Belonolaimus longicaudatus has long been recognized as a pathogen of potato (Solanum tuberosum). However, a damage function relating expected yield of potato to population densities of B. longicaudatus at planting has not been derived, and the economic threshold for nematicide application is unknown. The objectives of this study were to derive the damage function of B. longicaudatus on potato and to calculate the economic threshold population density. The damage function data for B. longicaudatus on potato were obtained from an ongoing field study to evaluate cropping systems and nematode management practices. Soil samples were collected from experimental field plots, and nematodes were extracted from a 130-cm³ subsample with a centrifugal-flotation method. A damage function was derived by linear regression of potato yield on nematode population density at planting. Based on this derived damage function and published potato prices, the economic threshold for nematicide application was calculated at 2 to 3 B. longicaudatus/130 cm³ of soil, which was near the detection threshold based on methodology used in this study.
Keywords: Belonolaimus longicaudatus, damage function, economic threshold, nematode, plant disease loss, potato, Solanum tuberosum, sting nematode
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