Egg hatch and emergence of second-stage juveniles (J2) of Heterodera glycines races 3 and 4 from cysts exposed to soybean root leachate of cv. Fayette (resistant to H. glycines) and H. glycines-susceptible cultivars A2575, A3127, and Williams 82 were determined in three sets of experiments. In the first experiment, cysts of both race 3 and race 4 were exposed to leachate of 8-week-old plants for a 2-week period. In the second experiment, cysts from populations of races 3 and 4 were raised on cultivars A2575, A3127, and Williams 82. Cysts then were exposed to leachate from 8-week-old plants for a 2-week period in all possible race-per-cultivar combinations. In the third experiment, cysts of races 3 and 4 were exposed at 4-day intervals to leachate from plants as the plants developed 7 to 59 days after planting. In experiments 1 and 2, leachate from 8-week-old Williams 82 and A3127 stimulated more hatch and emergence of H. glycines than leachate from A2575, Fayette, or the control. In the first experiment, cumulative hatch and emergence were greater for race 3 than for race 4. In experiment 2, no apparent relationship developed between leachate from a cultivar and the population developed on that cultivar in terms of stimulation of hatch and emergence. In the third experiment, A2575 stimulated more hatch and emergence of both race 3 and race 4 than A3127, Fayette, and Williams 82. Leachate from Fayette stimulated less hatch and emergence of both race 3 and race 4. Hatch and emergence were greatest during the initial 12 days of the experiment.
Keywords: diapause, emergence, Glycine max, hatch, Heterodera glycines, nematode race, resistance, soybean, soybean cyst nematode
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