Maximum and minimum xylem pressure potentials of needles were measured to evaluate water status of Pinus thunbergii Parl. after inoculation with the virulent or avirulent populations of Bursaphelenchus xylophilus or B. mucronatus. In virulent B. xylophilus-inoculated pines, the water status changed abruptly and needle chlorosis occurred by day 29 after inoculation. Similar changes were not seen in B. mucronatus-inoculated and uninoculated control pines. Oleoresin flow ceased in virulent B. xylophilus-inoculated pines. Avirulent B. xylophilus-inoculated pines responded very little to nematode invasion by a slight decrease in oleoresin flow. Oleoresin flow did not vary in B. mucronatus-inoculated and uninoculated control pines. A decrease in soil water potential below field capacity seemed to accelerate the development of pine wilt disease.
Keywords: avirulent population, Bursaphelenchus mucronatus, B. xylophilus, oleoresin flow, pine wilt disease, pinewood nematode, Pinus thunbergii, soil water potential, virulent population, water status, xylem pressure potential
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