Vermiform Rotylenchulus reniformis were anesthetized in water by 10-40% CO₂ but were fully motile for 24 hours in water below 5% CO₂. When air containing 2.5% CO₂ was blown onto agar, nematodes accumulated at the point of highest CO₂ concentration. Nematodes also accumulated when chilling (0.2-1 C) of agar by the gas flow at the accumulation point was offset with heat from a fiber optic. In Baermann funnels containing R. reniformis in silt loam and sandy clay loam soils, CO₂ in funnel water increased during 24 hours from 0 to ca. 1%; more CO₂ accumulated below the soil layer than above. Bubbling air with 2.5% CO₂ into water below soil in covered funnels increased the CO₂ gradient and increased nematode extraction, whereas bubbling air without CO₂ below soil purged CO₂ from the water and decreased nematode extraction. Manipulation of CO₂ within funnels usually increased extraction by only 30% and never by more than 3-fold. Controlling temperature gradients consistently increased extraction by 2-30-fold.
Keywords: Baermann funnel, carbon dioxide, nematode behavior, nematode extraction, Rotylenchulus reniformis, temperature gradient
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