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Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA logoLink to Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA
. 2009 Jan-Feb;16(1):54–65. doi: 10.1197/jamia.M2557

Can Cognitive Biases during Consumer Health Information Searches Be Reduced to Improve Decision Making?

Annie YS Lau 1,, Enrico W Coiera 1
PMCID: PMC2605604  PMID: 18952948



To test whether the anchoring and order cognitive biases experienced during search by consumers using information retrieval systems can be corrected to improve the accuracy of, and confidence in, answers to health-related questions.


A prospective study was conducted on 227 undergraduate students who used an online search engine developed by the authors to find health information and then answer six randomly assigned consumer health questions. The search engine was fitted with a baseline user interface and two modified interfaces specifically designed to debias anchoring or order effect. Each subject used all three user interfaces, answering two questions with each.


Frequencies of correct answers pre- and post- search and confidence in answers were collected. Time taken to search and then answer a question, the number of searches conducted and the number of links accessed in a search session were also recorded. User preferences for each interface were measured. Chi-square analyses tested for the presence of biases with each user interface. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test checked for equality of distribution of the evidence analyzed for each user interface. The test for difference between proportions and the Wilcoxon signed ranks test were used when comparing interfaces.


Anchoring and order effects were present amongst subjects using the baseline search interface (anchoring: p < 0.001; order: p = 0.026). With use of the order debiasing interface, the initial order effect was no longer present (p = 0.34) but there was no significant improvement in decision accuracy (p = 0.23). While the anchoring effect persisted when using the anchor debiasing interface (p < 0.001), its use was associated with a 10.3% increase in subjects who had answered incorrectly pre-search, answering correctly post-search (p = 0.10). Subjects using either debiasing user interface conducted fewer searches and accessed more documents compared to baseline (p < 0.001). In addition, the majority of subjects preferred using a debiasing interface over baseline.


This study provides evidence that (i) debiasing strategies can be integrated into the user interface of a search engine; (ii) information interpretation behaviors can be to some extent debiased; and that (iii) attempts to debias information searching by consumers can influence their ability to answer health-related questions accurately, their confidence in these answers, as well as the strategies used to conduct searches and retrieve information.


The use of information retrieval technologies to search for evidence that can support decision-making in healthcare has rapidly permeated many aspects of clinical practice 1 and become commonplace among consumers. 2 While much research focuses on the design of retrieval methods that can identify potentially relevant documents, there has been little examination of the way that these retrieved documents then impact decision-making. 3,4

We know that human beings seldom follow a purely rational or normative model in decision-making and are prone to a series of decision biases. 5 Decision-making research has for a long time identified that these biases can have adverse impact on decision outcomes. 5–8 Medical practitioners display cognitive biases when making clinical decisions 6,7 and interpreting research evidence. 8 Our prior work has shown that healthcare consumers and clinicians can also experience these cognitive biases whilst searching for information, and that such biases may have a negative impact on post-search decisions. 9–11

However, there is little to no research to indicate whether there are mechanisms that can reduce or eliminate cognitive biases during search and modify their subsequent impact on decision-making. This paper describes two Web search interfaces designed to debias consumer health decisions, and tests whether using a search engine with these interfaces can reduce the impact of the anchoring and order biases, and thus improve post-search decision quality.


Biased decisions occur when an individual's cognition is affected by “contextual factors, information structures, previously held attitudes, preferences, and moods.” 12 Cognitive biases arise because of limitations in human cognitive ability to properly attend to and process all the information that is available. 13

In this study, we focus on anchoring and order biases. The anchoring effect, first discussed by Tversky and Kahneman, 14 occurs when a prior belief has a stronger than expected influence on the way new information is processed and new beliefs are formed 15 and has been shown to affect clinician and patient judgments. 16–18 Studies have reported mixed success rate in debiasing the anchoring effect. A study conducted by Lopes found that anchoring effect can be reduced by training subjects to anchor on the most informative sources rather than the initial stimuli that may not be informative. 19 However, a decision support system trialed by 131 university students did not mitigate the anchoring effect in a house value appraisal task. 20 In fact, studies have shown that undesirable behaviors may be exacerbated by attempts intended to correct them. 21–25 For example, Sanna and colleagues tested the strategy of thinking about alternative outcomes to minimize hindsight bias but found that the strength of the hindsight bias actually increased rather than diminished. 25

An order effect occurs when the temporal order in which information is presented affects a final judgment 26 and can be subdivided into the primacy and recency effects. With primacy, an individual's impressions are more influenced by earlier information in a sequence. 27,28 With recency, impressions are more influenced by later information. 29,30 Although the definitions of anchoring and primacy effect have been used interchangeably in some studies, 31 with primacy sometimes thought of as anchoring on any belief from evidence previously obtained, primacy effect in this study strictly refers to the order in which information was presented.

Studies have shown that medical practitioners arrive at different diagnoses when the same information is presented in a different order; 32–35 and that the order of information presentation can influence a patient's interpretation of treatment options. 36 Some studies have also reported success in debiasing the order effects of primacy and recency. Ashton and Kennedy conducted a study with 135 accounting auditors and found that the use of a self-review can successfully debias recency effect in evaluating the performance of a company. 37 Lim and colleagues showed that multimedia presentations can reduce the influence of first impression bias in a task that involved 80 university subjects evaluating the performance of an authority figure. 38

Debiasing Interfaces

Debiasing has been described as any intervention that assists people to eliminate or reduce the impact of cognitive biases on their decisions and to focus their awareness on understanding the sources of their cognitive limitations. 15 In decision support research, many strategies and user interfaces have been proposed to debias different decision-making tasks. 20,37–50 Examples in the healthcare domain include assisting students to learn disease diagnosis 45 and providing suggestions for clinicians to avoid biases in making clinical decisions. 46,47 However, most attempts to debias decision-making have either not been formally evaluated, or have not produced statistically significant results when attempting to reduce the impact of biases or improve decision outcomes. 7,20,21,39,40,46,47,50 While many search user interfaces are designed to assist people select, process and integrate information, 51 we have been unable to locate studies that attempt to integrate debiasing strategies into the user interface of a search system.

Baseline User Interface

The search engine used in this study, Quick Clinical (QC), was developed at the Centre for Health Informatics, University of New South Wales. 52 The search engine was fitted with a baseline user interface (), and two interfaces designed for debiasing (, ). We have previously reported our analysis of data from the baseline user interface, which identified the presence of cognitive biases. 9

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Baseline search interface (© University of New South Wales, 2004–8, used with permission).

Figure 2.

Figure 2

Anchor debiasing interface—during a search session, users classify documents as for, against or neutral to the current question. Thumbnails of each document are then displayed along a decision axis at the bottom of the screen to show how the evidence is building up for each possible category. User notes can be associated with each document thumbnail (© University of New South Wales, 2004–8, used with permission).

Figure 3.

Figure 3

Order debiasing interface—users collect and if they wish annotate documents found during the search session. These documents are displayed as thumbnails at the bottom of the screen. Upon finishing search, the thumbnails are automatically rearranged in a new sequence that attempts to minimize the impact of order effect, and users are requested to reconsider the evidence before committing to a decision (© University of New South Wales, 2004–8, used with permission).

Anchor Debiasing Intervention

The anchoring effect is thought to occur when there are differences between external stimuli and subjects' interpretation of these stimuli. 53 Modifying the way information is presented has previously been shown to significantly improve the accuracy of decision-making, 54 the way people develop concepts and make decisions, 45,49 as well as reducing the impact of cognitive biases due to irrelevant cues or inadequacies in judgment, such as base-rate fallacy, first impression bias, familiarity bias and confirmation bias. 38,42,43,49

Our anchor debiasing interface aims to reduce the anchoring effect by asking users to assemble the body of evidence for and against a proposition, before committing to a final answer. The design rationale is that the process of assembling evidence to answer a question will override any prior assumptions an individual may have had about the answer. Experimental psychological evidence shows that active involvement with information results in better estimates of likelihoods of events than passive engagement. 55,56 Further, in multi-attribute decisions, it appears that individuals will try to abstract cues from examples to form a general view of the task at hand. However, if this fails, they resort to retrieving examples from exemplar memory. 57 By supporting the task of cue abstraction, assisting individuals to aggregate evidence into distinct classes, they should be more likely to form a view from the current cues rather than revert to exemplars from memory.

displays the anchor debiasing interface which asks users to determine, after reading a document, whether the document provides evidence for, against or is neutral to a proposition. A decision axis at the bottom of the screen gradually builds up a collection of documents (displayed as thumbnails) that are for, neutral to, or against a proposition, as users categorize the documents they read. Users are able to capture brief notes about each document, and these are displayed below the document's thumbnail along the decision axis.

Order Debiasing Intervention

The order effect may cause the first and/or last pieces of evidence in a sequence to be more available to recall from an individual's working memory, and thus have a disproportionate impact on a decision outcome. 14 The technique of self review, which asks individuals to re-examine all pieces of evidence before making a final decision, has been shown to debias the recency effect. 37 It has also been suggested that order debiasing methods are best applied at the evidence integration stage of the belief-updating process rather than at the evaluation of individual pieces of evidence. 58

After a set of documents is retrieved and viewed, the impact of documents is shaped by an initial order bias. The proposed order debiasing interface reorders documents into a new order specifically designed to ‘invert’ or neutralize the first bias, by creating a counteracting order bias. The hypothesis is that the effect of combining the initial and counteracting orders will negate the two order effects. The success of this intervention depends on two things:

  • 1 How well the counteracting order is ‘shaped’—if the reordering algorithm does not accurately model the initial order bias, any attempt to transform the order may end up magnifying aspects of the initial order or introduce additional biases.

  • 2 The relative impact of the initial and counteracting biases on decision-making—if one or the other is predominant then that may either reduce the impact of the intervention or magnify the intervention's effect and introduce a new bias.

displays the user interface designed to debias order effect, which again contains a tool for identifying and making notes about the documents read during search session, and collecting them as thumbnails at the bottom of the screen. At the end of the search process, the thumbnails are automatically reordered, and then redisplayed in their new sequence. Users are then invited to review these newly sorted documents before making a post-search decision. Documents that are read in the middle of the sequence are redisplayed at first and last positions of the new sequence, and documents that are read at first and last positions are redisplayed in the middle of the new sequence. When only one document has been accessed, there is no reordering. With two documents, the order of the first and the last documents will be swapped. For searches retrieving three documents, D1, D2, and D3, the documents are rearranged randomly in either of the two arrangements: i) D2, D3, D1, or ii) D3, D1, D2. With searches retrieving larger numbers of documents, those in approximately the first, middle, and last third of the initial arrangement will be randomly rearranged, like those searches retrieving just three documents.

The rationale behind this is that if people are influenced by primacy and/or recency effects, then documents that are in the middle of the sequence would subsequently receive more attention if they get represented at the first and last positions of the new sequence.


Our study aims to test whether the two debiasing interventions described here have the potential to improve decision-making after searching for evidence. Our first hypothesis was that anchoring and order effects would be present when using the baseline search interface, but would not appear, or would be less pronounced, when users searched with the interfaces designed to debias these two effects.

Our second hypothesis was that debiasing interfaces would alter user behaviors and improve the quality of their post-search answers. We predicted that there would be differences between using the baseline and each debiasing user interface in (i) the number of questions subjects answered correctly, (ii) their confidence in these answers, (iii) the time taken to search for evidence and then answer a question, the number of searches conducted, and the number of links accessed in a search session. In addition, we hypothesized that (iv) subjects would prefer using a debiasing user interface over a baseline search interface.


Prospective Experiment

Some 227 individuals were recruited from the undergraduate student population at The University of New South Wales (UNSW) and were asked to answer a set of six questions designed for healthcare consumers, with the assistance of the QC search engine provided to them. Subjects were asked to provide answers to each question before and after each search. Before commencing the study, subjects completed a ten-page online tutorial that explained the features and functionality of each user interface. They also completed an online pre-study questionnaire that collected their demographics, and a post-study questionnaire that elicited their preferences for each of the user interface.

In this study, subjects all used the baseline search interface for their first two questions. For each of the next four questions, subjects were randomly assigned to use the anchor and order debiasing interfaces, with each debiasing interface being randomly allocated twice. All six questions were randomly allocated. Each question and the expected correct answer are shown in .

Table 1.

Table 1 Case Scenarios Presented to Subjects

Scenario and Question (Scenario Name) Expected Correct Answer
1. We hear of people going on low carbohydrate and high protein diets, such as the Atkins diet, to lose weight. Is there evidence to support that low carbohydrate, high protein diets result in greater long-term weight loss than conventional low energy, low fat diets? (Diet) No
2. You can catch infectious diseases such as the flu from inhaling the air into which others have sneezed or coughed, sharing a straw or eating off someone else's fork. The reason is because certain germs reside in saliva, as well as in other bodily fluids. Hepatitis B is an infectious disease. Can you catch Hepatitis B from kissing on the cheek? (Hepatitis B) No
3. After having a few alcoholic drinks, we depend on our liver to reduce the Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC). Drinking coffee, eating, vomiting, sleeping or having a shower will not help reduce your BAC. Are there different recommendations regarding safe alcohol consumption for males and females? (Alcohol) Yes
4. Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), also known as “cot death”, is the unexpected death of a baby where there is no apparent cause of death. Studies have shown that sleeping on the stomach increases a baby's risk of SIDS. Is there an increased risk of a baby dying from SIDS if the mother smokes during pregnancy? (SIDS) Yes
5. Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer found in women. Is there an increased chance of developing breast cancer for women who have a family history of breast cancer? (Breast cancer) Yes
6. Men are encouraged by our culture to be tough. Unfortunately, many men tend to think that asking for help is a sign of weakness. In Australia, do more men die by committing suicide than women? (Suicide) Yes
7. Many people use home therapies when they are sick or to keep healthy. Examples of home therapies include drinking chicken soup when sick, drinking milk before bed for a better night's sleep and taking vitamin C to prevent the common cold. Is there evidence to support the taking of vitamin C supplements to help prevent the common cold? (Cold) No
8. We know that we can catch AIDS from bodily fluids, such as from needle sharing, having unprotected sex and breast-feeding. We also know that some diseases can be transmitted by mosquito bites. Is it likely that we can get AIDS from a mosquito bite? (AIDS) No

A random selection of 6 cases was presented to each subject in the study.

Quantitative Analyses

Chi-square analysis was conducted to detect the presence of anchoring effect, compare users' confidence in their pre-search answers to each question, and detect the presence of an order effect for each user interface. The presence of an anchoring effect can be tested for by looking for a statistically significant relationship between subjects' pre-search answers and their post-search answers, and a statistically significant relationship between subjects' confidence in their pre-search answer and their tendency to retain a pre-search answer after search (i.e., confidence in anchoring effect). 9

For the order effect, the null hypothesis is that the degree of agreement or concurrence between subjects' post-search answer and the answer suggested by a document is not influenced by the position in a search session at which the document was accessed. 9 The alternative hypothesis is that there is greater concurrence between subjects' post-search answer and the answer suggested by documents accessed at either the first or last position, because of their disproportionate influence mediated by the primacy and recency effects.

The Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K–S) test 59 was used to test for equality of distribution of accessed evidence in the comparison populations, to ensure that unequal access to evidence did not bias the outcome; that is, that by chance that subjects using one of the search interfaces did not access more influential documents in answering a question than those using one of the other interfaces. To do this, we tested for equality of distribution of evidence impact, where the impact that an individual document has on a decision is modeled as an association between the frequency with which the document is accessed and the frequency with which accessing it is associated with a correct or incorrect decision. Document impact is calculated in the form of a likelihood ratio (LR). 9 Documents with a LR > 1 are more likely to be associated with a correct answer, and those with a LR < 1 are more likely to be associated with an incorrect answer to a question.

Four aspects of decision-making namely, response accuracy, user confidence, search behavior and user preference were compared between baseline search interface and each debiasing interface. The test for difference between proportions was used to compare response accuracy and users' confidence in their answers in the baseline interface with these measures in each debiasing interface. The Wilcoxon signed ranks test was used to compare differences in the amount of time taken to search and answer a question, the number of searches conducted and the number of documents accessed between different interfaces. Descriptive statistics were used to report which interface subjects found most useful, enjoyed using the most and preferred to use for future information searching.


To ensure that only valid pairwise comparisons were included in this analysis, data were excluded if a subject did not search or did not use the baseline search interface or a debiasing interface (). After data exclusion, 183 subjects were available for the baseline-anchoring comparison. They produced 303 baseline responses, 291 anchoring responses, 1095 searches, and 1904 document accesses. Also, 182 subjects were available for the baseline-order comparison. These subjects produced 304 baseline responses, 296 order responses, 1098 searches, and 1860 document accesses.

Figure 4.

Figure 4

Data exclusion for comparing the effectiveness of baseline and each debiasing user inerface.

Anchoring Effect and Confidence in Anchor Effect

An anchoring effect remained detectable in the responses completed with the assistance of the baseline search interface, the anchor debiasing interface and the order debiasing interface. Overall, there was a statistically significant relationship between subjects' pre-search answers and their post-search answers (indicating an anchoring effect) for all three interfaces (baseline: χ2 = 50.25, df = 1, p < 0.001; anchor: χ2 = 22.48, df = 1, p < 0.001; order: χ2 = 22.77, df = 1, p < 0.001). (; also illustrated in ). Subjects' confidence in answers were not found to have a statistically significant association with their pre-search answer retention rate using the baseline search interface (χ2 = 2.67, df = 3, p = 0.45), but this association was found to be significant when using the anchor debiasing interface (χ2 = 9.91, df = 3, p = 0.019) and the order debiasing interface (χ2 = 11.39, df = 3, p = 0.054) (; also illustrated in ).

Table 2.

Table 2 Relationship between Pre-search Answer and Post-search Answer

Before Search After Search
Right Wrong
Baseline search interface
Right (n = 192) 181 (94%) 11 (6%)
Wrong (n = 111) 69 (62%) 42 (38%)
Anchor debiasing interface
Right (n = 182) 169 (93%) 13 (7%)
Wrong (n = 109) 79 (73%) 30 (27%)
Order debiasing interface
Right (n = 176) 158 (90%) 18 (10%)
Wrong (n = 120) 81 (68%) 39 (32%)

Anchoring effect was found to be significant.

Figure 5.

Figure 5

Relationship between pre-search answer and post-search correctness.

Table 3.

Table 3 Relationship between Confidence in Pre-search Answer and Retention of Pre-search Answer after Searching

Confidence (Before Search) Retained Pre-Search Answer After Searching?
Yes No
Baseline search interface
Not confident (n = 33) 22 (67%) 11 (33%)
Somewhat confident (n = 71) 51 (72%) 20 (28%)
Confident (n = 85) 62 (73%) 23 (27%)
Very confident (n = 106) 84 (79%) 22 (21%)
Anchor debiasing interface† §
Not confident (n = 43) 22 (51%) 21 (49%)
Somewhat confident (n = 78) 50 (64%) 28 (36%)
Confident (n = 90) 68 (76%) 22 (24%)
Very confident (n = 74) 55 (74%) 19 (26%)
Order debiasing interface‡ §
Not confident (n = 46) 24 (52%) 22 (48%)
Somewhat confident (n = 77) 59 (77%) 18 (23%)
Confident (n = 86) 51 (59%) 35 (41%)
Very confident (n = 85) 62 (73%) 23 (27%)

8 responses were excluded because they did not provide a pre-search confidence.

6 responses were excluded because they did not provide a pre-search confidence.

2 responses were excluded because they did not provide a pre-search confidence.

§ Confidence in anchoring effect was found to be significant.

Figure 6.

Figure 6

Relationship between confidence in pre-search answer and pre-search answer retention rate.

The K-S test showed that there were no differences in the distribution of evidence between subjects with pre-search “right” answers and subjects with pre-search “wrong” answers when they used the baseline and the anchor debiasing interfaces (baseline: K–S Z = 1.209, |D| = 0.103, p = 0.108; anchor: K–S Z = 0.957, |D| = 0.073, p = 0.319). However, a significant difference in evidence distribution was detected for those answers completed using the order debiasing interface (K–S Z = 1.426, |D| = 0.105, p = 0.034). Yet, this difference was not evident in further analysis which found that subjects with pre-search right answers and subjects with pre-search wrong answers accessed statistically comparable proportions of positive evidence (i.e., evidence with LR > 1) and negative evidence (i.e., evidence with LR < 1) (χ2 = 1.008, df = 1, p = 0.315).

Order Effect

Order effect remained detectable amongst responses completed using the baseline and anchor debiasing interfaces, but not amongst those using the order debiasing interface. The relationship between the access position of a document and concurrence between the post-search answer and the answer suggested by the document (i.e., order effect) was statistically significant amongst those using the baseline search interface (χ2 = 7.27, df = 2, p = 0.026) and the anchor debiasing interface (χ2 = 6.75, df = 2, p = 0.0342), but not significant amongst those using the order debiasing interface (χ2 = 2.14, df = 2, p = 0.34). (; also illustrated in ).

Table 4.

Table 4 Relationship between Document Access Position and Concurrence between Post-search Answer and Document-suggested Answer

Access Position Concurrence Between Post-Search Answer and Document?
Yes No
Baseline search interface §
First (n = 185) 171 (92%) 14 (8%)
Middle (n = 342) 306 (90%) 36 (10%)
Last (n = 185) 155 (84%) 30 (16%)
Anchor debiasing interface† §
First (n = 215) 178 (83%) 37 (17%)
Middle (n = 204) 186 (91%) 18 (8.8%)
Last (n = 215) 182 (85%) 33 (15%)
Order debiasing interface‡
First (n = 212) 173 (82%) 39 (18%)
Middle (n = 573) 481 (84%) 92 (16%)
Last (n = 212) 184 (87%) 28 (13%)

122 accessed documents excluded because subjects accessed only one document or a likelihood ratio could not be calculated for the document.

436 accessed documents excluded because subjects accessed only one document or a likelihood ratio could not be calculated for the document.

29 accessed documents excluded because subjects accessed only one document or a likelihood ratio could not be calculated for the document.

§ Order effect was found to be significant.

Figure 7.

Figure 7

Relationship between document access position and concurrence rate between post-search answer and document-suggested answer.

For both baseline and the order debiasing interfaces, K–S test analyses showed that there were no statistically significant differences in the distribution of evidence between first and middle positions (baseline: K–S Z = 0.788, |D| = 0.067, p = 0.564; order: K–S Z = 0.527, |D| = 0.042, p = 0.944), first and last positions (baseline: K–S Z = 0.728, |D| = 0.076, p = 0.665; order: K–S Z = 0.826, |D| = 0.080, p = 0.503), nor between middle and last positions (baseline: K–S Z = 1.014, |D| = 0.093, p = 0.255; order: K–S Z = 1.008, |D| = 0.081, p = 0.262). For the anchor debiasing interface, K–S test analyses showed that there were statistically significant differences in the distribution of evidence between first and middle positions (K–S Z = 1.612, |D| = 0.158, p = 0.011), between middle and last positions (K–S Z = 1.374, |D| = 0.134, p = 0.046) but not between first and last positions (K–S Z = 0.338, |D| = 0.033, p = 1.000). Yet, subgroup analysis for the anchor debiasing interface showed that positive evidence (i.e., evidence with LR > 1) and negative evidence (i.e., evidence with LR < 1) distributions across the first, middle, and last positions were statistically comparable (χ2 = 0.905, df = 2, p = 0.636).

Impact on Response Accuracy

Baseline vs. Anchor: Subjects who had incorrect pre-search answers, and who used the anchor debiasing interface were more likely to answer correctly post-search than those who used the baseline search interface (baseline: 62%, anchoring: 73%, Z = −1.64, p = 0.10). Otherwise, there were no statistically significant differences in the overall number of correct post-search answers provided using baseline or the anchor debiasing interface (baseline: 83%, anchoring: 85%, Z = −0.90, p = 0.37), nor in the number of correct post-search answers provided by those who were correct pre-search (baseline: 94%, anchoring: 93%, Z = 0.56, p = 0.58) ().

Table 5.

Table 5 Comparison of Post-search Correctness in Baseline Search Interface and Anchor Debiasing Interface

After Search Baseline Anchor Debiasing Interface Z p
All responses (n = 303) (n = 291)
Right 250 (83%) 248 (85%) −0.90 0.37
Wrong 53 (18%) 43 (15%) 0.90 0.37
Right before search (n = 192) (n = 182)
Right 181 (94%) 169 (93%) 0.56 0.58
Wrong 11 (5.7%) 13 (7.1%) −0.56 0.58
Wrong before search (n = 111) (n = 109)
Right 69 (62%) 79 (73%) −1.64 0.10
Wrong 42 (38%) 30 (28%) 1.64 0.10

Baseline vs. Order: There were no statistically significant differences between baseline and the order debiasing interface in the number of correct post-search answers (baseline: 82%, order: 81%, Z = 0.36, p = 0.71). There were also no significant differences in the number of post-search correct answers amongst those who were correct pre-search (baseline: 93%, order: 90%, Z = 1.20, p = 0.23), nor amongst those who were incorrect pre-search (baseline: 62%, order: 68%, Z = −0.85, p = 0.40) ().

Table 6.

Table 6 Comparison of Post-search Correctness in Baseline Search Interface and Order Debiasing Interface

After Search Baseline Order Debiasing Interface Z p
All responses (n = 304) (n = 296)
Right 249 (82%) 239 (81%) 0.36 0.71
Wrong 55 (18%) 57 (19%) −0.36 0.71
Right before search (n = 193) (n = 176)
Right 180 (93%) 158 (90%) 1.20 0.23
Wrong 13 (6.7%) 18 (10%) −1.20 0.23
Wrong before search (n = 111) (n = 120)
Right 69 (62%) 81 (68%) −0.85 0.40
Wrong 42 (38%) 39 (33%) 0.85 0.40

Impact on Confidence

Baseline vs. Anchor: Subjects using the anchor debiasing interface were more likely to report being confident or very confident in their correct post-search answers than those using the baseline search interface (baseline: 94%, 95% CI 90 to 96; anchoring: 97%, 95% CI: 94 to 99; Z = −1.92, p = 0.055) (). There were no statistically significant differences in the number of subjects who were highly confident about their incorrect post-search answers, when comparing those using the baseline and anchor debiasing interfaces (baseline: 81%, 95% CI: 69 to 89; anchoring: 79%, 95% CI: 65 to 89; Z = 0.25, p = 0.80).

Table 7.

Table 7 Comparison of Confidence in Right and Wrong Post-search Answers between Baseline and Anchor Debiasing interface

Post-Search Confidence Baseline Anchor Debiasing Interface Z p
Right after search (n = 250) (n = 248)
Not confident/Somewhat confident 16 (6.4%) 7 (2.8%) 1.92 0.055
Confident/Very confident 234 (94%) 241 (97%) −1.92 0.055
Wrong after search (n = 53) (n = 43)
Not confident/Somewhat confident 10 (19%) 9 (21%) −0.25 0.80
Confident/Very confident 43 (81%) 34 (79%) 0.25 0.80

Baseline vs. Order: Between baseline and the order debiasing interface, there were no statistically significant differences in the number of highly confident correct post-search answers (baseline: 94%, 95% CI: 90 to 96; order: 95%, 95% CI: 92 to 97; Z = −0.70, p = 0.48), nor in highly confident incorrect post-search answers (baseline: 82%, 95% CI: 70 to 90; order: 84%, 95% CI: 73 to 91; Z = −0.34, p = 0.73) ().

Table 8.

Table 8 Comparison of Confidence in Right and Wrong Post-search Answers between Baseline and Order Debiasing Interface

Post-Search Confidence Baseline Order Debiasing Interface Z p
Right after search (n = 249) (n = 239)
Not confident/Somewhat confident 15 (6.0%) 11 (4.6%) 0.70 0.48
Confident/Very confident 234 (94%) 228 (95%) −0.70 0.48
Wrong after search (n = 55) (n = 57)
Not confident/Somewhat confident 10 (18%) 9 (16%) 0.34 0.73
Confident/Very confident 45 (82%) 48 (84%) −0.34 0.73

Impact on Search Behavior

Baseline vs. Anchor: Subjects using the anchor debiasing interface (i) took longer to search and answer a question (baseline: 322 seconds, standard deviation (SD): 270; anchoring: 372 seconds, SD: 295; Z = 2.129, p = 0.033), (ii) conducted fewer searches (baseline: 2.14, SD: 1.65; anchoring: 1.53, SD: 1.37; Z = −7.15, p < 0.001), and (iii) accessed more documents (baseline: 2.58, SD: 2.46; anchoring: 3.86, SD: 3.52; Z = −5.53, p < 0.001) than those using the baseline search interface ().

Table 9.

Table 9 Comparison of Search Sessions Using Baseline and Anchor Debiasing Interface

Search Attribute Baseline
Anchor Debiasing Interface
Average (SD) Average (SD)
Time taken (seconds) 322 (270) 372 (295) 2.129 0.033
No. of searches 2.14 (1.65) 1.53 (1.37) −7.15 <0.001
No. of documents accessed 2.58 (2.46) 3.86 (3.52) 3.522 <0.001

Baseline vs. Order: There were (i) no statistically significant differences in the amount of time taken to search and answer a question between baseline and the order debiasing interface (baseline: 325 seconds, SD: 271 vs. order: 332 seconds, SD: 291; Z = −0.57, p = 0.57). However, subjects using the order debiasing interface (ii) conducted fewer searches (baseline: 2.16, SD: 1.67; order: 1.49, SD: 0.97; Z = −6.81, p < 0.001), and (iii) accessed more documents (baseline: 2.62, SD: 2.45; order: 3.59, SD: 3.09; Z = −4.10, p < 0.001) than those using baseline search interface ().

Table 10.

Table 10 Comparison of Search Sessions Using Baseline and Order Debiasing Interface

Search Attribute Baseline Order Debiasing Interface Z P
Average (SD) Average (SD)
Time taken (seconds) 325 (271) 332 (291) −0.57 0.57
No. of searches 2.16 (1.67) 1.49 (0.97) −6.81 <0.001
No. of documents accessed 2.62 (2.45) 3.59 (3.09) −4.10 <0.001

User Preference

The user interface subjects found most useful, enjoyed using the most and preferred to use in the future are (in descending order, from most favorable): anchor debiasing interface, order debiasing interface and baseline search interface ().

Table 11.

Table 11 User Interface Preferences Reported by Subjects (n = 183)

System Nominated by Respondent Frequency (%) 95% Confidence Interval (CI)
Interface found most useful
Anchor debiasing interface (i.e. for/against tool) 80 (44%) 37 to 51
Order debiasing interface (i.e. keep document tool) 75 (41%) 34 to 48
Baseline search interface 27 (15%) 10 to 21
No response 1 (0.5%) Not applicable
Interface found most enjoyable
Anchor debiasing interface (i.e. for/against tool) 83 (45%) 38 to 53
Order debiasing interface (i.e. keep document tool) 60 (33%) 26 to 40
Baseline search interface 39 (21%) 16 to 28
No response 1 (0.5%) Not applicable
Interface preferred for future use
Anchor debiasing interface (i.e. for/against tool) 77 (42%) 35 to 49
Order debiasing interface (i.e. keep document tool) 76 (42%) 35 to 49
Baseline search interface 29 (16%) 11 to 22
No response 1 (0.5%) Not applicable


Can User Interfaces Debias User Decisions after Search?

An order effect was not detected amongst subjects using the order debiasing interface. The anchor debiasing interface in contrast did not remove the anchoring effect, but did lead more subjects who were incorrect in their pre-search answer to change their answer after searching, producing an increase in the number of times subjects were highly confident about their correct post-search answers. There is a complex association between confidence and anchoring, 60 and the effect of the anchor debiasing interface on subjects who are less confident suggests that, for this group, there may have been a reduction in the anchoring effect. Overall, although mixed, these results provide good evidence that at least some cognitive biases may be moderated by search engine user interface design.

Can Debiasing User Interfaces Improve Decision-making after Search?

Although the anchoring effect was not completely removed, use of the anchor debiasing interface was associated with an increase in the number of subjects with an incorrect pre-search answer who correctly answer questions post-search. This may reflect the impact of the interface on the behavior of those who were less confident pre-search, since their lack of confidence may have made them more willing to consider alternative answers after the search was completed. In contrast, although the order effect was not detected amongst responses completed using the order debiasing interface, there were no significant differences in the number of correct post-search answers, or in the distribution of confidence in these answers between baseline and the order debiasing interface.

Our previous work modeling the impact of biases on post-search decisions 11 suggests that anchoring has a very large impact on post-search decisions, but that the order effect has a relatively modest impact on decisions. Consequently, we hypothesize from these results that while the anchor debiasing interface did not eliminate the bias altogether, the interface did reduce this bias to some extent. This is reflected in the improved decision outcomes. In contrast, whilst the order effect was eliminated, the modest impact of this bias may have required a much larger sample size to detect any significant impact on decision outcome.

A number of other possibilities may explain why the order intervention did not affect decision outcome. The relatively few documents accessed per session () may also have had an impact on the size of the order effect, and as a consequence, this also may have had an impact on decisions. Other studies have shown that document relevance judgments are not influenced by order effects when less than 15 documents are retrieved. 61,62 However as we have shown elsewhere, there appears to be a very weak relationship at best between relevance judgments and decision outcomes, 63 making it difficult to extrapolate from these experiments to our own experimental setting.

Secondly, we expected the shape of the order bias curve to be ‘U’ shaped, 9 with first and last documents having equal impact. shows that at baseline, the order bias we actually found was linear and stronger for earlier rather than later documents. Consequently the debiasing algorithm did not perfectly model the behavior of the initial order bias in our subjects, and may have therefore been less effective. This raises an interesting question about the innate variability of the behavior of these biases in different populations or settings, and the need to customize debiasing interfaces to local circumstances.

One additional interesting observation is that a new order effect was detected amongst subjects using the anchor debiasing intervention. This may be due to the statistically significant difference in distribution of evidence, as measured by document impact on decisions, accessed across the different order positions in this experiment. Another is that the anchor debiasing intervention has introduced an unanticipated order effect. Further work would be needed to explore whether these, or other explanations, are most likely, and underlines the complexity of the phenomena being studied.

Do Debiasing User Interfaces Significantly Alter Search Behaviors?

Although subjects using the anchor debiasing interface took longer to search and answer a question, they conducted fewer searches and accessed more documents, suggesting the interface resulted in users spending more time considering the individual pieces of evidence they discovered during the search process. There were no significant differences in the amount of time taken to search and answer a question using the order debiasing interface, but users conducted fewer searches and accessed more documents, suggesting that the interface again encouraged users to consider more of the documents they had retrieved before searching again.

Are Debiasing Interfaces Acceptable Alternatives to Conventional Search Interfaces?

Overall, the anchor debiasing interface was the most preferred user interface, and both debiasing interfaces were preferable to the more standard baseline interface. This suggests that Web search interfaces that assist with assembling and presenting evidence about general health questions may be well received enhancements to current Web search systems, at least for consumers seeking health information like the student subjects in this study.


There was a strict order of exposure to interfaces in this study, with every subject first using the baseline interface for two questions, before randomly accessing the two intervention interfaces over four questions. Familiarity with the baseline interface may have introduced a learning effect that enhanced performance with the later interfaces. The random allocation of debiasing interfaces ensured there was no learning effect associated with use of the debiasing interfaces themselves. Furthermore, learning effect was unlikely to have affected the findings for the following reasons:

  • • Allocation to the six questions was random across all three interfaces, so each interface was used to answer the same cohort of questions.

  • • Subjects were given a 10-page tutorial covering all three interfaces before commencing the study. They therefore had familiarity with the features of each interface before answering questions, but the purpose of each interface was not explained.

  • • If there were a learning effect in action, the accuracy of post-search answers achieved by the order debiasing interface should be higher than the accuracy of the baseline interface; however, this is not the case as demonstrated in .

Our experimental design does not make it possible to directly determine the stand alone impact of the debiasing interventions as we did not ask subjects to answer questions between retrieving documents and then using the debiasing intervention. Doing so would have introduced a further sequential judgment task into the experiment (being asked to answer the same question several times) which itself may change the opinion that is ultimately formed. 64–66 Introducing a measurement step in the middle of the debiasing experiment may thus have had a “Heisenberg uncertainty” effect, in that the act of measurement itself changed the outcome. For this reason we believe we adopted the better experimental design, where we infer the impact of the debiasing interfaces by comparing using them to not using them. Future work may attempt to more directly measure the impact of debiasing interfaces by introducing the sequential decision task, but also attempt to control for any confounding effect of answering the same question repeatedly. For example, one could introduce an experimental arm where subjects answer the same question several times without exposure to a debiasing interface.

Overall, it is likely that the evidence for the presence of biases and the potential benefits of debiasing can be generalizable to different domains, as well as people with different levels of expertise. Given that biases are innate in human decision-making, it is plausible that the impact of cognitive biases on information searching is not restricted to health-related decision-making by consumers only. Physicians and patients are equally prone to errors in decision-making due to their prior beliefs or irrelevant cues. 16 Furthermore, the baseline interface used in this study is likely to be representative of the type of search systems in use clinically. The debiasing interfaces presented here may be more suited to reflective decision-making where time pressure is not a significant factor; thus, the impact of this kind of interface on time-constrained clinical decision-making will also need to be assessed. Studies of time-constrained searches would help to ensure that the additional time-cost of searching delivers comparable or greater benefit, measured in improved decision outcomes and clinical decision velocity. 67 However, there seems no reason in principle to not to ask experts to consider the evidence “as is” and check that their prior beliefs do not overly shape the way they view new evidence. With the rapid rate of change in biomedical knowledge, many areas of expertise are in constant evolution, and so, anchoring onto past beliefs may be another significant source of clinical error. 68


This study provides preliminary evidence that attempts to debias information searching can reduce the impact of some cognitive biases, improve decision outcomes, and alter information searching behavior. The undergraduate student subjects who used the debiasing interfaces in this study conducted fewer searches on average and accessed more documents on average to answer a question. With the lack of benchmark literature on bias and debiasing studies in information searching, further research will be needed to reinforce and extend these findings, both with healthcare consumers and with systems designed to retrieve information for expert healthcare professionals. There is still much to be learned about the impact of cognitive biases on information searching and decision-making. This research holds out the promise that, as we learn more, it will be possible to redesign information retrieval systems to significantly improve the impact of search engine design on decision-making.


The authors thank Dr David Thomas and Dr Ilse Blignault for their assistance in subject recruitment and the development of the healthcare consumer case scenarios.


Supported by an Australian Research Council SPIRT grant and APAI scholarship C00107730, and by Australian Research Council Discovery Grant DP0452359.


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