The influence o f various crop rotations and nematode inoculum levels on subsequent population densities of Meloidogyne incognita races 1 and 3 were studied in microplots. Ten different 3-year sequences o f cotton, corn, peanut, or soybean, all with cotton as the 3rd-year crop, were grown in microplots infested with each race. Cotton monoculture, two seasons o f corn, or cotton followed by corn resulted in high race 3 population densities and severe root galling on cotton the 3rd year. Peanut for 2 years preceding cotton most effectively decreased the race 3 population and root galls on cotton the 3rd year. Race 1 did not significantly influence cotton growth or yield at initial populations of up to 5,000 eggs/500 cm³ soil. At 5,000 eggs/500 cm³, cotton growth was suppressed by race 3 but yield was not affected.
Keywords: cropping sequences, Gossypium hirsutum
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