but not necessarily of when a citation was published. For instance, despite the fact that Wilbur et al., 2006 22 was published earlier than Lu et al., 2007, 23 the former (PMID: 18080004) is registered with a larger PMID than the latter (PMID: 17990498) due to its late entrance to PubMed (12/15/07 versus 11/10/07). Nevertheless, the result of our sorting mechanism is consistent with the default display order in PubMed (i.e., last in—first out). In summary, this kind of ordering chooses to display most recent citations earlier in order to prevent older citations from displaying near the top of retrievals.
Rank by TF-IDF Weighting
We computed TF-IDF weightings as follows based on our prior work. 24 The TF measure tf td is assigned to each term t in each document d, in the following formula:
![]() |
(1) |
where f td denotes the frequency of term t within document d and d length denotes the length of d. α and λ were previously determined as 0.0044 and 0.7, respectively. 25,26 The IDF measure IDF t is assigned once for each term in the TREC set, in the following formula:
![]() |
(2) |
where n t is the number of documents in the TREC set containing the term t and N refers to the size of the TREC set. Before computing TF-IDF scores (sum of TF-IDF values), we removed stop words but did not perform word stemming within MEDLINE documents. Moreover, in addition to text words, we also included MeSH® terms (obtained from PubMed's Automatic Term Mapping; see below for details) during the calculation of TF-IDF values. The final ranking of all of the retrieved documents depended upon their corresponding TF-IDF scores. A document with a higher TF-IDF score would be returned earlier in a list.
Rank by Sentence-level Co-occurrence
For each selected user query, we first obtained its translated form through PubMed's Automatic Term Mapping, which compares terms from the query with lists of terms comprising MeSH (including UMLS 27 mappings), journal titles, and author names. If a query term is untagged (without any search field tag) and maps to a MeSH term, the term will be searched as the MeSH term as well as in the Text Word field. For example, a search for human parvovirus in PubMed is automatically translated to:
((“humans”[TIAB] NOT Medline[SB]) OR “humans”[MeSH Terms] OR human[Text Word]) AND (“parvovirus”[MeSH Terms] OR parvovirus[Text Word]) a
We ignored the search tag [TIAB] NOT Medline[SB] because it is designed to augment PubMed retrieval with additional non-MEDLINE citations that are out of scope of our analysis. For a query word (e.g., parvovirus) tagged with [MeSH Terms], we searched against all citations assigned with the MeSH term (i.e., parvovirus) as well as its more specific forms (e.g., H-1 parvovirus) in MeSH. For a query word (e.g., human) tagged with [Text Word], we performed an exact match against words in the abstract and title of a citation (i.e., human), as well as partial match to MeSH terms (e.g., Hepatitis, Viral, Human). Therefore, for each search word in a query, we were able to identify its occurrence(s) in Title, Abstract Sentence, and MeSH.
Next, we associated each retrieved document with one of the eight relevance levels defined in Relemed 18 (▶) during the course of identifying relationships of search words in multi-word user queries. Take the topic 229 for instance, we found eight documents (e.g., PMID 9192791) where the query words (i.e., human and parvovirus) occurred together in all three locations (Title, Same Abstract Sentence, and MeSH). Therefore, these eight documents were associated with the first relevance level. We processed all 3163 retrieved documents (see ▶) for the 34 user queries in the same manner. The third column in ▶ shows that co-occurrence existed in 67.7% of retrieved documents but only a small fraction of the retrieved documents were associated with the top relevance levels. For instance, over three quarters of the retrieved documents (77.6%) were associated with the last two relevance levels.
Table 2.
Table 2 The First Two Columns Show the Eight Relevance Levels Defined in Relemed. The Third Column Shows the Percentages and Counts of the Set of Retrieved Documents (3163 PMIDs) Associated with Each Level
Relevance Level | Query Must Match | Retrieved Documents |
1 | T and A and M | 0.6% (18) |
2 | T and A | 2.2% (69) |
3 | T and M | 0.5% (16) |
4 | A and M | 1.5% (48) |
5 | T | 1.8% (57) |
6 | A | 15.8% (501) |
7 | M | 45.3% (1433) |
8 | T or A or M | 32.3% (1021) |
SUM | 100% (3163) |
T = title; A = at least one abstract sentence; M= concatenated MeSH terms.
Finally, for each topic, the ranked list was assembled in the order of relevance levels. For those documents that were associated with the same relevance level, we ranked them in the reverse chronological order.
Evaluation Metrics
Many different measures for evaluating the performance of IR systems have been proposed 1 , two of which are selected in this study: mean average precision and mean rank precision.
Mean Average Precision
The mean average precision is the mean value of the average precisions computed for all queries in our study. Average precision is the sum of the precision at each relevant document in the result set divided by the total number of relevant documents in the collection as shown below:
![]() |
(3) |
where n is the number of returned documents; precision(i) is the precision at rank i; rel(i) is a binary function: at a given rank i, it equals 1 if the corresponding document is relevant, 0 otherwise. Average precision emphasizes returning more relevant documents earlier. Furthermore, to obtain a perfect average precision, all relevant documents need to be retrieved. Thus, this measure takes account of precision, relevance ranking, and overall recall.
Mean Rank Precision
The mean rank precision at rank i is the mean value of the rank precisions (shown as the value precision(i) in Formula 3) computed over all queries. In this study, we chose the cut-off ranks to be 5, 10, and 20 as most of the retrievals occur before 20 based on our own experience with PubMed users (data not shown here due to space constraints). Thus, the mean rank precision reveals more directly how a ranking strategy affects user retrieval effectiveness in practice.
Status Report
Experimental Results on 2007 Data
As can be seen from results of Mean Average Precision in the second column of ▶, both relevance ranking strategies achieved better performance compared with the baseline performance. In addition, the comparison between the two relevance ranking strategies suggests that the ranking strategy dependent on the TF-IDF weighting is superior to its counterpart based on the sentence-level co-occurrence. The last row in ▶ shows the best MAP one can possibly achieve given the current set of retrieved documents. Note that the best MAP is not a perfect 1 because not all relevant documents satisfy their respective queries.
Table 3.
Table 3 Results of Relevance Ranking on the 2007 TREC Topics by Different Strategies as Measured by Mean Average Precision (MAP), as well as Mean Precisions at Ranks 5, 10 and 20
Rank Strategy | MAP | Top 5 | Top 10 | Top 20 |
Reverse chronological order | 0.126 | 0.385 | 0.411 | 0.413 |
TF-IDF weighting | 0.182 | 0.538 | 0.525 | 0.503 |
Sentence-level co-occurrence | 0.163 | 0.556 | 0.525 | 0.475 |
Perfect rankings | 0.291 | 0.862 | 0.799 | 0.682 |
Under Perfect Rank, all relevant documents are ranked at the top.
TF-IDF = term frequency–inverse document frequency; TREC = Text Retrieval Conference.
Results of Mean Rank Precision in the last three columns of ▶ suggest that the two relevance ranking strategies are equally successful considering the number of retrieved relevant documents at given ranks (5, 10, and 20). Furthermore, the difference between the two relevance ranking strategies and the baseline strategy is as small as a single relevant document in the top 5, 10, and 20 retrievals. Despite a small difference overall, retrieval efficiency can still be significantly different for individual topics. For instance, the rank precision increased substantially from 0.20 to 0.45 in the top 20 retrievals for Topic 235 when the baseline strategy was replaced by TF-IDF weighting. The best possible mean rank precisions are displayed in the last row of ▶.
In order to compare results of different strategies statistically, we performed the bootstrap shift precision test at the 5% significant level. 28,29 We performed pair-wise comparisons for the results in ▶. Results of these statistical tests † suggest that:
1 In terms of mean average precision, both relevance ranking strategies performed significantly better than the baseline strategy. Furthermore, there is a statistically significant difference between performance achieved by using TF-IDF weighting and sentence-level co-occurrence.
2 In terms of mean rank precision, both relevance ranking strategies performed significantly better than the baseline strategy but there is no statistically significant difference between performance achieved by the two relevance ranking strategies.
Experimental Results on 2006 Data
In addition to the experiments on the 36 topics in TREC 2007, we performed similar analyses on the 28 topics in TREC 2006 since the same text collection was used in both years. A total of 7 topics were removed before applying relevance ranking strategies: two were discarded because no relevant documents were found in the TREC set; the other five were excluded because our approach failed to generate word combinations to represent meaningful user queries (i.e., their F-measures are almost zero). For the remaining 21 topics, the mean and median query lengths are 2.6 and 2 words, respectively.
Results in ▶ confirmed our previous observations of the retrieval effectiveness of relevance ranking strategies. Discrepancies between the results of 2006 and 2007 could be mostly attributed to the differences in topics and in the quality of relevance judgments.
Table 4.
Table 4 Results of Relevance Ranking on the 2006 TREC Topics by Different Strategies as Measured by Mean Average Precision (MAP), as well as Mean Precisions at Ranks 5, 10 and 20
Rank Strategy | MAP | Top 5 | Top 10 | Top 20 |
Reverse chronological order | 0.247 | 0.556 | 0.540 | 0.540 |
TF-IDF weighting | 0.279 | 0.622 | 0.616 | 0.621 |
Sentence-level co-occurrence | 0.270 | 0.575 | 0.573 | 0.583 |
Perfect rankings | 0.405 | 0.908 | 0.830 | 0.761 |
Under Perfect Rank, all relevant documents are ranked at the top.
TF-IDF = term frequency–inverse document frequency; TREC = Text Retrieval Conference.
Role of MeSH Terms
A unique characteristic of PubMed searches (as opposed to Web searches in general) is the use of MeSH terms as we described earlier. Thus, in our experiments comparing the TF-IDF weighting and sentence-level co-occurrence approach, MeSH terms play a role in both methods. We quantify their contribution in ▶, ▶ respectively. As can be seen, MeSH terms played a much more significant role in sentence-level co-occurrence than in TF-IDF.
Table 5.
Table 5 Mean Average Precisions are Compared with Regard to the Role of MeSH Terms in the TF-IDF Method in both TREC 2006 and 2007 Data Sets, Respectively
Data Set | Without MeSH Terms | With MeSH Terms |
TREC 2006 | 0.279 | 0.279 |
TREC 2007 | 0.188 | 0.182 |
TF-IDF = term frequency–inverse document frequency; TREC = Text Retrieval Conference.
Table 6.
Table 6 Mean Average Precisions are Compared with Regard to the Role of MeSH Terms in the Sentence-level Co-occurrence Method in Both TREC 2006 and 2007 Data Sets, Respectively
Data Set | Without MeSH Terms | With MeSH Terms |
TREC 2006 | 0.251 | 0.270 |
TREC 2007 | 0.149 | 0.163 |
TREC = Text Retrieval Conference.
Comparing Retrieval Effectiveness Between Different Relevance Levels
The strategy based on sentence-level co-occurrence defines eight relevance levels. As can be seen in ▶, retrieved documents in relevance levels 1 to 6 are much more likely to be relevant than those in the last two levels. However, as we show earlier in ▶, less than one quarter of the retrieved documents are associated with relevance levels 1 to 6. Thus, this limited the performance of the sentence-level co-occurrence method in our investigation.
Table 7.
Table 7 Comparing Retrieval Effectiveness of Different Relevance Levels in the Sentence-level co-occurrence Strategy
Relevance level | Retrieved | Relevant | Precision |
L1 T and A and M | 18 | 12 | 0.67 |
L2 T and A | 69 | 42 | 0.61 |
L3 T and M | 16 | 5 | 0.31 |
L4 A and M | 48 | 24 | 0.50 |
L5 T | 57 | 32 | 0.56 |
L6 A | 501 | 191 | 0.38 |
L7 M | 1433 | 167 | 0.12 |
L8 T or A or M | 1021 | 188 | 0.18 |
Total | 3163 | 661 | — |
The second and third columns show the counts of retrieved and relevant documents, respectively. The computed precisions in the last column compare the retrieval effectiveness between different relevance levels. Same abbreviations used as in ▶.
Conclusions and Future Work
Based on the results of our large-scale analysis comprised of the 55 real biological questions and independently judged relevant documents, we conclude that TF-IDF weighting is the most effective strategy among the ones we examined here, and that the newly proposed sentence-level co-occurrence can deliver better performance than the baseline, but not as much improvement as TF-IDF. Therefore, we recommend TF-IDF weighting for relevance ranking in operational search engines like PubMed.
The comparison results are useful in suggesting changes in PubMed. However, as we pointed out earlier, this work makes two assumptions. One assumption is that the automatically generated queries represent real user queries. The other assumption is that the documents in the relevant set are the ground truth and there are no more relevant documents in the TREC set. Our future research goal is to address both issues by involving human experts in evaluations.
Supported by the Intramural Research Program of NIH, National Library of Medicine. The authors are grateful to the TREC organizers for their efforts in producing and making the text collection and relevance judgments publicly available.
Detailed description of our statistical test is given as supplementary material, along with all of the pair-wise comparison results, publicly available at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/CBBresearch/Lu/Relevance-ranking/supplementary.pdf.
Translations shown here were obtained in March 2008. Changes to PubMed after March 2008 may result in different translations.
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