The advantages of nucleotide sequence data for studying phylogeny have been shown to include number of potential characters available for comparison, rate independence between molecular and morphological evolution, and utility of molecular data for modeling patterns of nucleotide substitution. Potential pitfalls have also been revealed and include difficulties of inferring positional homology, incongruence between organismal and gene genealogies, and low likelihood of recovering the correct phylogeny given certain patterns in the timing of speciation events. Statistical methods for comparing phylogenetic hypotheses have been used to assess the reliability of alternative trees for ascaridoid nematodes. Based on partial ribosomal RNA sequences, tree topologies inconsistent with monophyly of the Ascaridinae were significantly worse by maximum likelihood inference. The topology of the maximum parsimony tree based on full-length sequences of 18S rRNA and 300 nucleotides of Cytochrome oxidase II for 13 ascaridoid species was generally consistent with traditional taxonomic expectations at lower ranks, but inconsistent with most proposed arrangements at higher taxonomic levels.
Keywords: ascaridoid, cytochrome oxidase, molecular systematics, phylogenetics, ribosomal-RNA
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